Three Outstanding New Appointees Become Distinguished Lecturers in 2005

Dr. Heyno Garbe, Dr. Christopher Holloway, and Dr. David Pommerenke have just recently began their two-year terms as the newest Distinguished Lecturers (DLs) of the IEEE EMC Society. They will follow in the footsteps of our 2003-2004 DLs, Dr. Bruce Archambeault, Dr. Michel Ianoz, and the late Chris Kendall. Our other two DLs, Dr. Tom Jerse and Mr. Greg Kiemel, will continue their terms through December of 2005.
Before introducing Heyno, Chris, and David, I want to acknowledge the excellent contributions of Bruce, Michel, and Chris over the past two years. As you may have read in the Society Newsletter last year, Chris passed away early in 2004. To honor Chris and to recognize how irreplaceable he was to so many people, we decided to leave Chris’s DL appointment vacant for the reminder of the year.
Every year we recognize current and former DLs who graciously volunteer to spend many days away from home, family, friends, and their employers! Especially in these days of downsizing and increased productivity, these folks manage to get permission from their employers and the blessings of their families to travel by airplane, by car, by train, and by bus in order to give presentations throughout the US, Europe, and Asia. Our Society’s local chapter meetings have benefited from the in-person contributions of these bright and learned volunteers. For those of you who have attended one of their presentations, I am sure you know what a very fun and educational experience these folks provide. Please join me in thanking our retiring DLs, and welcoming our new expert speakers.
One of the better parts of my responsibilities to the DL program is the opportunity I have to speak with many of the leaders of our local chapters throughout the world. Every year they express their appreciation for being able to host a Distinguished Lecturer during one of their regular chapter meetings. They often contact me in December to try to “scoop” their fellow Society members and find out who will be next year’s new DLs, so that they can get first crack at scheduling them for their local chapter. As a rule, I don’t release this information until the Board has officially voted on the appointments and I have notified the newly elected DLs, but this proactive planning is a sure sign that our Society’s DL program is a much sought after resource. If you haven’t seen a DL at your chapter meeting, you are really missing one of the most popular benefits that our Society offers. I am certain that this year’s new speakers will continue the DL tradition of offering excellent technical education, advice, and entertainment.
Here are our new Distinguished Lecturers for 2005-2006. Please feel free to contact them directly by phone or email to discuss hosting them at your next chapter meeting.

Dr. Heyno Garbe
Dr. Heyno Garbe is currently Dean for Education at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Hannover, Germany, where he is holds the position of Professor. Prior to moving to Hannover in 1992, he was the Research Manager for EMC Baden Ltd., Switzerland. In 1986, he earned his Ph.D. from the University of Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg. From 1986 to 1991, he was with the Asea Brown Boveri Research Center in Baden, Switzerland, where he conducted research on TEM-waveguides and EM numerical methods. In 1986, he retired after a 12 year career as an officer in the German Army, and currently he holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (ret.). Professor Garbe is also very active in several EMC related national and international standardization committees. He has authored and co-authored more than a hundred articles in books, journals or presented at conferences. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, as well as a member of URSI Com. E, VDE, and the IEEE EMC, AP, IMT and MTT Societies. Since 1997, he has served as chairman of the German chapter of the EMC Society. Prof. Garbe is also currently the counselor of the IEEE student branch at the University of Hannover and an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on EMC.
Dr. Garbe has an excellent portfolio of lectures on practical and advanced topics including:

  1. Using TEM Waveguides and Understanding Them
  2. Comparing the Emission Measurements on Alternative Test Sites
  3. What’s Different in EMC Measurement?
  4. What’s the Right Field Simulation Tool for Your EMC Problem?
  5. Understanding and Avoiding EMC Problems of LANs

You may contact Heyno at the University of Hannover:
University of Hannover
Appelstr, 9A
D- 30167 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 511 762 3760


Dr. Christopher Holloway
Dr. Christopher Holloway currently holds the position of Re-search Engineer at the U.S National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado. He is also a member of the Graduate Faculty at the University of Boulder (1992-present). Since 2000, he has performed research, served as project leader, and written technical reports on a wide range of topics including the modeling and measurement of telecommunication systems, wave propagation, and other electromagnetic issues in areas including composite materials, superconductors, EM numerical techniques, digital signal integrity, and phase array antennas. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado in 1992. Prior to joining NIST, Chris was a Research Engineer at the US Institute for Telecommunication Science from 1994-2000. In 1993, he began a five year effort conducting independent research as a consultant to predict and measure the performance of anechoic chambers and ferrite absorbing materials. From 1992-1994, he was a Research Scientist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. Chris’s numerous technical activities include serving as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on EMC, and Chairman of the Technical Committee on Computational Electromagnetics (TC-9) of the EMC Society. He is also a member of many IEEE and ANSI standards committees, as well as a Member of Commission A of the International Union of Radio Science, and the IEEE Antennas & Propagation, and Microwave Theory and Techniques Societies. Chris is currently an advisor or co-advisor to and directs research for Ph.D., Masters, and undergraduate students on various research activities at NIST as well as at different Universities including the University of Colorado and the University of Rome. Chris is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and has received many significant honors including the IEEE EMC Transactions Best Paper Award for 2003, the U.S. Department of Commerce Silver Medal Award, 1999 and the U.S. Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award, 1998. He holds two U.S. patents.
He has a number of lectures ready for your local chapter including:

  1. Radio-wave Propagation Modeling for Broadband Wireless Communications
  2. Propagation and Detection of Signals Before, During, and After Building Implosions (From Apartment Buildings to Sport Stadiums)
  3. Measurements and Analysis of Shielding of RF Signal into Large Structures (From Apartment Buildings to Sport Stadiums)
  4. New Class of Materials: A Discussion on Double Negative Materials, Transition Boundary Conditions, Controllable Surfaces, and Design of Metamaterials
  5. An Overview of EMC Test Facilities: What is needed for the Future?
  6. Electromagnetic Absorbing Materials for EMC Chamber Applications

You can contact Chris at NIST:
National Institute of Standards and Technology
US Department of Commerce, Boulder Laboratories
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305
Phone: 303-497-6184

Dr. David Pommerenke
Dr. David Pommerenke is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, Department of Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory. Since 2001, he has been involved in research and teaching in the areas of ESD, High Voltage ESD, Instrumentation Design, Numerical Methods, and other EMC topics. Prior to joining UMR, David was a Senior EMC Engineer at the Hewlett Packard Roseville Hardware Test Center from 1996-2001. From 1990-1995, he was a Research Assistant with the Institute for High Voltage and Power Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. He received his Ph.D there in 1995, and did post-Doctoral work from 1995. David’s enthusiasm and interests center on measurement techniques, data analysis, application and enhancement of numerical tools as well as the design of fast electronics and RF circuits. He has been designing electronic and RF equipment for many years. He is very active professionally, holds memberships in the IEEE, EMC, Instrumentation and Measurement, and Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Societies. He is also a reviewer for many IEEE and other technical journals including the IEEE Transactions on EMC, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, the Journal of Electrostatics, as well as many conferences on EMC and EMC measurements.
He is a US representative to IEC TC77b WG-9, a member of the IEEE EMC Society and its TC-9, Computational Electromagnetics Technical Committee, as well as the Editorial Board of the EOS/ESD Symposium. He holds five patents and has two additional pending.
He has a number of lectures ready for your local chapter including:

  1. Electrostatic Discharge – From physics to testing
  2. Electrostatic Discharge – It failed! How to find the root cause!
  3. Obtaining trustworthy results in numerical calculations
  4. EMI analysis of complex systems
  5. Recent and coming developments in the standardization of ESD testing
  6. How simulation can help EMC without solving for the complete system.

One or portions of two of the following topics may be included in a single lecture:

a) The use of slow traces as signal return, e.g. in flex cables or two-layer boards
b) The use of an active differen- tial probe to identify the source of an emission
c) How can a Synchronous Switching Noise current be measured and will it provide sufficient excitation to cause a failing signal level?
d) Using power traces instead of power planes: What is the trade-off?

You may contact David at UMR:
University of Missouri-Rolla,
118 EECH, 1870 Miner Circle,
Rolla, MO 65409-0710
Phone: (573) 341-4531
Fax: (573) 341-4532

The EMC Society’s Distinguished Lecturer Program provides speakers for Society chapter meetings and similar functions. Each Distinguished Lecturer (DL) can offer one of several pre-prepared presentations on various EMC topics. DLs are appointed by the EMC Society Board of Directors for a two-year term. Currently the Society has five Distinguished Lecturers serving on alternating terms.
Distinguished Lecturers may give up to six talks per year under the Program, which reimburses the DL for their approved traveling expenses up to a recommended limit of $750 US per US engagement, or $1000 US for international engagements. To provide as many opportunities to as many members as possible, the Society encourages hosting chapters whenever possible to absorb some part of the speaker’s costs, such as by providing or paying for local transportation, meals, and lodging.
For more information about the EMC Society’s Distinguished Lecturer Program, visit our web site at You can also contact Lee Hill at (603) 578-1842 x203, or via email at EMC


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