EMC Society Awards – An Historical Review

In the past three EMC Society Newsletters, as part of our Society’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, we have reviewed the three most prestigious awards in the EMC Society; the EMC Society President’s Memorial Award, the Richard R. Stoddart Award, and the Laurence G. Cumming Award. Both the Stoddart and the Cumming Awards were first given in 1979 while the President’s Memorial Award was first given in 1992.
There are a number of other excellent awards given by the EMC Society to deserving individuals as well as one given to the outstanding chapter of the year. We will review these awards in chronological order of when they were first initiated by the EMC Society.

The first award given by the EMC Society was the Certificate of Appreciation. The original reason for this award was to give it “annually to the Society member who has made a significant contribution to the welfare, administration, and overall success of the Society.” In the current thinking, it may be given to more than one member annually and it shows appreciation for contributions to the success of the Society.
The first recipient of the Certificate of Appreciation was Rexford Daniels, a Founder of the EMC Society and the long-time editor of the Society’s Newsletter. The Award was presented at the Fourth National Symposium on Radio Frequency Interference held in San Francisco from June 28- June 29, 1962. The newsletter recorded the historic moment as follows: “Harold Dinger presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Rexford Daniels which was accepted, in his absence, by Laurence G. Cumming, IRE Professional Groups Secretary.”
Members of the Society who earned the award in the early years included Ralph M. Showers (1964), Leonard Thomas, Sr. (1965), Aaron H. Sullivan, Jr. (1966), Herman Garlan (1966), Harold Dinger (1967), and John Maynard (1967).
In 1968, a Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to Stanton A. Bennett “for his efforts in promoting membership in the group during his term as chairman of the Membership Committee.” A second Certificate of Appreciation went to Milton Kant in 1968 “for his outstanding work while chairman of the Information Retrieval Committee in preparing and organizing the EMC Abstracts on a regular schedule.”

This Award was originally called the “Certificate of Achievement” from 1968-1997. It was then, informally, called the “Certificate of Technical Achievement” from 1998-2002. In 2003, the IEEE officially approved the new name “Technical Achievement Award.”
This Certificated Award was developed to recognize “technical accomplishments in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility which are significant but fall short of the accomplishments which would qualify for Fellow Grade.”
The first year it originated (1968) it was awarded to two individuals; Richard B. Schulz and John F. Chappell. Mr. Schulz earned the following Citation – “For Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Shielding Theory and Application and Evaluation of Shielding Techniques.” Mr. Chappell’s Certificate was “For Contributions to Fundamental Measurement Techniques of Radio Frequency Interference and the Development of Standards.”
Other early recipients of the award included Donald E. Clark (1969), Donald R. J. White (1970), Richard J. Mohr (1971), Edward N. Skomal (1971), and Jack E. Bridges (1972).

The Certificate of Recognition was developed to bestow a very special mark of recognition to a person, not necessarily a member of the EMC Society. Symposium luncheon or banquet speakers usually receive this award.
However, the first Certificate of Recognition was awarded to EMC Founder and Member Rexford Daniels “for his Outstanding Service as Editor of the Newsletter from March 1958 to June 1968.” Mr. Daniels promptly wrote a Letter to the Editor of the Newsletter that said the following: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the EMC Awards Committee and the Administrative Committee for honoring me with the EMC Certificate of Recognition which was presented to me at the Seattle Symposium banquet. Not being accustomed to receiving such honors, I was at a total loss, at the time, as just what to say. Just what do you say, when you know all the mistakes you have made, of the countless frustrations and the many things that you had to omit, and then find that, instead of being politely censored, to be publicly honored? It, somehow, seems to cover all your past troubles with a warm glow which makes them fade away. This is a hard thing to try to pass on to your successor who still has to live through them, but all I can say is that it will be worth his while. Again, my thanks, and to have, after a little thought, this opportunity to express them.”
Other winners of the Certificate of Recognition included Senator Barry M. Goldwater (1969), Ralph Nader (1970), Wilbur R. Pritchard (1971), and Robert L. Elder (1972).

This Certificate is awarded to acknowledge a special service to the Society. In the past, such services as General Chairman of the EMC Society Symposium, organizer of an IEEE Convention session, or liaison with another society or organization have been acknowledged with this Certificate. Four of these awards were given out the first year it was formalized. John Egli was recognized “for his outstanding service to the advancement of Electromagnetic Compatibility.” J. Paul Georgi received a Certificate “for outstanding service in coordination between the Department of Defense and the Group on Electromagnetic Compatibility.” Herman Garlan was recognized “for outstanding service in coordination between the Federal Communications Commission and the Group on Electromagnetic Compatibility.” Finally, John O’Neil received his “for service as Chairman of the 1969 Group-EMC Symposium.”
Other early winners of the award included Gene Cory (1970), George Ufen (1970), Robert D. Goldblum (1971), Abul F. Rashid (1971), Robert R. Ford (1972), and Howard Wolfman (1972).

This Citation has been awarded for outstanding performance in the application of EMC Engineering principles at a crucial point in the Space Program, and again for initiative and dedicated efforts in relieving unemployment among EMC Society members.
The initial winner of this award in 1969 was Henry M. Hoffart for “recognition of his accomplishments in achieving electromagnetic compatibility in the final checkout of the Apollo 10 vehicle.” His actions allowed NASA to meet the Apollo 10 launch schedule in spite of problems with relays and indicator lights, which threatened a delay.
This award was given only two other times; in 1973 to John McDonald, Jr. and in 1985 to John Cooper. The Award is no longer an active award of the EMC Society. As reported in the IEEE EMC Society Newsletter (Issue No.98 – Summer – 1978), “the Richard R. Stoddart Award for Outstanding Performance would replace the present Citation Award”.

This Award is the highest order of recognition for outstanding service to the Society over a long period of time. (Note: The Awards Committee in 1970 originally recommend that “members of the EMC Group who have reached their 65th birthday and who have held membership continuously since 1959 or for not less than 20 years shall automatically be eligible for Honorary Life Membership.”) The award is a Certificate and a lifetime waiver of Society Dues.
The first winner of this Award was Rexford Daniels. This was the third Society award of which Mr. Daniels was the initial awardee (the other two being the Certificate of Appreciation and the Certificate of Recognition).

This award is given to an EMC Society Chapter for its performance on meeting attendance, membership growth, and related activities such as newsletters, special events, and an awards program.
The first winner of the award was the Central Texas Chapter (San Antonio). It was awarded at the 1971 IEEE International Symposium on EMC held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from July 13-15, 1971.
Other early Chapter of the Year Award winners included Phoenix (1973), San Francisco Bay (1974 and 1975), Washington, D.C. (1976 and 1977) and New Jersey Coast (1978).

This award is made annually to recognize the outstanding paper published in the IEEE Transactions on EMC. The selection is made by the Editor of the Transactions and consists of a Certificate plus a monetary award.
It was first awarded in 1973 to C.W. Harrison, Jr. and R.W.P. King for their paper on “Excitation of a Coaxial Line Through a Transverse Slot” which appeared in the November 1972 issue of G-EMC Transactions.
Other early winners included Clayborne D. Taylor (1974), Thomas Dvorak in 1975 for his related papers, “Electromagnetic Field Immunity – A New Parameter in Receiver Design” and “Measurement of Electromagnetic Field Immunity” which were both published in the August 1974 Transactions, and James C. Lin (1976). In 1978, two EMC Transactions Prize Paper Awards were given; the first to Henning R. Harmuth for his paper titled “Selective Reception of Periodic Electromagnetic Waves with General Time Variation” and the second to David Middleton for his paper “Statistical-Physical Models of Electromagnetic Interference.” Both papers were first published in the August 1977 issue of the IEEE Transactions on EMC.

This award recognized outstanding contributions to the international exchange of EMC Technology. The award was a bronze plaque.
It was first awarded to Dr. Fritz E. Borgnis in 1975. And, in 1984, Dr. Risaburo Sato received the award. In 1985, both James S. Hill and Thomas Dvorak received the award.
The EMC Society no longer supports this award.

The EMC Society is proud of its awards program and congratulates all past winners. For a complete list of winners of the awards over the years, you can access the EMC Society web page. We look forward to presenting these outstanding awards in 2007 in Hawaii when the 50th Anniversary celebration will be celebrated as part of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. EMC

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