One of the greatest and most prestigious achievements a Chapter or Section can reach is that of hosting the IEEE International Symposium on EMC, which is held annually, traditionally in the month of August.
IEEE EMC Symposia are scheduled five years in advance, and therefore, it is time to plan for the 2010 Symposium.
The Board of Directors of the EMC Society is now soliciting proposals for hosting the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Proposals should be submitted by an IEEE EMC Chapter (or chapters), with acknowledgement by the local Section, which are interested in leading the organizing and hosting of the Symposium.
Any chapter, including chapters who have hosted symposia in the past, may submit proposals and will be considered. In addition, there may be a location that does not have a chapter per se, but has interest and association with nearby areas that do have chapters. We will look at those opportunities as long as there is a clear leadership team available.
Proposals should address but not be limited to:

  • Convention facilities
  • Hotels and accommodation availability
  • Accessibility
  • Attractiveness to industry (both for Symposium exhibitors and local businesses)
  • Activities and attractions which would draw families
  • City municipality/state support
  • Expected cost of conference facilities
  • Organizing entity, proposed chair and core committee
  • Section endorsement and support

A more detailed description of the above and a Symposium checklist for submitting your proposal may be obtained by contacting Barry Wallen as below.
The checklist can also be downloaded from the EMCS Web Site: https://www.emcs.org
Please note that the proposals should be submitted no later than May 1, 2005. Please send your proposal to:

Barry Wallen
International Symposia Coordinator
Regulatory Compliance Group Dell Inc.
Austin, TX USA
e-mail: barry_wallen@dell.com

If you submit a proposal, you will be expected to attend the BoD meeting during the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Chicago, and make a presentation regarding your proposal. It has been customary in recent years that a representative of the Convention Facility or the local Chamber of Commerce also attend the meeting in order to support the presentation.
A final decision will be made at the November 2005 BoD meeting or soon thereafter.
Again, only proposals received NO LATER than May 1, 2005 can be considered this year.
Many thanks to Dave Staggs who represented Austin, and to Fred Heather who represented Fort Lauderdale, for the proposed locations of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. After careful examination of the two proposals, the EMC Board of Directors selected Austin as the location for the 2009 Symposium during its November 2004 Board meeting. EMC

Walter A. Poggi (right) receives the Lewis E. Harris Fellow Award from Jerry Weathers, current ACIL President. Mr. Poggi was recognized for his over 20 years of service to ACIL, including two terms as the ACIL President. The American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL) is a trade association representing independent, commercial, scientific and engineering organizations. Mr. Poggi is a long time member of the EMC Society and is the founder, President and CEO of Retlif Testing Laboratories.


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