Introducing Members Newly Elected to the EMC Society Board of Directors

The following members began a three-year term on the Board effective January 1, 2005. Abbreviated biographies of these members are shown below. Heyno Garbe was appointed by EMCS President Kimball Williams to fill the vacancy on the Board left by Jose Perini. Mr. Perini’s term ends on December 31, 2005.

Colin E. Brench
Colin Brench has been working for Hewlett-Packard (formerly Compaq and Digital Equipment Corp.) for 19 years, where he is currently a Master Engineer on the Technical Staff. He has recently transferred from Massachusetts to Texas, where his responsibilities include EMC product design and the development of EMC modeling capabilities for the High Performance Server Laboratory. Colin has been particularly active in the area of antenna and shielding behavior since the early 1970’s. He has presented numerous EMC training classes that embrace a broad range of topics including microprocessor packaging, printed circuit module issues, system design and shielding. In many of these classes, explanations are clarified with a combination of simulations and data from product related measurements. In 2002, Colin was awarded the Certificate of Technical Achievement by the IEEE EMC Society for his contributions to the development of EMC modeling directed to understanding EMI shielding and antenna behavior. Colin is a co-author of the book, EMI/EMC Computational Modeling Handbook (Kluwer Academic, 2nd Edition 2001), and has authored over 20 technical papers and articles. In addition, he holds ten patents for various methods of EMI control. He is a NARTE certified EMC Engineer and a member of the IEEE EMC Society. He is also active in IEEE EMCS standards, TC-9 and ANSI ASC63. Colin was appointed a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE EMC Society for 2001 and 2002. He and his wife, Bronwyn, have been married for 25 years and have two children, Matthew at the University of Massachusetts and Joanna, a senior in high school. Colin also holds a black belt in Isshin Ryu karate, is an instructor in Tai Chi Chuan, and an excellent chef.

Heyno Garbe
Prof. Dr. Heyno Garbe was born in Germany in 1955. He received his Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering from the University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany, in 1978 and 1986, respectively. Currently he is a Professor at the University of Hannover, Germany. From 1974 to 1986, he served as an officer in the German Army. Currently he holds the rank of a Lieut. Col. (retired). From 1986 to 1991, he was with the Asea Brown Boveri Research Center in Baden, Switzerland. There he was involved in research activities on TEM-waveguides, the numerical calculation of electromagnetic fields, and other EMC related topics. From 1991 to 1992, he was the Research Manager for EMC Baden Ltd., Switzerland. Since 1992, he has been with the University of Hannover where he holds a professorship in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. In 1998, he became the Dean for Education at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. In addition to lecturing on basic electrical engineering, measurement technology, and EMC, he has developed an active research program related to electromagnetic field effect modeling, testing, and measurement as applied to EMC. Prof. Garbe is also very active in several EMC related national and international standardization committees. Beside others, he was the convener of the Joint Task Force CISPR/A and SC77B on “TEM Waveguides”. His Joint Task Force wrote the recently published IEC 61000-4-20. He is a member of URSI Com. E, VDE and other national and international professional organizations. He has authored and co-authored more than a hundred articles in books, journals or at conferences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and member of the EMC, AP, IMT and MTT Societies for more than 15 years. Since founding the German EMC Chapter in 1994, he has held the positions of public relations officer and vice chairman. Since 1997 to present, he has served as the chairman of the German Chapter. In addition, Prof. Garbe is the counselor of the IEEE student branch at the University of Hannover and an associate editor of the IEEE EMC Transactions. In 2002, he was elected by the Summa Foundation as an “EMP Fellow”. The IEEE EMC Society awarded Prof. Garbe a Certificate of Acknowledgment, a Certificate of Appreciation, and the Laurence G. Cumming Award for Outstanding Service.

Fred Heather
Fred Heather is the Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Lead for the US government’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program. He is responsible for the E3 technical management of the F-35 air system. He provides the systems integration engineering management for the air system contractor, the DoD Services and the international coalition country partners. His office is located at the Naval Air System Command, Patuxent River, MD where he has been employed since 1977. He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology and is a NARTE certified Senior EMC Engineer. He has been involved with EMC technical activities for groups associated with RTCA, SAE, and DEP. He has instructed seminars on HIRF, Do-160, MIL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-464. He was a major contributor to the development of Mil-STD-464. As a result of his involvement with the civil aircraft E3 for the FAA, he authored the internationally recognized technical Memorandum on the External High Level EME for Civil Aircraft Operating in the US. His involvement with IEEE includes a wide range of activities. He was responsible for the startup of the local IEEE EMC Chapter and is currently Chapter Chair. He is a Senior member of IEEE. He has served one prior term on the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors. He is currently chair of the Regional Activities Board of the EMC Society, and coordinates the exhibitor booth point tracking, the Society survey and the EMC Society Symposium Manual. He has published numerous technical papers and briefings on EMC and provided exhibits, workshops, modeling demonstrations and experiments at EMC symposia. His goal as a member of the Board of Directors is to provide a practical focus to the technical and administrative activities of the Society that will support the global membership.

Lee Hill
Lee Hill is Founding Partner of Silent Solutions, a private electromagnetic compatibility and RF design firm established in 1992 that specializes in design for EMC, EMC troubleshooting, and RF design and training. Previously Lee was Principal EMC and Systems Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation’s Workstation Systems Engineering Group in Palo Alto, California. Lee received the Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Lee has eighteen years of experience in EMC design and retrofit of complex electronic systems. He has been teaching short courses on EMC design and troubleshooting for over ten years. Lee consults and teaches worldwide, and has presented classes in Mexico, Norway, Canada, and South Korea. He is also a regular EMC course instructor for the University of California-Berkeley extension program. In previous years, Lee was an instructor for Agilent Technologies and General Motors University. He has completed a three-year term on the Editorial Review Board of Printed Circuit Design Magazine. Lee holds a US patent for EMI control in portable electronics. He is a regular speaker at the annual Printed Circuit Board Design Conferences in California and New England. Lee is presently Chairman of the IEEE EMC Society’s Distinguished Lecturer Program. He served as Co-Technical Chair of the 2003 IEEE Symposium on EMC in Boston, Massachusetts. He is a past Vice-Chair of the Central New England Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society. In the past four years, he has been a frequent featured speaker at IEEE EMC Society colloquium and exhibition chapter events in cities throughout the US including Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Detroit. He has also provided technical presentations to Society chapters in Los Angeles, San Diego, Central New England, Dallas/Fort Worth, Colorado and Orange County. In 1999, Lee received a Certificate of Appreciation from the EMC Society for significant contributions to education through his involvement in the Demonstrations and Experiments portion of annual IEEE EMC Symposia. Lee was a member of the original IEEE P1180 ad-hoc committee on low frequency magnetic field measurement for video display terminals.

Francescaromana Maradei
Francescaromana Maradei was born in Italy in 1969. She was awarded a Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1992 from the “La Sapienza” University, Rome, a Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Electrical Engineering from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, in 1993, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the “La Sapienza” University, Rome, in 1997. Ms. Maradei is currently an Associate Professor at “La Sapienza” University. Ms. Maradei joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of “La Sapienza” University, Rome in 1996 where, before becoming an Associate Professor, she had served as an Assistant Professor until 2000. She is the author of more than 80 papers in the field of numerical techniques and their application to EMC problems (shielding and transmission line analysis). In her scientific activity, Ms. Maradei has been invited to present papers at several international conferences. She has been a member of the organizing committees of the International Symposia on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC’94 ROMA, EMC’96 ROMA, EMC’98 ROMA, and EMC EUROPE 2002. She is the scientist responsible for the contracts “EMC problems in shielded cables by SPICE-like models” with Italtel S.p.A., and “Mitigation of magnetic field aboard rolling stock” with Trenitalia. Since the academic year 1993-94, Ms. Maradei has been involved in teaching courses on Principles of Electrical Engineering I (Electrical Engineering Degree), EMC (Electrical Engineering Degree), and on Numerical Procedures for EMC Problems (Specialization Degree in Electromagnetic Compatibility). In the years 1997-2000, Ms. Maradei has been a lecturer for the Erasmus Intensive Course on EMC supported by the ERASMUS ICP 1054/B/06 and addressed to Ph.D. students. Ms. Maradei is a member of the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Antennas and Propagation (AP), and Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) Societies. She is a member of the Technical Committee 9 of the IEEE EMC Society. She has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on EMC from 1999 to 2000. Since 1998, she has been a member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC) and of COMPUMAG Conference. For several years she has served as a reviewer of technical papers for the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, on Industry Applications, and on Magnetics. She was awarded the 2003 James Melcher Price Paper Award by the Electrostatic Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society; the Oral Presentation Best Paper Award at the International Symposium EMC’94 ROMA, and the Poster Presentation Best Paper Award at the International Symposium EMC EUROPE 2000.

Mark I. Montrose
Mark I. Montrose, S’72-M’79-SM’93, graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, both in 1979. He received a Master of Science Degree in Engineering Management from the University of Santa Clara, California in 1983. Mark is owner and principal consultant of Montrose Compliance Services, Inc., specializing in international regulatory compliance for nearly 25 years with an emphasis on applied EMC engineering, training, testing, certification, printed circuit board design and layout, signal integrity and product safety. In addition to consulting, he is assessed by a European Competent Body as an EMC laboratory for in situ testing of industrial products for CE approval, and is also accredited as a test laboratory by NARTE for certification of industrial products. Currently, Mark is an adjunct professor for the University of Wisconsin (Madison) in addition to a professional training organization located in Malaysia and Singapore. Mark is the author of several EMC books published by Wiley/IEEE Press; Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance–A Handbook for Designers, 1st ed.–1996/2nd ed.–2000, EMC and the Printed Circuit Board–Design, Theory and Layout Made Simple, 1999, Testing for EMC Compliance – Approaches and Techniques, 2004. In addition, he is a contributing author to The Electronic Packaging Handbook, 2000, co-published by CRC and IEEE Press, and has presented papers at IEEE International Symposia and Colloquia worldwide related to EMC aspects of printed circuit boards. Professional affiliations and activities within the IEEE include being a Senior member, member of the EMC Society Board of Directors, past Distinguished Lecturer of the EMC Society, IEEE Press Liaison, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Liaison for EMCS, creator of TC-10 (Signal Integrity), and charter member of TC-8 (EM Product Safety). He is also currently the first President of the new IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society, a member of the IEEE Press Board, member of the Technical Activities Board (TAB), member of the TAB Periodicals Review Committee, and is affiliated with the Product Services and Publications Board (PSPB). Mark is a recipient of the EMC Society’s Certificate of Achievement and the Laurence G. Cumming Award. Mark is a life member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) with the Amateur Extra Class license of K6WJ.

John Norgard
John Norgard is a Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and is the Director of the Electromagnetics Laboratory, which includes a large broadband anechoic chamber. He also holds a joint appointment with the US Air Force Academy. He received a BSEE (Coop) degree from Georgia Tech in 1966, and Master of Science and PhD degrees in Applied Physics from Caltech in 1967 and 1969, respectively. John worked as a co-operative student trainee at the Charleston Naval Shipyard while at Georgia Tech and as a Research Associate with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory while at Caltech. At the shipyard, he was involved in the design and testing of communication links with Polaris submarines and undersea propagation of EM waves. At Caltech, he was a NSF fellow working with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the design of the communication antennas for the Viking Lander, which was enveloped in an drag induced plasma flow field in the Martian atmosphere causing communication blackout (as in earth re-entry). After graduating from Caltech, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Oslo, working with the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment and the Auroral Observatory on plasma models of the polar ionosphere that included the effects of the Aurora Borealis, and helped establish an experimental observation program that performed rocket soundings of the Aurora Borealis to measure ion concentrations and temperature profiles of the disturbed polar ionosphere. He then taught at Georgia Tech for 15 years before coming to the University of Colorado. While at Georgia Tech, he also worked part-time with the Bell Telephone Laboratories and was on a sabbatical leave at the Tel-Aviv University. He also worked for the Rome Air Development Center as an AFOSR Fellow on a project that predicted and measured the effects of rocket plumes on the coupling of EM energy into the guidance systems of missiles. At the University of Colorado, he designed and constructed a large broadband Microwave Anechoic Chamber and developed an EM lab based on the extended measurement capabilities of the chamber. He developed a new infrared imaging technique that can be used to measure and visualize EM fields (using IR thermograms/holograms). This work is supported by the EM Metrology Division at NIST/Boulder. John was elected Fellow of the IEEE for his work on developing this measurement technique. He is now using this IR imaging technique to measure the fields generated by High Power Microwave weapon systems that are being developed and tested by the Air Force Research Laboratory at the Phillips Research Site (Directed Energy Directorate) at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, NM. He is also working on the design of new compact low-frequency broadband antennas for Ground Penetrating Radar applications for the Air Force Research Laboratory at the Rome Research Site (Sensors Directorate) at Griffiss AFB in Rome, NY. John has served as the Dean of the College of Engineering & Applied Science and as the Chair of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. He also established a new department in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and was the first chairman of that department. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Colorado. He also serves as the Associate Editor of the EMC Transactions in the area of antenna metrology. Until recently he was the chairman of Commission A (Metrology) of the International Union of Radio Scientists (URSI). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the EMC Society and is the Vice-President of Technical Services, which includes Student and Educational Activities, Representative Activities, and Technical Activities. He is also on the Board of Physics and Astronomy for the National Research Council and the National Academy of Sciences and has been the Chair of several NSF Graduate Fellowship Programs. EMC

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