Each Operating
Department is responsible for processing in a timely way an
appropriate quantity of adequate-quality papers for publication
in the IAS TRANSACTIONS. The responsible official in each department
is titled Vice Chairman - Papers. The function of the Operating
Department Vice Chairman - Papers is to organize and administer
the papers review and handling system within that department.
His actions include those steps necessary to complete the following.
- Promptly identify all technical
papers judged suitable for publication in TRANSACTIONS, or
for the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.
- Notify the author(s) and
the TRANSACTIONS Editor or the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
Industry Applications Magazine of the recommendation to
publish and simultaneously inform the author(s) of any additional
information needed, and to whom such information should be
sent, so that prompt scheduling for printing can be made by
the Editor. If appropriate, remind the author that the manuscript
is estimated to exceed the requested number of journal pages.
- If in the possession of
the reviewers, transmit to the appropriate Editor the original,
or a clear copy of the original, of the paper, together with
the supporting illustrations, abstracts, and author's biographies
and photos. However, the author is requested to furnish this
information directly to the Editor.
- Inform the appropriate Editor
of the manuscript's received (and revised) date(s) in addition
to complete conference presentation information (correct conference
title, location, and date).
- Maintain the confidential
papers review files until at least six months after the paper
has been published in TRANSACTIONS (or in the IEEE Industry
Applications Magazine), or until all such approved papers
have been considered for the various annual awards for which
published TRANSACTIONS papers become eligible, whichever comes
last. The file for each such paper is then destroyed.
- Establish and maintain a
system (in cooperation with his associates of similar title
in the other Operating Departments and the Publications Department
Chairman) to select the best papers in the IAS TRANSACTIONS
for recommendation for various IEEE annual awards.
- See that authors whose papers
are rejected or returned for revision
- are appropriately notified,
- have the original of
their paper returned at the request of the author.
- Select and assign work areas
and supervise the work of Department Technical Committee Papers
- Communicate with appropriate
officers of Technical Committees to
- encourage, appraise,
and keep them informed of their responsibilities to establish
and keep a viable papers review system for their committee
in good working order;
- keep them informed of
results of papers review for TRANSACTIONS and the IEEE
Industry Applications Magazine from their committees;
- assure that the Technical
Committee Papers Review Chairman has an adequate stock
of Technical Paper Review Forms;
- determine names and
addresses of current Technical Committee TRANSACTIONS
Papers Review Chairmen.
- Assign an Operating Department
identification number to each paper being considered for TRANSACTIONS
and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine as it comes
to his attention, and keep a record of that paper as it progresses
through his review system thereafter. Typical identification
by him will include a serial number; for example, IPCSD 96-57,
indicating department; year he received the paper or that
it came to his attention; and the serial number he gave it
during that calendar year. This Operating Department number
is subsequently used for easy identification in correspondence,
filing, file retrieval, and by the appropriate Editor. Each
paper also retains the Technical Committee identifying number
assigned it as it went into the review procedure at the Technical
Committee level.
- Resolve split recommendations
by reviewers on whether or not to publish in TRANSACTIONS
or in the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine by taking
any appropriate action.
The actual structure
and procedure of the papers review organization within each
Technical Committee is left up to the discretion of the officers
of that committee. Usually each such committee has within it
functions equivalent to the following:
- a TRANSACTIONS Papers Review
- two or more Papers Reviewers
selected by the Papers Review Chairman.
This Papers Review Chairman
is sometimes also the Technical Committee Vice Chairman. In
any event the Papers Review Chairman organizes and administers
the work of reviewing papers within the Technical Committee
for the Transactions and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.
In general, his job description is very similar to that of the
Operating Department Vice Chairman - Papers, except that his
function is fitted to the Technical Committee level. Details
of recommended review procedures are given in subsequent paragraphs.
Suggested time
to perform reviews of papers for TRANSACTIONS and for authors
to respond is
- Technical Committee Review
- complete in two to four months;
- Operating Department Papers
Reviewers' work - one to one and a half months;
- Operating Department Vice
Chairman review and notification of the author and Editor
- one month;
- author's transmission of
additional information to Editor - six weeks.
1. Use of Form
Technical Paper Review Form should be attached to each copy
of every paper submitted by an IAS Technical Committee for Operating
Department Review. The paper should be given a number consisting
of the Department/Committee initials, the year in which it is
received, and its own identifying serial number assigned in
sequence by the Department/Committee Papers Review Chairman
or officer responsible for the review of papers. The paper number
and the complete data of its receipt should be noted on all
copies of the paper and the accompanying review form. Any paper
revision dates and the (proposed) conference also should be
recorded. The information is especially important if the paper
is to be published in TRANSACTIONS.
2. Review Procedure
All papers submitted
to the IAS go to the appropriate Technical Committee Chairman
or Committee officer designated to handle reviews. The receiving
officer attaches a Technical Paper Review Form to each copy
and fills out part I of the form. He then reads the paper and
records his evaluation on part II of the form. He decides if
the paper is worthy of further consideration. Papers of obviously
little merit, commercially slanted, or otherwise self-serving
should be rejected at this point and returned to the author
as unsuitable. Such papers should not be presented at IEEE-sponsored
If the receiving
officer considers the paper suitable for presentation at a technical
conference or session sponsored by his committee, he attaches
a review form properly identified by title, author, paper number,
and his return address to at least two copies of the paper and
forwards the copies to members of the committee or other qualified
reviewers, requesting that the paper be reviewed and their opinion
be recorded by numerical scores on the back of the form. The
reviewers are requested to return the paper, suitably scored,
within two weeks. However, due to the Conference Presentation
First policy of IAS, normally no reviews of papers for TRANSACTIONS
will be made until the paper has been accepted for presentation
and/or public discussion at a conference session sponsored by
IAS, or by an entity of IAS.
3. Criteria for
Acceptance by Reviewers
A paper is a good
paper if it covers a worthwhile subject and is effectively written.
The system used by reviewers is therefore divided into criteria
related to the subject matter and standards of effective writing.
It should be obvious that the more reader interest, importance,
originality, and reference value a paper has, the more it deserves
to be published. Similarly, a paper that is clearly written,
is concise, sticks to its subject, and does a good job of analyzing
and developing the subject is better than one that does not.
A paper that brings the reader up to date on what has been previously
written is of more value to the reader than one that does not.
Finally, a paper that meets all the IAS requirements for writing
technical papers as to format, illustrations, and tables is
better for the reader and more deserving of being published
than a paper that does not meet all of these requirements. Reviewers
are asked to judge the paper on each of several criteria. The
overall score that the paper receives is the summary of the
scores for all of these criteria.
4. Scoring the
One of the most
important services any member can contribute to IEEE is the
careful application of his or her best judgment to the selection
of the papers to be presented and published. The primary objective
of IEEE is the dissemination of technical information in its
field for its members and the public. The success of any technical
society is judged by the quality of the papers presented at
its meetings and preserved in its publications. Quality must
be judged, not alone by the novelty and significance of its
subject, but also by the efficiency with which its ideas are
conveyed to the reader.
Thus the reviewer
of IAS papers is asked to rate papers on two main points: 1)
subject matter and 2) writing effectiveness. The subject is
divided into four qualities and writing into six. Since the
former has fewer qualities than the latter, but is considered
to be more important, the subject is given a weight of two.
Papers with a low score in writing, but an above average score
in subject, may be considered for return to the author for rewriting.
If the paper can be revised or rewritten to convey the intrinsic
value of the central idea, this should be explained in a statement
to the Committee Chairman or Review Officer. The reviewer's
name is never revealed to the author or anyone but the responsible
Review Officer of the committee. The reviewer's criticism could
be very valuable to the author and might save a basically worthwhile
paper that would otherwise be lost for want of adequate presentation.
Each quality is
scored on a scale of 0 to 10, thus 0-2 = poor; 3-5 = below average
or fair; 6-8 = above average or good; 9-10 = excellent or outstanding.
Scores for qualities of subject and writing are added, giving
points for subject a weight of two. The sum of scores for weighted
subject and writing is the total quality evaluation of the paper.
A perfect score would consist of 80 points for subject and 50
for writing.
The top 20-30 percent
of the papers' total scores should be considered "TC approved"
and eligible for an "Operating Department approved"
rating and for being published either in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS or in the IEEE Industry Applications
Magazine. Papers with very high ratings will be considered
for prize awards. Further review and rating of "TC approved"
papers will be made to select those papers to be considered
for "Operating Department approved."
Conference Technical
Papers that meet the stated criteria may be recommended for
possible publication in the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.
While the types of papers published in IAS TRANSACTIONS and
in the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine differ, it is imperative
that proposed papers for both the Magazine and TRANSACTIONS
be first-quality paper offerings.
Instructions for
scoring the paper being reviewed are given on the second page
of the review form, "Technical
Paper Review Guidelines for Numerical Scoring," and should
be followed carefully by each reviewer to assure maximum fairness
to every Author in scoring of papers.