Instruction for oral presentation
Instruction for poster presentation
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The invited IMTC 2007 keynote lecture MEMS in metrology, metrology in MEMS by Ryszard S. Jachowicz Warsaw University of Technology Poland |
The demand for measurements is as old as human civilizations. At their very beginning, measures were very primitive: day, half a day – for time interval, foot, stadium – for length or distance. During centuries, many measurement units have been established, and many metrological tools or metrological systems have been developed. However, the most significant progress in this domain has been achieved during the XXth century. By the end of that century, it was not a problem, in most of cases, to accurately measure any particular physical or chemical quantity. The problem was rather related to manufacture measurement systems in high volume: the pressure appeared to produce them cheaper, and at the same time to make them more reliable, more stable in time and more repeatable.
Specialized microsystems, developed for many physical or chemical quantities, meet all those requirements very well in many cases, such as acceleration sensors, gyroscopes or pressure sensors. Microsystems for some other applications have a great potential to meet those requirements. The operational power of microsystems is mostly related to the integration of four devices important for any measurement system: a sensor (or a sensor matrix), a unit of control and advanced signal processing, an actuator (or an actuator matrix) and an interface to an outer system – all on a single chip. This is possible due to the advancements of micro- and nanotechnology, and in particular to the development of microsystems labeled with the acronyms MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and MOEMS (Micro Opto Electro Mechanical Systems). The progress in the domain of above-mentioned technologies enabled the design of micromechanical devices – actuated by electrostatic, thermal or piezoelectric means – whose response time is in the range of microseconds or milliseconds, and whose energy consumption is very small.
The IMTC 2007 keynote lecture is intended to present a review of the newest advancements of microsystem technology for measurement applications. A broad overview of many newest developments in MEMS technology will be discussed: microgyroscops, atomic force microscope sensors, microsystems for medical applications, artificial ears and eyes, labs on a chip, MEMS frequency standards, microspectrometers, and many others.
During the manufacturing of various MEMS, very often it is necessary to test their geometry, mechanical or material parameters. In particular, some linear dimensions, deflections, stress distributions, heat transfer and temperature distributions are important for MEMS structure validation or improvement. Some examples of measurement techniques for microscale will be also demonstrated and discussed in the IMTC 2007 keynote lecture.
Instruction for oral presentation
The time allotted for an oral presentation is 15 minutes; it includes:
- 12 minutes for presentation sensu stricto;
- 3 minutes for discussion, i.e. answering questions posed by the attendees.
For all presentations, a personal computer (with MS Windows operating system) and a computer projector will be available in each conference room. The slides should be prepared by the presenters in the ppt or pdf format and uploaded to the computer, from a CD or from a pendrive, before the session. The presenters are strongly requested to respect the 15-minute duration of each talk. The first pre-condition of meeting that requirement is a reasonable number of slides: one slide per one minute (so, 12 slides for 12 minutes) is a good estimate; some additional slides can be prepared to support possible answers to attendees' questions.
The IMTC 2007 presenters are kindly advised to stick to the following guidelines:
- Use large fonts (18 to 20 points) since they will be read by the audience without effort.
- Where possible, use graphics rather than text since they are more effective in quick communication of basic ideas.
- Avoid overcrowding slides with text and graphics.
- Design slides as a visual support of an oral presentation (avoid reading them).
The IMTC 2007 presenters are kindly advised to clearly structure their presentation using the following guidelines:
- Start with a title page containing not only title but also basic information on the presenter.
- Outline the presentation with an index of the presentation.
- Clearly state the basic problem and the area of application.
- Summarize previous works to provide a background and overall perspective for the results presented.
- Briefly describe the approach and methodology used for solving problems; provide description of the proposed solutions.
- Clearly outline the results and their evaluation (including comparison with previous results).
- Conclude with highlights of the work performed, put special emphasis on the significance and novelty of the presented research.
Instruction for poster presentation
Posters should be mounted over a period of at least one hour before the beginning of the poster session. The poster board and push pins for mounting the posters will be provided by the IMTC 2007 organizers. Presenters are expected to be in attendance during their designated poster sessions and also during the coffee break preceding the poster session.
The presenters should prepare the posters meeting strictly the following requirements.
- The poster should fit to the board whose horizontal dimension is 35.4 inches (90 cm) and vertical dimension is 98.4 inches (250 cm).
- The poster heading [paper title, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s)] should occupy the top 7.8 inches (20 cm) of the poster, across the full horizontal width of the poster board; it should be in bold face type and readable from a distance of 6.2 feet (2 meters):
- A head-and-shoulders photograph of the author(s) should be mounted near the top of the board.
- The body part of the poster should contain:
o an abstract summarizing the pertinent results and conclusions;
o an introduction stating the purpose of the work in relation to previous works in the field;
o the most important findings;
o the conclusions emphasizing the novelty and the significance of the research presented.
- The font size for the headings of the above-mentioned sections should be 2 cm, and the text and the captions for figures and graphs should be 0.8 cm (only a small amount of highly specialized material, intended for the participants most interested in the poster, may use a font size as small as 0.4 cm).
- At least one-half of the poster area should be devoted to figures, graphs or photographs.
The IMTC 2007 poster presenters are encouraged to check their poster's correctness via a trial run with their colleagues at their home institutions rather than seeing it for the first time at the conference.