Please read the following carefully. "Portable" or "compatible" PostScript is PostScript that can be printed on a wide range of PostScript-compatible printers and will consistently produce identical or very nearly identical documents. The converse is PostScript that is tuned to print better or faster on your specific printer. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to configure your printer driver to operate in a portable way as follows. Some printer drivers have settings that directly address the portability issue, offering the options for "optimizing speed" or "optimizing portability". You should select the "optimize for portability" setting(s) wherever possible. Enable the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions, if available. You may see this abbreviated as ADSC or just DSC. This is sometimes included in the "optimize for portability" option mentioned above. If your printer driver offers you the choice of using PostScript Level 1, 2 or 3, specify Postscript Level 1. Many drivers will offer you a choice of data formats, usually including ASCII, one or more forms of binary data. Always use the ASCII format. If you have the option to compress bitmaps, choose No Compression. If your driver offers you a choice of how to send TrueType fonts, choose to send TrueType fonts as outlines (also called Type 3 fonts). Avoid options that refer to a font substitution table, or built-in printer fonts. Choose a resolution setting of no less than 300 dpi and no more than 600 dpi. Enable "page independence", if available. Disable "job codes" (also known as Control-D characters). Do not use "duplexing" (printing on both sides of the paper). In general, the thirteen "standard" PostScript fonts (those built in to every PostScript interpreter) should be used whenever possible. These are: Times-Roman, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol, Times-Oblique, Helvetica-Oblique, Courier-Oblique, Times-Bold, Helvetica-Bold, Courier-Bold, Times-BoldOblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Courier-BoldOblique. All figures should be properly positioned and embedded in or linked to the document so that they appear correct in size and position, and are legible when printed. The final layout should be identical to what you wish to have printed in the proceedings. Once everything has been finalized, generate the PostScript file from your word processing program ("print to file"). You should check the correctness of your PostScript file before submitting it electronically. To such a purpose you can use any PostScript viewer (e.g., GhostView). For any problem in generating the portable PostScript at your site, contact first you local system manager or other local experts. |