Minutes of the meeting of the IEEE Nuclear Medicine and Imaging Sciences Council (NMISC) held Friday, November 14, 1997 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Submitted by John Aarsvold, Secretary, NMISC The meeting was called to order by Dr. Michael A. King, Council Chairperson. After calling the meeting to order, Dr. King thanked: John Aarsvold for serving as NMISC Secretary, Anna Cellar for heading up the committee responsible for revising the Constitution and By-Laws of the Nuclear Medicine and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee (NMISTC) and the committe that finalized the revision, Thomas Lewellen, 1997 MIC Chairperson, for serving as 1997 MIC Chairperson and for arranging and providing lunch, Benjamin M. W. Tsui for agreeing to (possibly) serve as the 2000 MIC Chairperson, and The NMISC Members for their efforts and support during 1997. Dr. King indicated that the Constitution and By-Laws of the NMISTC had been submitted to the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Ad Com and that the NPSS Ad Com would vote on the Constitution and By-Laws on Saturday, November 15, 1997. It was noted that the new Constitution and By-Laws of the NMISTC should be included in the next IEEE NPSS directory and that the person the information should be forwarded to is W. Kenneth Dawson, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Dr. King next announced the results of the 1997 election for members to the NMISC. The following were elected and will serve for three years (January 1, 1998, to December 31, 2000): John N. Aarsvold, Ph.D. Anna M. Cellar, Ph.D. Marie Foley Kijewski, Ph.D. Paul E. Kinahan, Ph.D. David W. Townsend, Ph.D. A total of 186 ballots were returned to IEEE. Following the announcement of the election results, Dr. King announced the winner(s) of the 1997 IEEE NMISTC Young Investigator Award. As the NMISTC Award Committee members were unable to choose between two outstanding finalists, the committee chose two awardees. The awardees are: Paul Kinahan, Ph.D. Martin Tornai, Ph.D. In 1998 the second IEEE Medical Imaging Scientist Award will be given and Dr. King asked for a volunteer to head up a committe to solicit and review nominations for the award. As the effort to determine such an awardee has tasks that overlap at least partially those of the following existing committees the issue was raised as to whether the task should be placed in the hands of one of the existing committees: the NPSS Committee on Fellows, the NPSS Committee on Awards, or the NMISTC Committee on the MIC Award. After a brief discussion, it was decided by general concensus that a seperate committee working in consultation with members of the other committees would be best. Miles N. Wernick volunteered to serve as the chairperson of the Committee on the 1998 IEEE Medical Imaging Scientist Award. A. Bertrand (Randy) Brill volunteered to assist Miles in this effort. Miles and Randy will draft as needed additional members for the committee. All agreed with the suggestion of W. Leslie (Les) Rogers that an effort be made to standardize the nomination submissions. Miles and Randy agreed to review possibilities starting with reviewing the possibility of using the format or a subset of the format used for nominations for IEEE Fellows. Orhan Nalcioglu announced that the NPSS Committee on Awards was developing a webpage that would be available through the IEEE homepage. Ronald J. Jaszczak encouraged nominations of NMISCT members for IEEE Fellow status. The next agenda item was "Future MICs". Dr. King stated that the 1998 MIC Chairperson is W. Leslie Rogers and that the 1998 meeting will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and that the 1999 MIC Chairperson is Grant Gullberg and that the 1999 meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA. The 2000 MIC was to be held on the east coast of the USA and as noted above Ben Tsui was slated to be the Chairperson. However, because the NMISC believed that the NPSS Ad Com would move the 2000 NSS/MIC to Europe, it was decided that if the decision was made to have the 2000 NSS/MIC in Europe Stig A. Larsson would be the 2000 MIC Chairperson rather than Ben Tsui. Les Rogers asked the NMISC members to pass on to him thoughts regarding how to coordinate better the presentation of material at NSS and MIC that is of interest to the attendees of both. He also asked members to pass along thoughts on how best to address the overlap of material at the MIC and at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. The next Chairperson of the NMISC is Anna M. Cellar. She expressed interest in the development of additional opportunities (workshops, short courses, etc..) for continuing education at the MIC. She asked members of the NMISC to pass along to her ideas in this regard. William W. Moses stated that the the Committees for the NSS and MIC were always interested in suggestions for workshops and short courses and that the person to whom suggestions could be most fruitfully made is Gary T. Alley. Chairperson Mike King asked if there were any non-agenda items any member wished to have considered. Hearing none, Dr. King adjourned the meeting.