2002 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS)
Nuclear and Medical Imaging Sciences Council (NMISC) Meeting
Date: Friday, November 15, 2002, Noon-2pm
Location: Franklin, Shangri-La, & Yorktown Rooms, Waterside Marriott Hotel, Norfolk VA
Members Present: John Aarsvold (new), Magnus Dahlbom, Margaret Daube-Witherspoon, John Engdahl, Lars Eriksson, Eric Frey, Marijana Ivanovic, Ron Jaszczak, Steven Meikle, William Moses, Bradley Patt, Charles Stearns, Christopher Thompson (new), Larry Zeng, George Zubal, Ben Tsui (new)
Members Absent: Ron Huesman (new), Tom Lewellen (new), Paul Mardsen, Gary Wong, Sibylle Ziegler.
Others Present: Simon Cherry, Alberto Del Guerra, Edward Hoffman, Joel Karp, Ron Keyser, Michael King, Tony Lavietes, Robert Miyaoka, Graham Smith, Craig Levin
Others Invited, but didn’t show: Grant Gullberg, Anatoly Rozenfeld, Paul Kinahan
Welcome by R. Jaszczak, NMISC Chair
Introduction and roll call – current and newly elected
All attendees introduced themselves. The 2002 and newly elected 2003 council members were introduced by Craig Levin. 5 members are elected each year. Committee members serve a three-year term. The newly elected members of the council are: John Aarsvold, Ron Huesman, Tom Lewellen, Chris Thompson, and Benjamin Tsui.
Review and adoption of Agenda.
Approval of the minutes of the meeting of November 9,
The minutes from last year’s council meeting were approved unanimously.
2001 NSS/MIC – San Diego – final report
Ben Tsui reported on some of the key statistics of the 2001 MIC meeting. There were 68 reviewers of abstracts for that meeting. 338 abstracts were submitted, 37 were rejected. 77 papers were assigned oral sessions, 216 posters. There were 20 student awards. The meeting ended in a surplus. $8,535 was returned to MIC, $1700 to NPSS. A written report was submitted.
2002 NSS/MIC – Norfolk – report to date
Joel Karp reported on some of the key statistics of the 2002 NSS/MIC meeting. There were a total of 826 registrants. Approximately 2/3 of the NSS/MIC registrants signed up for MIC. This marks the first time in MIC history that the MIC registrants surpassed the NSS registrants. This year NSS and MIC posters were together and all posters were kept up for the duration of the conference. There were more posters and reduced oral presentations compared to the previous year. There were some complaints of reduced traffic through the industrial vendor area. There were a few non-profit displays (for example, NIBIB, etc.) outside in the corridors.
2003 NSS/MIC – Portland – preview
Mike King had nothing yet to report on the status of the 2003 meeting. He will provide a written status report.
2004 NSS/MIC – Rome – preview
Alberto Del Guerra reported on the 2004 Rome NSS/MIC conference. The conference committee is set, the budget is set. The hotel is just outside of Rome. 900 hotel rooms. Enormous floor space for posters. Events are planned for every night. The goal is > 1200 attendees. ~$500 conference registration fees are expected for contingencies.
2005 NSS/MIC – Puerto Rico –preview
Simon Cherry reported on the status of the site selection for the 2005 NSS/MIC meeting. 5 properties were reviewed. The first choice selected was a resort type property: El Conquistador. Low room rates have been negotiated. Potential drawback to the resort is that it is isolated (40 mi from San Juan) and food/drinks will be at resort prices. Middle day breaks in the conference sessions are expected. Tom Lewellen will be the general Chair. Dick Lanza will be the NSS Chair. Simon will be the MIC chair. There will be a lot of poster sessions, just like this year. Many more student travel awards are expected (only students with abstracts are eligible).
2006 San Diego Town and Country presentation.
Tony Lavietes reports on the status of the deal with San Diego Town and Country Hotel for the 2006 NSS/MIC meeting. New items were negotiated for 2006. No parking fees, no phone access fees, room blocks for 85% compared to 92%, room rate of $139/night. With this selection we can bypass an exhaustive site selection process. The proposal was passed by RISC. There was a question of poster space, which was a problem in 2001. There is a parking garage option. Graham Smith will be the general chair and has yet to pick NSS and MIC chairs. He stated that the abstract and summary submission process has been solidified and automated by the outstanding work of Bo Yu of Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Discussion and vote on 2006 Town and Country proposal.
A NMISC vote as taken for the 2006 Town and Country proposal. The vote was unanimous (15) for site and for Graham Smith as general Chair.
Candidates for Chair of 2006 site selection committee.
Since the Town and Country proposal was accepted, we can bypass an exhaustive site selection process for 2006 and no site selection Chair is necessary.
Candidates for 2006 MIC Program Chair.
To be selected by the general Chair (Graham Smith).
The Australian NSS/MIC presentation.
Steve Meikle reported on the concept of an Australian site for a future NSS/MIC meeting. Drawbacks he mentioned are possible lower attendance, too expensive for students, lack of an experienced general Chair, foreign travel is restricted for attendees from certain national laboratories. There was a motion to continue these investigations, which was unanimously approved.
Presentation of revised NMIS TC Constitution and
Bill Moses presented a review of significant changes to the NMIS TC Constitution and Bylaws. There were no “major changes”. Among minor changes: Vice Chair will be in place two years instead of one. Other minor changes outlined in report provided by Bill Moses.
Approval of Constitution and Bylaws Revision.
A motion to accept changes was seconded and carried unanimously by the committee. There was some brief discussion of last point on report regarding requirement for no more than two NMISC members from the same institution.
Report by Chair of NMISC Communications (Web)
Magnus Dahlbom reported a change of the web-site which was summarized in his report given to the Chair. Tony Lavietes mentioned that NPSS bought a web server that is located at UT. Magnus may decide to move NMISC site to that server.
Report by Chair of NMISC Awards-Fellow Sub-Committee
Margaret Daube-Witherspoon reported. The Medical Imaging Scientist Award was given to Edward Hoffman. Next year the Young Investigator Award will be given. There were insufficient nominations from MIC for awards, although there are lots of award money available.
Re-appointment or selection of Secretary of NMISC
No action, to be determined by Chair.
Re-appointment or selection of 2003 Awards-Fellow Chair
Margaret Daube-Witherspoon was re-appointed Awards-Fellow Chair for 2003. Written report was provided.
Re-appointment or section of Chair, Nominations
No action, to be determined by Chair.
Discussion of TNS-B proposal and related issues.
Ed Hoffman reported on the status. He said John Valentine was trying to get all conference papers into one TNS-B issue, which will now be out in August. Ed commented on problems of delays in issues coming out, not due to delays at our end, but delays occur at IEEE publishing offices. Motion was put by Ron J. to see if NPSS can put fractional executive person in charge of overseeing publication. Motion was passed unanimously.
Discussion of status of NSS/MIC Short Course Chair
Gary Alley, current short course Chair is stepping down. Steven Derenzo has agreed to replace him. Motion for Steve Derenzo to take over as short course Chair was passed unanimously.
Discussion of Joint NMISC/RISC roles in the NSS/MIC
Ron Keyser spoke on this issue. He feels that current NMISC/RISC arrangements work well. Bill Moses said there is nothing in the constitution about selection of MIC Chair. Last year site selection committee chose general chair and program chairs as well as the site. There is no site selection chair for 2006. Magnus Dahlbom agreed to get together interested parties to discuss mechanism for choosing Chairs for future NSS-MICs,
25. Election results for new NMISC Vice-Chair
The NMISC chair announced that Magnus Dahlbom was elected as new Vice-Chair, unopposed (9 members voted for, none opposed).
Other Business
Ron Keyser asked if Bill Moses would continue as site-selection Chair. Ed Hoffman is new Chair of NPSS, Bill is now Vice-Chair.
Submitted 12/26/02,
Craig Levin