Session Chair: Nigel Lockyer, Univ. of Pennsylvania
N1-1 , Invited Into
Uncharted Waters: The Past, Present, and Future Exploration of Neutrino Physics
J. R. Klein
Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
N1-2 , Invited The
Technology Behind the Linear Collider
T. Himel
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, Ca
N1-3 , Invited Technologies
for the SNAP - SuperNova / Acceleration Probe
M. E. Levi
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Ca
Session Chair: TBD
N2-1 AC and DC
Coupling of Integrated Charge-Sensitive Preamplifiers for Avalanche Photodiodes
B. J. Pichler1, M. Mahmoud1, G. Boening1,
M. Rafecas1, W. Pimpl2, E. Lorenz2,
M. Schwaiger1, S. I. Ziegler1
1Nuklearmedizinische Klinik, Technischen Universitaet Muenchen,
Munich, Germany
2Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany
N2-2 Light Transport
Properties of Mineral Oil Selected for MiniBooNE Detector
R. A. Johnson1, J. L. Raaf1, E. Hawker1,
R. Tayloe2
1Physics Department, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2Physics Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
N2-3 New High
Sensitivity Silicon Photodetector Arrays for Medical Imaging Applications
C. R. Tull1, J. S. Iwanczyk1, B. E. Patt1,
V. Eremin2, E. Verbitskaya2, N. Strokan2,
A. Ivanov2, I. Il'yashenko2, A. Sidorov3,
N. Egorov3, K. Kon'kov3, S. Golubkov3
1Photon Imaging, Inc., Northridge, CA
2Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,
St. Petersburg, Russia
3Research Institute of Material Science and Technology, Zelenograd,
Session Chair: Vladimir Peskov, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
N3-1 Diamond Pixel
L. P. Perera
Physics And Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
N3-2 Study of low-Q PZT
as a radiation detector
T. Miyachi1, N. Hasebe1, H. Okada1,
T. Masumura1, H. Ito1, H. Yoshioka1,
N. Yamashita1, O. Okudaira1, T. Murakami2,
Y. Uchihori2, M. Sato3, T. Tou3
1Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan
2National Institute of Radiological Scieneces, Chiba, Japan
3Honda Electronic Co.LTD., Toyohashi, Japan
N3-3 Recent results on
radiation and particle detection with epitaxial SiC Schottky diodes
M. Bruzzi1,2,3, M. Bucciolini2,4, R. D'Alessandro2,5,
S. Lagomarsino1,2,3, D. Menichelli1,3, F. Nava6,
S. Pini1,2,3, S. Sciortino1,2,3
1Dipartimento di Energetica di Firenze, Firenze, Italy
2I.N.F.N. Sezione di Firenze, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
3I.N.F.M., Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
4Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica, Firenze, Italy
5Dipartimento di Fisica, Firenze, Italy
6Dipartimento di Fisica, Modena, Italy
N3-4 Coherent Neutrino
Detection with Low-Background Micro-Patterned Gaseous Devices
P. S. Barbeau1, J. I. Collar1, J. Miyamoto2,
I. P. Shipsey2
1Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Session Chair: Emanuele Mandelli
N4-1 , Invited Signal
Processing for Detectors: Selected Topics
V. Radeka
Instrumentation Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
N4-2 Development of a
High-Rate, High-Resolution Detection System for EXAFS Experiments
G. De Geronimo1, P. O'Connor1, R. H. Beuttenmuller1,
Z. Li1, A. J. Kuczewski2, D. P. Siddons2
1Instrumentation Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton,
2NSLS, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
N4-3 A Custom Mixed
Signal CMOS Integrated Circuit for High Performance PET Tomograph Front-End
B. K. Swann1, J. M. Rochelle1, D. M. Binkley1,2,
B. S. Puckett1,3, B. J. Blalock3, S. C. Terry1,3,
J. W. Young4, M. S. Musrock4, J. E. Breeding4,
K. M. Baldwin4
1Concorde Microsystems, Inc., Knoxville, TN
2University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
3University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
4CPS Innovations, Inc, Knoxville, TN
N4-4 Preliminary Test
Results of RENA-2 ASIC Developed for Position-Sensitive X-ray and Gamma-Ray
T. O. Tumer1, V. B. Cajipe1, M. Clajus1,
H. Flores1, C. A. Shirley1, G. Visser1, D. Ward2
1NOVA R&D, Inc., Riverside, California
2Sem Quest, Inc., Colorado Springs, Colorado
N4-5 Performance of a
Pixel Read-Out Chip with Two Counters for X-ray Imaging
F. Edling1, N. Bingefors1, R. Brenner1,
K. Fransson1, L. Gustafsson1, S. Kullander1,
L. del Risco Norrlid1, E. Nygård2, C. Rönnqvist3
1Department of Radiation Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
2Ideas ASA, Hovik, Norway
3IBA, Uppsala, Sweden
Session Chair: Bill Moses LBL
N5-1 Bismuth
tri-iodide polycrystalline films for digital X-ray applications
L. Fornaro, E. Saucedo, L. Mussio, A. Gancharov, A. Cuna
Radiochemistry Department, Facultad de Quimica, Montevideo, Uruguay
N5-2 A Water Calorimeter
Based on Radiation-Induced Conductivity
T. W. Dombeck
Beams Division, Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510, US
S. V. Tipnis1, V. V. Nagarkar1, I. Shestakova1,
V. Gaysinkiy1, G. Entine1, B. Stack2,
M. P. Tornai3
1Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc., Watertown, MA
2Hershey Medical Center, Pennsylvania State University College of
Medicine, Hershey, PA
3Depts of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC
N5-4 Tests of a
proximity focusing RICH with aerogel as radiator
I. Adachi1, I. Bizjak2, A. Gorisek2, T. Iijima1,
M. Iwamoto3, S. Korpar2,4, P. Krizan5,2,
R. Pestotnik2, M. Staric2, A. Stanovnik2,6,
T. Sumiyoshi1, K. Suzuki1, T. Tabata1
1High EnerAccelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Japan
2Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
4Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor,
Maribor, Slovenia
5Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
6Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
J. F. Cardona, J. Kewisch, S. G. Peggs
CAD/ Accelerator Physics Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
N5-6 Study of Timing and
Efficiency Properties of the Hamamatsu H-8500 Photomultiplier
T. Hadig, J. Schwiening, C. Field, G. Mazaheri, M. Jain, D. G. W. S. Leith,
B. Ratcliff, J. Va'vra
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA
Session Chair: John Macri, University of New Hampshire
N6-1 The New Light
Readout System for the LXeGRIT Time Projection Chamber
E. Aprile, A. Curioni, K.-L. Giboni, M. Kobayashi, K. Ni
Physics Department and Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, Columbia University,
New York, NY
N6-2 Germanium Strip
Detector Compton Telescope Using Three Dimensional Readout
E. A. Wulf1, W. N. Johnson2, R. A. Kroeger2,
J. D. Kurfess2, B. F. Phlips2
1Space Science Division, NRC/Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC
2Space Science Division, Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC
N6-3 Design of the Gamma
Ray and Neutron Spectrometer for Dawn
T. H. Prettyman1, W. C. Feldman1, F. P. Ameduri1,
K. R. Fuller1, D. Lawrence1, S. A. Soldner2,
C. Szeles2
1Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
2eV Products, Saxonburg, PA
N6-4 Statistical Current
Monitor for the Cosmic Ray Experiment Pierre Auger
M. Kleifges, H. Gemmeke, A. Menshikov, D. Tcherniakhovski
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, IPE, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
N6-5 Fast Absolute
Calibration of the Auger FD Telescope
H. Gemmeke, A. Menshikov, M. Kleifges
IPE, Forschungszentrum, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
N6-6 A Validation
Payload for Space and Atmospheric Nuclear Event Detection
S. Hahn, R. Elphic, T. Murphy, R. Byrd, J. Longmire, D. Lawrence, B. Barraclough,
K. Fuller, T. H. Prettyman, M. Meier, E. Dors, H. Funsten, D. Patrick, T. Moore,
M. Sweet, L. Burczyk, J. Sutton, C. Clanton, J. Latino
Nonproliferation and International Security, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Los Alamos, NM
Session Chair: Peter Wilson, Fermilab
N7-1 The CDFII
Time-of-Flight detector
G. Gomez
Estructura de la Materia, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
M. Bonesini1, M. Paganoni1, A. Parravicini1,
A. Pullia1, A. Tonazzo1, A. Andreoni2,
M. Bondani2, F. Paleari2, A. Sottocornola-Spinelli2,
D. Gibin3, A. Guglielmi3, A. Menegolli3
1Sezione INFN Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica G. Occhialini, Milano,
2Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Fisiche e Matematiche & Sezione
INFN Milano, Universita' della Insubria, Como, Italy
3Sezione INFN Padova, Dipartimento di Fisica g. Galilei, Padova,
N7-3 Forward Muon System
for the D0 Experiment at Fermilab Collider
D. Denisov
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, USA
R. A. Sidwell1, A. Bean2, M. Demarteau3
1Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
2Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
3Fermi National Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL
N7-5 Pixel Multichip
Module Prototype for the BTeV Experiment at Fermilab
G. Cardoso, J. Andresen, J. A. Appel, G. Chiodini, D. C. Christian,
B. K. Hall, J. Hoff, S. W. Kwan, A. Mekkaoui, M. A. Turqueti, R. Yarema,
S. Zimmermann
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
N7-6 First bench-test
results on irradiated BTeV hybrid silicon pixel detector prototypes
G. Chiodini1, J. A. Appel1, B. K. Hall2,
G. Cardoso2, S. Cihangir1, D. C. Christian1,
M. R. Coluccia1, J. Hoff1, S. W. Kwan1,
A. Mekkaoui1, R. Yarema1, S. Zimmermann2
1PPD, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
2ESE, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
Session Chair: Nigel Lockyer U. Pennsylvania, Robert Miyaoka, U. Washington ;
M2-1 Toward Proton
Computed Tomography
H. F. -W. Sadrozinsk
Santa Cruz Institute for Particle, Univ. of California Santa Cruz, Santa
Cruz, CA
M2-2 , Invited Proton
Therapy Accelerators - a Survey
S. G. Peggs
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Session Chair: Craig Woody, Brookhaven National Lab
N8-1 , Invited Advances
in the Scintillation Performance of LSO:Ce Single Crystals
C. L. Melcher1, M. A. Spurrier1, M. J. Schmand2,
L. A. Eriksson2,3, R. Nutt2
1CTI Advanced Crystal and Detector Technologies, Rockford, TN
2CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
3Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
N8-2 LaBr3:Ce
Scintillators for Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
K. S. Shah1, J. Glodo1, M. Klugerman1,
L. Cirignano1, W. W. Moses2, S. E. Derenzo2,
M. J. Weber2
1RMD, Watertown, MA
2LBNL, Berkeley, CA
N8-3 Effect of Mg, Zr,
Ta - Doping on Scintillation Properties of Gd2SiO5:Ce Crystal
S. Shimizu1,2, K. Sumiya3, H. Ishibashi3,
N. Senguttvan3, M. Ishii4, M. Kobayashi5,
K. Susa3, H. Murayama2
1Physics Dept., Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan
2National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan
3Hitachi Chemical Co., Tsukuba, Japan
4Shonan Institute of Technology, Fujisawa, Japan
5High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
N8-4 Fast Scintillation
from CdS codoped with In and Te
S. E. Derenzo1, E. Bourret-Courchesne1,
M. K. Klintenberg1,2, M. J. Weber1
1Department of Functional Imaging, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
2Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Session Chair:
Analog and Digital Circuits
N9-1 Performance
Characteristics of a new Generation of Processing Circuits for PET Applications
M. S. Musrock, J. W. Young
CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
N9-2 A Prototype ASIC for
APD Array Readout of Scintillating Fibers
J. R. Macri1, M. L. McConnell1, M. Widholm1,
A. L. Wintenberg2, U. Jagadish2, S. S. Frank2
1Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
2Engineering Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
N9-3 An 8-Channel CMOS
Low-Noise Fast Readout IC for CZT X-Ray Detectors Designed by Time-Domain SPICE
Noise Simulation
T.-H. Lee1, S.-B. Hong2, G. Cho1,
C.-E. Chung2, Y.-K. Kim2
1Department of Nuclear & Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejon, Korea
2MMIS Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejon, Korea
N9-4 Comparison between
resistive and nonresistive reset configurations in JFET amplifiers on high
resistivity silicon
L. Ratti1, M. Manghisoni2, V. Re2,
V. Speziali1, G.-F. Dalla Betta3, M. Boscardin3,
G. Batignani4, M. Giorgi4, L. Bosisio5
1Dipartimento di Elettronica, Universita' di Pavia and INFN Pavia,
Pavia, Italy
2Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universita' di Bergamo and INFN Pavia,
Dalmine (BG), Italy
3Divisione Microsistemi, ITC-IRST, Povo (TN), Italy
4Universita' di Pisa and INFN Pisa, S. Piero a Grado (PI), Italy
5Universita' di Trieste and INFN Trieste, Trieste, Italy
N9-5 A Unique Approach
for a Polarimeter Power Supply Design
M. Fathizadeh, C. Briscoe
Electrical Engineering Technology, Purdue University, Hammond, Indiana
N9-6 Noise Behavior of
MOSFETs Fabricated in 0.5mm Fully-Depleted (FD)
Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) CMOS In Weak, Moderate, and Strong Inversion
M. N. Ericson1, C. L. Britton1, A. L. Wintenberg1,
J. M. Rochelle2, B. M. Blalock3, D. M. Binkley4
1Engineering Science & Technology Division, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
2Concorde Microsystems, Inc., Knoxville, TN
3Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
4Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of North
Carolina, Charlotte, NC
C. CA. Arnaboldi, C. CB. Bucci, C. CB. Brofferio, O. OC. Cremonesi,
A. AG. Giuliani, A. AN. Nucciotti, M. MP. Pavan, G. GP. Pessina, S. SP. Pirro,
M. MS. Sisti, E. EP. Previtali
Milano, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Milano, Italy
N9-8 The Jefferson Lab
High Resolution TDC
F. J. Barbosa, E. Jastrzembski, J. Proffitt, J. Wilson
Physics Division, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia
N9-9 A CMOS Time to
Digital Converter for Spacecraft Instruments
K. Karadamoglou1,2, N. Paschalidis2,
N. Stamatopoulos1,2, G. Kottaras1,2, V. Paschalidis1,2,
E. Sarris1, D. Mitchel2, R. McNutt2
1Electrical Engineering, Demokritos University of Thrace, Xanthi,
2Space Departement, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory, Laurel, maryland
N9-10 The Energy Readout
Chip for Space Particle Mass Spectrometers
N. Paschalidis1, G. Kottaras1,2, N. Stamatopoulos1,2,
V. Paschalidis1,2, K. Karadamoglou1,2, E. Sarris1,2,
D. Mitchel1, S. Livi1, R. McNutt1
1Space Department, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland
2Electrical Engineering, Demokritos University of Thrace, Xanthi,
N9-11 Digital Peak
Detector with Noise Threshold
V. T. Jordanov, D. L. Hall, M. Kastner
Canberra Industries, Meriden, CT
N9-12 A Low Noise CMOS
Integrated Amplifier for Silicon Photodiode Detectors
J. S. Chen, H. P. Chou, C. I. Hsu
Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
N9-13 The CIP2k First
Level Trigger System at the H1 experiment at HERA
M. Urban, U. Straumann, J. Becker, S. Schmitt
Physics Institute, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
N9-15 Radiation Hardness:
Design Approach and Measurements of the ASDBLR ASIC for the ATLAS TRT
F. MITCHELL. Newcomer1, N. Dressnandt1, O. Rohne1,
S. Passmore2
1Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa
2CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation
N9-16 A Low Power Flash
ADC System with Fast Data Compressor ASIC for a Balloon-borne Experiment
N. Matsui1, K. Anraku2, M. Imori2,
S. Nakazawa3, Y. Toki3
1Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2ICEPP, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
3Faculty of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
N9-17 Polarimetric
performances of an hard X-ray energy telescope prototype
R. M. C. Silva1, E. Caroli2, M. Hage-Ali1,
J. B. Stephen2, M. Ayoub1, W. Dusi2, G. Ventura2,
P. Siffert1
1CNRS, Laboratoire PHASE, Strasbourg, France
2Sezione di Bologna, IASF, Bologna, Italy
Gas Detectors
N9-18 Modeling of a
resistive straw tracking chamber and the design of a second coordinate readout
K. A. Lan, Y. Cui, E. V. Hungerford
Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston, U.S.
N9-19 Neutron Sensitivity
of the Endcap RPC Modules in Belle Detector.
K. Neichi1, K. Abe2, Y. Hoshi2,
T. Nagamine3, K. Onodera2, T. Takahashi2,
A. Yamaguchi3, H. Yuta4
1Department of Business Administration, Tohoku Gakuin University,
Sendai, Japan
2Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku Gakuin University, Tagajo,
3Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
4Department of Engineering, Aomori University, Aomori, Japan
N9-20 Optimization of
Design for X-ray Imaging Gas Polarimeter by Computer Simulation
T. Suzuki, H. Sakurai, S. Gunji, F. Tokanai
Dept. of Phys., Faculty of Science,, Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan
N9-22 High Pressure Xenon
Ionization Chambers : new solutions to improve performances
S. Ottini-Hustache1, C. Monsanglant-Louvet1,
I. Chernysheva2, V. Dmitrenko2, V. Grachev2,
S. Haan1, D. Sokolov2, K. Stolyarov2, S. Ulin2,
Z. Uteshev2, K. F. Vlasik2
2MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
N9-23 Xenon-Neon Gas
Proportional-Scintillation Counters for X-Rays Below 2 keV: Experimental Results
F. I. G. M. Borges, J. M. F. dos Santos, F. P. Santos, T. H. V. T. Dias,
P. J. B. M. Rachinhas, C. A. N. Conde
Physics Department, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
N9-24 Detailed
measurements of transverse diffusion coefficient and drift velocity of electrons
in xenon doped with hydrogen
S. Kobayashi1, N. Hasebe1, T. Miyachi1,
H. Okada1, T. Igarashi1, T. Doke1, E. Shibamura2,
V. V. Dmitrenko3, K. F. Vlasik3
1Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan
2College of Health, Saitama Prefectural University, Saitama, Japan
3Institute of of Cosmic Physics, Moscow State Engineering Physics
Institute (Technical University), Moscow, Russia
N9-25 A Microstrip Plate
Based Frish Ionization Chamber for Alpha Particle Spectrometry
D. S. A. P. Freitas, C. A. N. Conde
Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
N9-26 Development of
Charge Integrating Type M-MSGC
H. Takahashi1, T. Ishitsu2, C. Hagai2,
K. Yano2, M. Nakazawa2, S. Kishimoto3,
M. Furusaka3, T. Ino3, K. Hasegawa4
1Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering,, The University
of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2Quantum Engineering and Systems Science, The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan
3Institute of Materials Structure Science, High energy accelerator
research organization, Tsukuba, Japan
4Hosei University, Koganeishi, Japan
Data Acquisition and Analysis Systems
N9-27 Preliminary Test of
Medisoft4: a Control Software for the Medipix2 Raedout Chip
E. Bertolucci, M. Maiorino, G. Mettivier, M. C. Montesi, P. Russo
Università Federico II, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Napoli, Italy
N9-28 Front End Readout
Electronics for the CMS Hadron Calorimeter
T. M. Shaw, A. Baumbaugh, A. Boubekeur, J. Elias, J. Hoff, S. Holm,
S. Los, C. Rivetta, A. Ronzhin, J. Whitmore, T. Zimmerman, R. Yarema
Particle Physics/ASIC, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
N9-29 Ultra-low-background
Counting System
J. E. McKisson, C. S. Rathkopf, P. S. Haskins
Radiation Technologies, Inc., Alachua, FL
N9-30 A new method for
LMS synthesis of optimum FIR filters with arbitrary time and frequency
constraints and noises
A. Geraci, R. Abbiati, S. Riboldi, G. Ripamonti
Dept. of Electronics and Information Science, Politecnico di Milano, Milano,
N9-31 Image Capture in a
Particle Detector
K. S. Hashemi, J. R. Bensinger
Physics Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
N9-32 Acquisition of
Research Reactor Operational Parameters by a Parallel Port Interface ADC
M. M. Rashid, N. Jahan, M. Khayer, R. Mondal
BAEC, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
N9-33 Real-Time Data
Reorganizer for the D0 Central Fiber Tracker Trigger System at Fermilab
S. MARCO. Rapisarda1, N. GEORGE. Wilcer1,
J. T. Olsen2
1CD/ESE, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
2PPD/EED, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
N9-34 Serial and Parallel
Optical Link Architectures for DAQ Systems
A. Aloisio1,2, F. Cevenini1,3
1INFN - Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy
2Universita' del Sannio, Benevento, Italy
3Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universita' di Napoli "Federico
II", Napoli, Italy
N9-35 Data Acquisition
Systems for Position Sensitive Gas Detectors with Delay Line Readout
W. Shang1, C. Hervé2, A. Gabriel3,
M. H. J. Koch1
1Hamburg Outstation c/o DESY, European Molecular Biology
Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany
2European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
3Grenoble Outstation, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Grenoble,
N9-36 A System for
multiplexed chip readout of double-sided Silicon Detectors
H. Gorke1, D. Maeckelburg1, S. Merzliakov2,
A. Mussgiller3, R. Schleichert3, K. Zwoll1
1Zentrallabor für Elektronik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich,
2Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research, Dubna, Russia
3Institut fürKernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany
High Energy Physics Instrumentation
N9-37 A RICH Multiplicity
Veto for the HERA-B Experiment
C. Cruse, M. Adams, M. Böcker, M. Brüggemann, P. Buchholz, U. Husemann,
Y. Kolotaev
Institut für Physik, Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
N9-38 Electro-optical
interface design for CMS HCAL
R. Ruchti1, J. Marchant1, R. Foltz2,
B. Baumbaugh1, A. Baumbaugh2, J. Reidy3,
D. Karmgard1, M. McKenna2, M. Vigneault1,
V. Hagopian4, A. Ronzhin2, S. Los2, J. Freeman2,
P. de Barbaro5, E. Skup2, H. Budd5, L. Castle1,
D. Wiand1, J. Chorny1, T. M. Shaw2, J. Whitmore2,
J. Elias2, D. Lazic6, T. Nebel2, D. Ruggiero5,
M. Adams7, D. Dwyer7, Y. Onel8, C. Rivetta2,
A. Heering9
1Physics, Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame, IN
2CMS, Fermilab, Batavia, IL
3Physics, Mississippi, Oxford, MS
4Physics, Florida State, Tallahassee, FL
5Physics, Rochester, Rochester, NY
6EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
7Physics, UI Chicago, Chicago, IL
8Physics, Iowa, Iowa City, IA
9Physics, Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
N9-39 Optical Decoder
Unit Production for the CMS Hadron Calorimeter
R. Ruchti1, M. McKenna2, M. Vigneault1,
B. Baumbaugh1, J. Chorny1, D. Karmgard1,
J. Marchant1, D. Wiand1
1Physics, Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame, IN
2CMS, Fermilab, Batavia, IL
N9-40 Design and Testing
of a radiation tolerant Clock, Control and Monitor (CCM) Module for CMS HCAL
S. Holm1, T. M. Shaw1, J. Elias1,
S. Surgueev2
1PPD/ETT, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
2CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva,
N9-41 Certification of
Drift-Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer at a Cosmic-Ray
Test-Facility and with Test Beams
M. Binder1, J. Dubbert1, J. Elmsheuser1,
R. Hertenberger1, O. Kortner1, F. Rauscher1,
M. Rykaczewski1, O. Sahr1, D. Schaile1,
A. Staude1, H. Steffens1, W. Stiller1,
C. Zupancic1, H. Dietl2, S. Horvat2, H. Kroha2,
A. Manz2, R. Richter2, S. Mohrdieck2,
V. Zhuravlov2
1Sektion Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen,
Muenchen, Germany
2Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Muenchen, Germanyy
N9-42 Optical Readout and
Control Systems for the CMS Tracker
J. Troska, G. Cervelli, F. Faccio, K. Gill, R. Grabit, A.-M. Sandvik, F. Vasey,
A. Zanet
EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
N9-43 CMS Tracker
Production and Quality Assurance
G. H. Dirkes
Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe,
N9-44 Performance of CMS
Cathode Strip Chambers
S. Dolinsky
Physics Department, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainesville, FL
Forward System Test
P. J. Dervan
Physics Departmeny, Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK
N9-46 A Charged Particle
Trigger Based on the CDF Time-of-Flight Detector
M. J. Mulhearn
PPC, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
N9-47 The ALICE
Transition Radiation Detector
J. P. Wessels
Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
N9-48 The Coincidence
Matrix ASIC of the Level-1 Muon Barrel Trigger of the ATLAS Experiment
S. Veneziano, V. Bocci, E. Petrolo, A. Salamon, R. Vari
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Rome, Italy
N9-49 First Results on
the NA60 Silicon Pixel Detectors
M. Keil
EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
N9-50 Extensive
performance studies for the ATLAS BIS precision muon chambers with cosmic rays
T. Alexopoulos1, R. M. Avramidou1, U. Bratzler1,
M. Dris1, A. Filippas1, E. N. Gazis1,
E. Katsoufis1, S. Maltezos1, Y. Tsipolitis1,
E. Tzamarudaki1, D. Fassouliotis2, C. Kourkoumelis2,
P. Ioannou2, A. Krepouri3, C. Petridou3,
C. Valderanis3, D. Sampsonidis3, C. Cernoch4,
S. Palestini4, G. Stavropoulos4, J. Wotschack4,
S. Zimmermann4
1Physics, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
2Physics, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Athens,
3Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
4EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Session Chair: Marcel Demarteau, Fermilab
N10-1 An Active Pixel
Sensor Detector for RHIC
H. S. Matis1, F. Bieser1, S. Kleinfelder2,
G. Rai1, F. Retiere1, H. G. Ritter1, K. Singh1,
S. E. Wurzel1, H. H. Wieman1, E. Yamamoto1
1Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA
2University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
N10-2 An Improved
All-P-Type Multiguard Termination Structure for Silicon Radiation Detectors
M. Boscardin1, L. Bosisio2, G.-F. Dalla Betta1,
S. Dittongo2, P. Gregori1, I. Rachevskaia1,2,
G. Verzellesi3, N. Zorzi1
1ITC-IRST, Povo (TN), Italy
2INFN and Universita' di Trieste, Trieste, Italy
3INFM and Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
N10-3 A novel detection
system of an a-Si:H sensor and a multi-cell Si-pad array for diffraction
enhanced breast imaging
D. G. Darambara1, A. Au1, R. D. Speller1,
P. Sellin2
1Department of Medical Physics & Bioengineering, University
College London, London, UK
2Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK
N10-4 Activation
Properties of Schottky CdTe Diodes Irradiated by 150 MeV Protons
M. M. Murakami1, Y. Kobayashi2, M. Kokubun1,
I. Takahashi1, Y. Okada1, M. Kawaharada1,
K. Nakazawa2, S. Watanabe2, G. Sato2, M. Kouda2,
T. Mitani2, T. Takahashi2, M. Suzuki3,
M. Tashiro3, K. Makishima1
1Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2Institute for Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara, Japan
3Department of Physics, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan
N10-5 Large area
Gamma-ray Imaging Detector Based on High Resolution CdTe Diode
T. Mitani1,2, T. Takahashi1,2, M. Kouda1,2,
S. Watanabe1,2, K. Nakazawa1, H. Tajima3,
M. Funaki4, R. Ohno4, Y. Kuroda5, K. Otake5,
M. Onishi6, M. Nomachi7
1Center for Advanced Spacecraft Technology, the Institute of Space
and Astronautical Science, Kanagawa, Japan
2the Depertment of Physics, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
3Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, California
4ACRORAD Co., Ltd., Okinawa, Japan
5Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Aichi, Japan
6Daiichi System Engineering Co., Ltd., Aichi, Japan
7Laboratory of Nuclear Studies, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
N10-6 Investigation of
Multiple Interaction Events in 3-Dimensional Position-Sensitive CdZnTe Gamma-Ray
Z. He, F. Zhang, G. F. Knoll, D. K. Wehe
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Department, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Session Chair: A. Sharma, CERN
N11-1 Electron
Collection and Ion Feedback in GEM-Based Detectors
F. Sauli1, S. Kappler1,2, L. Ropelewski1
1EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
2Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik, Universität Karlsruhe,
Karlsruhe, Germany
N11-2 Advances in
triple-GEM detector operation for high rate particle triggering
W. Bonivento1,2, D. Raspino2, D. Pinci2,
A. Cardini2, C. Deplano2, G. Bencivenni3,
F. Murtas3, P. DeSimone3, M. Poli-Lener3,
G. Felici3, D. Marras2
1EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
2INFN and Universita, Cagliari, IT
3INFN, LNF-Frascati, IT
N11-3 Study of GEM
Characteristics for Application in a Micro-TPC
B. Yu1, V. Radeka1, G. C. Smith1,
C. L. Woody1, N. N. Smirnov2
1Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
2Yale University, New Haven, CT
S. Platchkov1, P. Abbon1, J. Ball1,
Y. Bedfer1, C. Bernet1, E. Delagnes1,
A. Giganon1, F. Kunne1, J.-M. Le Goff1,
C. Marchand1, A. Magnon1, D. Neyret1,
H. Pereira2, P. Rebourgeard1, D. Thers3
1DAPNIA, CEA-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
2now at Fakultät für Physik, Univeristät Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
3now at Ecole des Mines, SUBATECH, Nantes, France
N11-5 Performence of TPC
with micro pixcel chamber readout
K. Miuchi1, T. Tanimori1, H. Kubo1,
A. Ochi2, T. Nagayoshi1, S. Koishi3, R. Orito1,
M. Ueno1
1Cosmic-Ray Group, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
2Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
3Tokyo institute of technology, Tokyo, Japan
N11-6 First results on a
sealed gas photomultiplier for the visible light range
M. Balcerzyk1,2, D. Moermann1, A. Breskin1,
B. K. Singh3, R. Chechik1, M. Klin1,
M. Rappaport1
1Department of Particle Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel
2Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Otwock-Swierk, Poland
3Sezione di Bari, INFN, Bari, Italy
Session Chair: Veljko Radeka, Brookhaven National Laboratory
N12-1 A Low-Power
Variable-Gain Front-End Amplifier in a 0.25um CMOS Technology
A. Rivetti
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - INFN - Sezione di Torino, Torino,
G. GP. Pessina1, C. CA. Arnaboldi1, G. GB. Boella2
1INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Milano, Italy
2Fisica, Universita' di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy
N12-3 Comparison of a
BSIM3V3 and EKV MOST Model for a 0.5um CMOS Process and Implications for Analog
Circuit Design
S. C. Terry1,2, J. M. Rochelle1,2, D. M. Binkley1,3,
D. Foty4
1Concorde Microsystems Inc., Knoxville, TN
2Electrical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
3Electrical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Charlotte, NC
4Gilgamesh Associates, Fletcher, VT
N12-4 Modeling of an
Integrated Active Feedback Preamplifier (AFP) in a 0.25 mm
CMOS Technology at Cryogenic Temperatures
S. Saramad1,2, P. Jarron1, G. Anelli1,
N. Pelloux1, M. Bucher3
1Microelectronics Group, Experimental Physics Division, European
Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland
2School of Physics, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Mathematics
and Physics (IPM), Tehran, Iran
3Electronics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL),
Lausanne, Switzerland
N12-5 An Amplitude and
Time Measurement ASIC with Analog Derandomization
P. O'Connor, G. De Geronimo, A. Kandasamy
Instrumentation Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Session Chair: TBD
N13-1 Evaluation of
Position Sensitive Avalanche Photodiodes for PET
K. Burr1, J. LeBlanc1, S. Zelakiewicz1,
A. Ganin2, C. L. Kim2, D. L. McDaniel2,
K. S. Shah3, R. Grazioso3, R. Farrell3,
J. Glodo3
1GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY
2GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
3Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc, Watertown, MA
N13-2 Towards both
larger and smaller Scintispheres
D. Ramsden, M. Dallimore, G. Crossingham, D. Herbert
University of Southampton, Radiation Sensors Ltd, Southampton, UK
N13-3 Ion micro-beam
diagnostics with scintillators for application of Deep Lithography with
L. Cosentino1, P. Finocchiaro1, A. Pappalardo1,
B. Volckaerts2, M. Vervaeke2, P. Vynck2,
H. Thienpont2, A. Hermanne2
1Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - INFN, Catania, Italy
2Department of Applied Physics and Photonics (TW-TONA), Vrije
Universiteit, Brussel, Belgium
N13-4 Study of Pure NaI
at Room and Liquid Nitrogen Temperatures
M. Moszynski1, M. Balcerzyk2, W. Czarnacki1,
M. Kapusta1, W. Klamra3, P. Schotanus4,
A. Syntfeld5, M. J. Szawlowski6
1Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Swierk-Otwock, Poland
2Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
3Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
4Scionix Holland BV, Bunnik, The Netherlands
5Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland
6Advanced Photonix, Inc., Camarillo, CA
N13-5 New Type of
Scintillation Phoswich Detectors for Biological, Medical and Radiation
Monitoring Applications
M. Globus1, B. V. Grinyov1, M. Ratner1,
V. Tarasov1, Y. Zorenko2, I. Konstankevych2
1Institute for Single Crystals, Kharkov, Ukraine
2Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Session Chair: Mark Amman, LBNL
N14-1 Development of
transmission Si(Li) detectors
D. Protic, T. Krings
Institut fuer Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany
N14-2 X-ray detector
with thick epitaxial GaAs grown by chemical reaction
G.-C. Sun1, E. Bréelle2, J. Bourgoin1,
H. El-Abbassi3, P. Sellin3
1Lab. Milieux Désordonnés et Hétérogènes, Universite Pierre et
Marie Curie (Paris-6), Paris, France
2Groupe de Physique des Solides, Universite Paris 6 et 7, Paris,
3Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
N14-3 Application of
Segmented Germanium Detectors for X-Ray Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Heavy
T. Stöhlker1, D. Banas1, H. Beyer1,
A. Gumberidze1, C. Kozhuharov1, T. Krings2,
X. Ma1, D. Protic2, D. Sierpowski1, S. Tachenov1
1Atomphysik, GSI-Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
2Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich,
N14-4 Gamma Ray Imaging
Using a 38x38 Germanium Strip Detector with X,Y and Z Position Sensitivity
M. T. Burks1, E. L. Hull1, N. W. Madden1,
K. P. Ziock2
1Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Ca
2Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
N14-5 Pulse shape
simulation and analysis of segmented Ge detectors for position extraction
M. Kurokawa1, S. Shimoura1, H. Iwasaki1,
H. Baba2, S. Michimasa1, S. Ota3, H. Murakami2,
H. Sakai1
1Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, Saitama, Japan
2Department of Physics, Rikyo University, Tokyo, Japan
3Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
N14-6 Efficiency and
Resolution of Germanium Detectors as a Function of Energy and Incident Geometry
R. M. Keyser
ORTEC, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, TN
Session Chair: Kanai Shah, Radiation Monitoring Devices
N15-1 A Fast, Compact
Time Projection Chamber and Cherenkov Detector for Tracking and Electron
Identification in Heavy Ion Collisions
N. N. Smirnov1, H. H. Wieman2, C. L. Woody3
1Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT
2Nuclear Physics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
3Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
N15-2 A High-Efficiency
Radioactive Xenon Detection System for Verification of Test-Ban Treaties
J. A. M. Lopes1,2, R. E. Morgado3, C. A. N. Conde2
1Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
2Departamento de Física, Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
3Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
N15-3 Measurement of the
radiation field at the Collider Detector at Fermilab
S. D'Auria1, K. Kordas2, A. Hocker3,
S. L. McGimpsey4, R. J. Tesarek5, S. Worm6
1Department of Physics, Glasgow University, Glasgow, United
2Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester,
Rochester, New York
4ES&H - RPG Radiation Physics, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
Batavia, Illinois
5PPD - CDF Department, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
Batavia, Illinois
6Department of Physics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey
N15-4 Novel Neutron
Detector for High Rate Imaging Applications
J. L. Lacy, A. Athanasiades, N. N. Shehad, R. A. Austin, C. S. Martin
Proportional Technologies, Inc., Houston, TX
C. Jammes1, G. Perret1, G. Imel2
2Nuclear Technology, Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Session Chair: Sten Hansen, Fermilab
Nuclear Measurements and Monitoring Techniques
N16-1 Background
Characterization and Rejection in Proportional Counters
K. Pitts, P. L. Reeder, D. Jordan, C. Aalseth, T. Bowyer, E. Fuller,
R. T. Kouzes
National Security Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Richland, WA
N16-2 In-situ Out-core
Monitoring Using Optical Fibers with Scintillators
K. Sakasai, M. Katagiri
Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute,
Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan
N16-3 Precision Beam
Monitoring Devices for SLAC Experiment E158
K. A. Bega
physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
N16-4 Feasibility Study
of an Imaging System for Nuclear Environment using Combined Mechanical and
Electronic Collimation
L. J. Meng, D. K. Wehe, W. Lee
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI
N16-5 Tool Development
and Utilization for Authenticating Radiation Monitoring Equipment
R. R. Hansen, R. B. Bass, B. D. Geelhood, R. T. Kouzes, G. P. Morgan,
W. K. Pitts
Radiological and Chemical Sciences / NSD, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA
N16-6 DVD Based Simulated
Radiation Source
R. R. Hansen, W. K. Hensley, M. A. Knopf, R. T. Kouzes, S. J. Morris,
W. K. Pitts
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA
N16-7 Development of the
Mini Ionization Chamber Detector for High Dose Monitoring on Line Inside a Gamma
Irradiation Facility
A. A. Rodrigues Jr1,2, J. M. Vieira1, M. M. Hamada1
1Radiation Technology Center, Institute for Nuclear Energetic
Research - IPEN CNEN-SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2EMBRARAD – Empresa Brasileira de Radiações Ltda, Cotia, Brazil
N16-8 Intelligent
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Using 3-D Position-Sensitive Detectors
C. E. Lehner, Z. He, G. F. Knoll
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI
Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
N16-9 Lifetime
Measurements of Excited States in As-73
K. P. Singh1, T. Kakavand2, M. Hajivaliei3
1Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
2Science department, Physics Group, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran
3Physics Department, BU-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
A. Lebedev
Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Synchrotron and Neutron Instrumentation
N16-11 2-D detector for
fast high energy X-Ray Microtomography
T. Martin
European synchroton radiation facility, GRENOBLE, FRANCE
N16-12 Development of
Neutron Detector Using the PIN Photodiode with Polyethylene (n.p) Converter
C. H. Mesquita1,2, T. Madi Filho1, M. M. Hamada1
1Radiation Technology Center, Institute for Nuclear Energetic
Research - IPEN CNEN-SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2Pharmaceutical Science School, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Environmental Health and Safety Instrumentation
N16-13 Nuclear-physical
methods of investigation of an element composition in samples of soils and
S. Khushnazarov, Z. Mahmudov, N. Hamraev
Department of Nuclear physics, Samarkand State University, Samarkand,
N16-14 Development of an
underground radon detector using an optical fiber
S. Yamamoto1, Y. Yoshida1, T. Iida2
1Kobe City College of Technology, Kobe, Japan
2Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
N16-15 Nuclear physics
methods of investigation of an element composition in samples of soils and
U. Asatov, A. Toshpulatov
Department of Nuclear Physics, Samarkand State University, Samarkand, other
P. Suwanathada, T. A. DeVol
Department of Environmental Engineering and Science, Clemson University,
Anderson, SC
N16-17 Performance of the
Electrostatic Collection Type Radon and Toron Detector
N. Noto1, H. Ohsumi2, S. Kobayashi1
1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga
University, Saga-shi, Saga 840-8502, Japan
2Human Life and Environment Course, Faculty of Culture and Education,
Saga University, Saga-shi, Saga 840-8502, Japan
N16-18 Standard Growth
Curve Which Was Integrated To Obtain a Mathematical Representation for
Calculating Shielding Requirements in Diagnostics X-Ray Departments by Computer
A. Rahimi
Medical Physics, Faculty of Health, Sari, Iran
New Radiation Detectors
N16-20 Step Filter
Detector Module for Monitoring of Diagnostic X-Ray
K. H. Kim1,2, S. K. Ann1, S. W. Kwak1,
G. Cho1
1Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea
2Hyun Dae Nuclear Co., Ltd, Seoul, Korea
N16-21 1 cm Thick
Mercuric Iodide Radiation Detectors for Room Temperature Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
J. E. Baciak, Z. He
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI
N16-22 Neutron Detection
via Cerenkov Radiation
A. J. Peurrung, T. W. Hossbach, D. V. Jordan, E. A. Lepel, P. L. Reeder
National Security Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,
N16-23 Potential
distributions and critical bias voltages for single polarity charge
sensingradiation detectors
Z. He, M. H. Khachaturian
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Department, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
N16-24 Characteristics of
Amorphous Selenium Detector for Monoenergetic X-ray Determined by Monte Carlo
E. J. Yun1,2,3, H. W. Lee1, J. S. Lee3,
S. H. Nam2
1Department of Physics, Inje University College of Natural
Science, Kimhae, Korea
2Medical Imaging Research Center, Inje University, Kimhae, Korea
3Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
N16-25 Silicon avalanche
photodiode with surface transport of charge carriers
V. N. Jejer1, Z. YA. Sadygov1, I. M. Zheleznykh2,
Y. V. Musienko2, A. V. Stoikov1, T. V. Sereda1
1Laboratory of High Energies, Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research, Dubna, Russia
2Silicon Detector Division, Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow,
N16-26 Operational
Properties of Photo-Multiplier Tubes In the MiniBooNE Experiment
M. G. Wysocki1, J. E. May2, D. Smith3,
L. Bugel4, B. Fleming4
1Physics, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN
2Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
3Physics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ
4E898 - MiniBooNE, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
Scintillation Detectors
N16-27 Discrimination
methods in Boron loaded plastic scintillator
S. Normand1, P. Delacour1, H. Le Sueur2
1DIMRI/SIAR, CEA Saclay, Gif Sur Yvette, France
2ENSI, ISMRA, Caen, France
N16-28 Detection
Properties Of A Neutron Counter Based on Scintillator, Wavelength Shifter, and
R. Engels1, G. Kemmerling1, R. Cooper2,
J. Schelten3
1ZEL, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich, Germany
2Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, USA
3ISG, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich, Germany
N16-29 Characteristics of
a SrBPO5:Eu2+ Material as a Neutron Storage Phosphor
K. Sakasai1, M. Katagiri1, K. Toh1,
H. Takahshi2, M. Nakazawa2, Y. Kondo3
1Advanced Science Reserach Center, Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, JAPAN
2Department of Quantum Engineering and System Science, University of
Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
3Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN
N16-30 Comparison of
Fluorescence Properties for Several Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Fluors
Containing Yttrium
W. A. Hollerman1, P. Boudreaux1, E. Gates1,
S. Robinson1, S. A. Allison2
1Department of Physics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette,
Lafayette, LA
2National Transportation Research Center, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Knoxville, TN
N16-31 Scintillation and
luminescence properties of Rb3Lu(PO4)2:Ce and Cs3Lu(PO4)2:Ce
D. Wisniewski1, A. J. Wojtowicz1, W. Drozdowski1,
S. Tavernier2, J. M. Farmer3, L. A. Boatner3
1Institute of Physics, N. Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
2Inter-University Institute for High Energies, Vrije University of
Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
3Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
N16-32 YAP:Pr -
Scintillation Mechanism and Luminescence Properties
M. Wisniewska1, D. Wisniewski1, A. J. Wojtowicz1,
S. Tavernier2, T. Lukasiewicz3, Z. Frukacz3,
Z. Galazka3, M. Malinowski4
1Institute of Physics, N. Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
2Inter-University Inst. For High Energies, Vrije University of
Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
3Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warsaw, Poland
4Institute of Micro- and Optoelectronics, Warsaw University of
Technology, Warsaw, Poland
N16-33 Towards the
improvement of the neutron sensitivity of C6D6 detectors using liquid
scintillator materials doped with high-Z elements
I. F. Gonçalves1, J. Salgado1, L. MN. Távora2,3,
P. Vaz1
1ITN, Lisboa, Portugal
2ESTG, Inst. Pol. Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
3Dep. Fisica, Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Semiconductor Detectors
N16-34 A Novel,
Distortion-Free Position Sensitive APD for Nuclear Imaging
R. Grazioso1, R. Farrell1, K. S. Shah1,
J. Glodo1, F. Olschner2
1RMD, Inc., Watertown, Ma
2Cremat, Inc., Watertown, Ma
N16-35 Performance of 5
and 10 mm thick CZT strip detectors with orthogonal coplanar anodes
J. R. Macri1, L.-A. Hamel2, M. Julien2,
M. L. McConnell1, M. McClish1, R. S. Miller1,
J. M. Ryan1, M. Widholm1
1Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
2Department of Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
N16-36 Uniformity and
Reproducibility of CdZnTe Radiation Detectors
M. Chu1, S. Terterian1, D. Ting1,
C. C. Wang1, M. J. Szawlowski2, G. Visser3
1Fermionics Corporation, Simi Valley, CA
2Advanced Photonix, Inc., Camarillo, CA
3Nova R&D, Riverside, CA
N16-37 Microstructures on
Ge Detectors with Amorphous Ge Contacts
D. Protic, T. Krings
Institut fuer Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany
N16-38 Analysis of Signal
and Noise of X-ray Detector for Industrial X-ray Fluoroscopy System
S. W. Kwak1, K. H. Kim1, G. Cho1, I. Kim2,
Y. Yi2, B. Han3
1Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea
2Graduate School of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
3EB-Tech co., Ltd, Taejon, Korea
N16-39 Gamma-ray tracking
detector for efficient Compton imaging
L. Mihailescu1, W. W. Craig1, K. P. Ziock1,
K. M. Vetter2, N. W. Madden3, E. L. Hull3,
S. E. Boggs4, W. Gast5
1Physics and Advanced Technologies, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Livermore, CA
2Chemistry and Materials Science, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Livermore, CA
3Engineering Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA
4Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA
5Institute for Nuclear Physics, Research Center Juelich, Juelich,
N16-40 Modeling of CZT
response under intense irradiation
Y. Du, J. LeBlanc, G. E. Possin, B. D. Yanoff
Global Imaging Technology, GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY
N16-41 Thallium Lead
Iodide Radiation Detectors
K. Hitomi, T. Onodera, T. Shoji, Y. Hiratate
Department of Electronics, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Sendai, Japan
N16-42 Portable Gamma-ray
Monitor Composed of a Compact Electrically-Cooled Ge Detector and a Mini-MCA
M. Katagiri1, K. Takahashi2, A. Birumachi1,
K. Sakasai1
1Advanced Science Reseach Ceneter, Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute, Tokai-mura, Japan
2Seiko EG&G, Matsudo-shi, Japan
N16-43 High Throughput,
High Resolution Silicon Drift Detectors for X-Rays
J. S. Iwanczyk, B. E. Patt, L. Feng, S. Barkan, C. R. Tull
Photon Imaging, Inc., Northridge, CA
N16-45 A study of the
spectroscopic performance of a CdTe microstrip detector.
W. Dusi1, N. Auricchio1, L. Brigliadori1,
A. Donati1, G. Landini1, D. Mengoni1,
E. Perillo2, P. Siffert3, G. Ventura1
1Sezione di Bologna, IASF/CNR, Bologna, Italy
2Dip. di Scienze Fisiche and INFN, Sez. di Napoli, Univ. di Napoli
Federico II, Napoli, Italy
3Lab. Phase, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
N16-46 Study of the
spectroscopic response of CdTe planar detectors as a function of the thickness
when irradiated at various impinging angles.
N. Auricchio1, L. Brigliadori1, A. Donati1,
W. Dusi1, G. Landini1, D. Mengoni1,
E. Perillo2, G. Ventura1
1Sezione di Bologna, IASF/CNR, Bologna, Italy
2Dip. di Scienze Fisiche, and INFN Sez. di Napoli, Univ. di Napoli
Federico II, Napoli, Italy
N16-47 Near
Single-Crystal Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline HgI2 Produced By
Physical Vapor Deposition
A. Zuck1,2, O. Khakhan2, M. M. Schieber1,
Z. Burshtein3
1The Fredy and Nadine Herrmann Graduate School of Applied Science,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
2Real Time Radiography, Jerusalem, Israel
3Materials Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Radiation Damage Effects
N16-48 Behavior of
irradiated BICMOS components for Space Application
A. Colder1, N. Croitoru2, P. D'Angelo3,
M. DeMarchi3, G. Fallica4, A. Favalli3,
S. Leonardi4, M. Levalois1, P. Marie1,
R. Modica4, P. Rancoita3, A. Seidman2
1Lermat, Caen, France
2Department of Physical Electronics, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv,
3sez. di Milano, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Milano, Italy
4STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy
N16-49 Radiation Hardness
of Silicon Diodes for High Energy Physics Applications
D. Bisello1, A. Candelori1, V. Cindro2,
G.-F. Dalla Betta3, A. Kaminski1, A. Litovchenko1,
M. Lozano4, C. Martinez4, M. Boscardin3,
R. Rando1, M. Ullán4, J. Wyss5, N. Zorzi3
1Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' degli Studi di Padova, Padova,
2Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3Divisione Microsistemi, ITC-IRST, Povo (TN), Italy
4Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
5Dipartimento di Meccanica, Struttura, Ambiente e Territorio,
Universita' di Cassino, Cassino (FR), Italy
Session Chair: Alberto Aloisio, INFN Napoli
N17-3 Tests of the
P. R. Chumney, S. R. Dasu, M. L. Jaworski, J. L. Lackey, P. E. Robl,
W. H. Smith
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
N17-4 The First
Integration Test of the ATLAS End-cap Muon Level 1 Trigger System
K. Hasuko1, H. Kano1, T. Maeno1, Y. Matsumoto1,
H. Sakamoto1, C. Fukunaga2, Y. Ishida2,
S. Komatsu2, K.-I. Tanaka2, M. Ikeno3,
K. Nakayoshi3, O. Sasaki3, Y. Yasu3, M. Totsuka4,
Y. Hasegawa4, K. Mizouchi5, S. Tsuji5,
R. Ichimiya6, H. Kurashige6, N. Lupu7, S. Tarem7,
L. Levinson8, D. Lellouch8
1ICEPP, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2Department of Physics, Tokyo Metroplitan University, Hachioji, Japan
3KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
4Department of Physics, Shinsyu University, Matsumoto, Japan
5Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
6Department of Physics, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
7Department of Physics, Technion, Haifa, Israel
8Department of Physics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
N17-5 PHENIX Level-1
Trigger Systems for RHIC Run-3
J. G. Lajoie
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
N9-33 Real-Time Data
Reorganizer for the D0 Central Fiber Tracker Trigger System at Fermilab
S. MARCO. Rapisarda1, N. GEORGE. Wilcer1,
J. T. Olsen2
1CD/ESE, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
2PPD/EED, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
Session Chair: Angelo Rivetti
N18-1 FE-I: A
Front-End Readout Chip designed in a commercial 0.25um process for the ATLAS
Pixel Detector at LHC
L. Blanquart1, J. Richardson1, P. Denes1,
K. Einsweiler1, E. Mandelli1, G. Meddeler1,
P. Fischer2, I. Peric2
1Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Ca
2Physikalishes Institut der Universität Bonn, Bonn, germany
N18-2 Radiation-Hard
ASICs for Optical Data Transmission in the ATLAS Pixel Detector
K. E. Arms1, K. K. Gan1, M. Johnson1,
H. Kagan1, T.-A. Rouben1, C. Rush1, S. Smith1,
M. M. Zoeller1, J. Hausmann2, M. Holder2,
M. Kraemer2, A. Niculae2, M. Ziolkowski2
1Dept. of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
2Fachbereich Physik, Universitaet Siegen, Siegen, Germany
N18-3 A High-Speed,
Low-Noise CMOS 16-Channel Charge-Sensitive Preamplifier ASIC for APD-Based PET
M. Weng, E. Mandelli, S. E. Derenzo, W. W. Moses
Life Sciences and Engineering Divisions, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
N18-4 A Multi-GHz,
Multi-Channel Transient Waveform Digitization Integrated Circuit
S. Kleinfelder
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Irvine, CA
N18-5 Implementation of
the DTMROC-S ASIC for the ATLAS TRT Detector in a 0.25um CMOS technology
V. Ryjov1,2, F. Anghinolfi3, P. Farthouat,3,
P. Lichard3, R. Szczygiel3,4, N. Dressnandt5,
P. T. Keener5, F. M. Newcomer5, R. Van Berg5,
H. H. Williams5, T. Akesson2, P. Eerola2
1JINR, Moscow, Russia
2Department of Physics, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
3CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
4INP, Cracow, Poland
5Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa
N18-6 A CMOS
Constant-Fraction Discriminator Chip Suitable for Space Instruments
N. Stamatopoulos1,2, N. Paschalidis2, G. Kottaras1,2,
K. Karadamoglou1,2, V. Paschalidis1,2, E. Sarris1,
D. Mitchel2, R. McNutt2
1Electrical Engineering, Demokritos University of Thrace, Xanthi,
2Space Department, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland
Session Chair: Chris Cuevas, Jefferson Lab
N19-1 The CMS
electromagnetic calorimeter
G. Organtini di Fisica, Universita' di Roma, Roma, Italy
N19-2 Further Studies of
Avalanche Gain in Liquid Argon
J. G. Kim1, S. Dardin1, J. A. Kadyk1,
R. W. Kadel1, K. H. Jackson2, V. Peskov3,
W. A. Wenzel1
1Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, California
2Material Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, California
3Department of Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
N19-3 Study of
Scintillating Digital Hadron Calorimeter Prototypes
A. S. Dyshkant, G. Blazey, D. Chakraborty, D. Hedin, A. Maciel,
M. Martin, R. McIntosh, V. Rykalin, V. Zutshi
Physics Department, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
N19-4 The ALTRO Chip: A
16-channel A/D Converter and Digital Processor for Gas Detectors
R. Esteve Bosch1,2, B. Mota1,3, A. Jimenez de Parga1,
L. Musa1
1EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
2Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain
3LTI, Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
N19-5 Anode wire
swelling - a new phenomenon for the gas filled detectors aging under the
high-accumulated dose.
A. G. Krivchitch1, G. E. Gavrilov1, V. M. Lebedev1,
E. V. Kuznetsova1, E. A. Lobachev1, T. A. Ferguson2,
L. A. Schipunov1
1High Energy Physics Department, Petersburg Nuclear Physics
Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
2Particle Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
N19-6 Application of
Nuclear Reaction Analysis for aging investigations of detectors.
A. G. Krivchitch, G. E. Gavrilov, V. M. Lebrdev
High Energy Physics Department, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute,
St.Petersburg, Russia
Session Chair: Eric Hazen
N20-1 Experimental
comparison of discrete and CMOS charge sensitive preamplifiers for CZT radiation
G. Montémont, J.-P. Rostaing, L. Verger
DSIS/SBS, CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France
U. Jagadish1, C. L. Britton1, F. W. Garber2,
J. Walter2
1ESTD, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
2IntraSpec Inc., Oak Ridge, TN
N20-3 WTA4: A 32 Channel
Winner-Take-All IC with On-Chip Analog Peak Detector for Gamma Ray Cameras
E. Mandelli1, W. W. Moses2, S. Y. Oh2
1Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
2Life Science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
N20-4 High Precision
Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Using
a 192-MHz Clock in Quadrature
M. D. Fries, J. J. Williams
Functional Imaging, General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI
R. W. Novotny1, P. Drexler1, U. Thöring1,
W. Bonn1, H. A. P. van der Duin2, R. Holzmann3,
G. van der Kruk2, B. Krusche4, H. Löhner2,
T. W. Nijboer2, C. Salz1, S. Schadmand1,
M. Steinacher4, M. Thiel1, H. Vorenholt2
12nd Physics Institute, University Giessen, Giessen, Germany
2KVI, Groningen, The Netherlands
3GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University Basel, Basel,
N20-6 A compact low cost
NMR magnetometer for the D0 solenoid
S. U. Hansen1, G. Boero2, J. Lofgren3,
T. O. Regan1, R. Yamada1
1Particle Physics Division, Fermilab, Batavia, IL
2Institute of Microsystems, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Lausanne, CH
3Department of Electrical Engineering, Valparaiso University,
Valparaiso, IN
Session Chair: A. Sharma, CERN
N21-1 Results from
the Measurement of GEM-based Detector Parameters performed with X-Rays
A. Cardini1, G. Bencivenni2, W. Bonivento1,3,
P. de Simone2, C. Deplano1,4, F. Murtas2,
D. Pinci1,4, M. Poli-Lener2, D. Raspino1,4
1INFN sezione di Cagliari, Monserrato (CA), Italy
2Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (RM), Italy
3CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
4Universita' degli Studi di Cagliari, Monserrato (CA), Italy
N21-2 Detector Physics
of Resistive Plate Chambers
C. Lippmann
EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
N21-3 Ageing
Measurements on Glass RPCs
A. Tonazzo1, M. Ambrosio2, A. Candela3,
M. De Deo3, M. D'Incecco3, D. Gamba4,
A. Giuliano5, C. Gustavino3, S. Morganti6,
N. Redaelli1, G. Trinchero5
1INFN and Universita` di Milano - Bicocca, Milan, Italy
2INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Naples, Italy
3Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi, Italy
4INFN and Universita` di Torino, Turin, Italy
5CNR, Istituto di Cosmogeofisica and INFN, Turin, Italy
6INFN and Universita` di Roma, Rome, Italy
N21-4 High-Pressure
Xenon GPSC/MSGC hybrid detector
D. S. Covita, J. F. C. A. Veloso, J. M. F. dos Santos, C. A. N. Conde
Physics Department - University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
N21-5 Dependence of the
Photoelectron Collection Efficiency in Noble Gases on the Incident VUV Photon
P. J. B. M. Rachinhas1, T. H. V. T. Dias1,
J. A. M. Lopes1,2, F. P. Santos1, C. A. N. Conde1,
A. D. Stauffer3
1Departamento de Fisica, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra,
2Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Coimbra, Portugal
3Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, Canada
N21-6 Study of hole-type
gas multiplication structures for portal imaging and other high counting rate
J. Ostling1, A. Brahme2, M. Danielsson3,
T. Francke3, C. Iacobaeus2, V. Peskov3
1Medical Radiation Physics, Stockholm University, Stockholm,
2Medical Radiation Physics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
3Experimental Particle Physics, Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden
Session Chair: Zheng Li, Brookhaven National Laboratory
N22-1 Si detector
macroscopic damage parameters during irradiation from measurements of dark
current evolution with fluence
C. M. Buttar1, P. Booth1, I. Dawson1,
P. J. Dervan1, M. Glaser2, C. M. D. Grigson1,
R. S. Harper1, B. Kitchener1, A. Macpherson3,2,
R. Nicholson1
1Physics and Astrononomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
2CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
3PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
N22-2 A Comprehensive
Analysis of Irradiated Silicon Detectors at Cryogenic Temperatures
A. Santocchia1, B. MacEvoy2, G. Hall2,
G. Bilei1, F. Moscatelli3, D. Passeri3,
G. U. Pignatel3
1Sezione di Perugia, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,
Perugia, Italy
2Blackett Lab, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine,
London, UK
3Dip. di Ingegneria Elettronica e dell’Informazione, Università di
Perugia, Perugia, Italy
N22-3 The easy way to
reduce the surface radiation damage of silicon strip detectors
S. Yoshida1, T. Ohsugi1, Y. Fukazawa1,
H. F. -W. Sadrozinsk2, K. Yamamura3, K. Yamamoto3,
K. Sato3
1Physics, Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshina, Japan
2Physics, SCIPP, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA
3Hamamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu, Japan
N22-4 Electrical
Characterization of Irradiated Prototype Silicon Pixel Sensors for BTeV
M. R. Coluccia, J. A. Appel, G. Chiodini, D. C. Christian, S. Cihangir,
S. W. Kwan, G. Sellberg
PPD, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
N22-5 Beam Tests of
Ionization Chambers for the NuMI Neutrino Beam Monitoring System
S. E. Kopp1, R. M. Zwaska1, J. C. Hall1,
D. Indurthy1, D. A. Harris2, A. Erwin3,
C. Vellisaris3, D. Naples4, J. MacDonald4,
M. Diwan5, B. Viren5, M. Proga1, D. Northacker4
1Physics, University of Texas, Austin, USA
2Beams, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
3Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
4Physics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
5Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Session Chair: Bill Moses LBL
N5-1 Bismuth
tri-iodide polycrystalline films for digital X-ray applications
L. Fornaro, E. Saucedo, L. Mussio, A. Gancharov, A. Cuna
Radiochemistry Department, Facultad de Quimica, Montevideo, Uruguay
N5-2 A Water Calorimeter
Based on Radiation-Induced Conductivity
T. W. Dombeck
Beams Division, Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510, US
S. V. Tipnis1, V. V. Nagarkar1, I. Shestakova1,
V. Gaysinkiy1, G. Entine1, B. Stack2,
M. P. Tornai3
1Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc., Watertown, MA
2Hershey Medical Center, Pennsylvania State University College of
Medicine, Hershey, PA
3Depts of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC
N5-4 Tests of a
proximity focusing RICH with aerogel as radiator
I. Adachi1, I. Bizjak2, A. Gorisek2, T. Iijima1,
M. Iwamoto3, S. Korpar2,4, P. Krizan5,2,
R. Pestotnik2, M. Staric2, A. Stanovnik2,6,
T. Sumiyoshi1, K. Suzuki1, T. Tabata1
1High EnerAccelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Japan
2Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
4Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor,
Maribor, Slovenia
5Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
6Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
J. F. Cardona, J. Kewisch, S. G. Peggs
CAD/ Accelerator Physics Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
N5-6 Study of Timing and
Efficiency Properties of the Hamamatsu H-8500 Photomultiplier
T. Hadig, J. Schwiening, C. Field, G. Mazaheri, M. Jain, D. G. W. S. Leith,
B. Ratcliff, J. Va'vra
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA
Session Chair: Paul Kinahan U. Washington
M1-1 Current Status
of Human Observer Evaluations of Image Quality
C. Metz
Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
M1-2 Model Observers for
Assessment of Image Quality
H. H. Barrett
Department of Radiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Session Chair: Nigel Lockyer U. Pennsylvania, Robert Miyaoka, U. Washington ;
M2-1 Toward Proton
Computed Tomography
H. F. -W. Sadrozinsk
Santa Cruz Institute for Particle, Univ. of California Santa Cruz, Santa
Cruz, CA
M2-2 , Invited Proton
Therapy Accelerators - a Survey
S. G. Peggs
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
Session Chair: Jeff Fessler U. Michigan, Steve Kohlmeyer GE Medical Systems, Jeff Yap U. Pittsburgh
M3-1 Investigation of
the Properties of LYSO and Recent LSO Scintillators for Phoswich PET Detectors
C. M. Pepin1, A.-L. Perrot1, P. Bérard1,
R. Lecomte1, C. L. Melcher2, H. Dautet3
1Nuclear Medicine & Radiobiology, Universite de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, Canada
2CTI, Inc., Knoxville, TN
3PerkinElmer Optoelectronics, Vaudreuil, Canada
M3-6 Compact, low noise,
fast, and low cost prototype readout electronics for a small positron emission
tomography system based on avalanche photodiode arrays
F. Habte1,2, C. S. Levin1,2,3
1Nuclear Medicine, VA Medical Center, San Diego, CA
2Veterans Medical Research Foundation, San Diego, CA
3Nuclear Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, La Jolla, CA
M3-11 High Z and Medium Z
Scintillators in Ultra High Resolution Small Animal PET
G. Zavattini1,2, A. Del Guerra3,4, G. Di Domenico1,2,
M. Gambaccini1,2, N. Sabba5
1Physics Department, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
2Sezione di Ferrara, INFN, Ferrara, Italy
3Physics Department, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
4Sezione di Pisa, INFN, Pisa, Italy
5Nuclear Medicine Section, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
M3-16 Factors Affecting
Flat Panel PMT Calibration for Gamma Ray Imaging
R. Pani1, R. Pellegrini1, M. NERINA. Cinti2,
C. Trotta1, G. Trotta1, R. Scafè3, L. D'Addio1,
G. Iurlaro1, L. Montani1, F. Cusanno4,
F. Garibaldi4
1Dept. Experimental Medicine and Pathology, University, Rome,
2Biophysics PhD student, University, Rome, Italy
3ENEA CRE Casaccia, Rome, Italy
4Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
M3-21 Development of new
mixed LuYAP:Ce scintillator crystals for application in a small animal PET
scanner with DOI capability
C. Kuntner, P. Lecoq, C. Pizzolotto
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
M3-26 Design
optimiziation of the PMT-ClearPET prototypes based on simulation studies with
U. Heinrichs1, U. K. Pietrzyk2, K. Ziemons1
1Zentrallabor für Elektronik, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich,
2Institut für Medizin, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany
M3-31 Detector
characteristics of CCDs for High Resolution Gamma Ray Imaging
W. J. Ryder1, A. Keay2, J. E. Lees2,
G. W. Fraser2, R. J. Ott1
1Joint Department of Physics, Institiute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, UK
2Space Research Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
M3-36 The gamma
functional navigator
J. M. Benlloch1, M. Alcaniz2, B. Escat1,
V. Grau2, F. Sanchez1, C. Lerche1, M. Gimenez1,
M. Fernandez1
1Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
2Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
M3-41 First Time
Measurement of Transaxial Resolution for a New High-Sensitivity PET Prototype
Using 5 LSO Panel Detectors
W. F. Jones, J. Reed, J. Everman, P. Luk, T. Gremillion, E. Breeding,
M. S. Musrock, J. W. Young, M. Overbay, M. J. Schmand, R. Powers, J. Moyers,
K. Baker, B. Bendriem
CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M3-46 Detector
Characterization and Detector Setup of a NaI-LSO PET/SPECT Camera
B. J. Pichler1, S. D. Miller2, T. Gremillion2,
S. I. Ziegler1, M. J. Schmand2, B. Bendriem2,
M. Schwaiger1, R. Nutt2
1Nuklearmedizinische Klinik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
Munich, Germany
2CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M3-51 Front-end
Electronics based on high-yield-pileup-event-recovery method for a high
resolution PET camera with PMT-quadrant-sharing detector modules
H. Li, W.-H. Wong, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, T. Xing, J. Uribe, H. Baghaei
Nuclear Medicine, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
M3-56 Simplified FPGA-based
Data Acquisition System for PET
C. M. Laymon, R. S. Miyaoka, T. K. Lewellen
Radiology/Nuclear Medicine, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle,
M3-61 A Positron Decay
Triggered Transmission Source for Positron Emission Tomography
M.-L. Camborde1,2, C. J. Thompson1,2,3, D. Togane1,
N. Zhang1,3
1Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada
2Medical Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
3Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
M3-66 The effects of
scatter on the performance of the PETRRA positron camera
R. J. Ott, M. A. Flower, A. Divoli, D. Binnie
Physics Department, Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden Hospital,
Sutton, Surrey, UK
M3-71 NEC-Scaling Applied
L. Janeiro1,2, C. D. Comtat2, P. E. Kinahan3,
C. Lartizien4, M. Defrise5, C. J. Michel6,
R. Trebossen2, P. Almeida1
1Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering Institute, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
2Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, CEA, Orsay, France
3Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
4ANIMAGE, CERMEP, Lyon, France
5Division of Nuclear Medicine, AZ-VUB, Brussels, Belgium
6CPS Inc., Knoxville, TN
M3-76 Mathematical
Formulation of the Potato Peeler Perspective
E. Y. Sidky, X. Pan
Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
M3-81 Data Truncation and
the Exterior Problem in Reflection-Mode Tomography
Y. Zou1, X. Pan1, M. A. Anastasio2
1Department of Radiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2Pritzker Institute of Medical Engineering, Illinois Institute of
Technology, Chicago, IL
M3-86 A Ray-driven
Approach to Analytical SPECT Reconstruction of Non-uniform Attenuation with
Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators
J. Wen, T. Li, Z. Liang
Department of Radiology, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794
M3-91 MRI diffusion
tensor reconstruction with PROPELLER data acquisition: preliminary results
A. Cheryauka1, J. Lee1, A. Samsonov2,
M. Defrise3, G. T. Gullberg1
1Center for Advanced Medical Technologies, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, UT
2Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, UT
3Division of Nuclear Medicine, Free University, Brussel, Belgium
M3-96 Fast Preconditioned
Conjugate Gradient Reconstruction for SPECT
P. Khurd, Y. Xing, G. Gindi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of New
York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
M3-101 Contrast
Enhancement in OSEM Reconstruction
M. T. Madsen
Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
M3-106 A Local Iterative
Reconstruction Algorithm for Planar Integral Data
G. LAWRENCE. Zeng1, D. Gagnon2
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
2Neclear Medicine, Philips Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH
M3-111 Fast Image
Reconstruction for High Resolution CCD based gamma ray imaging
W. J. Ryder1, R. J. Ott1, G. W. Fraser2
1Joint Department of Physics, Institiute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, UK
2Space Research Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
M3-116 Collimator Design
for Single Photon Emitter
K. Ogawa, J. Kato
Faculty of Engineering, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
M3-121 Evaluation and
Optimization of Compensation Methods for Myocardial SPECT using a Set of
Realistic Phantoms that Include Patient Variability
X. He, E. C. Frey, K. L. Gilland, W. P. Segars, B. M.W. Tsui
Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, NC
M3-126 Optimal Camera
Placement for Cardiac Imaging using Rotating Multi-Segment Slant-Hole SPECT
Y. Wang, W. H. Baird, B. M.W. Tsui
Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, NC
M3-131 High-Resolution
SPECT using Multi-Pinhole Collimation
N. U. Schramm1, G. Ebel2, U. Engeland2,
T. Schurrat3, M. Béhé3, T. M. Behr3
1Central Laboratory for Electronics, Research Center Juelich,
Juelich, Germany
2Scivis GmbH, Goettingen, Germany
3Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
M3-136 Temporal
Resolution Properties of Dynamic PET Images
E. Asma1, T. E. Nichols2, R. M. Leahy1
1Signal and Image Processing Institute, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, California
2Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
M3-141 Using the
bootstrap method to evaluate image noise for investigation of axial collimation
in hybrid pet
C. J. Groiselle, S. J. Glick
Division of Nuclear Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School,
Worcester, USA
M3-146 Fast Methods for
Approximation of Resolution and Covariance for SPECT
J. W. Stayman, J. A. Fessler
EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
M3-151 Using of Wavelets
and Karhunen-Loeve Transform for Smoothing and Denoising of Gated Blood Pool
L. Comas1, O. Blagosklonov2, R. Sabbah1,
J. Verdenet1, M. Baud1,2, J.-C. Cardot1,2
1Department of Nuclear Cardiology, Jean Minjoz University
Hospital, Besançon, France
2Lab Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, University of Franche-Comte,
Faculty of Medicine, Besançon, France
M3-156 Design and
simulation of micro-SPECT; a high resolution small animal molecular imaging
F. J. Beekman, B. Vastenhouw
Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The
M3-161 Compact CT/SPECT
Small-Animal Imaging System
G. A. Kastis1,2, L. R. Furenlid1,2, D. W. Wilson1,
T. E. Peterson1, H. B. Barber1,2, H. H. Barrett1,2
1Department of Radiology/Division of Nuclear Medicine, University
of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
M3-166 Performance
Evaluation of MMP-II: A Second Generation Small Animal PET
J. A. Correia, C. A. Burnham, D. Kaufman, A. J. Fischman
Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
M3-171 Comparative Study
of ECAT HRRT and microPET R4 for Animal PET Studies
C. Knoess1,2, M. Lenox3, R. N. Goble4,
S. Siegel4, A. M. Smith4, S. Vollmar1,
A. Winkeler1, A. Jacobs1, G. Fluegge2,
K. Wienhard1, W.-D. Heiss1
1Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany
2III. Physical Institute B, RWTH Aachen, Germany
3CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
4Concorde Microsystems Inc., Knoxville, TN
M3-176 Development of an
Ultra High Resolution SPECT with Pinhole Collimator and PSPMT for Small Animal
T. Y. Song, Y. Choi, J. H. Jung, Y. H. Chung, Y. S. Choe, K.-H. Lee,
S. E. Kim, B.-T. Kim
Nuclear Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
M3-181 Design and
Construction of a Small Animal PET Prototype
G. Tzanakos1, G. Kontaxakis1, M. Nikolaou2,
G. Panayotakis2, S. Pavlopoulos3, M. Skiadas1,
G. Spyrou1, T. Thireou3
1Physics Dept. / Div. Nucl. & Particle Physics, University of
Athens, 15771 Athens, Greece
2Medical Physics, University of Patras, 26500 Patras, Greece
3Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, National Technical University of
Athens, 15773 Athens, Greece
M3-186 Implementation of
a single scatter simulation algorithm for 3D PET: application to emission and
transmission scanning
R. Accorsi1, L.-E. Adam2, J. S. Karp2
1Division of Nuclear Medicine, The Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
2Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
M3-191 Phantom Studies
Investigating Extravascular Density Imaging for Partial Volume Correction of 3D
PET 18FDG Studies
R. W. Wassenaar1, R. S. B. Beanlands2, R. A. deKemp2
1Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
2Cardiac PET Centre, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa,
J. Tabary, A. Gliere, R. Guillemaud, P. Hugonnard, F. Mathy
DSIS/SSBS, LETI-CEA Direction Recherche Technologique, GRENOBLE, FRANCE
M3-201 Sinogram-based
Motion Correction of PET Images Using Optical Motion Tracking System and
List-mode Data Acquisition
S. K. Woo1,2,3, H. Watabe1, K.-M. Kim1,
Y. Choi2, C. C. Park3, H. Iida1
1Investigative Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center Research
Institute, Japan, Osaka
2Nuclear Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Korea, Seoul
3Computer & Information Communication Engineering, Konkuk University,
Korea, Seoul
M3-206 Statistical
Analysis Tools for Regression Testing of SimSET Output
F. P. Jansen, R. M. Manjeshwar, R. L. Harrison
Imaging Technologies, General Electric Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY
M3-211 Impact of
respiratory motion on the detection of solitary pulmonary nodules with SPECT
imaging of NeoTect
M. S. Smyczynski1, M. A. King1, T. H. Farncombe1,
H. C. Gifford1, W. PAUL. Segars2, B. M.W. Tsui2
1Radiology / Nuclear Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical
Center, Worcester, MA
2Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC
M3-216 Development of
External Fiducial Markers for Co-Registration in Small Animal SPECT/CT Systems
A. E. Sakdinawat1, K. Iwata2, A. B. Hwang3,
K. H. Wong3, B. H. Hasegawa2,3
1Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2Radiology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco,
3Bioengineering Graduate Group, University of California, Berkeley &
San Francisco, Berkeley & San Francisco, CA
M3-221 A New Surface
Parameterization for the DETECT2000 Optical Modeling Program
R. A. Thompson1, F. Cayouette2, J. LeBlanc1,
S. Zelakiewicz1
1Imaging Technology Center, General Electric Global Research,
Niskayuna, NY
2Department of Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal,
M3-226 Age Dependency of
Cortex Values before and after Volume Correction in PET Data
E. Rota Kops, S. Storb, H. Herzog, A. Bauer
Research Center Juelich, Institute of Medicine, Juelich, Germany
M3-231 Potential for High
Performance Scintimammography
L. Zhang1, S. J. Wilderman2, W. L. Rogers1,3,
N. H. Clinthorne3
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Michigan
2Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
3Division of Nuclear Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
M3-236 A Prototype
Modular Detector Design for High Resolution Positron Emission Mammography
N. Zhang1, C. J. Thompson1,2, F. Cayouette1,
K. Q. Nguyen2
1Biomedical Engineering Dept., McGill University, Montreal, QC,
2Montreal Neurological Inst., McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
M3-241 Analysis Of
Position-Dependent Compton Scatter In Scintimammography With Mild Compression
D. Narayanan1, M. B. Williams1, M. J. More1,
S. Majewski2, D. A. Kieper2
1University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
2Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News,
M3-246 Small size X pinch
radiation source for application to phase-contrast x-ray radiography of
biological specimens
B. Song1, S. A. Pikuz2, T. A. Shelkovenko2,
K. M. Chandler1, D. A. Hammer1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca,
2P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia
T. Lei, J. K. Udupa
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
M3-256 Quantitative
Analysis of 3D Coronary Modeling in 3D rotational X-Ray Imaging
B. Movassaghi1,2, V. Rasche1, M. A. Viergever2,
W. Niessen2
1Division Technical Systems, Philips Research Laboratories -
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
2University Hospital Utrecht, Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht,
A. Reznik1, I. M. Blevis1, A. Pansky1,
N. Wainer1, D. Kopelman2, M. Hashmonai3
1General Electric Medical Systems, Waukesha, Wi
2Afula Medical Center, Afula, Israel
3Technion University, Haifa, Israel
M3-266 Simulation of the
output from a Scintillation/photodiode detector using Monte Carlo techniques and
Spice circuit simulation
S. J. McCallum
Bio-Medical Physics and Bio-Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
Session Chair: Tim Turkington Duke, Ramsey Badawi Harvard
M4-1 The Development
of a Compact Positron Tomograph for Prostate Imaging
J. S. Huber, J. Qi, S. E. Derenzo, W. W. Moses, R. H. Huesman, T. F. Budinger
Department for Functional Imaging, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley,
M4-2 NEMA Measurements
on a LSO Panel Detector PET Prototype
M. Conti1, M. E. Andreaco1, K. Baker1,
B. Bendriem1, T. Bruckbauer1, M. E. Casey1,
L. A. Eriksson1,2, T. Gremillion1, J. Hamill1,
W. F. Jones1, C. Melcher1, C. J. Michel1,
C. Moyers1, C. Nahmias1,3, M. J. Schmand1,
R. Nutt1
1CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
2Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
3McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
M4-3 Performance
Measurements of a Pixelated NaI(Tl) PET Scanner
A. E. Perkins1, G. Muehllehner1, S. Surti2,
J. S. Karp2
1Philips Medical Systems, Philadelphia, PA
2Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
M4-4 NEMA NU2-2001
Performance Results for the GE Advance PET system
S. G. Kohlmyer1, C. W. Stearns1, P. E. Kinahan2,
T. K. Lewellen2
1Functional Imaging, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
2Imaging Research Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
M4-5 A comparison of the
clinical performance of BGO and LSO-based PET/CT scanners
D. W. Townsend1, D. Brasse1, J. P. J. Carney1,
J. T. Yap1, T. Blodgett1, C. C. Watson2,
T. Beyer2
1Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
Session Chair: Claude Comtat CEA-SHFJ, Jinyi Qi LBL
M5-1 Comparison
between Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Uniform Spatial Resolution
and Post-Smoothed MLEM
J. Nuyts
Nuclear Medicine, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, Leuven, Belgium
M5-2 Coherent Scatter
X-ray Computed Tomography In Medical Applications
J.-P. Schlomka, A. Harding, G. Harding, U. van Stevendaal, M. Grass
Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany
M5-3 New
Super-Short-Scan Reconstruction Algorithms for Fan-Beam and Cone-Beam Tomography
H. Kudo1, F. Noo2, M. Defrise3,
R. Clackdoyle2
1Information Sciences and Electronics, University of Tsukuba,
Tsukuba, Japan
2Radiology, University of Utah, Salt-Lake-City, Utah
3Nuclear Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
M5-4 MAP Reconstruction
from Spatially Correlated PET Data
A. M. Alessio1, K. Sauer1, C. A. Bouman2
1Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN
2School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
M5-5 3D PET
Reconstruction with FORE and WLS-OS-EM
C. W. Stearns1, J. A. Fessler2
1GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Session Chair: Mike King U. Massachusetts, Robert Harrison U. Washington, Bruce Hasegawa UCSF
H. F. -W. Sadrozinsk1, L. R. Johnson1, B. Keeney1,
R. P. Johnson1, W. Kroeger1, A. Seiden1,
P. Spradlin1, D. C. Williams1, L. Zhang1,
V. Bashkirov2, R. WM. Schulte2, K. Shahnazi2
1SCIPP, Univ. of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
2LLU Medical Center, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
M6-7 A Non-invasive
LSO-APD Blood Radioactivity Monitor for PET Imaging Studies
S. Shokouhi, S. P. Stoll, P. Vaska, C. L. Woody, D. J. Schlyer, B. Yu,
P. O'Connor, V. Radeka, N. Volkow, J. Fowler
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
M6-12 Signal
Characteristics of Individual Crystals in a High Resolution BGO Detector Design
Using PMT-Quadrant Sharing
J. Uribe, W.-H. Wong, H. Li, H. Baghaei, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, T. Xing,
R. Farrell
Nuclear Medicine, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
M6-17 Characterization of
a 14” x 17” Flat Panel Detector Based On Ion Shower Doped a-Si:H P-I-N Diodes
H. J. Kim1, G. Cho1, J. Choi2
1Nuclear and Qunatum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, Daejon, Korea
2AMLCD Division, Samsung Electronics, Yong-in, Korea
W. C. Barber1, K. Iwata1, B. H. Hasegawa1,
G. Entine2, K. S. Shah2, P. R. Bennett2,
L. Cirignano2
1Department of Radiology, University of California at San
Francisco, San Francisco, USA
2Radiation Monitoring Devices, Watertown, USA
M6-27 Performance of a
PET detector with a 256ch Flat Panel PS-PMT
N. Inadama1, H. Murayama1, M. Watanabe2,
T. Ohmura2, T. Yamashita2, H. Kawai3,
T. Umehara3, T. Kasahara3, N. Orita3, T. Tsuda3
1Department of Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological
Sciences, Chiba, JAPAN
2Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Shizuoka, JAPAN
3Dpartment of Physics, Chiba University, Chiba, JAPAN
M6-32 MPRS : Medipix2
Parallel Readout System for Angiography Digital Imaging.
V. Fanti, R. Marzeddu, P. Randaccio
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' e sezione dell'INFN di Cagliari, Cagliari,
M6-37 Evaluation of
Maximum-Likelihood Position Estimation with Poisson and Gaussian Noise Models in
a Small Gamma Camera
Y. H. Chung1, Y. Choi2, T. Y. Song2,
J. H. Jung2, G. Cho1
1Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST, Teajon, KOREA
2Nuclear Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
M6-42 Continuous bed
motion acquisition on a whole body combined PET/CT system
D. Brasse1, D. F. Newport2,3, J. P. J. Carney1,
J. T. Yap1, C. Reynolds4, J. Reed4, J. Bao4,
P. Luk4, C. J. Michel4, D. W. Townsend1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
3Concorde Microsystems, Knoxville, TN
4CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M6-47 Coincidence Time
Alignment of High Resolution Planar Detectors
M. W. Lenox1, Z. Burbar1, T. Gremillion1,
J. W. Young1, C. Knoess2
1CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
2MPI, Cologne, Germany
M6-52 A Modular Low
Dead-time Coincidence System For High Resolution PET Scanner
Y. Wang, H. Li, Y. Liu, T. Xing, J. Uribe, H. Baghaei, W.-H. Wong
Nuclear Medicine, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
M6-57 Effect of depth of
interaction decoding on resolution in PET: a simulation study
V. Astakhov1, V. Sossi1, P. Gumplinger2,
C. Moisan3, T. J. Ruth2
1Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
2Triumf, Vancouver, Canada
3Electrical and Computer Engineering, Laval University, Quebec City,
M6-62 Performance of List
mode Data Acquisition with ECAT EXACT HR Positron Emission Scanner
H. Watabe1, S. K. Woo2, K.-M. Kim1,
H. Iida1
1Department of Investigative Radiology, National Cardiovascular
Center Research Institute, Suita, Japan
2Department of Computer& Information Communication Engineering,
Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
M6-67 Component-based
Normalization for Panel Detector PET Scanner
M. Conti, J. Hamill, W. K. Luk
CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M6-72 A New Approach for
Image Reconstruction with Improved Resolution and Noise Properties in Half-scan
Fan-beam CT
L. Yu, X. Pan
Department of Radiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
M6-77 Preliminary
Investigation of a Novel Reconstruction Algorithm Based upon the Potato Peeler
E. Y. Sidky, X. Pan
Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
M6-82 Covariance shaping
tomographic reconstruction algorithm
J. S. Maltz
Nuclear Medicine and Functional Imaging, Berkeley Lab, University of
California, Berkeley, CA
M6-87 Sparse Object
Reconstruction from a Limited Number of Projections Using the Linear Programming
M. Li, H. Kudo
Information Sciences and Electronics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
M6-92 3D OSEM Using
Planogram Coordinates
D. Brasse1, P. E. Kinahan2, M. Defrise3,
R. Clackdoyle4, C. J. Michel5, C. D. Comtat6
1Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
3Division of Nuclear Medicine, Free University of Brussels, VUB-AZ,
Brussels, Belgium
4Department of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
5CPS Innovations Inc., Knoxville, TN
6SHFJ, CEA, Orsay, France
M6-97 Improving Large
Angle Cone Beam CT Image Reconstruction With Practical Supplemental Information
K. C. Tam1, H. Bruder2, K. Stierstorfer2,
T. Flohr2, K. Sourbelle3, A. Khamene1
1Imaging and Visualization, Siemens Corporate Research, Inc.,
Princeton, NJ
2Medical Solutions, Siemens AG, Forchheim, Germany
3Institute of Medical Physics, University of Erlangen, Erlangen,
M6-102 Simple Conebeam
Backprojection for Robust Arterial Tree Skeletonization in 3D Micro-CT
C. C. Hanger1, S. T. Haworth2,3, R. C. Molthen2,
C. A. Dawson2,3, R. H. Johnson3
1Department of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI
2Department of Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University,
Milwaukee, WI
M6-107 3D Image
Reconstruction of CT-data using the ITEM algorithm
J. R. Durst, J. CH. Pauli, G. Anton
Physikalisches Institut Abt. 4, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen,
M6-112 Helical cone beam
algorithm for large cone angles with minimal overscan
J. Hu, R. Johnson
Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
M6-117 Optimization of
acquisition energy windows in simultaneous Tc-99m/I-123 brain SPECT
Y. Du1, E. C. Frey1,2, W. T. Wang1, B. M.W. Tsui1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
2Department of Radiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
M6-122 Evaluation of the
Impact of 4D Reconstruction Algorithms in QuantitativeDynamic SPECT
M. V. Narayanan, R. Licho, T. H. Farncombe, P. H. Pretorius, M. A. King
Div. of Nuclear Medicine, Univ. of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester,
M6-127 A Study of the
Effects of Center-of-Rotation Errors on SPECT Imaging
C. Bai, L. Shao
Advanced Medical Imaging Technology, Philips Nuclear Medicine, Milpitas, CA
95035, USA
M6-132 Combined Cone-Beam
and Parallel-Beam Approach to SPECT
A. Krol1, R. B. Salgado1, D. H. Feiglin1,
I. Echeruo2, D. A. Karczewski1, F. D. Thomas1,
E. D. Lipson3, A. U. Bordikar2, I. L. Coman2
1Department of Radiology, SUNY Upstate Medical University,
Syracuse, NY
2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse
University, Syracuse, NY
3Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
M6-137 Assessment of
Scatter Compensation Strategies for Ga-67 Tumor SPECT Using Channelized
Hotelling Observers and Human LROC Studies
T. H. Farncombe1, H. C. Gifford1, M. V. Narayanan1,
P. H. Pretorius1, E. C. Frey2, M. A. King1
1Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical
School, Worcester, MA
2Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC
M6-142 Channelized
Hotelling Observer Performance for Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction
J. A. Fessler, A. Yendiki
EECS Department, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
M6-147 Observer Study of
MAP-EM Regularization Methods with Anatomical Priors for Lesion Detection in
Ga-67 Images
P. P. Bruyant1, H. C. Gifford1, G. Gindi2,
M. A. King1
1Nuclear Medicine, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA
2Radiology, University of New York, Stony Brook, NY
M6-152 Image Quality of
the Medipix Pixel Detector: Detective Quantum Efficiency
D. W. Davidson1, J. Watt1, L. Tlustos2,
B. Mikulec2, M. Campbell2, K. Mathieson1,
V. O'Shea1, K. M. Smith1, M. Rahman1
1Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
2EP Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
M6-157 Development of a
LSO based Quality Check Procedure for the microPET Animal Scanner
C. Knoess1, S. Siegel2, D. F. Newport2,
R. N. Goble2, K. Wienhard1, W.-D. Heiss1
1Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany
2Concorde Microsystems Inc., Knoxville, TN
M6-162 A-PET: A High
Sensitivity Animal PET Camera
S. Surti1, J. S. Karp1, R. Freifelder1,
A. E. Perkins2, G. Muehllehner2
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2PET Imaging Group, Philips Medical Systems, Philadelphia, PA
Coded Aperture Laboratory Animal SPECT System for Pre Clinical Imaging
S. R. Meikle1, R. Wojcik2, A. G. Weisenberger2,
M. F. Smith2, S. Majewski2, P. Kench3, S. Eberl1,
R. R. Fulton1, M. Lerch4, A. B. Rosenfeld4
1Dept of PET & Nuclear Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,
Sydney, Australia
2Detector Group, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility,
Newport News, VA
3School of Medical Radiation Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney,
4Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong,
Wollongong, Australia
M6-172 Development of a
Data Acquisiton for the MiCE Small Animal PET Scanner
T. K. Lewellen, C. M. Laymon, R. S. Miyaoka, M. Janes, K.-S. Lee, P. E. Kinahan
Nuclear Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
M6-177 Development of the
ASR-PET For Small Animal Imaging
M. L. Jan, H. C. Liang, S. W. Huang, J. S. Tang, C. C. Pei, J. Wu, C. K. Yeh
Physices Division, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan, R.O.C.
M6-182 Scatter
restoration in small animal PET imaging
M. Bentourkia, L. Cheriet, J. Cadorette
University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada
M6-187 Impact of
different realignment algorithms on the SPM analysis of [11C]Raclopride PET
M. Zamburlini1, V. Sossi2,
R. de la Fuente-Fernandez3, J. Stoessl3, T. J. Ruth1
1TRIUMF,University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CANADA
2Physics and Astronomy Dept., University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, CANADA
3Pasific Parkinson's Disease Center, Vancouver, CANADA
M6-192 Evaluation of
Antihistamine Drugs by Human [11C]Doxepin Dynamic PET Studies with Parametric
Image Approach
Y. Zhou1, S. J. Offord2, A. S. Dogan1,
D. F. Wong1
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287
2New Products CNS/ID, Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bridgewater, NJ
M6-197 A Novel Method of
Hybridizing Biomedical Images from Different Modalities
W.-H. Liao1, C.-L. Yu2, L. Vese3,
M. Bergsneider4, S.-C. Huang2
1Department of Biomathematics, UCLA School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, CA
2Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA School of
Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
3Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
4Brain Injury Research Center, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles,
T. Lei, J. K. Udupa
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
M6-207 Combining PET and
CT: Effect on Volume Measurements
C. Schiepers1,2, M. Brown2, S. Rogers2,
M. F. McNitt-Gray2, M. E. Phelps1, M. Dahlbom1
1Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, CA
2Radiological Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
U. K. Pietrzyk, A. Bauer, K. Zilles
Institute of Medicine - FZ Juelich, Juelich, Germany
M6-217 Validation of a
PET Monte-Carlo Simulator with Randoms and Dead Time Modeling
L. Le Meunier1, F. Mathy1, D. Fagret2
1DSIS/SSBS, CEA/LETI, Grenoble, France
2Biophysics Department, Grenoble Medical Center, Grenoble, France
M6-222 Simulating
respiratory motion in whole-body PET oncology imaging with the MCAT phantom
R. A. Isoardi1, C. D. Comtat2, V. Frouin2,
T. Delzescaux2, R. Trebossen2
1Escuela de Medicina Nuclear - CNEA, Mendoza, Argentina
2Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, French Atomic Energy
Commission, Orsay, France
M6-227 Simulation Study
of Noise Property of CMRO2 Quantitation Methods with Inhalation of 15O2
N. Kudomi1, H. Watabe1, K.-M. Kim1,
M. Shidahara1, Y. Miyake2, K. Hayashida2,
N. Oka2, M. Sago2, Y. Ishida2, T. Hayashi1,
H. Iida1
1Investigation of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center -
Research Institute, Suita, Japan
2Department of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center - Research
Institute, Suita, Japan
M6-232 Investigations of
CPA Orbit Variants with a Dedicated Emission Mammotomograph
C. N. Archer1,2, M. P. Tornai1,2, J. E. Bowsher1
1Dept. of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
2Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC
M6-237 X-ray Stereotactic
Lesion Localization in Conjunction With Dedicated Scintimammography
M. J. More1, M. B. Williams1, D. Narayanan1,
S. Majewski2, D. A. Kieper2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charolettesville,
2Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News,
I. N. Weinberg1, P. Y. Stepanov1, D. Beylin1,
V. Zavarzin1, S. Yarnall1, K. Lauckner2,
E. Anashkin1, M. Doss3, W. Peter1, R. Pani4,
L. P. Adler3
1PEM Technologies, Inc., Bethesda, MD
2Scientific Consulting Group, Freiburg, Germany
3Department of Radiology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
4Department of Experimental Medicine, University La Sapienza, Rome,
M6-247 Planar Radiography
Comparing Tailored to Standard X-ray Spectra to Image Phantoms Filled with
Iodine- and Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents
M. J. Bonvento1,2, F. A. Dilmanian1, R. Yakupov1,
H. L. Atkins1, T. Bacarian1, T. M. Button2,
L. Rigon3, N. Zhong1, Z. Zhong4, H. J. Weinmann5
1Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
2Department of Radiology, State University of New York, Stony Brook,
3Physics Department, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
4National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Upton, NY
5Department of Imaging Technologies and Preclinical Contrast Media
Research, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany
M6-252 An Examination of
the Statistical Reliability and Prognostic Potential of a Measure of 3-D Spatial
Heterogeneity Developed for Volumetric PET Images of Human Sarcomas
F. O'Sullivan1,2, J. O'Sullivan1, S. Roy1,
J. Eary2, C. Vernon2
1Statistics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
2Division of Nuclear Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
M6-257 A
Hotlink/Networked PC Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction System for a High
Resolution Whole-Body PET with Breath or ECG-Gated Performance
H. Li, T. Xing, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, H. Baghaei, J. Uribe, W.-H. Wong
Nuclear Medicine, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
M6-262 Dose Planning for
a Prostate Cancer with a Three-dimensional Image
Y. Noda1, K. Ogawa1, Y. Nyui2
1Faculty of Engineering, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
2Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
Session Chair: Steve Glick U. Massachusetts, Chris Thompson MNI, Larry Zeng U. Utah
M7-3 An Efficient
Detector Production Method for Position-Sensitive Scintillation Detector Arrays
with 99% Detector Packing Fraction
J. Uribe, W.-H. Wong, H. Li, H. Baghaei, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, T. Xing,
R. Farrell
Nuclear Medicine, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
M7-8 Detector
Identification through Light Separation for Miniature Imaging Probe
M. Janecek1, E. J. Hoffman1, B. E. Patt2,
J. S. Iwanczyk2, L. R. MacDonald2, Y. Yamaguchi2
1UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
2Photon Imaging, Inc., Northridge, CA
M7-13 A Programmable
High-resolution Ultra Fast Delay Generator
Y. Liu, H. Li, Y. Wang, T. Xing, J. Uribe, H. Baghaei, W.-H. Wong
Nuclear Medicine, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
M7-18 A 64-pixel
Positron-Sensitive Surgical Probe
F. Liu1, J. R. Saffer2, F. M. Newcomer3,
J. S. Karp2, N. S. Lockyer3, W. Kononenko3
1Depts. of Physics and Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA
2Dept. of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
3Dept. of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
M7-23 Triple GEM
Structure for Medical Imaging
E. N. Tsyganov, P. Antich, A. Buzulutskov, R. Parkey, S. Selunin, N. Slavin,
E. Richer, T. Nguyen
Radiology Dept., The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at
Dallas, Dallas, Texas
M7-28 Monte-Carlo
Simulation Using DETECT2000 of a Multi-Layered Scintillation Block and Fit to
Experimental Data
F. Cayouette1,2, N. Zhang1,2, C. J. Thompson2
1Biomedical Engineering Department, McGill University, Montreal,
2Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
M7-33 Gamma Cameras for
Intra-operative Localization of Sentinel Nodes: Technical Requirements
Identified Through Operating Room Experience
J. N. Aarsvold1,2, R. A. Mintzer1, C. Greene3,
S. F. Grant2, T. M. Styblo4, D. R. Murray4,
N. P. Alazraki1,2, R. K. Halkar1,2, L. R. MacDonald5,
J. S. Iwanczyk5, B. E. Patt5
1Department of Radiology/Division of Nuclear Medicine, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA
2Nuclear Medicine Service, Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Decatur, GA
3Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering/Nuclear and Radiological
Engineering and Health Physics Programs, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA
4Department of Surgery, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
5Gamma Medica Division, Photon Imaging, Inc., Northridge, CA
S. Surti1, J. S. Karp1, G. Muehllehner2,
P. S. Raby3
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2PET Imaging Group, Philips Medical Systems, Philadelphia, PA
3Nuclear Medicine Products Group, Saint-Gobain Crystals & Detectors,
Newbury, OH
M7-43 Count-rate
dependent event mispositioning and NEC in PET
R. D. Badawi1, P. Domigan2, O. Johnson2,
H. Kudrolli2, R. Rohatgi2, L. V. Romanov2,
W. A. Worstell2, R. E. Zimmerman3
1Division of Nuclear Medicine, Dana Farber Cancer Institute,
Boston, MA
2PhotoDetection Systems, Acton, MA
3Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
M7-48 A Novel
Linear-Non-Linear Model for the Conversion from CT Numbers to Linear Attenuation
C. Bai, L. Shao, A. J. Da Silva
Advanced Medical Imaging Technology, Philips -- ADAC, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA
M7-53 The potential of
in-beam positron-emission-tomography for proton therapy monitoring: first
phantom experiments
K. Parodi1, W. Enghardt1, T. Haberer2
1Nuclear and Hadron Physics, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V.,
Dresden, Germany
2Biophysics, Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt,
M7-58 Implementation of
Spiral PET on Cameras with Rotating Planar Detectors
M. A. Flower1, K. Erlandsson2, A. Divoli1,
N. Evans1, P. Collins1, R. Symonds-Tayler1,
R. J. Ott1
1Joint Department of Physics, Institute of Cancer Research & Royal
Marsden NHS Trust, Sutton, UK
2Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College London & Middlesex
Hospital, London, UK
M7-63 Correction methods
for missing data in sinograms of the HRRT PET scanner
H. W. A. M. de Jong1, R. Boellaard1, C. Knoess2,
M. Lenox3, C. J. Michel3, M. E. Casey3,
A. A. Lammertsma1
1PET centre, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the
2PET centre, Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Reseach, Cologne,
3CTI Pet Systems, Knoxville, TN
M7-68 Simulation study of
a PET scanner based on BaF2 and multi-wire proportional chambers, PETRRA
A. Divoli, D. Binnie, M. A. Flower, R. J. Ott
Nuclear Medicine department, Institute of Cancer Research, Surrey, UK
J. G. Brankov, N. P. Galatsanos, Y. Yang, M. N. Wernick
ECE, Illinois Institue of Technology, Chicago, IL
M7-78 Evaluation of
Helical Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction Algorithms
T. Koehler1, C. Bontus1, K. Brown2,
D. J. Heuscher2, M. Grass1, G. Shechter3,
R. Proksa1
1Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany
2Philips Medical Systems, Cleveland, Ohio
3Philips Medical Systems, Haifa, Israel
M7-83 EM Algorithm
Resolution Modeling by Image-Space Convolution for PET Reconstruction
A. J. Reader1, P. J. Julyan2, H. Williams1,
D. L. Hastings2, J. Zweit1
1Dept. Instrumentation & Analytical Science, University of
Manchester Institute of Science & Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK
2Nuclear Medicine, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Manchester, UK
M7-88 DOI-PET image
reconstruction with accurate system model reducing redundancy of imaging system
T. Yamaya1,2, T. Obi1, M. Yamaguchi1,
K. Kita1, N. Ohyama3, K. Kitamura4, T. Hasegawa5,
H. Haneishi6, H. Murayama2
1Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratry, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Yokohama, Japan
2Devision of Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological
Sciences, Chiba, Japan
3Frontier Collaborative Research Center, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Yokohama, Japan
4Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
5School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University, Sagamihara,
6Department of Information and Image Sciences, Chiba University,
Chiba, Japan
versus OSEM3D reconstruction for large aperture rotating LSO panel detector PET
C. J. Michel1, J. Hamill1, V. Y. Panin1,
M. Conti1, J. Jones1, F. Kehren1, M. E. Casey1,
B. Bendriem1, L. G. Byars2, M. Defrise3
1CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
2Byars Consulting, Oak Ridge, TN
3AZ-VUB, Brussels, Belgium
M7-98 Analytical
Reconstruction for Multi-Segment Slant Hole SPECT
G. Bal, R. Clackdoyle, G. LAWRENCE. Zeng, F. Noo, H. Bal
Radiology, University of Utah, SLC, Utah
M7-103 Geometrical
Similarities of the Orlov and Tuy Sampling Criteria and a Numerical Algorithm
for Assessing Sampling Completeness
S. D. Metzler, J. E. Bowsher, R. J. Jaszczak
Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
M7-108 Maximum a
Posteriori (MAP) algorithm with iterative statistical regularization
N. Denisova
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Novosibirsk, Russia
M7-113 Attenuation Map
Reconstruction From Emission and Transmission SPECT Data
K. Erlandsson1, W. A. Waddington1, I. D. Cullum1,
G. Davies1, L. S. Pilowsky2
1Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College London, London,
2Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London, UK
M7-118 Maximum Area
Sampling Scheme for SOLSTICE Rotating Slat Collimator System
J. J. Griesmer, J. D. Radachy, K. Mantey, J. M. Hayes, D. Gagnon
Nuclear Medicine, Philips Medical Systems Inc., Cleveland, USA
M7-123 Feasibility Study
of a Compton Scattering Enhanced Multiple Pinhole Imager for Nuclear Medicine
L. J. Meng, W. L. Rogers, N. H. Clinthorne
Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
M7-128 Fast Monte Carlo
Simulation Method for Medium- and High-Energy SPECT
B. M.W. Tsui1,2, Y. Du1, W. P. Segars1,
X. Zhao1, E. C. Frey1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
2Radiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
M7-133 Determination of
Attenuation Maps Using a Ba-133 Source and Medium Energy Collimators in SPECT
J. Feng, B. C. Penney, X. Pan
Dept. of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
M7-138 A Comparison of
Planar versus Volumetric Numerical Observers for Detection Task Performance in
Whole-body PET Imaging
P. E. Kinahan1, J.-S. Kim1, C. Lartizien2,
C. D. Comtat3, T. K. Lewellen1
1Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2Hopital Neurologique, CERMEP, Lyon, France
3Dept. of Medical Research, SHFJ, CEA, Orsay, France
M7-143 Comparison of
Multi-slice CHO-HO Models and Human Observers in Defect Detection with SPECT
Myocardial Images
M. Chen1, J. E. Bowsher2, A. H. Baydush1,2,
R. J. Jaszczak1,2
1Biomedical Engineering Department, Duke University, Durham, NC
2Radiology Department, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
M7-148 Tuning Tool for
Image Quality Optimization of a Hybrid Si Pixel Detector
L. del Risco Norrlid1, F. Edling1, C. Rönnqvist2,
K. Fransson1, R. Brenner1, L. Gustafsson1,
N. Bingefors1, S. Kullander1
1Radiation Science Department., Uppsala University, Uppsala,
2IBA, Uppsala, Sweden
M7-153 Head and Neck
Multimodality Volume Visualization Methods
M. Sibomana1, J.-F. Daisne2, A. Bol1,
M. Lonneux3, V. Gregoire2, C. Michel1
1PET Laboratory, UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
2Radiation Oncology, UCL St-Luc Hospital, Brussels, Belgium
3Nuclear Medicine, UCL St-Luc Hospital, Brussels, Belgium
R. S. Miyaoka, C. M. Laymon, M. Janes, K. Lee, P. E. Kinahan, T. K. Lewellen
Radiology/Nuclear Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
M7-163 Investigation of a
Compact DOI-PET System for Small Animal Imaging
C.-M. Kao, C.-T. Chen
Radiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
M7-168 A Study of Image
Quality and Dose vs. x-ray Beam Spectrum in Small
A. L. Goertzen1,2, P. L. Chow1, A. F. Chatziioannou1,
S. R. Cherry2
1Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2Department of Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis, Davis, CA
M7-173 Transmission
Imaging and Attenuation Correction for the MicroPET P4 Tomograph
P. L. Chow1, B. Bai2, S. Siegel3,
R. M. Leahy2, A. F. Chatziioannou1
1Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging, University of California,
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
2Signal and Image Processing Institute, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, California
3Concorde Microsystems, Knoxville, Tennessee
M7-178 Gantry
Specifications for a Small Animal Dual Modality Imaging System
A. B. Hwang1, K. Iwata2, A. E. Sakdinawat3,
M. C. Wu3, B. H. Hasegawa3,4
1Bioengineering Graduate Group, UC Berkeley / UCSF, Berkeley, CA
2Department of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
3Department of Radiology, UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
4Department of Nuclear Engineering, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
M7-183 Monte Carlo Based
Down-Scatter Correction of SPECT attenuation maps
B. Vastenhouw, F. J. Beekman, H. W. A. M. de Jong, P. P. van Rijk
Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
M7-188 The Effects of
Resolution Recovery on Estimation of Binding Potential from Brain SPECT Images
M. F. Kijewski1, G. El Fakhri1, A. J. Fischman2,
S. P. Mueller1,3, S. C. Moore1
1Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA
2Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA
3Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany
J. Chen1, J. R. Galt2, J. D. Valentine1,
T. L. Faber2, E. V. Garcia2
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
2School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
M7-198 Implementation of
Statistical Clustering for Voxel-based Kinetic Analysis in PET
Y. Kimura1, N. Yasuhiro2, K. Ishii1,
K. Oda1, K. Ishiwata1
1Positron Medical Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of
Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan
2School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
M7-203 GATE, a
Geant4-based simulation platform for PET integrating movement and time
G. Santin1, D. Strul1, D. Lazaro2,
V. Breton2, C. Morel1
1Institute of High Energy Physics, University of Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland
2LPC, IN2P3-CNRS, Clermont-Ferrand, France
M7-208 Frame
misalignement-induced errors in PET studies: an investigation on strategies for
S. Sechet, A. Reilhac, R. Gunn, A. Evans, A. Dagher
McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal, Canada
M7-213 Experimental
versions of voxel-based computer phantoms based on images printed with
radioactive ink
H. H. El-Ali, M. H. Ljungberg, S.-E. Strand
Dept Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
M7-218 MIDSS: a Medical
Imaging Detector Simulation Suite using GEANT4 and DETECT2000
R. A. Thompson1, E. Cesmeli1, D. L. McDaniel2,
S. Zelakiewicz1
1General Electric Global Research, Niskayuna, NY
2General Electric Medical Systems, Waukesha, Wi
M7-223 Estimation of
Input Function for Rapid Dual Table ARG Method
N. Kudomi1, H. Watabe1, K.-M. Kim1,
K. Hayashida2, T. Hayashi1, H. Iida1
1Investigation of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center -
Research Institute, Suita, Japan
2Department of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center, Suita,
M7-228 Noise Reduction of
Parametric Images of Myocardial Blood Flow by Filtering H215O Dynamic PET Images
Using Wavelet Transform
S. H. Chung1,2, J. S. Lee1, D. S. Lee1,
K. S. Park1,2
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College
of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Seoul National University
College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
M7-233 Development of the
LBNL Positron Emission Mammography Camera
J. S. Huber, W.-S. Choong, J. Wang, J. S. Maltz, M. Pedrali-Noy, E. Mandelli,
W. W. Moses
Department for Functional Imaging, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley,
D. A. Kieper1, S. Majewski2, V. Popov2,
R. Wojcik2, B. L. Welch2, M. B. Williams3
1Department of Physics, Center for Advanced Medical
Instrumentation, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia
2Detector Group, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, Virginia
3Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charolettesville,
M7-243 Automated
Alignment of 2D Serial Images for 3D Reconstruction of Biological Structures
H.-H. Wen1, C.-M. Kao2, W.-C. Lin1,
C.-T. Chen2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northwestern University,
Evanston, USA
2Radiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
M7-248 Error Analysis in
Crystal Irradiation Image Processes
N. Zhang1, C. J. Thompson1,2, F. Cayouette1,
K. Q. Nguyen2
1Biomedical Engineering Dept., McGill University, Montreal, QC,
2Montreal Neurological Inst., McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
M7-253 Development and
Evaluation of Physical properties for Digital intra-oral Radiographic System
S.-I. Hong1, H.-J. Kim1,2,3, H. Jung2,3,
K.-D. Kim4, S.-G. So5, J. H. Kim5, H. S. Yoo2,3
1BK21 Project for Medical Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul,
2Research Institute of Radiological Science, Yonsei University
College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Radiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine,
Seoul, Korea
4Department of Dental Radiology, Yonsei University College of
Dentistry, Seoul, Korea
5Institute for Radiation Instrument, SeYoung NDC, Ltd., Seoul, Korea
M7-258 Accuracy and
Repeatability in Volumetric Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis Using Multispectral
MR Images
L. Li1, H. Lu1, X. Li1, W. Huang1,
C. Christodoulou2, L. Krupp2, Z. Liang1
1Radiology Dept., State University of New York at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, US
2Neurology Dept., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony
Brook, US
Session Chair: Eric Frey Johns Hopkins, Chuanyong Bai Phillips
M8-1 Use of SOLSTICE
Rotating-Slat Solid-State Camera for Small Animal Imaging
D. Gagnon1, M. S. Penn2, D. Lee2,
J.-L. Urbain3, C.-H. Tung1, K. Barry1,
P. J. Bender1, D. L. Mercer1, J. J. Griesmer1
1Nuclear Medicine, Philips Medical Systems Inc., Cleveland, USA
2Cardiovascular Medicine and Cell Biology, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, USA
3Molecular and Functional Imaging, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Cleveland, USA
M8-2 Validation and
Evaluation of Model-based Crosstalk Compensation in Simultaneous Tc-99m Stress
and Tl-201 Rest Myocardial Perfusion SPECT
X. Song1, E. C. Frey1,2, W. T. Wang1,
Y. Du1, B. M.W. Tsui1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, U.S.
2Department of Radiology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, U.S.
Second-Generation High-Resolution Dynamic SPECT Imager
L. R. Furenlid1, D. W. Wilson1, P. J. Pietraski2,
H. K. Kim1, Y.-C. Chen1, H. H. Barrett1
1Center for Gamma-ray Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2Interdigital Communications Corporation, Melviille, NY
J. G. Brankov1, Y. Yang1, M. V. Narayanan2,
M. N. Wernick1
1ECE, Illinois Institue of Technology, Chicago, IL
2Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical
Center, Worcester, MA
M8-5 Comparison of
Detection of Perfusion Defects in SPECT for Different Reconstruction Strategies
Using Polar Map Quantitation
P. H. Pretorius, M. V. Narayanan, S. T. Dahlberg, M. A. King
Nuclear Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
Session Chair: Howard Giffford U. Massachusetts, Carole Lartizien CERMEP
M9-1 Optimal
Parallel-Hole Collimation for Lesion Detection and Activity Estimation in Ga-67
S. C. Moore, M. F. Kijewski, G. El Fakhri
Department of Radiology, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
M9-2 Comparison of NECR
and Subjective Image Quality Measures in Whole-Body PET Imaging
S. D. Wollenweber, S. G. Kohlmyer, C. W. Stearns
Functional Imaging Engineering, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
M9-3 Ga-67 Tumor
Detection using Penalized-EM with Nonanatomical Regularizers
H. C. Gifford, M. A. King
nuclear medicine, Univ Mass Medical School, Worcester, MA
M9-4 Impact of
Acquisition Geometry and Patient Habitus on Tumor Detectability in Whole-Body
FDG-PET: A Channelized Hotelling Observer Study
G. El Fakhri1, R. D. Badawi2, P. A. Santos1,3,
S. C. Moore1, A. D. Van den Abbele2, M. F. Kijewski1
1Radiology Department, Harvard Medical School and Brigham &
Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
2Radiology Department, Harvard Medical School and Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, MA
3Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
M9-5 Evaluation of
Clinical PET Count Rate Performance
C. C. Watson1, M. E. Casey1, T. Beyer1,
D. W. Townsend2, D. Brasse2
1CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
2Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Session Chair: Glenn Wells LHRI, Margaret Daube-Witherspoon U. Pennsylvania, Christian Michel CPS Inc.
M10-4 Position
Sensitive APDs for Small Animal PET Imaging
K. S. Shah1, R. Grazioso1, R. Farrell1,
J. Glodo1, S. R. Cherry2
1Research, RMD, Watertown, MA
22Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California,
Davis, Sacramento, CA
M10-9 Comparison Of
Resolution, DOI And Sensitivity Of APD Based PET Detector Modules Based On Light
Sharing Schemes And Individual Readout
P. Bruyndonckx1, A. Fremout1, S. Leonard1,
J. Liu1, D. Wisniewski1, S. Tavernier1,
A. Fyodorov2
1IIHE, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
2Institute of Nuclear Problems, Minsk, Belarus
M10-14 Multi-element
Linear Array of Silicon Detectors for Imaging Beta Emitting Compounds in the
Coronary Arteries
M. Janecek1, E. J. Hoffman1, C. R. Tull2,
J. S. Iwanczyk2, B. E. Patt2, E. V. Volkhonskaya2,
L. R. MacDonald2
1UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
2Photon Imaging, Inc., Northridge, CA
M10-19 Comparison of
Typical Scintillators for PET
N. K. Doshi, C. W. Williams, M. E. Andreaco, M. D. Loope, L. A. Eriksson,
C. L. Melcher, M. J. Schmand
CPS Innovations, Inc., Knoxville, TN
M10-24 First test of
liquid Xe scintillation detector for PET
F. Nishikido1, T. Doke1, J. Kikuchi1,
M. Yamamoto2, T. Mori3, K. Takizawa1
1Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
2National Institute of Radiological Science, Chiba, Japan
3University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
M10-29 Basic study on
pulse height distribution of DOI detectors constructed of stacked crystal
T. Umehara1, H. Murayama2, T. Omura3,
H. Ishibashi4, H. Kawai1, N. Inadama3,
T. Kasahara1, N. Orita1, T. Tsuda1
1Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
2National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan
3Hamamatsu Photonics K.K, Chiba, Japan
4Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd., Tsukuba, Japan
M10-34 Scintillation
properties of Lu(2-x)YxSiO5:Ce crystals
T. Kimble1, M. Chou1, L. Chow2, B. Chai1
1Crystal Photonics Inc (CPI), Sanford, FL
2Physics Department, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
M10-39 PET Imaging with
Germanium Strip Detectors
B. F. Phlips1, E. A. Wulf1,2, R. A. Kroeger1,
J. D. Kurfess1, W. NEIL. Johnson1
1Code 7650, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
2National Research Council Fellow, Washington, DC
M10-44 CT-based
Attenuation Correction for PET/CT Scanners in the Presence of Contrast Agent
J. P. J. Carney1, T. Beyer2, D. Brasse1,
J. T. Yap1, D. W. Townsend1
1Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M10-49 Evaluation of
Depth of Interaction (DOI) for the High Resolution Research Tomograph (HRRT) -
Comparison between Scanners with and without DOI
C. Knoess1,2, R. Boellaard3, M. Lenox4,
S. Vollmar1, M. E. Casey4, G. Fluegge2,
A. A. Lammertsma3, K. Wienhard1, W.-D. Heiss1
1Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany
2III. Physical Institute B, RWTH Aachen, Germany
3VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands
4CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M10-54 Improvement of the
depth of interaction detector for PET on full energy pulse height uniformity
T. Kasahara1, H. Murayama2, T. Omura3,
T. Yamashita3, H. Ishibashi4, H. Kawai1,
N. Inadama2, T. Umehara1, N. Orita1, T. Tsuda1
1Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
2National Institute of Radiological Science, Chiba, Japan
3Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Shizuoka, JAPAN
4Hitachi Chemical Co.,Ltd., Ibaraki, Japan
M10-59 A comparison of
count rate performance in 15O-water blood flow studies in the CTI/Siemens HR+
and Accel tomographs in 3D mode
T. J. Spinks1, P. M. Bloomfield1,2
1Imaging Research Solutions Limited, London, UK
2Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada
M10-64 NEMA Evaluation of
B. J. Pichler1, S. D. Miller2, T. Bruckbauer2,
B. Bendriem2, M. Schwaiger1, R. Nutt2,
S. I. Ziegler1
1Nuklearmedizinische Klinik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
Munich, Germany
2CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M10-69 Optimisation of
source geometry and acquisition mode for flood images to be used for
non-uniformity corrections on large area detectors.
A. Divoli1, N. Evans1, K. Erlandsson2,
M. A. Flower1, R. J. Ott1
1Royal Marsden Hospital, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, UK
2University College London, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, London, UK
M10-74 Improved 2D
rebinning of helical cone-beam CT data using John's equation
M. Defrise1, F. Noo2, H. Kudo3
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
Brussels, Belgium
2Department of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
3Institute of Electronics and Information Sciences, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
M10-79 Fully 3D Uniform
Resolution Transmission microPET Image Reconstruction
B. Bai1, P. L. Chow2, A. F. Chatziioannou2,
R. M. Leahy1
1Signal and Image Processing Institute, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, California
2Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging, University of California, Los
Angeles, California
M10-84 Improved Flow
Reconstruction in 3D Rotational Angiography (3DRA)
M. Grass1, R. Suurmond2, H. Schmitt3,
S. Heiland3, S. Haehnel3, K. Sartor3
1Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany
2Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands
3University of Heidelberg Medical Center, Heidelberg, Germany
M10-89 Distance-driven
projection and backprojection for computed tomography.
B. De Man, S. Basu
CT Lab, GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY
M10-94 Detection of
Epileptogenic Regions in FDG-PET Using Anatomical Information
K. Baete1, J. Nuyts1, W. Van Paesschen2,
A. Maes1, P. Suetens3, P. Dupont1
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium
2Department of Neurology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven,
3Laboratory for Medical Image Computing, ESAT/PSI, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
M10-99 Analysis of the
parameterization of FORE-WLS Reconstruction in 3D whole-body PET Imaging
S. D. Wollenweber
Functional Imaging Engineering, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
M10-104 Fast Projection
Algorithm for Voxel Arrays with Object Dependent Boundaries
H. Zhao, A. J. Reader
Dept. of Instrumentation and Analytical Science, University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK
M10-109 SPMD
Cluster-based Parallel 3D OSEM
J. P. Jones1, D. F. Newport2, W. F. Jones1,
F. Kehren1, L. G. Byars3, C. J. Michel1,
M. E. Casey1
1CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
2Concorde Microsystems, Knoxville, TN
3Byars Consulting, Oak Ridge, TN
M10-114 Image
Reconstruction with a Hexagonal Grid
A. Yabushita, K. Ogawa
Faculty of Engineering, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
M10-119 PET And SPECT
Performance Evaluation Of The Siemens HD3 E.Camduet®: A 1” Na(I) Hybrid Camera
V. Sossi1, O. Morin2, A. Celler3,
A. S. Belzberg4, T. D. Rempel5, C. Carhart5
1Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
2Engineering Physics, Universite Laval, Quebec City, Canada
3Nuclear Medicine, Vancouver Health and Hospital Sciences Centre,
Vancouver, Canada
4Nuclear Medicine, St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, Canada
5Siemens Medical Systems, Inc., Hoffman Estates, IL
M10-124 Proposing a New
Myocardial SPECT System
K. Ogawa
Faculty of Engineering, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
M10-129 A Dual
Sensitivity Collimator
A. Pousse, J. Chavanelle, M. Parmentier, B. A. Kastler
Lab Imagerie Ingénierie pour la Santé, Besancon, France
M10-134 Projection Data
Registration for Gated Cardiac SPECT Reconstruction
G. LAWRENCE. Zeng, G. T. Gullberg, E. Debreuve
Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
M10-139 Impact of system
design parameters on image figures of merit for a mouse scanner
K. Lee, P. E. Kinahan, R. S. Miyaoka, J. Kim, T. K. Lewellen
University of Washington Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle,
M10-144 A Study of Bias
for various Iterative Reconstruction Methods in PET
D. Hogg1, K. Thielemans2, S. Mustafovic1,
T. J. Spinks1
1Imaging Research Solutions Ltd, London, UK
2Imperial College, London, UK
M10-149 Evaluation of
Scatter Compensation Strategies and their Impact on Human Detection Performance
in Tc-99m Myocardial Perfusion Imaging.
M. V. Narayanan1, M. A. King1, P. H. Pretorius1,
S. T. Dahlberg1, J. Leppo1, F. Spencer1,
E. C. Frey2
1Divison of Nuclear Medicine, Univ. of Massachusetts Medical
School, Worcester, MA
2Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
M10-154 Effects of
Attenuation Correction and 3D-Reconstruction Algorithms on Brain Lesions
H. Baghaei, J. Uribe, H. Li, M. Aykac, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, T. Xing,
W.-H. Wong
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
M10-159 Real-Time
Landmark-Based Unrestrained Animal Tracking System for Motion-Corrected PET/SPECT
J. S. Goddard1, S. S. Gleason1, M. J. Paulus1,
S. Majewski2, V. Popov2, M. Smith2,
A. G. Weisenberger2, B. L. Welch2, R. Wojcik2
1Engineering Science and Technology, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
2Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA
M10-164 Characteristics
of Compact Detectors Based on Pixellated NaI(Tl) Crystal Arrays
Y. Qi, B. M.W. Tsui, E. C. Frey, B. Yoder
Biomedical Engineering, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC
M10-169 Design of New
Front-End Electronics for Animal PET
Z. Deng1, J.-Y. Yeom1, T. Ishitsu1,
H. Takahashi2, M. Nakazawa1, H. Murayama3
1Department of Quantum Engineering and System Science, Faculty of
Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, The University of
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
3National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan
M10-174 Monte Carlo
simulation-based design study of a LSO-LuAP small animal PET system
C. Lartizien1, A. Reilhac2, N. Costes1,
M. Janier1, D. Sappey-Marinier1
1ANIMAGE, CERMEP, Lyon, France
2McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute,
Montreal, Canada
M10-179 Three-dimensional
Reconstruction of Rat Brain from Autoradiographic Images Using Image
Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information
J. S. Lee1, J. S. Kim1, D. S. Lee1,
K. S. Park1,2
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College
of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Seoul National University
College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
M10-184 A Simulation
Study of the Effect of Gating Scheme on Respiratory Motion Blurring in FDG Lung
Z. Zhu1, B. M.W. Tsui2, P. W. Segars2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
2Department of Radiology, Department of Radiology, Baltimore, MD
M10-189 Model-based
noninvasive estimation of arterial input function from dynamic H215O
PET images
N. Kudomi1, H. Watabe1, K.-M. Kim1,
T. Hayashi1, K. Hayashida2, H. Iida1
1Investgation of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center -
Research Institute, Suita, Japan
2Department of Investigative Radiology, National Cardiovascular
Center, Suita, Japan
M10-194 Spill-down and
scatter correction as prerequisites for analytic attenuation correction in
Tc-99m/In-111 SPECT
J. Feng, B. C. Penney, C.-M. Kao, X. Pan
Dept. of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
M10-199 Design of a
System to Detect Patient Motion in SPECT Imaging Using Stereo Optical Cameras
M. A. Gennert1,2, P. P. Bruyant1, M. V. Narayanan1,
M. A. King1
1Division of Nuclear Medicine, U. Massachusetts Medical School,
Worcester, MA
2Department of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
Worcester, MA
M10-204 Reduced Dose of
Proton Computed Tomography Compared to X-Ray CT in Sensitivity to Tissue-Density
T. J. Satogata, T. Bacarian, J. Beebe-Wang, S. G. Peggs, A. G. Ruggiero,
F. A. Dilmanian
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
M10-209 Detection of
Respiratory Movement During SPECT/PET Data Acquisition
K. Tamagawa1, K. Ogawa1, M. Nakajima2
1Faculty of Engineering, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
2Faculty of Science and Engineering, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
M10-214 The affection of
grey levels on mutual information based medical image registration
Z. Gao, J. Lin
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, China
M10-219 Automatic 3D
Temporal Kinetics Segmentation of Dynamic Emission Tomography Image Using
Adaptive Region Growing Cluster Analysis
J. Kim1,2, D. Feng1,2, W. Cai1,2,
S. Eberl1,3
1School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney, Sydney,
2Department of Electronic & Information Engineering, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3Department of PET and Nuclear Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital, Sydney, Australia
M10-224 Accuracy and
Precision of Compartmental Model Parameters Obtained from Directly Estimated
Dynamic SPECT Time-Activity Curves
B. W. Reutter1, G. T. Gullberg2, R. H. Huesman1
1Nuclear Medicine and Functional Imaging, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
2Medical Imaging Research Laboratory, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, UT
M10-229 Regional
Contractility Measurement of The Left Ventricle Using Gated Myocardial SPECT
B. I. Lee1, J. S. Lee2, D. S. Lee2,
H. K. Choi1
1Inje University, Department of Information & Computer
Engineering, Kim Hae, Korea
2Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
M10-234 Custom breast
phantom for an accurate tumor SNR analysis
M. NERINA. Cinti1, R. Pani2, F. Garibaldi3,
R. Pellegrini2, R. Campanini4, N. Lanconelli4,
A. Ricccardi4, G. Zavattini5, G. Di Domenico5,
A. Del Guerra6, N. Belcari6, W. Bencivelli6,
A. Motta6, A. Vaiano6, I. N. Weinberg2
1Biophysics PhD School Student, University of Rome La Sapienza,
Rome, Italy
2Department of Experimental Medicine and Patology, University of Rome
La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
3Physics Laboratory, ISS, Rome, Italy
4Department of Physiscs, University of Bologna and INFN Bologna,
Bologna, Italy
5Department of Physiscs, University of Ferrara and INFN Ferrara,
Ferrara, Italy
6Department of Physiscs, University of Pisa and INFN Pisa, Pisa,
M10-239 Investigation of
Dedicated Cone-Beam Transmission Mammotography
M. P. Tornai, C. N. Archer, J. E. Bowsher, R. J. Jaszczak
Radiology & Biomedical Engineering, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
M10-244 Deblurring and
Noise Suppression in Spatial EPR Imaging
B. B. Williams1, K. Ichikawa1, C.-M. Kao2,
H. J. Halpern1, X. Pan2
1Radiation Oncology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
M10-249 Digital
autoradiography imaging using direct irradiation of a CCD in the temperature
range 273-300K
E. Kokkinou1, K. Wells1, M. Petrou1,
A. Bailey2
1School of Electronics & Physical Sciences, University of Surrey,
Guildford, UK
2School of Biomedical & Life Sciences, University of Surrey,
Guildford, UK
M10-254 Efficient
acquisition protocol for cardiac dynamic CT
S. Roux1,2, L. Desbat1, A. Koenig2,
P. Grangeat2
1TIMC-IMAG, UMR CNRS 5525, Grenoble, France
2LETI, CEA-DRT, Grenoble, France
M10-259 Accounting for
single rates related phenomena in PET Monte Carlo-based simulations
A. Reilhac1, C. Lartizien2, N. Costes2,
S. Sans2, C. D. Comtat3, A. Evans1
1Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada
2ANIMAGE, CERMEP, Lyon, France
3SHFJ, Orsay, France
M10-264 Analysis of Heart
Rate and its Variation Affecting Image Quality and Optimized Reconstruction
Window in Retrospective ECG-gated Coronary Angiography Using Multi-detector Row
S. H. Lee1,2, B. W. Choi2,3, H.-J. Kim1,2,3,
H. Jung2,3, H.-K. Son1,2, W.-S. Kang1,2,
S. K. Yoo4, K. O. Choe2,3, H. S. Yoo2,3
1BK21 Project for Medical Sciences, Yonsei University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Research Institute of Radiological Science, Yonsei University
College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yonsei University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
4Department of Medical Engineering, Yonsei University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Session Chair: James Bowsher Duke, Rich Freifelder U. Pennsylvania, John Aarsvold Emory
M11-5 Dual
scintillator detection method to solve PSPMT edge resolving problem
Y. Shao, D. E. Castleberry
Image Technologies Center, Global Research Center, General Electric,
Niskayuna, New York
M11-10 Scintillator
selections for MR compatible gamma detectors
S. Yamamoto1, K. Kuroda2, M. Senda2
1Kobe City College of Technology, Kobe, Japan
2Institute of Biomedical Research, Kobe, Japan
M11-15 Pulse Shape
Discrimination of LSO and LuYAP Scintillators for Depth of Interaction Detection
in PET
M. Streun, G. Brandenburg, H. Larue, E. Zimmermann, K. Ziemons, H. Halling
ZEL, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany
M11-20 Comparison of
LuYAP, LSO and BGO as scintillators for high resolution PET detectors
S. Weber, D. Christ, M. Kurzeja, R. Engels, G. Kemmerling, H. Halling
Central Electronics Laboratory, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany
M11-25 Effects of
Inter-Crystal Cross-Talk on Multi-Element LSO/APD PET Detectors
P. Vaska1, S. P. Stoll2, C. L. Woody2,
D. J. Schlyer3, S. Shokouhi3
1Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
2Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
3Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
M11-30 Performance test
and Application of GSO Detector Assembly for a Continuous Blood Sampling System
N. Kudomi1, E. Choi1, S. Yamamoto2,
H. Watabe1, K.-M. Kim1, M. Ogawa1, N. Teramoto1,
E. Sakamoto1, H. Iida1
1Investigation of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center -
Research Institute, Suita, Japan
2Kobe City College of Technology, Kobe, Japan
M11-35 A Study of
Intrinsic Crystal-pixel Light-output Spread for Discrete Scintillation
Gamma-rays Imagers Modeling
R. Scafè1, R. Pellegrini2, A. Soluri3, A. Tatì1,
M. NERINA. Cinti2, F. Cusanno4, G. Trotta2,
R. Pani2, F. Garibaldi4
1MAT-NANO, ENEA, Rome, Italy
2Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome "La Sapienza",
Rome, Italy
3Institute of Biomedical Technologies, CNR, Rome, Italy
4Laboratory of Physics, ISS, Rome, Italy
M11-40 On the Effect of
X-rays on the PET Detectors in a PET/CT System
L. A. Eriksson1,2, C. C. Watson1, M. Eriksson1,2,
M. E. Casey1, M. D. Loope1, M. J. Schmand1,
B. Bendriem1, R. Nutt1
1CTI Pet Systems, Knoxville, TN
2Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
M11-45 Iterative
Transmission Reconstruction for Collimated Coincidence Point Sources in Rotating
PET Systems
V. Y. Panin, J. J. Hamill, C. J. Michel, S. D. Miller, M. Conti,
M. E. Casey
CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
M11-50 High Spatial
Resolution Detector using an 8x8 MLS crystal array and a Quad Anode
C. L. Kim, D. L. McDaniel
Functional Imaging, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
M11-55 Potential Uses for
Improved Coincidence Timing Accuracy in PET
W. W. Moses
Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
M11-60 Crystal-Based
Coincidence Timing Calibration for PET Scanner
D. Luo, J. J. Williams, M. K. Limkeman, M. J. Cook, E. L. Oswalt,
D. L. McDaniel
PET Engineering, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
M11-65 Fast PET EM
Reconstruction from Linograms
J. J. Hamill1, C. J. Michel1, P. E. Kinahan2
1CPS Innovations, Knoxville, TN
2Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
M11-70 Compensation for
Non-Stationary Detector Response in Analytical Varying Focal Length Fan-Beam
SPECT Reconstruction
T. Li1, H. Lu2, J. Wen2, Z. Liang2
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony
Brook, NY
2Department of Radiology, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
M11-75 Comparison of
Unconventional Inter-Iteration Filtering Methods to Penalised Likelihood for
Space-Invariant Tomographs
S. Mustafovic1, K. Thielemans2
1Imperial College / Medical Research Council, London, UK
2Imaging Research Solution Limited, London, UK
M11-80 Wavelet Crosstalk
Matrix and Its Application to Assessment of Shift-Variant Imaging System
J. Qi, R. H. Huesman
Center for Functional Imaging, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA
M11-85 Iterative
Tomographic Image Reconstruction using Fourier-Based Forward and Back-Projectors
S. Matej1, J. A. Fessler2
1Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA
2Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI
M11-90 Limited Angle
Tomography and Ridge Functions
I. G. Kazantsev, S. Matej, R. M. Lewitt
Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
M11-95 Sampling and
aliasing consequences of quarter-detector offset use in helical CT
P. J. La Riviere, X. Pan
Dept. of Radiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
M11-100 4D PET with the
quad-HIDAC: Development of Dynamic List-mode Image Reconstruction
R. J. Walledge1, A. J. Reader1, E. O. Aboagye2,
T. J. Spinks3, M. Honer4, J. Missimer4,
A. P. Jeavons5
1Dept. Instrumentation & Analytical Science, University of
Manchester Institute of Science & Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK
2PET Oncology Group, Dept. of Cancer Medicine, Imperial College of
Science, London, UK
3Cyclotron Building, Hammersmith Hospital, Imaging Research Solutions
Ltd., London, UK
4Center for Radiopharmaceutical Science - PET, the Paul Scherrer
Institut, Switzerland, Villigen, Switzerland
5Oxford Positron Systems Ltd., Oxford, UK
M11-105 Analytical
Reconstruction of Cone-Beam Projections from limited Angle Compton Camera Data
T. Tomitani, M. Hirasawa
Department of Medical Imaging, National Institute of Radiological Sciences,
Chiba-shi, Japan
I. M. Blevis, A. Reznik, A. Pansky, J. Liss, N. Wainer
General Electric Medical Systems, Waukesha, Wi
M11-115 Characterization
of Acquisition Geometry of Pinhole SPECT
D. Bequé1, J. Nuyts1, G. Bormans2,
P. Suetens3, P. Dupont1
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
2Laboratory for Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, K.U.Leuven, Leuven,
3Laboratory for Medical Image Computing, ESAT/PSI, K.U.Leuven, Leuven,
M11-120 Phantom-Study
Validation of a Method for Quantitative Conjugate Imaging of Two Overlying
D. N. Jangha1, R. A. Mintzer2, J. N. Aarsvold2,3,
C.-K. C. Wang1
1Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Health Physics
Programs/Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA
2Division of Nuclear Medicine/Department of Radiology, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA
3Nuclear Medicine Service, Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Atlanta, GA
M11-125 Comparison of
SPECT vs Planar Imaging for Lesion Detection
E. S. Sorensen, G. LAWRENCE. Zeng, G. T. Gullberg
Department of Radiology, Medical Imaging Research Lab, Salt Lake City, UT
M11-130 Image Fusion and
Display of CAG and Bull's Eye Map of Myocardial SPECT
R. Haraguchi1, N. Sugimoto1, S. Eiho1,
Y. Ishida2
1Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
2National Cardiovascular Center Hospital, Osaka, Japan
M11-135 Brain Lesions
Detectability Studies with a High Resolution PET Operating in No-Septa and
Partial-Septa Configurations
H. Baghaei, W.-H. Wong, M. Aykac, J. Uribe, H. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Liu,
T. Xing
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
M11-140 Clinical Analysis
of reconstruction techniques to correctly identify myocardium in the presence of
overlying organs.
K. L. Dixon1, S. Blinder2, A. Celler2
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
2Division of Nuclear Medicine, Vancouver Hospital Health and Sciences
Centre, Vancouver, Canada
M11-145 Preliminary Tests
of a Prototype System for Optical and Radionuclide Imaging in Small Animals
L. Celentano1, P. Laccetti2, R. Liuzzi3,
G. Mettivier4, M. C. Montesi4,5, P. Riccio6,
G. Roberti4, P. Russo4,5, M. Salvatore1
1Dipartimento di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Università
di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy
2Dipartimento di Chimica Biologica, Università di Napoli Federico II,
Napoli, Italy
3Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, CNR, Napoli, Italy
4Diparimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università di Napoli Federico II,
Napoli, Italy
5Sezione di Napoli, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Napoli,
6Dipartimento di Biologia e Patologia Cellulare e Molecolare,
Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy
M11-150 Initial Studies
of a New Detector Design for Ultra-High Resolution Positron Emission Tomography
C. S. Levin1,2,3, F. Habte2
1Nuclear Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, La Jolla, CA
2Nuclear Medicine, VA Medical Center, San Diego, CA
3Veterans Medical Research Foundation, San Diego, CA
M11-155 Effect of Recoil
Electron Range on Efficiency and on Spatial Resolution of Very High Resolution
Animal PET
S.-J. Park1, N. H. Clinthorne2, W. L. Rogers1,2
1College of Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2Division of Nuclear Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
M11-160 Investigation of
the Angular Dependence of Spatial Resolution in Small Animal Pinhole SPECT
A. V. Stolin, M. B. Williams
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
A. R. Goode1, D. K. Glover1, D. D. Watson1,
G. Beller1, L. M. Riou1, R. Lima1, K. Hatada1,
M. Ruiz1, M. Smith2, B. L. Welch2, B. Kross2,
A. G. Weisenberger2, R. Wojcik2, V. Popov2,
S. Majewski1
1Experimental Cardiology Laboratory, University of Virginia,
Charolettesville, Virginia
2Detector Physics Group, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator
Facility, NewportNews, Virginia
M11-170 Sampling
Considerations for High Resolution Small Animal SPECT.
N. Sabba1, C. Damiani2,3, G. Di Domenico2,3,
E. Moretti1, G. Zavattini2,3, A. Del Guerra4,5
1Nuclear Medicine Section, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
2Physics Department, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
3Sezione di Ferrara, INFN, Ferrara, Italy
4Physics Department, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
5Sezione di Pisa, INFN, Pisa, Italy
M11-175 Physical Effects
of Image Formation in Monte Carlo Simulations for Nuclear Medicine
D. Bollini1, R. Campanini1, M. Gombia2,
N. Lanconelli1, A. Ricccardi1
1Physics Dept., University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
2DIENCA,, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
M11-180 CT-PET Image
Fusion using the 4D NCAT Phantom with the Purpose of Attenuation Correction
W. P. Segars1, B. M.W. Tsui1, A. J. Da Silva2,
L. Shao2
1University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
2Philips Nuclear Medicine-ADAC, Milpitas, CA
M11-185 Absolute
Quantitation of regional myocardial blood flow of rats
T. Aoi
National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Osaka, Japan
M11-190 The Effects of
Compensation for Scatter, Lead X-rays and High-Energy Contamination on Lesion
Detectability and Activity Estimation in Ga-67 Imaging
G. El Fakhri, S. C. Moore, M. F. Kijewski
Radiology Department, Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women's Hospital,
Boston, MA
M11-195 Quantitation of
Activity Concentration in Small Lesions using PET and CT
M. Dahlbom1, C. Schiepers1, M. S. Brown2,
M. F. McNitt-Gray2, J. Czernin1
1Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA School of
Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
2Department of Radiology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
M11-200 Effect of noise
in the probability matrix used for statistical reconstruction of PET data
M. Rafecas1, G. Böning2, B. J. Pichler1,
E. Lorenz2, M. Schwaiger1, S. I. Ziegler1
1Nuklearmedizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum rechts der
Isar. Technische Universität München, München, Germany
2Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München, Germany
M11-205 Evaluation of Two
Scatter Correction Methods in Quantitative Brain SPECT with Dopaminergic Tracer
K.-M. Kim1, H. Watabe1, A. Varrone2,
M. Fujita3, R. B. Innis3, H. Iida1
1Department of Investigative Radiology, National Cardiovascular
Center - Research Institute, Osaka, Japan
2Center for Nuclear Medicine, National Research Council, Napoli,
3Molecular Imaging Branch, National Institute of Mental Health,
Bethesda, MD
M11-210 Automatic
Processing of Multimodality Data for Functional PET Analysis
A. H. Crabb
Radiology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
M11-215 Evaluation of
Energy Dependency of TDCS method for Scattering Correction in Quantitative SPECT
H. M. Deloar, H. Watabe, K.-M. Kim, T. Aoi, H. Iida
Department of investigative radiology, Natinal Cardiovascular Center Research
Institute, Osaka, Japan
M11-220 Optimizing
Pinhole and Parallel Hole Collimation for Scintimammography with Compact
Pixellated Detectors
M. F. Smith, D. A. Kieper, S. Majewski, A. G. Weisenberger, B. L. Welch
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA
M11-225 Theoretical
Studies on Optimization of Tomographic Performance of Cone-Beam Collimator for
SPECT Scintimammography
R. B. Salgado1, A. Krol1, D. H. Feiglin1,
I. Echeruo2, F. D. Thomas1, E. D. Lipson3,
A. U. Bordikar3, I. L. Coman3
1Department of Radiology, SUNY Upstate Medical University,
Syracuse, NY
2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse
University, Syracuse, NY
3Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
M11-230 Diffraction
Enhanced Breast Imaging: preliminary results from the Elettra synchrotron source
G. J. Royle1, E. J. Harris1, R. D. Speller1,
J. A. Griffiths1, A. M. Hanby2
1Department of Medical Physics & Bioengineering, University
College London, London, UK
2Academic Unit of Pathology, Leeds University, Leeds, UK
M11-235 X-ray Dark Field
Refraction-Contrast Imaging - a New Tool for Medical Imaging
V. V. Protopopov1, J. Sobota2, A. S. Tremsin3,
O. H. W. Siegmund3
1The Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia, Russia
2Institute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of Sciences of Czech
Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
3Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA
M11-240 Development and
Performance Evaluation of the First Model of 4D CT-Scanner
M. Endo1, S.-I. Mori1, T. Tsunoo1,
S. Kandatsu1, S. Tanada1, H. Aradate2, Y. Saito2,
H.-A. Miyazaki2, K. Satoh3, S. Matsushita3,
M. Kusakabe4
1Rsearch Center of Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute of
Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan
2Medical System Company R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation, Otawara,
3Corporate Technology Department, Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
4Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University, Fukui, Japan
M11-245 Imaging
Characterization of an Experimental Apparatus for Dual Energy Angiography
G. Baldazzi1, T. Bernardi2, D. Bollini1,
M. Gambaccini3, M. Gombia1, P. L. Rossi2,
A. Sarnelli3, A. Taibi3, A. Tuffanelli3
1Dep.t of Physics, University of Bologna, Bologna, ITALY
2Health Physics Service, University of Bologna, Bologna, ITALY
3Dep.t of Physics, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, ITALY
M11-250 Simulating Low
Dose CT Scans by Noise Addition
J. Li1, T. L. Toth2, S. M. McOlash3,
J. Hsieh1, N. B. Bromberg3
1Applied Science Lab, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
2Advanced Application, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
3Systems Engineering, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, WI
M11-255 Acceleration of
SimSET Photon History Generation
R. L. Harrison1, S. Dhavala2, P. Kumar2,
Y. Shao3, R. M. Manjeshwar3, T. K. Lewellen1,
F. P. Jansen3
1Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2India Technology Centre, General Electric, Bangalore, India
3Global Research Center, General Electric, Niskayuna, NY
Session Chair: Roger Lecomte U. Sherbrooke, Arion Chatziioannou UCLA
M12-1 Ultra-High
Resolution PET Detector Using Lead-Walled Straws
N. N. Shehad, C. S. Martin, J. L. Lacy
Proportional Technologies, Houston, TX
M12-2 SemiSPECT: A
Small-animal Imaging System Based on Eight CdZnTe Pixel Detectors
T. E. Peterson1, H. Kim1,2, M. J. Crawford1,2,
W. C. J. Hunter3, H. B. Barber1,2, L. R. Furenlid1,2,
D. W. Wilson1, H. H. Barrett1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
3Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
M12-3 microPET II: An
Ultra-high Resolution Small Animal PET System
Y.-C. Tai1, A. F. Chatziioannou2, R. W. Silverman2,
K. Meadors2, S. Siegel3, D. F. Newport3,
J. R. Stickel4, S. R. Cherry4
1Department of Radiology, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology,
Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO
2Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, Crumpt Institute
for Molecular Imaging, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
3Concorde Microsystems Inc., Knoxville, TN
4Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of CAlifornia
Davis, Davis, CA
M12-4 Small Animal CT-SPECT
System Based on A-SPECT
K. Iwata1, L. R. MacDonald2, A. B. Hwang1,
S. P. Williams3, J. Li2, A. E. Sakdinawat1,
M. C. Wu1, B. E. Patt2, J. S. Iwanczyk2,
B. H. Hasegawa1
1Department of Radiology, University of California, San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA
2Photon Imaging, Inc., Northridge, CA
3None, South San Francisco, CA
M12-5 Cardiac PET
Imaging of Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function in Normal and Infarcted Rats
R. Lecomte, E. Croteau, M.-E. Gauthier, M. Archambault, A. Aliaga, J. Cadorette,
J. Rousseau, F. Bénard, M. Bentourkia
Nuclear Medicine & Radiobiology, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada
Session Chair: Bryan Reutter LBL, David Brasse IRES
M13-1 Development of
a Dynamic Model for the Lung Lobes and Airway Tree in the NCAT Phantom
J. M. Garrity, W. P. Segars, B. M.W. Tsui
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
M13-2 Scatter Modeling
for 3-D PET List-Mode EM Reconstruction
R. Manavaki, A. J. Reader, R. J. Walledge
Instrumentation and Analytical Science, Univerisity of Manchester Institute
of Science and Technolology (UMIST), Manchester, UK
M13-3 3D Motion
Estimation with Image Reconstruction for Gated Cardiac ECT
Z. Cao1, D. R. Gilland1,2, B. A. Mair3,
R. J. Jaszczak4
1Biomedical Engineering Program, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA,
Gainesville, FL
2Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL
3Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
4Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
M13-4 Parametric image
formation with clustering for dynamic cardiac SPECT
H. Bal1, E. V. R. DiBella2, G. T. Gullberg2
1Department of Bioengineering, University of Utah, SLC, Utah
2Department of Radiology, University of Utah, SLC, Utah
M13-5 Deformable
Registration of Multi-Modal Data Including Rigid Structures
R. H. Huesman1, G. J. Klein1, J. A. Kimdon2,
C. Kuo1, S. Majumdar2
1Functional Imaging, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
2University of California, San Francisco, CA
Session Chair: Craig Levin UCSD, Martin Tornai Duke
M14-1 A Large Field
of View Positron Emission Mammography Imager
T. G. Turkington1, S. Majewski2, A. G. Weisenberger2,
V. Popov2, W. H. Sampson1, M. F. Smith2,
R. Wojcik2, D. A. Kieper2
1Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
2Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA
M14-2 Monte Carlo study
and experimental measurements of breast tumor detectability with a novel PEM
A. Del Guerra1, N. Belcari1, W. Bencivelli2,
A. Motta1, S. Righi1, A. Vaiano1, G. Di Domenico3,
E. Moretti3, N. Sabba3, G. Zavattini3,
R. Campanini4, N. Lanconelli4, A. Ricccardi4,
M. NERINA. Cinti5, R. Pani5
1Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa and INFN Sezione di
Pisa, Pisa, Italy
2Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
3Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Ferrara and INFN Sezione di
Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
4Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bologna and INFN Sezione di
Bologna, Bologna, Italy
5Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Università di Roma "La
Sapienza", Roma, Italy
M14-3 Positron Emission
Mammography with Multiple Angle Acquisition
M. F. Smith1, S. Majewski1, R. R. Raylman2
1Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA
2Department of Radiology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
M14-4 Breast Lesion
Dynamic Radiotracer Uptake Quantification Method Utilizing a Combined Digital
X-ray/Gamma System
D. A. Kieper1, T. D. Green1, C. Keppel1,2,
A. G. Weisenberger2, S. Majewski2, V. Popov2,
B. Kross2, B. L. Welch2, R. Wojcik2, R. Hoefer3,
D. C. Wymer3
1Department of Physics, Center for Advanced Medical
Instrumentation, Hampton University, Hampton, VA
2Detector Group, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility,
Newport News, VA
3Radiology, Riverside Regional Medical Center, Newport News, VA
M14-5 Full-Field Single
Photon Emission Mammotomography Using a Novel CZT Detector
M. P. Tornai1, C. N. Archer1, J. E. Bowsher1,
B. E. Patt2, J. S. Iwanczyk2, L. R. MacDonald2,
K. Parnham2
1Radiology & Biomedical Engineering, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC
2Gamma Medica Instruments, Northridge, CA