Short Course Program

An excellent set of short courses will be given at the start of the NSS/MIC programs, covering a wide range of nuclear and medical technology. All courses are one day long.  they include lunch, refreshments, lecture notes, and a certificate of completion as part of the registration fee.

Course Name Date Adv. Reg.* On-Site*
1. Interaction of Radiation with Matter: Theory and Practice Oct. 29 $275 $325
2. Nuclear Science for Homeland Security Oct. 29 $275 $325
3. Integrated Circuit Front Ends for Nuclear Pulse Processing Oct. 29 $275 $325
4. Molecular Biology for Imaging Scientists Oct. 30 $275 $325
5. Detectors for PET and SPECT Oct. 30 $275 $325
6. Small Animal Imaging: Detectors and Technical Aspects Oct. 31 $275 $325
7. Image Quality Oct. 31 $350 $400

* IEEE Member qualify for a $25 discount.
† Textbook included.


1. The Interaction of Radiation with Matter: Theory and Practice - William Dunn

2. Nuclear Science for Homeland Security - Tony Peurrung

3. Integrated Circuit Front Ends for Nuclear Pulse Processing - Paul O'Connor

4. Molecular Biology for Imaging Scientists - Caius G. Radu

5. Detectors for SPECT and PET - Lars Furenlid

6. Small Animal Imaging: Detectors and Technical Aspects - Arion Chatziioannou

7. Image Quality - Kyle J. Myers and Matthew A. Kupinski

Stephen E. Derenzo
Short Courses Program Chair
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California, USA
Phone: +1-510-486-4097
Fax: +1-510-486-4768

Jennifer Huber
Short Courses Program Co-Chair
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California, USA
Phone: +1-510-486-6445
Fax: +1-510-486-4768