Nuclear Science Symposium

October 29 – November 2, 2007

The Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) offers an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers interested or actively working in the fields of nuclear science, radiation instrumentation, software and their applications, to meet and discuss with colleagues from around the world. The program emphasizes the latest developments in technology and instrumentation and their implementation in experiments for space, accelerators, other radiation environments, and homeland security, Topical Workshops cover areas of specific interest. Within the framework of an educational scientific program, Short Courses are organized focusing on topics of interest for the scientific community. Authors are invited to submit papers describing original unpublished works in the topics areas listed below:

  • Instrumentation for Homeland Security
  • Analog and Digital Circuits
  • Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation
  • Data Acquisition and Analysis Systems
  • Environmental Health and Safety Instrumentation
  • Gaseous Detectors
  • High Energy and Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
  • Nuclear Measurements and Monitoring Techniques
  • Photodetectors and Radiation Imaging
  • Radiation Damage Effects
  • Scintillators and Scintillation Detectors
  • Solid State Tracking Detectors
  • New Solid State Detectors
  • Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
  • Trigger and Front-End Systems
  • Instrumentation for Medical and Biological Research
  • Accelerators and Beam Line Instrumentation
  • Computing and Software for Experiments
  • Neutron Imaging and Radiography

Ren-Yuan Zhu
NSS Program Chair
California Institute of Technology
256-48 CALTECH
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Phone: 1 626 395 6661
Fax: 1 626 795 3951

Liyuan Zhang
NSS Program Deputy Chair
California Institute of Technology
256-48 CALTECH
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Phone: 1 626 395 6618
Fax: 1 626 795 3951