Special Focus Workshop
New Developments in the Micro-Pattern Gas Detector
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Paul Colas, CEA
SACLAY, France Leszek Ropelewski, CERN, Switzerland
Maxim Titov,
SACLAY, France
The recent results in the field of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors - used
for the fast tracking at the LHC and high precision tracking at the ILC,
pixel readout of Micro-pattern Gas Detectors, astrophysics research and
medical applications, optical readout of MPGD, with a focus on design
principles, performance, reliability and limitations - will be discussed.
The format of the workshop will consist of invited speakers and presentations selected from submitted abstracts.
Topics will include:
- High Precision Tracking for TPC
- High Rate Tracking and Aging Studies
- Gaseous Photomultipliers
- New Manufacturing Technologies for MPGD
- Pixel Readout of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors
- Astrophysics, Neutrino Physics and Medical Imaging
- Optical Readout of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors
- System Aspects: Detector and Electronic Integration
Submission requirement: an abstract and a 2 page summary in PDF
Submission deadline: May 11, 2007.
Asian-Pacific Program
Tuesday (Oct. 30), Thursday (Nov. 1),
Friday (Nov.2)
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to a special Asian-Pacific Program at the IEEE
NSS MIC. It is the first time that this special program was organized as a part of the conference to provide a forum for the participants to learn about the range of scientific research and technological development in the Asian-Pacific region. The development of technology is of great interest to the multi-disciplinary nuclear science communities, including HEP, radiation detectors and instrumentation, medical physics and medical imaging.
This Program will overview the major NSS/MIC scientific activities in Asia and the South Pacific by leaders in the field, and I sincerely hope that the Program will support the exchange of ideas and collaboration between East and West.
New opportunities for collaboration in a growing Hi Tech environment in Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Singapore will be discussed during the presentations by 18 invited speakers, followed by informal discussion between three sessions. I hope that this program will be the beginning of regular Asian-Pacific highlights at future IEEE NSS/MIC and in the future will bring these conferences to Asian –Pacific countries on a regular basis.
I would like to thank the speakers, session chairs and attendees for their contributions and strong desire to promote collaboration with Asian - Pacific countries.
Anatoly Rozenfeld
Asian-Pacific Program Chair
Workshop on Innovative Techniques for Hadrontherapy
Friday November 2, 2007
This one day workshop propose to review the evolution of innovative concepts and instrumentation around technologies for hadron beam radiotherapy (hadrontherapy). This emerging field is a perfect illustration of merging Nuclear and Radiation Instrumentation experts with the Medical Imaging community.
The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for interested participants to discuss in a convivial manner the technical progress in the field and to exchange recent experiences. The format of the workshop will consist of invited review talks, oral and posters presentations selected from submitted abstracts before
September 30, 2007. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings as any others papers.
The preliminary agenda of contributions fields is the following:
- Review talks (clinical views, new facilities and projects around the world)
- New accelerator concepts (protons, ions, antiprotons, neutrons)
- Instrumentation for beam delivery control and real time dose monitoring (Nozzles, In-beam PET systems, Proton CT imaging,
advanced micro and nano dosimetry)
- Simulation and modeling for beam delivery and patient treatment planning
We are looking forward to your contributions (https://www.nss-mic.org/2007)
and to meeting together in Hawaii. Any question, suggestion or comment
please contact us:
Patrick Le Dû, DAPNIA CEA Saclay, France (pledu@cea.fr)
Anatoly Rozenfeld, University of Wollongong, Australia (anatoly@uow.edu.au)
Steve Peggs, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA (peggs@bnl.gov)
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 17:00 – 19:00, SEA PEARL 5 & 6
In the special session on Technology Transfer,
professionals and top experts in the field will share their experience and
present examples of great success stories within our community where “just
an idea” or “small invention” has led to a new commercial product, spin-off,
or new company. Conference participants will have an opportunity to inquire
and learn about the necessary steps for such paths to success. Technology
Transfer Office professionals and experts will provide information
concerning intellectual property, patents, seed money, venture capital, and
other forms of start-up funding. Detailed information can be found on the
conference website:
Uwe Bratzler and Jean-Marie Le Goff,
Co-Chairs of Special Session on Technology Transfer