Manuscript Templates for the Conference Record

The layout of the manuscript for the Conference Record is nearly identical to that of the standard transaction and journal template supplied by the IEEE.  The only difference is that the CR template does not contain any running header and footer.  The Word template is in US Letter size (8.5" x 11"), and this is the size that the Conference Record will be compiled.  If you must compose your manuscript in A4 size, please set the top and bottom margins to 28mm, left and right margins to 14mm so that the text block remains the same size as that of the US Letter.

The LaTeX class file included in the above package is the current version of the IEEEtran.cls (version 1.7).  Use the "journal" mode to format your document.  You must include these two commands in your source file to prevent the generation of headers and footers in the manuscript:

  1. add the command \pagestyle{empty} right after  \documentclass;
  2. add the command \thispagestyle{empty} right after \maketitle. 

Do not include your biography information at the end of the manuscript.  Here is a partial list of the LaTeX source file:

% disable the running header on all pages following the title page
% paper title
\title{Manuscript for the NSS-MIC Conference Record}
% Author list
and~Jane~Doe,~\IEEEmembership{Life~Fellow,~IEEE}% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{Manuscript received November 5, 2006.
This work was supported by the IEEE.}% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{M. Shell is with the Georgia Institute of Technology.}}
% make the title area
% after \maketitle, add the following command to remove the header on the title page