IEEE-PES Madras Chapter (India) - Region 10 East |
Activities for Calendar Year 2003 |
1.Ceremony for Outstanding Chapter Engineer Award for 2002 (February 22, 2003) , Technical / Societal Seminar |
Mr.M.G.Devasahayam,Managing Trustee of Citizen's Alliance for Sustainable Living(SUSTAIN) & ex-Chairmanof Haryana Electricity Board,graced the occasion,as the Chief Guest and presented the 2002 Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award to Er.P.Suresh Chander Pal,at the gala function organized by the IEEE-Power Engineering Society,Madras Chapter,on 22nd February2003,at the Tag Center,Madras. The function was presided over by Er,G.V.Rao,Chairman of the IEEE-PES Madras Chapter(2003),who,in his welcome address,highlighted various activities of the Chapter and about the outstanding contributions made by Er.Suresh Chander Pal.In his reply, Er.Suresh Chander Pal,said that he accepted the honour with humility and resolved to continue to do all, that he can,to the best of his capacity, for the growth & development of IEEE-PES. The Award was in recognition of Er.Pal's commitment for revival of PES Madras Chapter and enhancement of PES image in the society,through his outstanding service and dynamic leadership. The Technical Seminar addressed by three eminent speakers,viz.,(1) Er.S.Mahadevan,Energy Consultant,on behalf of the International Copper Promotion Council of India,on Energy Efficient Motors for productivity &project,(2)Er.Nav Deep,Director-Marketing,Surya Electro Controls Ltd,Ludhiyana,on Intelligent Power Controllers& Power-saving & (3)Er.Alankar Nagi,Managing Director,MAZE,Haryana,on Industrial Servo-Voltage Controllers. There was useful interactive discussion with the participants.The Hall was packed to full capacity, with over 320 members ,comprising the industrialists,business consultants and the students from Engineering colleges.There was no admission fee.The function commenced at 9.30 a.m.and there was a tea-break for 15 minutes from 10.45 11 a.m. and it concluded with lunch at 1.30 p.m. on 22nd February2003 |
2. . Electrical Equipments and Devices workshop on 8th March 2003 |
A one day workshop on electrical equipments and devices was conducted on 8th March 2003 by the IEEE - Power Engineering Society (Madras Chapter) jointly with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) at GRT Radisson Hotel, Madras. The main purpose of the workshop was to impart knowledge based information to the electrical supervisors. The workshop was conducted in local vernacular language and and Er.G.V.Rao, Chairman, IEEE – Madras Chapter delivered his key note address. The total no of participants were 260 numbers and the workshop was appreciated by all. |
3. All India Seminar on “ State Electricity Boards at Cross Roads” (March 22, 2003) |
“Seminar on " State Electricity Boards at Crossroads “organized by the Electrical Engineering Division of The Institution of Engineers (India) / Tamilnadu State Centre jointly with IEEE-Power Engineering Society, Madras Chapter and supported by Institution of Electrical Engineers, Chennai Centre,which was held atTriple Helix Auditorium, CLRI Campus, Chennai on 22 March 2003. Mr. B.Vijayaraghavan, former Chairman of Tamilnadu Electricity Board(TNEB), inaugurated the Seminar and released the Souvenir. He commenced his Key-note address by stating that managing EBs is the most onerous job. He dealt at length the various facets of the functioning of the EBs, their autonomous nature as per law, importance of having proper persons for managing key posts for achieving the objectives and financial discipline. He added that the initiatives and actions of the Tamilnadu Electricity Regulatory Commission are commendable in doing away with free power supply to farmers & huts, to improve the financial health of TNEB. The decision to give free power supply was a historical blunder,committed 15 years ago. He said the present decision was a bold one,which could not have been taken,without the concurrance of the Chief Minister& she has to be congratulated for having the courage to stop the free supply of power. He mentioned that the unbundling of EBs,would only be a cosmetic change and would not help as long as there are poor returns and it would ultimately lead to privatization. He said that the policy of Cross-subsidisation is in vogue in many countries and he was not in favour of phasing it out.He felt urban customer gets high quality of supply and it is costlier.The rural hamlets& villages get power only a few hours in a day.Domestic consumers in urban sector should therefore, pay more than their counterparts in rural areas.He felt that even with the present structure ,the problems of the SEBs, could be solved if there is no political interference and there is continuity in Chairman's tenure with complete freedom to bring about improvements and efficiency.There were 11 papers,presented in the Technical Session. Mr. Janakiraman,former Chief Engineer/T.N.E.B., gave an over-view of the subject : " SEBs at crossroads ". He dealt with briefings from Rajyadhaksha Report about the aim and purpose of SEBs and where they stand now. Mr.M.G.Devasahayam,formerChairman,HaryanaStateElecy.Board, brought out the difference between restructuring and reforms. He explained the objectives of restructuring which is really an unbundling exercise. Reform is quite different in the sense that improvement in functioning in all activities is aimed at. Mr. Nellikuppam V.Krishnamurthy,ExMLA&ExMP, dealt with the impact of politics in EBs and other generation utilities. He cited the examples of Dhabol and Neiveli Lignite Corporation. He pointed out the increased cost of installed power in India as compared with UK etc., He highlighted the need for reviewing the Power Purchase Agreements and reducing the cost of power purchased. Mr. M.Selvarasu,Counsellor-CII,Energy Audit,presented several case-studies where reduction in energy consumption is possible. He laid special emphasis on the need to have pumps of high efficiency rather than procuring them based on mere specifications. Mr. B.Chandrasekaran,National Sales Manager,Grundfos, highlighted the importance of considering hidden costs, rather than the prima-facie purchase cost. He pointed out that energy cost may be as high as 85 % of total cost. Hence, this must be the criterion in vendor-rating. He advocated Solar pumps as an ultimate energy-saving device. Mr. Bharath Jairaj,Legal Co-ordinator,Citizens,Consumer&Civic Action Group, dealt with the survey done by the Consumer Action Group on Consumer-satisfaction in TNEB. He highlighted as to how a large number of consumers are oblivious to their rights and needs. Very few take the trouble of complaining,as they do not know where to complain to. He described the improvements lately viz., SERC's directives to TNEB and proposed call centres. Mr. A.R.Sadagopan,former C.E./T.N.E.B, described about the functioning of agricultural pump sets in TNEB. He highlighted that what is required by the agriculturalists is water(interconnecting of rivers), and not power itself. He gave the statistics relevant to the topic of Energy Management Alternatives in Agri sector. Mr. Hanumantha Rao,Consultant, highlighted the deficit caused due to cost of sale being 110 paise less than the generation cost. He indicated the huge shortage between the target and achievement in capacity addition. He explained the inadequacy in the present structure of SEBs in numerous aspects and the reform actions taken so far like constitution of SERCs. He told about the strengths of the Indian power sector. Details were given on raising of capital and criteria for regulatory plans. Mr. G.V.Rao, Chairman,IEEE-Power Engg.Society,Madras Chapter, wanted an Act to be passed for energy-saving in all spheres. He said 40 % saving is possible in agricultural pump sets. A device called Powerboss, gives 40 % energy-saving in ACs. He highlighted the huge energy-saving possible in Motors. Powerboss can be custom-designed. Mr. V.Shanmugavel,Consultant, dealt with the cost reduction in SEBs. He said correct costing system is not available in SEBs. Several requirements are needed like performance factors / methods, productivity, standardization, R & D, Energy audit/Management. He concluded that agri power-needs can be substantially reduced, if not eliminated altogether, if water is made available to farmers by mega projects, like interlinking of rivers.In addition to the 10 papers presented above, 8 more papers were received from M/s. M.Anver, M.P.Sukumaran Nair, Sujatha Natraj, P.Abirami/R.Thirumalai, S.Senthil Kumar/V.Palanisamy, N.Kumarappan/M.R.Mohan, T.R.Ekambaram & R.Nedungkeeran. All the 18 papers were included in the Souvenir.Mr. K.Vasudevan, Chairman- Energy & Power Sub Committee, CII(SR), gave the Valedictory address. At the outset, he informed that CII & TNEB do have good and frequent interactions. He spoke on "Industry Perspective"He said that a Win-Win situation must be created between Industries and Government. Industries need uninterrupted power of quality and choice, at affordable price. Government needs viability of power sector, rid of financial burden. The two must work together. Cost of power, is high in India at Rs.4.18 compared with Rs.0.80 in Saudi Arabia. This is a crucial aspect as the cost of power component is quite high in several Industries. CII suggests 3-pronged action to improve matters, short, medium and long,viz, Minimising T&D losses, Power sector reforms & Renewable energy sources For improving the viability of SEBs, he suggested renovation of old plants, Energy audit of power plants, enhancing revenue collections and detection of thefts. Mr.A.Sivasankaran, Chairman, IEI/TamilNadu State Centre, welcomed the gathering. At the commencement,Mr.P.Suresh Chander Pal, Convener of the Seminar, spoke about the theme and conducted the technical presentations.He said that opening the Power Sector to private initiatives may not be a solution,with power barters,Escrow accounts etc.Peak clipping techniques in load management & settling for valley timesare being considered seriously & consumers like to go in for their own captive generating sets, to augment their power needs & to avoid payment of higher tariffs. The policy of cross-subsidisation of Tariifs has not helped anybody,either the Agriculturist or the Industrialist or the Domestic/Commercial consumers.We need to invest money,to improve infrastructure network viz,Transmission lines,cables,Distribution network etc.,refurbish the ageing generating stations,replace wornout assets,modernize through improved technology,which has become difficult due to constraints on SEB's resourcing capabilities.The launching of the Accelerated Power development & Reforms Programme,in certain areas with the Centre's support,is expected to bring good results,he said.The customers will welcome the wholesome package of SERCs for improving the efficiency &having better interface with the customers.Mr.G.V.Rao,Chairman,IEEE-PES Madras Chapter andMr.P.Janakiraman,introducedtheChiefguests. Mr.T.M.Gunaraja, Council Member, IEI, presented momentos. Mr.K.V.Rupchand gave the Summary of the Technical presentations. Mr.T.Senthilnayagam, Hon. Secy., IEI/TSC was the organizing secretary of the Seminar. Mr. V.Shanmugavel, co-convener, proposed the vote of thanks. Photo attached click here |
4. Tecchnial Seminar on Dry Type Transformer and Solar products held on 22nd June 2003 at 36, TTK Road,Chennai – 18. |
The seminar commenced with felicitation to Dr.G.V.Rao,
Chairman IEEE-Power Engineering Society (Madras Chapter) on his conferment
of Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing Management from the Inter American
University of Humanistic Studies, Florida, USA . Honourable Justice
Shri.S.Mohan , former Supreme Court Judge presented the Award and
felicitation was given by Er.P.Suresh Chander Pal, Vice Chairman, IEEE –
Power Engineering Society (Madras Chapter), Group consultant Brakes India
Ltd, and Ms.S.Ramalakshmi, Administaration – Operation, M/s. K-LINK
Healthcare (India) Pvt Ltd. Er.S.Subramanian, Chief Electrical Inspector
to the Govt.of Tamil Nadu highlighted about The New Scenario in
Electricity under the Electricity Act 2003. A paper was presented on Nomex Insulation in Dry Type Transformer (VDT) by Mr.Manish Mistry, Managing Marketing, M/s. Du-pont Ltd and Mr.S.P.Patel, Consultant, M/s. Du-pont Ltd. Solar Garden Light was demonstrated to the audience and also spoke about usage of Solar products by K.Hemanth Kumar Sai, Product Manager, M/s. Rowsons Marketing Pvt Ltd, Chennai. A paper was presented on solar irrigation by Er.S.Mahadevan, Energy Consultant. A practical demonstration on solar street lights, lanterns, CFL fittings, Solar water heater together with a paper on all solar products presented by Er.C.A.Murali Krishna, M/s. Sunlit Systems. A question - hour session was conducted after the lecture to enable the participant to clear their doubts. The seminar concluded with Vote of Thanks by Er.K.R.Poorna Chandra, Secretary, IEEE –Power Engineering Society (Madras Chapter) and a grand luncheon thereafter. The total no of participants were 247 numbers and the workshop was appreciated by all. |
5. Lecture Programme on 14th July 2003 at Drive in Woodlands, Chennai – 86. |
Dr.G.V.Rao gave a lecture on “HOW TO ESTABLISH &
Institute of Security Management on 14th July 2003 @ 06.30 p.m. at Drive
in Woodlands, Chenn, Chennai – 86 – (New conference Hall) . The
highlight of the lecture were, Strategies, Planning and approach in
security. This was attended by about 30 members and well appreciated by
all. High tea was provided |
6.Technical Lecture on `ELECTRICITY ACT 2003' held on 23rd August 2003. |
Er.A.A.Sadagopan, Chief
Engineer/Distribution North delivered a technical lecture on `Electricity
Act 2003 and its impact on the Consumers’
on 23rd August 2003 at the Institute of Engineers
(India) Auditorium , which was well received by
58 participants. The
latest Act provides
various benefits to the consumers and
withdrawal of cross subsidization, Liberalization of rules
and procedures, permitting interested
persons to enter in to generation,
(except hydro ) and distribution areas
and the State utility affording power
(wheeling facilities) using their transmission
lines, There will be unbundling
of the exg.
Organization of state electricity utility and Generation
Transmission & Distribution corporations
will be formed and there will be more players to provide focused
attention on supplying and maintaining
quality power. |
7. Lecture Programme on 17th September 2003
IEEE – Power Engineering
Society (Madras Chapter0 had joined the
Institution of Engineers (India), Tamil Nadu State Centre in the
celebration of Engineers Day in commemoration
of the 143rd Birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna
Dr.M.Visvesvaraya on 17th September 2003 at the GRT Grand Days
convention center at Chennai. The
Key note address on the
thermal ` improvement
in values in Energy Profession – Bharat Ratna Sri.M.Visweswarayya
a role model’ was delivered by Dr.E.Balaguruswamy, Vice
Chancellor, Anna University & ShriG.L..Rao, president, IEC presided
over the meeting. Dr.M.S.Palanichamy,
Vice Chancellor Tamil Nadu
Open University, Chennai felicitated. There were about
122 members from all sister institutions also attended. |
8. Technical Lecture on `Saving in Electricity Bill' held on 27th September 2003 |
The technical lecture on `Saving in Electricity Bill’ delivered by Er.M.Chockalingam, Energy Consultant and former Chief Engineer at the IE(I)/Tamil Nadu Electricity Board was informative and useful. He spoke on the need for types of varying energy efficient and energy saving gadgets and equipments and explained energy saving is a survival and that it helps environment. Transformer loading upto 80% power factor improvement above 0.9 lag for H.T suppy and 0.85 for L.T supply which is mandatory to avoid penalty from state electricity board, reducing Max. demand inter staggering of loads , overall current reduction formulated for capacity additions, resulting in incremental saving in copper losses, were explained by him in detail. There were 52 participants & useful interaction by participants during the question hour. |
9. 12th December 2003 |
Members of IEEE – PES (Madras Chapter ) under the leadership of Dr.G.V.Rao, Chairman, IEEE – PES (Madras Chapter) made a factory visit to M/s. Indo Tech Transformers Ltd, Thirumazhisai. There were 12 members participated. |
10. Technical Seminar on Impact of Electricity Privatization on the existing electric power held on 23rd December 2003 at IIT, Madras. |