IEEE-PES Madras Chapter  (India) - Region 10 East

Report: Visit to M/S Indo Tech Transformers Ltd., Chennai

Dec. 5, 2002

Mr.G.V.Rao, Vice Chairman, IEEE Madras Chapter along with a team of members visited M/s.  Indo Tech Transformers Limited situated at Sidco Industrial Estate, Thirumazhisai on the  outskirts of Chennai on Dec.5, 2002.  They went around the factory and saw the complete manufacturing facilities.  They met Mr.P.S.Jagdish, Executive Director, Mr.M.Subramoney, Vice President (Operations) and Mr.T.V.Joseph, General  Manager (CQA) and discussed with them at the works.

M/s. Indo Tech Transformers Limited has established a state of the art factory at Thirumazhisai in 1995.  M/s. Indo Tech Transformers Limited is also one of the leading manufacture of high voltage transformers in South India.  Their manufacturing capacity is upto 100 MVA, 220 KV Class.

The  company has a modern winding  shop with machines that can take upto 5 tonnes.  The shop is fully equipped to handle winding of transformers upto 100 MVA, 220 KV class.  The company has also got other facilities such as over head crane for handling materials.  Ovens for processing coils and transformers  and Vacuum oven for final drying of transformers.  The company, is also having a modern insulation shop which will cut the insulations to the required size and shape.  The company is fully equipped with tools and tackles to continuously carry on the manufacturing activities. 

The company has got  modern Oil Filtering Unit which will filter oil and store it on separate  tanks under Vacuum conditions.  The oil pipe lines are running throughout the factory and hence wherever oil filling  is necessary, the same can be tapped from the pipe line. The company has also got a centralised compressor unit and compressed air pipe lines are running through out the factory which are utilized for pneumatic tools. 

During their visit they saw various high voltage transformers in different stages of manufacture.  The company’s Medium Power Bay manufacturing upto 5 MVA 33KV class transformers, was also busy with jobs at different stages.  The important jobs on the shop floor were: 

  • 15 MVA 66/11.55KV Delta/Star Transformer with On Load Tap Changer.

  • 10 MVA 110/33-11KV Delta/Star transformer with On Load Tap Changer.

  • 8 MVA 33/11KV Delta/Star transformer with On Load Tap Changer.

  • One number 27MVA.  138-69/12.47 – 24.94 KV Delta/Star Mobile transformer meant for TEXAS, United States.  This transformer is made of Nomex insulated conductors and spaccrs and the transformer is having a compact oil cooler.  This transformer forms part of a Mobile Sub station.

  • 5 MVA 33/11KV Delta/Star Transformers with On Load Tap Changer. 

The company has two Test Laboratories.  The Medium Test Laboratory is equipped to test upto 5 MVA 33KV class including the temperature rise test.  The larger power laboratory has state of the art equipments to test upto 100 MVA 220KV Class transformers.  The major equipments are 300 KV testing transformer, 8000 KVAR Capacitor Banks, loading transformer and 125 Cycles high frequency generator set.  The laboratory also has high precision meters, CTs, PTs etc. to carry out routine measurement of all transformers.  The laboratory has a Partial Discharge Meter for measuring Partial Discharge of high voltage transformers. 

The team members after visiting the factory, discussed with the officials of Indo Tech Transformers Limited regarding the manufacturing process, testing and other manufacture related activities.

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Page updated 12/06/02 .  Owner = Suresh C Pal