EPS2006 Sponsors:

IEEE Power Engineering Society-Ottawa Chapter
Reliability Society-Ottawa Chapter
IEEE Ottawa Section Educational Activities
IEEE Ottawa Section
IEEE Canada
EPS2006 Supporters:
Financial and other support gratefully received from:

& Exhibit
Sponsorships not only extend your
company’s brand image,
they also create a feeling of goodwill.
Plan early for best availability!
Ottawa IEEE Power Engineering Society
Chapter and Ottawa IEEE Reliability Society Chapter in
joint venture with the IEEE Ottawa Section Educational Activities are now preparing this
popular event and are seeking your
valuable and kind
both fall within the domain of electrical engineering, electrical power
generation and high tech electronics are often seen as mutually
exclusive fields. The EPS 2006 Symposium proposes that advances in power
electronics and the need for improved electricity management will spur
the convergence of high tech and electrical power on a number of fronts.
The symposium organizers hope to draw participants from both industries
and to spark the discussion of opportunities and challenges in merging
these two fields.
Exhibitors receive:
Booth space (8’X4’) with display table (6’ X 3’) for company
Free admission for one employee at the booth, with additional
employees registered at IEE/IEEE member rate (includes breakfast,
lunch, coffee, digest).
Exhibitors supply promotional banner measuring 6’ long or less.
Booth Space Cost:
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Sponsors receive:
Onsite signage at the event and have use of a shared table in
Auditorium to post company literature.
Free admission for one employee at the event, with additional
employees registered at IEEE member rate (includes breakfast, lunch,
coffee, digest).
Student Sponsorship
support struggling students by covering their registration fees. The
students will appreciate your contribution and your company will be
warmly remembered.
Sponsor 10 students
Sponsor 20 students
Gain added
exposure in the
exhibition floor by sponsoring a refreshment
Breakfast $750.00
Morning Coffee Break $400.00
Coffee Break
Lunch (non-exclusive) $500.00
Lunch (exclusive) $1,500.00
Promotional Give
Ad your logo and
website URL along
with the logo and website URL of EPS2006 on the promotional give away
Your company name will be also announced at the symposium.
Promotional Give Away cost
Exhibitors and Sponsors/Supporters also get:
The company logo on the
flyer, registration form, and website of the EPS2006 with a
hyperlinks to the company web page.
half page ad in the EPS2006 digest featuring company logo and
paragraph about the company (the paragraph contents must be
developed by the company/sponsor/supporter and provided in ready to
copy format).
All prices quoted in $CDN.
If you wish to
at the IEEE Electrical Symposium 2006, please complete the form and send
it to
Barry De Young at
To download the form please click

If you wish to
at the IEEE Electrical Symposium 2006 and to have a booth on Nov. 9 and
or Nov. 10, 2006, please click

For more information, please
contact Barry De Young at
or Preeti Raman at