Final Submission

Final submission materials for paper acceptances and presentation-only acceptances are due on June 15th via uploading final package at The upload system will be open once the registration process of each submission is confirmed. Before submitting the final version, authors are expected to revise their papers taking into account the feedback from the reviewers.

Each accepted submission (both paper and abstract submissions) requires one (and only one) PowerPoint summary slide to appear in the conference digest that will be distributed to all participants.Please use the CASE 2014 Digest Template Do not change the template and please keep fonts and font sizes as preset in the template.

For authors of accepted regular papers and special session papers:
1. To process the copyright transfer for each paper, please follow the ¡§Copyright Transfer¡¨ link, and you will be taken to the IEEE copyright transfer site (IEEE eCP) in a new window. Follow the steps as described on IEEE eCP pages and make sure that the paper title and author list are correct before you perform the copyright transfer.

2. An optional video attachment can be submitted to supplement each accepted paper. Each video attachment must consist of a MPEG/MPG/MP4 file (max. 10 MB) as well as a README and a SUMMARY file that will be included in the proceedings.

For authors of accepted presentation-only abstracts and special session presentation-only abstracts:
Please upload your presentation-only abstracts when the upload system requires you to submit a PDF manuscript. Note that "presentation-only" acceptances will NOT have a manuscript published. No copyright is required.