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Session Code |
Special Session Name |
Organizers |
Contact Info |
Description |
1 | 7q945 |
Sensor-based System Informatics and Control |
Hui Yang and Zongyang Gong |
huiyang@usf.edu |
Link |
2 | gp83w |
Automation in manufacturing of large scale complex carrying products |
Junfeng Wang, Quanke Pan, Liang Gao, and Shiqi Li |
wangjf@mail.hust.edu.cn |
Link |
3 | s48gw |
Electrical/Hybrid Vehicle and Energy Management Systems |
Liang Zhang, Yehui Han, and Jian Wu |
liang@engr.uconn.edu |
Link |
4 | iem58 |
Computational Intelligence in Scheduling |
Ling Wang, Mitsuo Gen, and Chen-Fu Chien |
wangling@tsinghua.edu.cn |
Link |
5 | 29g8v |
Simulation Optimization and Building Automation |
Qing-Shan Jia, Chun-Hung Chen, Loo Hay Lee, and Qianchuan Zhao |
jiaqs@tsinghua.edu.cn |
Link |
6 | 4v9u3 |
Intelligent Automation Technologies for Machine Tools |
Min-Hsiung Hung, Chao-Chun Chen, and Haw-Ching Yang |
hmx4@faculty.pccu.edu.tw |
Link |
7 | c7u12 |
Performance evaluation for production systems and supply chains |
Kan Wu |
kan626@gmail.com |
Link |
8 | 3sq86 |
Quantitative Methods in Semiconductor Manufacturing |
James Morrison and Lars Moench |
james.morrison@kaist.edu |
Link |
9 | j1s4f |
Quantitative Methods in Computer-Assisted Detection and Diagnosis |
Argon Chen |
achen@ntu.edu.tw |
Link |
10 | 54m3n |
Energy-Aware Automation – Models, Algorithms & Applications |
Vittaldas Prabhu and Qing Chang |
prabhu@engr.psu.edu |
Link |
11 | 9can5 |
Advances in Sustainable Production Automation |
Ying (Gina) Tang, Congbo Li, and Andrea Matta |
tang@rowan.edu |
Link |
12 | 8186m |
Data Analytics for Complex Systems |
Xi Zhang |
xi.zhang@pku.edu.cn |
Link |
13 | 9d312 |
Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Manufacturing Systems |
Sudarsan Rachuri, Tina Lee, and Soundar Kumara |
leet@nist.gov |
Link |
14 | 438fi |
Production and Operations Management under Uncertainties: Theory & Technology |
Zheng Wang |
wangz@seu.edu.cn |
Link |
15 | jr991 |
Closed-loop supply chain and reverse logistics |
Zhihai Zhang |
zhzhang@tsinghua.edu.cn |
Link |
16 | tb26g |
Steps toward better design of industrial robots |
Jiafan Zhang |
jiafan.zhang@cn.abb.com |
Link |
17 | 23fd5 |
Automation in Health Care Management |
Xiaolan Xie, Walter Ukovich, Houshang Darabi, and Gregory Faraut |
xie@emse.fr |
Link |
18 | 2u511 |
Applications of Active Magnetic Bearings |
Shyh-Leh Chen |
imeslc@ccu.edu.tw |
Link |
19 | 2bist |
Predictive Modeling and Control of Additive Manufacturing |
Qiang Huang |
qiang.huang@usc.edu |
Link |
20 | 7hk57 |
Intelligent Vehicle Technology |
Cheng-Foo Chen, Bo-Chiuan Chen, and Feng-Chi Hsieh |
fc.hsieh@haitec.com.tw |
Link |
21 | 893ew |
Robotic Automation Science for Human Life |
Feng-Li Lian |
fengli@ntu.edu.tw |
Link |
22 | a1pp2 |
Robot Recognition and Manipulation in Uncertain Environments |
Kai-Tai Song, Kuu-young Young, and Jwu-Sheng Hu |
ktsong@mail.nctu.edu.tw |
Link |
23 | f7wn6 |
Automation in Logistics |
Maria Pia Fanti, Chengbin CHU, Hesuan Hu, and Hoong Chuin Lau |
fanti@deemail.poliba.it |
Link |
24 | cq4ng |
Competition Skill Development for Humanoid Robots |
Chung-Hsien Kuo and Kuo-Yang Tu |
chkuo@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Link |
25 | 261p8 |
Advanced Multi-Function Intelligent Nursing Care System |
Li-Chen Fu |
lichen@ntu.edu.tw |
Link |
26 | ke832 |
Brain-Computer Interface |
Yi-Hung Liu and Shi-An Chen |
lyh@cycu.edy.tw |
Link |
27 | 6xdix |
Advanced Sensing and Actuation Technology in Intelligent Automation |
Jwu-Sheng Hu and Nelson Yen-Chung Chang |
NelsonChang@itri.org.tw |
Link |
28 | 12ek3 |
Discrete Event & Hybrid Systems and their Automation |
Hesuan Hu and Naiqi Wu |
hshu@mail.xidian.edu.cn |
Link |
29 | d6nj3 |
Smart Manufacturing and Commerce |
Wei-Shih Chang |
amandachang@iii.org.tw |
Link |
30 | 25v7q |
Advanced Process Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing |
Gian Antonio Susto and Sean McLoone |
sustogia@dei.unipd.it |
Link |
31 | 8h3c7 |
Recent Developments on Advanced Mechatronic Systems |
Mingcong Deng and TORU YAMAMOTO |
deng@cc.tuat.ac.jp |
Link |
32 | it648 |
Microsystem Sensing Technologies |
Y. Joe Yang |
yjy@ntu.edu.tw |
Link |
33 | hg1ea |
Global Logistics Service Model and Technology |
Tun-Nien Hsu and Hui-Chuan Chen |
janetchen@itri.org.tw |
Link |
34 | gsu9p |
Novel actuation and sensing control |
XiaoQi Chen and Jen-Yuan (James) Chang |
xiaoqi.chen@canterbury.ac.nz |
Link |
35 | 52g46 |
Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems in Manufacturing |
Xiaoyun Xu, Xi Zhang, and Yaping Zhao |
xiaoyun.xu@pku.edu.cn |
Link |