Toshio Fukuda
Toshio Fukuda is a visiting professor of Institutes of Innovation for Future Society at Nagoya University, University Professor of Waseda University and professor emeritus at Nagoya University, Japan. Dr. Fukuda is known as a pioneer in the field of intelligence systems and micro–nano robotics. He has published more than 2000 articles in scientific journals, conference proceedings, and about 40 books. He has served as the President of IEEE Robotics & Automation Society (1998–1999), IEEE Director Division X Systems & Control (2001–2002, 2017–2019), Founding President of IEEE Nanotechnology Council (2002-2005), Editor-In-Chief, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics (2000–2012), IEEE Region 10 Director (2013–2014), and as President of IEEE (2020). He is currently Program Director for the Moonshot Goal 3 "Realization of AI robots that autonomously learn, adapt to their environment, evolve in intelligence and act alongside human beings, by 2050.