12/12/2014- ARSO Article Complete 12/15/2014- CASE article complete, HAPTICS article complete, Humanoids article complete, ICRA article complete 12/15/2014- Download of ARSO 2015 complete. 12/16/2014- Download of ARSO 2014 complete. Download ARSO2013 complete. ISAM article complete. MEMS article complete. SSRR article complete. All downloads complete. ISAM2013 not working properly. 12/17/2014- Updating website directories. HTTrack creates an extra index directory and file structure around the websites, so I went in and manually removed the outer layer. Now, each subfolder for a given conference has the index page that corresponds to the conference landing page, rather than an HTTrack landing page. Notes: - ICRA 2011 link is dead. Could not find any other live links https://www.icra2011.org/ - ISAM 2013 link is dead. Could not find other live links. isam2013xian.org. This is an issue because it is the most recent live link of ISAM in general, listed as "Website" on the landing page. -ARSO2011 archival webpage is just a single landing page and then mostly the willow garage website. Refer to www.willowgarage.com/workshops/2011/arso.html. - Conferences that are missing steering committee webpages: ARSO,HAPTICS,ICRA(could use RAS CAB),ISAM,MEMS,SSRR,