Paper Submission
Papers have to be submitted via Microsoft's Academic Conference Management Service. The submission page is https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/SSRR2012/
No-show paper will not be included in IEEE Xplores.
Full Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Six camera-ready pages including figures are allowed for each paper. Robot Demonstrations are welcome and will be incorporated into the program if accepted. Please submit a one page description of how your demonstration will be compelling for safety, security, or rescue robot developers and users to see, along with images and a video of the demonstration (MPEG files up to 10 MB).
- Selected papers will appear in IEEExplore.
- Outstanding papers with field results will be invited to the special issue of Journal of Field Robotics on SSRR.
Paper Templates
Please follow one of the templates below closely. Papers failing to meet the correct format will be rejected.
Paper Format
Papers should be submitted on 8 1/2" x 11" pages in two-column format with top and bottom margins of 1" (25.4 mm), left and right margins of .63" (15.88 mm), and with at least .25" (6.34 mm) between columns. It is imperative that nothing appear outside of these margins on any page. Do not number the pages! If you only have A4 paper make sure you stay within the specified bounds, measured from the top left corner.
Major headings should be placed in capitals in the center of the column, 10 point, Times New Roman Font, numbered using roman numerals. Subheadings should be numbered using alphabetic numbering, set in italics and placed flush on the left-hand margin of the column on a separate line.
List and number all bibliographical references at the end of the paper. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets [1]. In general, all references must be available to the readers from the open literature. References to proprietary manuscripts, e.g. internal reports, should be avoided. An example of the proposed format for the list of references is given below:
[1] Author, A.B. Title of Book . New York: NIST Press, 1993, ch. 6, pp. 23-35. [2] Author, J.Q. "Title of Paper," Journal , vol. 10, pp. 1-20, 1995. [3] Author, G.H. "Title of Paper," in Proceedings of the Conference, 1994, pp. 10-14.
When numbering equations, enclose numbers in parentheses and place flush with right-hand margin of the column. e=mc 2 (1) where (1) goes flush with right-hand margin of the column
A brief abstract (two column format) should be included as the first paragraph of the paper. Keywords should be placed after the abstract. The word Keywords followed by a colon, should be in 10 point, bold italic Times New Roman Font. The text of the keywords will be in 9 point, italic Times New Roman Font.
Use only standard symbols and unit abbreviations. The use of the International System of Units (SI units) is advocated. Define any acronyms the first time they appear.
Style Guide
- 8 1/2" x 11" format page
- Top and bottom margin: 1" (25.4mm)
- Left and right margin: .63" (15.88 mm)
- Space between columns of at least: .25" (6.34mm)
- Stay within margins at all times
- Indent first line of second paragraph in each section .25" (6.34mm) (see templates)
- Center title, initial caps, bold across the entire image area 24 point, Times New Roman Font
- Center author(s) name(s) initial caps, below title 14 point, Times New Roman Font, Normal Type
- Center affiliation names(s) initial caps, below author(s) name(s) 12 point, Times New Roman Font, Normal Type
- The word Abstract is titled in 10 point, Times New Roman Font, Bold Italic Type. The text of the abstract is in 9 point, Times New Roman Font, normal Type. It should be in two column format
- Provide illustrations and photographs (black and white, glossy) in position within the text
- The use of company logos or symbols is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN on camera ready copies
- Logos will be permitted only on the slides or view graphs actually used during your talk
- Submit your paper in PDF format
- Full Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Six camera-ready pages including figures are allowed for each paper.
- Robot Demonstrations are welcome and will be incorporated into the program if accepted. Please submit a one page description of how your demonstration will be compelling for safety, security, or rescue robot developers and users to see, along with images and a video of the demonstration (MPEG files up to 10 MB).