Schedule for paper presentations may have shifted by 5 -10 minutes, please see the updated schedule here.
Monday, November 5
10:15 S1A: Urban Search & Rescue & Field Tests
- Digital Gareki Archives: An Approach to Know More About Collapsed Houses for Supporting Search and Rescue Activities
- Rescue Robots at Earthquake-Hit Mirandola, Italy: a Field Report
- Drilling Environment for Robot Operations and Discussions on its Usages
- CSIR Center for Mining Innovation and the Mine Safety Platform Robot
10:15 S1A: Multi-agent coordination I
- Decision Methods for Distributed Multi-Robot Patrol
- Visual place recognition for multi-robots maps merging
- Solving Task Allocation Uncertainty via a Combinatorial Method
- Parametric Investigation of a Distributed Strategy for Multiple Agents Systems Applied to Cooperative Tasks
13:30 S2A: Navigation&Mapping
- Combining Monocular and Stereo Vision in 6D-SLAM for the Localization of a Tracked Wheel Robot
- A REference implementation of interoperable indoor location&communication systems for FIrst REsponders: the REFIRE project
- Safe Teleoperation of a Quadrotor Using FastSLAM
- Interactive Mapping in 3D Using RGB-D Data
13:30 S2B: Multi-agent coordination II
- The Effects of Communication and Visual Range on Multi-Robot Repeated Boundary Coverage
- Multi-Robot Target Verification with Reachability Constraints
- A Self-Adaptation Framework for Heterogeneous Miniature Search and Rescue Robots
- Towards CSP-based mission dispatching in C2/C4I systems
15:15 Late Breaking Reports Poster Session
16:15 S3A: CBR Events
- Hazardous Workspace Modeling for Manipulators Using Spatial Hazard Functions
- Projected Needs for Robot-Assisted Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (CBRN) Incidents
- Control modes validation for Generalized Point to Point Task Execution Application: Robuter/UML Mobile Manipulator
16:15 S3B: Sensing and Sensor Fusion
- Evaluation of Thermal Imaging for People Detection in Outdoor Scenarios
- Functional Mapping for Human-Robot Collaborative Exploration
- GPS-INS-BARO Hybrid Navigation System Taking into Account Ground Effect for Autonomous Unmanned Helicopter
Tuesday, November 6th
15:30 S4: Human-Robot Interaction I
Invited papers
Wednesday, November 7th
10:15 S5A: Snake-like Robots
- Using Kinesthetic Input to Overcome Obstacles with Snake Robots
- Dog and Snake Marsupial Cooperation for Urban Search and Rescue Deployment
- Development of autonomous snake-like robot for use in rubble
- Proposal of EARLI for snake robot's obstacle aided locomotion
10:15 S5B: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Mission Review of Aerial Robotic Assessment - Ammunition Explosion Cyprus 201127
- Hexrotor UAV Platform Enabling Dextrous Interaction with Structures - Preliminary Work
- 3D change detection using low cost aerial imagery
13:30 S6A: Robot Platforms
- A Demolition and Hydraulically Driven Robot for Disaster Response
- MOTHERSHIP – A Serpentine Multi-Treaded Marsupial Robot for USAR
- Development of a Practical Mobile Robot Platform for NBC Disasters and Its Field Test
- Soft robot concept for autonomous propagation in confined and obstructed environments
13:30 S6B: Motion Planning and Control I
- Motion Planning for Actively Reconfigurable Mobile Robots in Search and Rescue Scenarios
- Achieving Bipedal Locomotion on Rough Terrain through Human-Inspired Control
- Multi-Objective Sensor-Based Replanning for a Car-Like Robot
- Planning Random path distributions for ambush games in unstructured environments
15:15 S7A: Human-Robot Interaction II
- Trust in Emergency Evacuation Robots
- Asymmetric Velocity Moderation: a Reactive Strategy for Human Safety
- The SHERPA project: smart collaboration between humans and ground-aerial robots for improving rescuing activities in alpine environments
15:15 S7B: Motion Planning and Control II
- A Potential Function and Artificial Neural Network for Path Planning in Dynamic Environments based on Self-Reconfigurable Mobile Robot System
- Learning the terrain and planning a collision-free trajectory for indoor post-disaster environments
- Learning Based Semi-Autonomous Control for Robots in Urban Search and Rescue