Paper Submission
Papers have to be submitted via Microsoft's Academic Conference Management Service. The submission is closed.
No-show paper will not be included in IEEE Xplores.
Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Six (6) camera-ready pages including figures are allowed for each paper. It is possible to buy up to two (2) more pages for 1,000 SEK per page.
You need to sign and submit a copyright form. The copyright form can be downloaded here: DOC or PDF. Scan the signed copyright form into a PDF, name it paperXX_copyrightform.pdf and send it to fredrik.heintz@liu.se.
Robot Demonstrations are welcome and will be incorporated into the program if accepted. Please submit a one page description of how your demonstration will be compelling for safety, security, or rescue robot developers and users to see, along with images and a video of the demonstration (MPEG files up to 10 MB).
- Papers may be accepted either for oral presentation or for poster presentation. All accepted papers are given six (6) pages and will be published in the proceedings. The main difference is how they are presented at the conference.
- At least one author needs to register for the conference and present the paper. The same person can present multiple papers as long as he/she is an author of those papers.
- Selected papers will appear in IEEExplore.
- Outstanding papers with field results will be invited to a special issue of the Journal of Field Robotics.
Late Breaking Report Submission
Late Breaking Reports have to be submitted via Microsoft's Academic Conference Management Service. The submission is open.
No-show paper will not be included in IEEE Xplores.
Late Breaking Reports should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Two (2) camera-ready pages including figures are allowed for each paper.
Paper Templates
Papers should be formatted according to the IEEE standards. Papers failing to meet the correct format will be rejected. Please use the Letter Size Paper Template on the IEEE website: https://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
If you prefer LaTeX, use the command \documentclass[conference,10pt,letter]{IEEEtran}.
Papers accepted as presentations
Each talk is 20 minutes and there is a few minutes between each talk for questions and changing speakers (4 speakers per 90 minute slot). Every room has a LCD projector and we expect you to use your own computer. If you need to borrow a computer please let us know.
Papers accepted as posters and LBRs
The poster session is in the afternoon on Thursday Oct 24. Each poster will get a poster board. Your poster should preferably be in the A0 portrait format.
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