Conference Program

Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics

Invited Speakers

Title of the talk: INESC TEC Autonomous Systems in Safety, Security and SAR Missions Scenarios

Eduardo Alexandre Pereira da Silva
Robotics Unit Manager INESC TEC
Prof. Adjunto DEE at ISEP.
Porto, Portugal

Title of the talk: Aerial Robotics technologies and applications: from
long range exploration to local intervention

Anibal Ollero
Professor and Head of GRVC, University of Seville
Scientific Advisor of the Center for Advanced Aerospace Technologies,
Seville, Spain

Title of the talk: Exploration and mapping by mixed human-robot teams

Henrik I Christensen
Qualcomm Chancellor’s Chair in Robot Systems
Contextual Robotics Institute
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering
UC San Diego

Title of the talk:Rescue Robots in Amatrice/Italy and at the town
archive Cologne/Germany

Hartmut Surmann (practitioner)
Professor for Autonomous Systems at Westfälische Hochschule
Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen

Preliminary Program

A more detailed preliminary program can be downloaded here.

Program Overview