WB05 Biomedical Systems
Time : 13:30~15:00
Room : 105
Chair : Beom-Chan Lee (University of Houston, )
13:30~13:45        WB05-1
A study on deterioration in proprioception related to low back pain and falls and postural sway response to local vibratory stimulation

Ayaka Yamada, Eishi Nakamura, Noritaka Sato, Yoshifumi Morita(Nagoya institute of technology, Japan), Tadashi Ito(Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare, Japan), Yoshihito Sakai(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan), Kazunori Yamazaki(Fujita Health University, Japan)

The goal of our work was to develop a treatment system for restoring proprioception in patients with low back pain and tendency for falls. For this purpose, we investigated postural sway during local vibratory stimulation in elderly people by using our developed device. Vibratory stimulations, which these frequencies were determined from eigen response frequencies for proprioception were applied. The Meissner and Vater-Pacini corpuscles may be deteriorated in patients with low back pain. The Meissner corpuscle in the lumbar region may be deteriorated in those who have a tendency for falls.
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13:45~14:00        WB05-2
Changes in Granger Causality for Brain Connectivity Depending on the Concentration Levels of Isoflurane in Rat Study

Dongrae Cho, Boreom Lee(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, Republic of )

Although the many researchers investigate the mechanism of loss of consciousness, the feasible cause for that phenomenon is unknown. The Granger causality (GC) is one of the algorithms for extracting brain connectivity using electroencephalogram (EEG). It indicates the information flows between two different brain regions whether they are connected physically or not. In this paper, we investigate brain connectivity which is based on the GC between the brain regions of rats depending on concentration levels of isoflurane that is widely used for inhalation anesthetic in human medicine.
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14:00~14:15        WB05-3
Smartphone based fall detection system

Stefan Madansingh, Timothy A. Thrasher, Charles S. Layne, Beom-Chan Lee(University of Houston, United States)

This paper describes the design of a smartphone based fall detection system and characterizes the preliminary efficacy of the proposed system in activities of daily living (ADLs). Using the embedded sensors available in a smartphone, kinematic analysis of movement can be performed in real-time, allowing for continuous monitoring of fall status. The results are important for the definition of machine learning algorithms, currently under development, to minimize false positive and false negative fall detection events.
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14:15~14:30        WB05-4
Identification of flight task using ensemble empirical mode decomposition based analysis method

Biting Yu, Bo Jia, QI Wu, Yanyu Lu, Dan Huang, Shan Fu, Zhengxiang Cai(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

To analyse the difficulty of flight tasks, a novel method was presented in this paper using pupil diameter of pilots. The proposed method integrated ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and ratio of high to low frequency wavelet coefficients energy to identify pupil data under different tasks from 5 crews. Compared to the extraction method using wavelet energy entropy, the proposed method got more obvious difference between manual departure and standard instrument departure. The results indicated that the difficulty of flight tasks could be distinguished by pupil diameter of pilots.
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14:30~14:45        WB05-5
Detection of Event Related Optical Signal (EROS) in Episodic Memory Retrieval Task Using ICA-Based Kalman Filter

Sunghee Dong(Korea university, Korea, Republic of ), Jaeyoung Shin(Berlin institute of technology, Germany), Jichae Jeong(Korea university, Korea, Republic of )

We investigate the noise reduction performance for event related optical signal (EROS) measured from 5-channel near-infrared spectroscopy to reduce noise by using grand average and independent component analysis (ICA)-based Kalman filter. We verified that positive deviation in response to old word occurred around 500 ms using grand average for three subjects. After applying ICA-based Kalman filter on data from each subject, the clear positive deviation was shown graphically. Also, the ratio of positively deviated epoch in response to old word increased by 14 % after ICA-based Kalman filtering.
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14:45~15:00        WB05-6
Evaluation of pleasant and unpleasant emotions evoked by visual stimuli using NIRS

Kazuki Yanagisawa, Hitoshi Tsunashima(Nihon University, Japan)

In this study, the relation between the brain activity and the pleasant and unpleasant emotions was evaluated using International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and NIRS. Based on the NIRS recording for 21 participants, the effect of pleasant and unpleasant emotion on the brain activity was measured. The detection of pleasant and unpleasant emotion from NIRS signal was conducted using Neural Network. It was shown that the pleasant and unpleasant emotion can be detected with the accuracy of 96% (the highest) and 75% (average).
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