WA05 Automotive Systems and Automation
Time : 09:10~10:40
Room : 105
Chair : Yoshihiko Takahashi (Kanagawa Institute of Technology, )
09:10~09:25        WA05-1
Energy Optimal Controller for Electric Vehicles on Partially Icy Roads with Heuristic Skidding Compensation

Kenan AHISKA(ASELSAN Inc., Turkey), Mehmet Kemal ÖZGÖREN, Mehmet Kemal LEBLEBİCİOĞLU(Middle East Technical University, Turkey)

Energy Optimal Controller for Electric Vehicles on Partially Icy Roads with Heuristic Skidding Compensation Kenan Ahıska(ASELSAN Inc.Turkey) M. Kemal Özgören (METU,Turkey) M.Kemal Leblebicioğlu (METU,Turkey) In this study, a mathematical model is constructed for an electric vehicle. An energy optimal controller is designed for the vehicle moving on a positive constant slope road with some icy parts. An Heuristic approach is used to compensate skidding. The advantage of the optimal controller over the cruise controller has been validated with simulations of various road conditions.
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09:25~09:40        WA05-2
Mechanical Optimization of Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Plant Oil Electric generator

Yoshihiko Takahashi, Ryo Matsumoto, Hirotake Sasai(Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan)

We propose a new hybrid electric vehicle which uses natural energy, consumes little fuel, and operates over a long distance. We are designing a series hybrid system, in which a diesel engine operating on plant oil rotates an electric generator, and runs the vehicle using the generated electricity. The generated electricity may also be stored in batteries, which are also able to power the electric vehicle. The general intention of the proposed system is to reduce the use of non-renewable fossil fuels, and to reduce overall costs. Plant oil is ecological, and allows for the creation of a carbon
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09:40~09:55        WA05-3
Small Compact Electric Vehicle for Practical Use and its Repeated Start-Stop Tests

Takeharu Hayashi(National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College, Japan), Yoshihiko Takahashi(Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan)

We are proposing a small electric vehicle which uses a low powered battery (7.2 V, approximately 2 Ah) to be used for shopping by the elderly. We fabricated a vehicle which demonstrated a total running time of over 30 minutes with a running velocity of over 3 km/h using the battery in a previous project. For this study, we have improved the vehicle in terms of both operational comfort and running performance. In order to improve operational comfort, two upgrades were implemented. First, the transmission device box was moved and installed in a position so that the driver is able to rest their f
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09:55~10:10        WA05-4
A control algorithm for WSP valve in pneumatic brake system of railway vehicle

Nam-jin Lee, Chul-Goo Kang(Konkuk University, Korea, Republic of )

In a railway vehicle, a WSP valve is a key component for the safety of the vehicle and the supplementation of brake operation in impaired track conditions. Due to the working of the WSP system, the excessive sliding or a locking of wheels is prevented. The WSP valve has its own time delay and response time because of the characteristics of the electro-magnet in the valve. In this study, the mathematical model of the WSP valve is to be built and control algorithm for WSP valve is to be introduced, and the performance of the algorithm is to be verified through HILS for a pneumatic brake system.
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10:10~10:25        WA05-5
Design of a High-Speed, Short-Stroke xy-Stage with Counterbalance Mechanisms

Young-bong Bang(Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of ), Chang-Hyuk Lee(Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of ), Sung Yon Cho(Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of ), Jiwon Choi(Seoul National University, Korea, Republic of ), Kyung-min Lee(Korean Intellectual Property Office, Korea, Republic of ), Bu Hyun Shin(Hanbat National University, Korea, Republic of )

In many cases, the moving speed of xy-stages influences the productivity of industrial machines; thus, it is very important to develop high speed xy-stages. This paper presents a high-speed/short-stroke xy-stage mechanism, which is used on a long-stroke stage and which performs high-speed xy-motions in a short range. To reduce the weight of the moving part, the proposed xy-stage transfers the motion of two actuators to the stage through two perpendicularly-installed linear motion guides. The dump force applied to the base frame is also greatly reduced by adding the counterbalance mechanism.
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10:25~10:40        WA05-6
Development and Experimental Research of Adaptive Control System for Robotic Complex

Igor Gornostaev, Vladimir Filaretov, Anton Gubankov(Far Eastern Federal University, Russian Federation)

The paper deals with adaptive control system for robotic complex. This system depending on current values of continuously varying parameters of control objects can support the maximum possible speed of the working tools and accessory equipment without reducing a given dynamic accuracy. Performed experimental studies have confirmed the high efficiency of the proposed methods.
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