ICINCO 2017 Abstracts
Area 1 - Industrial Informatics
Full PapersPaper Nr: | 19 |
Title: | Optimizing PTP Motions of Industrial Robots through Addition of Via-points |
Authors: | Zygimantas Ziaukas, Kai Eggers, Jens Kotlarski and Tobias Ortmaier |
Abstract: | This paper presents how the addition of via-points can improve the state-of-the-art trajectory planning towards lower energy consumption and/or lower travel time. In contrast to existing approaches using trajectory interpolation methods like B-splines, exclusively standard commands of commonly available robotic systems are used in order to get practicable results. The system’s energy demand for a given trajectory is determined based on a model of system energy characterized by low complexity. Trajectory profiles are obtained from original robot trajectory planning by using hardware in the loop. Therefore, results can directly be formulated in machine code. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Depending on the given task, energy savings up to 17.3% at equal travel time and time savings up to 13.3% compared to initial PTP motion are possible. The approaches presented are applicable to any robotic application that utilizes PTP motions, e. g. pick-and-place or spot welding tasks. |
Paper Nr: | 21 |
Title: | Accuracy Analysis and Improvement for Cooperative Industrial Robots |
Authors: | M. Wagner, A. Buschhaus, S. Reitelshöfer, P. Heß and J. Franke |
Abstract: | The cooperative working of multiple robots on a common task often requires a high geometric accuracy. If such a system is modeled, many sources of error are present, which can quickly lead to inadequate process results. In order to avoid this, it is important to carry out a calibration in which deviations are determined. Subsequently, the model can be adapted to the actual conditions. In the scope of this work a kinematic calibration method for multi-robot systems is developed and realized with a robot setup consisting of two industrial robot arms. The accuracy of the robot system is significantly improved by the developed approach, which has been proven by experimental investigations. |
Short Papers
Paper Nr: | 23 |
Title: | A Domain Specific Language for Robot Programming in the Wood Industry - A Practical Example |
Authors: | Víctor Juan Expósito Jiménez and Herwig Zeiner |
Abstract: | Domain Specific Languages (DSL) are being used in several fields of industry. This paper shows how a DSL can be used in the wood industry, automizing some tasks through the use of robots. In this paper we also implement a syntax to define robot instructions inside a high-level abstraction layer to simplify these instructions and to develop a reliable tool for developers in order to avoid errors and allow for faster development. This paper also covers considerations on how to choose the kind of DSL that best fulfills our requirements and provides an example described in detail. |
Paper Nr: | 52 |
Title: | MPC for Ozone Dosage in Water Treatment Process based on Disturbance Observer |
Authors: | Dan Niu, Xisong Chen, Jun Yang, Fuchun Jiang and Xingpeng Zhou |
Abstract: | In the drinking water treatment, determining optimal ozone doses is vital for the treated water quality. An effective control scheme is to control the dissolved ozone residual constant. However, it is not easy to be achieved since some external disturbances always exist, such as large changes in water flow rate and raw water quality. Moreover, the ozonation is a nonlinear process with long time delay and large time constant. The conventional control strategies such as PID and traditional MPC reject disturbances merely through feedback regulation, which will cause performance degradation in the presence of strong disturbances. In this paper, a composite control scheme integrating MPC method as feedback controller and disturbance observer (DOB) as feed-forward compensation is proposed to improve disturbance rejection of ozone dosage control system. The test results demonstrate that the proposed method possesses a better disturbance rejection performance than the MPC method in the ozonation process. |
Paper Nr: | 96 |
Title: | Multi-layer Method for Data Center Cooling Control and System Integration |
Authors: | Winston Garcia-Gabin and Xiaojing Zhang |
Abstract: | This paper describes an integral management hierarchical structure for data center server room ventilation and IT equipment cooling based on multi-layer approach. The approach contains two hierarchical layers, the lower layer is responsible to assure the right cooling power of each server-rack avoiding overcooling and waste of energy. The upper layer is responsible to perform the tasks of optimization, supervision and coordination of all subsystems in the lower layer for holistic control. The approach aim is to make data centers more energy efficient, here we focus on proposing a general approach to improve the efficiency of their thermal cooling systems. |
Paper Nr: | 113 |
Title: | Towards a Self-balancing Machine Velocity Production Line for Energy Saving |
Authors: | E. Garcia and N. Montes |
Abstract: | The present study analyzes how to re-balance a real world manufacturing line for energy saving by means of machine velocity reduction. Without loss of generality, the paper is focused in Industrial Robot (IR) lines where the velocity of each robot is properly tuned using a predictive control technique. It predicts the IR idle time for the next cycle based on the model line knowledge, the mini-term sub cycle time measurements and simulation techniques. The proposed predictive control technique is tested off-line, using a real world welding line model located at Factory Ford, Almussafes (Valencia). Also an estimation of the stored energy is computed by means of an experimental test developed in a real welding unit. A discussion on how to implement it in a real line is done at the end of the paper. |
Area 2 - Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Full PapersPaper Nr: | 22 |
Title: | Optimal Scheduling of an on-Demand Fixture Manufacturing Cell for Mass Customisation Production Systems - Model Formulation, Presentation and Validation |
Authors: | Enrico Naidoo, Jared Padayachee and Glen Bright |
Abstract: | A focal point of mass customisation production systems (a significant aspect of the fourth industrial revolution) is the implementation of reconfigurable jigs and fixtures. Traditional methods for the treatment of conventional fixtures are inadequate for those of the reconfigurable type. This paper describes the implementation of an on-demand fixture manufacturing cell that would reside in a mass customisation production system. The focus, in particular, is on the behaviour and optimisation of this cell in relation to the production system. To achieve this, a multi-stage optimisation procedure was developed that involves cluster analysis and a mixed inter linear programming (MILP) model to minimise total idle time (and thus makespan) in the system. |
Paper Nr: | 25 |
Title: | Solution of a Singular H¥ Control Problem: A Regularization Approach |
Authors: | Valery Y. Glizer and Oleg Kelis |
Abstract: | We consider an infinite horizon H¥ control problem for linear systems with additive uncertainties (disturbances). The case of a singular weight matrix for the control cost in the cost functional is treated. In such a case, a part of the control coordinates is singular, meaning that the H¥ control problem itself is singular. We solve this problem by a regularization. Namely, we associate the original singular problem with a new H¥ control problem for the same equation of dynamics. The cost functional in the new problem is the sum of the original cost functional and an infinite horizon integral of the squares of the singular control coordinates with a small positive weight. This new H¥ control problem is regular, and it is a partial cheap control problem. Based on an asymptotic analysis of this H¥ partial cheap control problem, a controller solving the original singular H¥ control problem is designed. Illustrative example is presented. |
Paper Nr: | 27 |
Title: | Robustness to Inertial Parameter Errors for Legged Robots Balancing on Level Ground |
Authors: | Nirmal Giftsun, Andrea Del Prete and Florent Lamiraux |
Abstract: | Model-based control has become more and more popular in the legged robots community in the last ten years. The key idea is to exploit a model of the system to compute precise motor commands that result in the desired motion. This allows to improve the quality of the motion tracking, while using lower gains, leading so to higher compliance. However, the main flaw of this approach is typically its lack of robustness to modeling errors. In this paper we focus on the robustness of inverse-dynamics control to errors in the inertial parameters of the robot. We assume these parameters to be known, but only with a certain accuracy. We then propose a computationally-efficient optimization-based controller that ensures the balance of the robot despite these uncertainties. We used the proposed controller in simulation to perform different reaching tasks with the HRP-2 humanoid robot, in the presence of various modeling errors. Comparisons against a standard inverse-dynamics controller through hundreds of simulations show the superiority of the proposed controller in ensuring the robot balance. |
Paper Nr: | 59 |
Title: | Control Architecture Modeling using Functional Energetic Method - Demonstration on a Hybrid Electric Vehicle |
Authors: | Mert Mokukcu, Philippe Fiani, Sylvain Chavanne, Lahsen Ait Taleb, Cristina Vlad and Emmanuel Godoy |
Abstract: | With the advances on component technology, communication and information, energy systems are becoming more complex. In this context, energy optimization based on various criteria requires the development of relevant and representative models that are able to characterize the system behaviour. Within this study, functional modeling is used to represent a system at a higher level of abstraction, with simple equations, local control loops and a decision manager (DM) for handling the energy flow. The reduced complexity and fast simulation of this model simplify the validation of system architecture and components sizing, as well as the performances evaluation of energy management algorithms according to different criteria. Once this first validation is completed, the following step in the system design process is to test the same algorithms on a more accurate model, represented at multi-physical level, that has its own local controllers and global resource manager (GRM). One way to complete this second validation is to use the information computed using the functional model, to design a high level controller of a more complex multi-physical model. To this purpose, a solution is proposed to interconnect the two models, of the same system, that are represented at different level of abstraction. First, it is shown how the GRM can be extracted from the functional model. Secondly, it is presented how this management system can be adapted in order to be used at multi-physical level. Both models are developed for a plug-in parallel hybrid vehicle (PHEV), and the interconnection solution is illustrated for the considered application. |
Paper Nr: | 72 |
Title: | Local Decay of Residuals in Dual Gradient Method Applied to MPC Studied using Active Set Approach |
Authors: | Matija Perne, Samo Gerkšič and Boštjan Pregelj |
Abstract: | A dual gradient method is used for solving quadratic programs resulting from a model predictive control problem in real-time control context. Evolution of iterates and residuals throughout iterations of the method is studied. In each iteration, the set of active inequality constraints whose corresponding components of the Lagrange multiplier are non-zero can be defined. It is found that the set of active constraints tends to stay constant through multiple iterations. Observing the decay of residuals for intervals where the set of active constraints is constant leads to interesting findings. For such an interval, the dual residual can be expressed in a base so that its components are decaying independently, uniformly, and at predictable rates. The base and the rates only depend on the system matrices and the set of active constraints. The calculated decay rates match the rates observed in numerical simulations of MPC control, which is shown for the AFTI-16 benchmark example. |
Paper Nr: | 75 |
Title: | Semi-supervised SVM with Fuzzy Controlled Cooperation of Biology Related Algorithms |
Authors: | Shakhnaz Akhmedova, Eugene Semenkin and Vladimir Stanovov |
Abstract: | Due to its wide applicability, the problem of semi-supervised classification is attracting increasing attention in machine learning. Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines (SVM) are based on applying the margin maximization principle to both labelled and unlabelled examples. A new collective bionic algorithm, namely fuzzy controlled cooperation of biology related algorithms (COBRA-f), which solves constrained optimization problems, has been developed for semi-supervised SVM design. Firstly, the experimental results obtained by the two types of fuzzy controlled COBRA are presented and compared and their usefulness is demonstrated. Then the performance and behaviour of proposed semi-supervised SVMs are studied under common experimental settings and their workability is established. |
Paper Nr: | 85 |
Title: | A Distributed PID-like Consensus Control for Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems |
Authors: | Nicolò Gionfra, Guillaume Sandou, Houria Siguerdidjane and Damien Faille |
Abstract: | The problem of discrete-time multi-agent systems governed by general MIMO dynamics is addressed. By employing a PID-like distributed protocol, we aim to solve two relevant consensus problems, namely the leaderless consensus under disturbances and leader-follower under time-varying reference state ones. Sufficient conditions for stability as well as two LMI approaches to tune the controller gains are provided. The latter are either based on a H∞ formulation of the problem or on fast response to a reference exogenous signal. Numerical simulations give some insight of which tuning should be considered according to the problem addressed. |
Paper Nr: | 105 |
Title: | Scheduling Jobs with Releases Dates and Delivery Times on M Identical Non-idling Machines |
Authors: | Fatma Hermès and Khaled Ghédira |
Abstract: | This paper considers the problem of scheduling jobs with release dates and delivery times on identical machines where the machines must work under the non-idling constraint. Indeed, each machine must process all the jobs affected to it continuously without any intermediate delays. The objective is to minimize the makespan. This problem is strongly NP-hard since its particular case on only one machine has been proved to be strongly NP-hard (Chrétienne, 2008). Furthermore, the complexity of the considered problem where the jobs are unit-time remains an open question (Chrétienne, 2014). Recently, the particular case on only one non-idling machine has been studied and some efficient classical algorithms proposed to solve the classic one machine scheduling problem (i.e without adding the non-idling constraint) have been easily extended to solve its non-idling version (see (Chrétienne, 2008), (Carlier et al., 2010) and (Kacem and kellerer, 2014)). In this paper, we propose some heuristics to solve the considered machines problem under the non-idling constraint. We first suggest a generalization of the well known rule of Jackson (Jackson, 1955) in order to construct feasible schedules. This rule gives priority to the ready jobs with the greatest delivery time. Then, we extend Potts algorithm (Potts, 1980) which has been proposed to solve the one machine problem. Finally, we present the results of a computational study which shows that the proposed heuristics are fast and yields in most tests schedules with relative deviation which is on average equal to 0,4%. |
Paper Nr: | 110 |
Title: | Robust Energy Management Strategy based on the Battery Fault Management for Hydraulic-electric Hybrid Vehicle |
Authors: | Elkhatib Kamal and Lounis Adouane |
Abstract: | This paper deals with a robust energy management strategy, including a battery fault detection and compensation for a hydraulic-electric hybrid vehicle. The overall control and management strategy aims to minimize total energy consumption while ensuring a better battery life. Many power management strategies do not consider battery faults which could accelerate battery aging, decreasing thus its life and could cause also thermal runaway, which may cause fire and battery explosions. Therefore, battery fault tolerant control to guarantee the battery performance is also proposed in this paper. The proposed strategy consists of fuzzy supervisory fault management at the highest level (the second). This level is responsible to detect and compensate the battery faults, generating optimal mode and healthy state of charge set point for first level to prevent overcharge or/and over-discharge. In the first level, an energy management strategy is developed based on neural fuzzy strategy to manage power distribution between electric motor and engine. Then, there are robust fuzzy controllers to regulate the set points of each vehicle subsystems to reach the best operational performance. The Truck- Maker/MATLAB simulation results confirm that the proposed architecture can satisfy power requirement for any unknown driving cycles and compensate battery faults effect. |
Paper Nr: | 126 |
Title: | Impedance Control of a Redundant Parallel Manipulator |
Authors: | Juan de Dios Flores Mendez, Henrik Schiøler, Ole Madsen and Shaoping Bai |
Abstract: | This paper presents the design of Impedance Control to a redundantly actuated Parallel Kinematic Manipulator. The proposed control is based on treating each limb as a single system and their connection through the internal interaction forces. The controller introduces a stiffness and damping matrices that decouples the dynamic behaviour of the robot. Control allocation of torques is applied through an optimization that promotes even distribution of torques over actuators. Simulations showed a good compliance behaviour in low frequencies. |
Paper Nr: | 135 |
Title: | Evolutionary Type-2 Fuzzy Blood Gas Models for Artificially Ventilated Patients in ICU |
Authors: | S. H. Indera-Putera and M. Mahfouf |
Abstract: | This paper proposes a new modelling and optimization architecture for improving the prediction accuracy of arterial blood gases (ABG) in the SOPAVent model (Simulation of Patients under Artificial Ventilation). The three ABG parameters monitored by SOPAVent are the partial arterial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), the partial arterial pressure of carbon-dioxide (PaCO2) and the acid-base measurement (pH). SOPAVent normally produces the initial ABG predictions and also the ABG predictions after any changes in ventilator settings are made. Two of SOPAVent’s sub-models, namely the relative dead-space (Kd) and the carbon-dioxide production (VCO2) were elicited using interval type-2 fuzzy logic system. These models were then tuned using a new particle swarm optimization (nPSO) algorithm, via a single objective optimization approach. The new SOPAVent model was then validated using real patient data from the Sheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital (UK). The performance of the new SOPAVent model was then compared with its previous version, where Kd and VCO2 were modeled using a neural-fuzzy system (ANFIS). For the initial ABG predictions, significant improvements were observed in the mean absolute error (MAE) and correlation coefficient (R) for PaCO2 and pH. When the ventilator settings were changed, significant improvements were observed for the prediction of pH and other improvements were also observed for the prediction of PaCO2. |
Paper Nr: | 138 |
Title: | Trajectory Tracking based on Containment Algorithm Applied to a Formation of Mobile Manipulators |
Authors: | Renato Vizuete, Jackeline Abad Torres and Paulo Leica |
Abstract: | This paper presents a distributed control for the formation control of mobile manipulators. We use a mobile manipulator model that can be separated in a kinematic and a dynamic component. For the kinematic component (formation control), we propose a distributed containment algorithm with a smooth function to avoid the chattering phenomenon, which provides control actions applicable in real robots. For the dynamic component, a controller based on the compensation of the dynamic forces and torques is applied. The structure of the formation is given by: a group of virtual leaders, which are used as references and to delimit the physic boundaries, and a group of follower robots. The distribution of the followers is determined by a Laplacian matrix, which is built based on the desired positions of the robots inside the convex hull formed by the virtual leaders. To validate the designed controllers, a simulation of formation and tracking trajectory of 8 mobile manipulators is performed, considering as reference, a sinusoid in each coordinate axis. |
Paper Nr: | 147 |
Title: | Dynamic Programming Resolution and Database Knowledge for Online Predictive Energy Management of Hybrid Vehicles |
Authors: | Rustem Abdrakhmanov and Lounis Adouane |
Abstract: | This paper presents a sub-optimal strategy, based on Dynamic Programming (DP) approach, for online energy (electric battery and fuel) optimization of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). An optimal offline optimization is first proposed in this work, permitting to have simultaneous speed profile optimization and optimal power split strategy of a series-parallel hybrid bus. The aim of this optimization is mainly to reduce the fuel and electrical energy consumption of the studied HEV while maintaining smooth bus navigation to ensure the passengers’ comfort. It is assumed in this first proposal that current road profile (slope, geometry, etc.) and the overall bus trip (time at the stations) are known in advance. Afterward, the basis of the offline optimal strategy has been adapted in order to deal online with the current road profile and driver velocity demand. The proposed sub-optimal online strategy uses mainly an appropriate speed profile and power-split database, obtained offline with DP, in order to cope with the current bus situations, and this is carried out by using a multi-dimensional interpolation method. The present work is conducted on a dedicated high-fidelity model of the hybrid bus that was developed on MATLAB/TruckMaker software. |
Paper Nr: | 188 |
Title: | Modelling and Optimization of the Operation of a Multiple Tank Water Pumping System |
Authors: | Roberto Sanchis and Ignacio Peñarrocha |
Abstract: | This paper studies the optimization of the operation of a water supply pumping system by means of standard solvers. The system consists of several tanks that supply the water to several districts in a town. Each tank can be filled from several wells through a hydraulic system that can be reconfigured by means of several valves. The automatic operation of the system tries to determine which valves and pumps must be active at each instant in order to minimise the operation cost, taking into account the tariff periods. The main constraints are the maximum and minimum volumes of the tanks. A mathematical model of the problem is proposed in order to formulate, in matrix form, the cost index and the constraints, to be able to use standard solvers as Mosek. A basic optimization problem is proposed, that only imposes the constraints of the finite volume of the tanks. The result of this basic problem tends to produce a large number of pump and valve commutations, that is not adequate in practice. To solve this problem, two alternatives are proposed: to include the number of commutations in the cost index, and to add as a constraint the maximum number of commutations. Both approaches lead to an adequate result, but the second one is easier to use, as the number of commutations can be fixed in an explicit way. An example of a real water supply system is analysed to demonstrate the validity of the approach, using Yalmip as parser and Mosek as solver. |
Paper Nr: | 193 |
Title: | Tracking Solutions for Mobile Robots: Evaluating Positional Tracking using Dual-axis Rotating Laser Sweeps |
Authors: | Sebastian P. Kleinschmidt, Christian S. Wieghardt and Bernardo Wagner |
Abstract: | This paper provides a comprehensive introduction into state of the art marker-based tracking methods. Therefore, optical, magnetic, acoustic and inertial tracking are described and evaluated. All presented approaches are compared regarding accuracy, resolution, tracking volume, measurement rate and outdoor and indoor suitability. Additionally, typical technical limitations are mentioned for each system according to their functional principle. As a technology with increasing potential for mobile robotics, we evaluate the achievable accuracy for pose tracking using dual-axis rotating laser sweeps as used in modern tracking systems for virtual reality applications. |
Paper Nr: | 210 |
Title: | Re-optimisation Control of a Fed-batch Fermentation Process using Bootstrap Aggregated Extreme Learning Machine |
Authors: | Carolina Maria Cardona Baron and Jie Zhang |
Abstract: | This paper presents using bootstrap aggregated extreme learning machine for the on-line re-optimisation control of a fed-batch fermentation process. In order to overcome the difficulty in developing mechanistic model, data driven models are developed using extreme learning machine (ELM). ELM has the advantage of fast training in that the hidden layer weights are randomly assigned. A single ELM model can lack of robustness due the randomly assigned hidden layer weights. To overcome this problem, multiple ELM models are developed from bootstrap re-sampling replications of the original training data and are then combined. In addition to enhanced model accuracy, bootstrap aggregated ELM can also give model prediction confidence bounds. A reliable optimal control policy is achieved by means of the inclusion of model prediction confidence bounds within the optimisation objective function to penalise wide model prediction confidence bounds which are associated with uncertain predictions as a consequence of plant model-mismatch. Finally, in order to deal with process disturbances, an on-line re-optimisation strategy is developed and successfully implemented. |
Paper Nr: | 211 |
Title: | Optimal 3D Kinematic Analysis for Human Lower Limb Rehabilitation |
Authors: | Hachmia Faqihi, Maarouf Saad, Khalid Benjelloun, Mohammed Benbrahim and M. Nabil Kabbaj |
Abstract: | The majority of the kinematics analysis carried out on the human body are usually available only for use in the sagittal plane. Limited studies were interested in this analysis in all three planes (sagittal, transverse, and frontal) where motions of all joints occur. The aim of this paper is to develop a new optimal kinematic analysis of human lower limbs in three-dimensional space for a rehabilitation end. The proposed approach is focused on optimizing the manipulability and the human performance of the human leg, as being a physiologically constrained three-link arm. The obtained forward kinematic model leads to define the feasible workspace of the human leg in the considered configuration. Using an effective optimization-based human performance measure that incorporates a new objective function of musculoskeletal discomfort, the optimal inverse kinematic (IK) model is obtained. |
Paper Nr: | 212 |
Title: | An Optimal Control Problem Formulation for a State Dependent Resource Allocation Strategy |
Authors: | Paolo Di Giamberardino and Daniela Iacoviello |
Abstract: | In this paper, the problem of optimal resource allocation depending on the system evolution is faced. A preliminary analysis defines the global effort required in any subset of the system state space according to needed or desired goals. Then, in the definition of the cost function, the control action is weighted by a piecewise constant function of the state, whose different constant values are defined for each subset previously defined. The aim is to weight the control according to the distinct conditions, so getting different solutions in each state space region so to optimize the planned resources according to the global goal. A constructive algorithm to compute iteratively the final control law is outlined. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is tested on a typical model of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) present in literature. |
Short Papers
Paper Nr: | 5 |
Title: | An Efficient Replication Approach based on Trust for Distributed Self-healing Systems |
Authors: | Nizar Msadek and Theo Ungerer |
Abstract: | Replication typically occurs in a wide range of open distributed systems, especially in self-healing systems (i.e., mainly for fault-tolerance purposes) and in high-performance computing (i.e., mainly for fast response times). All these systems face a common issue: how can replicas automatically and efficiently be managed in a system despite changing requirements of their environment? One way to overcome this issue is trust. The contribution of this paper is a novel approach based on trust that provides a good management of replicas --- especially for those of important services --- despite uncertainties in the behavior of nodes. Depending on the importance level of a service possessing the replicas and the assessment of the trustworthiness of a node, we can optimize the trust distribution of replicas at runtime. For evaluation purposes we applied our approach to an evaluator based on the TEM middleware. In this testbed, the usage of trust reduced the replication overhead by about 14% while providing a much better placement of important replicas than without trust. |
Paper Nr: | 18 |
Title: | Fuzzy Logic Control for Varied Inspection for Manufacturing Lead Time Reduction - A Fuzzy Control Implementation of a Dynamic Inspection Technique to Reduce Manufacturing Lead Time |
Authors: | Trishen Naidoo, Anthony Walker, Glen Bright and Shaniel Davrajh |
Abstract: | Varied inspection is an online dynamic inspection method where the amount of parts inspected can be changed based on the quality of the part stream and characteristics of the production system. The research outlines the development of a supervisory and distributed Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) to perform varied inspection. The supervisory fuzzy controller was used to tune the weights of the rules used in the distributed fuzzy controller that initiates the varied inspection in quality control systems. Simulation of a single-station manufacturing cell showed that varied inspection had significantly reduced Manufacturing Lead Time (MLT) through reduced inspection, which could help manufacturers handle fluctuating demands. The contribution of the study was to illustrate the benefit of varied inspection through MLT reduction and to add flexibility to control architectures for quality control systems to aid manufacturers meet demands. |
Paper Nr: | 78 |
Title: | Mobility Strategies based on Virtual Forces for Swarms of Autonomous UAVs in Constrained Environments |
Authors: | Ema Falomir, Serge Chaumette and Gilles Guerrini |
Abstract: | The usage of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has recently become a major question. For wide area surveillance missions, a swarm of UAVs can be much more efficient than a single vehicle. In this case, several aircrafts cooperate in order to fulfill a mission while avoiding collisions between each other and with obstacles. This article proposes original distributed mobility strategies for autonomous swarms of UAVs, the goal of which is to fulfill a surveillance mission. Our work is based on virtual forces and our approach allows narrow areas crossing that require a compact formation of the autonomous swarm. |
Paper Nr: | 104 |
Title: | MPC-based Management of Energy Resources in Smart Microgrids |
Authors: | Le Anh Dao, Luca Ferrarini and Luigi Piroddi |
Abstract: | This paper presents a model predictive control approach for the economic optimization of a microgrid including smart buildings, wind power production facilities and an energy storage unit. Various optimization scenarios are considered in a comprehensive and unified framework, which can be adapted to pursue different objectives at the same time, such as ensuring the electricity supply to the smart buildings, maximizing the profit from the electricity trading market, or managing the energy storage. The optimization problem can be addressed in a model predictive framework using the receding horizon approach, and ultimately formulated as a quadratic programming problem, which can be solved with reliable and efficient tools. In order to analyze a realistic scenario, the relevant data are taken from real systems (i.e., from a real wind farm and from a real commercial building, located in Italy). Simulation results show the economic advantages that can be gained through the combined usage of renewable energy generation and energy storage. |
Paper Nr: | 116 |
Title: | Multi-objective Order Reduction Problem Solving with Restart Meta-heuristic Implementation |
Authors: | Ivan Ryzhikov, Christina Brester and Eugene Semenkin |
Abstract: | An order reduction problem for linear time invariant models brought to the multi-objective optimization problem is considered. Each criterion is multi-extremum and complex, requires an efficient tool for estimating the parameters of the lower order system and characterizes the model adequacy for the unit-step and Dirac function inputs. A common problem definition is to estimate the lower order model coefficients by minimizing the distance between the output of this model and the initial one. We propose an evolution-based multi-objective stochastic optimization algorithm with a restart operator implemented. The algorithm performance was estimated on two order reduction problems for a single input-single output system and a multiple input-multiple output one. The effectiveness of the algorithm increased sufficiently after implementing a meta-heuristic restart operator. It is shown that the proposed approach is comparable to other approaches, but allows a Pareto-front approximation to be found and not just a single solution. |
Paper Nr: | 127 |
Title: | Sliding Modes based Nonlinear PID Controller for Quadrotor - Theory and Experiment |
Authors: | Yasser Bouzid, Houria Siguerdidjane and Yasmina Bestaoui |
Abstract: | In this paper, a Nonlinear PID (NLPID) control design is proposed. The main idea consists of combining the classical sliding modes approach together with the PID structure. Unlike the existing nonlinear PID controllers in the literature, the coefficients are constant parameters in this work. Within this paper, we investigate the efficiency and the performance of this technique through an application to a small Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The NLPID based autopilot drives the vehicle toward the desired configuration in the space while stabilizing the roll and the pitch angles where the closed-loop system stability analysis is highlighted. The numerical simulations have shown satisfactory results using nominal model or disturbed one compared to the use of classic sliding modes technique only. Experimental tests are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach. |
Paper Nr: | 144 |
Title: | Flexible Manufacturing System Optimization by Variance Minimization: A Six Sigma Approach Framework |
Authors: | Wa-Muzemba Anselm Tshibangu |
Abstract: | From the performance view point, manufacturing strategy relates to the decision about where to focus concentration among quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. This study analyzes a hypothetical flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and aims to illustrate an optimization procedure based on a variance reduction applied on two strategic performance measures, namely the Throughput Rate (TR) and the Mean Flow Time (MFT). The study uses a Taguchi robust design of experiments (DOE) methodology to model and simulate the hypothetical FMS, analyzes the output of the simulations, then proposes a unique and hybrid (empirical-analytical) methodology to quickly uncover the optimal setting of operating parameters. The robust design is used to guarantee the system stability necessary to improve the system and validate the outcomes. Using the key principle of the Six Sigma methodology that advocates a reduction of variability to improve quality and processes the proposed methodology quickly reaches a near optimum by considering both the main and interaction effects of the control factors that will minimize the variability of the performances. Fine-tuned follow-up runs may be necessary to compromise and uncover the true optimum. |
Paper Nr: | 145 |
Title: | Optimal Energy Management Strategy of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Bus in Urban Conditions |
Authors: | Nadir Ouddah, Lounis Adouane, Rustem Abdrakhmanov and Elkhatib Kamal |
Abstract: | In this paper, an energy management strategy (EMS) for a specific multi hybrid plug-in electric bus is designed. This bus is equipped with an internal combustion engine, a hydraulic motor, an electric motor and battery. Considering the physical characteristics of the studied hybrid electric bus (i.e., the system dynamics and the power sources limits), an optimal control technique based on Pontryagin’s minimum principle (PMP) is used in order to ensure that the bus achieve a significant improvement in energy efficiency. Furthermore, information of traffic conditions obtained from intelligent transportation systems is used to further optimize the energy management strategy and to accurately control the battery depleting rate. The work proposed in this paper is conducted on a dedicated high-fidelity model of the hybrid bus, that was developed on MATLAB/TruckMaker software. The obtained results verify the effectiveness and validity of the developed energy management strategy. |
Paper Nr: | 170 |
Title: | New Formulations for the Unit Commitment Problem - Optimal Control and Switching-Time Parameterization Approaches |
Authors: | Luís A. C. Roque, Fernando A.C.C. Fontes and Dalila B.M.M. Fontes |
Abstract: | The Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem in power systems. The main goal in the UCP is to schedule a subset of a given group of electrical power generating units and also to determine their production output in order to meet energy demands at minimum cost. In addition, a set of technological and operational constraints must be satisfied. A large variety of optimization methods addressing the UCP is available in the literature. This panoply of methods includes exact methods (such as dynamic programming, branch-and-bound) and heuristic methods (tabu search, simulated annealing, particle swarm, genetic algorithms). This paper proposes two non-traditional formulations. First, the UCP is formulated as a mixed-integer optimal control problem with both binary-valued control variables and real-valued control variables. Then, the problem is formulated as a switching time dynamic optimization problem involving only real-valued controls. |
Paper Nr: | 183 |
Title: | Modular Modelling of an Embedded Mobile CPU-GPU Chip for Feature Estimation |
Authors: | Oussama Djedidi, Mohand Arab Djeziri, Nacer K. M’Sirdi and Aziz Naamane |
Abstract: | This paper deals with the modelling of a CPU-GPUchip embedded in an Android phone. The model is used for the estimation of variables that characterise the operating state of System on Chip (SoC). The proposed model is built to demonstrate the causal relationships between the variables, through its interconnected structure of subsystems. This structure allows the extension of other components or the easy exchange of subsystems in the case of a change in components or operating mode. The model developed here requires no additional instrumentation—other than the one present on the phone—which facilitates its implementation. It is used for the estimation of the state of the system and can also be used for monitoring and behaviour prediction. The model is validated and the results are promising for further implementation. |
Paper Nr: | 207 |
Title: | Relating Aircraft Altitude with Pilot’s Physiological Variables: Towards Increasing Safety in Light-sport Aviation |
Authors: | Susana M. Vieira, Alexandra Moutinho, Margarida Solas, José F. Loureiro, Maria B. Silva, Sara Zorro, Luís Patrão, Joaquim Gabriel and Jorge Silva |
Abstract: | Several applications require humans to be in high-altitude environments, whether for recreational purposes, like mountaineering or light sport aviation, or for labour, as miners. Although in these conditions the monitoring of physiological variables is, per se, of interest, the direct correlation of these variables with altitude itself is not usually explored towards the development of decision-support systems and/or critical event alarms. This paper proposes two neural networks approaches to assess and explore this correlation. One, based on dynamic SISO models, estimates physiological variables using the aircraft pressure altitude as input. A second approach uses static MISO networks to classify the flight stage (and therefore the altitude variation) from physiological variables. Both models were developed and validated using real data acquired in hypobaric chamber tests simulating a real flight. The good results obtained indicate the viability of the approach. |
Paper Nr: | 219 |
Title: | A Multivariable Self-tuning Controller for a D-type Water Tube Industrial Boiler |
Authors: | Soroush Rastegarpour, Anacleto Petretti, Yasaman Ghanizadeh and Luca Ferrarini |
Abstract: | The present paper focuses on the development of a control system strategy on medium size industrial boilers (up to 1 MW) with the aim of having safe and efficient operation for the boiler itself. The class of the considered boiler is D-type water tube boiler. The basic plant model is based on Åström and Bell nonlinear dynamic model with simple adaptation due to specific geometries and physical constraints. The control system is mainly a combination of a pressure control loop and a three-element level controller. The pressure control loop here proposed consists of a gain scheduling PID control strategy to operate on heat power in order to keep the pressure at its desired value. The three-element level controller is a two-loop cascade control with feed forward water aimed at correcting the mismatch between the demand (steam flow) and feed water flow: level variation must be considered during this process because of the non-minimum phase behaviour of the level. Due to switching behaviour of gain scheduling approach, an adaptive control rule is also investigated in order to simplify the overall control structure and alleviate the adverse effects of the switching among many controllers in industrial applications. |
Paper Nr: | 66 |
Title: | Computational Burden Analysis for Integer Knapsack Problems Solved with Dynamic Programming |
Authors: | Dariusz Horla |
Abstract: | The paper presents the results concerning computational burden analysis of dynamic programming and bottom-up algorithms when solving knapsack problems. It presents the efficiency of the algorithms information expressed both in calculation time, as well as mean number of iterations in knapsack problems up to 15,000 items and capacity of the knapsack equal to 10,000. The aim of the paper is to present the this knowledge what of practical use when solving optimization problems where estimate of execution time of the algorithm is important. |
Paper Nr: | 87 |
Title: | Developing a Mathematical Model of Oil Production in a Well That Uses an Electric Submersible Pumping System |
Authors: | María Hallo, Byron Jaramillo, José Aguilar, Hector Lozada and Edgar Camargo |
Abstract: | This paper presents an approach to get a mathematical model for describing the production of an Electro Submersible Oil Pumping System (ESP). The determination of this mathematical model considering the variables of the process, is a very hard task. In this case, we propose the determination of this model using a data approach, in order to exploit the large quantity of data about the process obtained from its sensors. Our approach based on data uses the genetic programming techniques for the identification of the mathematical model, which follows an evolutionary process to solve the problem. Our approach has been implemented using an extension of R program. The training data were collected from an oil well. This paper presents the results of the training phase and of the generated models after several iterations. Additionally, the paper analyses the differences between the generated models, according to the number of variables considered, the complexity of the expressions, and the error. |
Paper Nr: | 89 |
Title: | Inverse Response Systems Identification using Genetic Programming |
Authors: | Carmen Alicia Carabalí, Luis Tituaña, Jose Aguilar, Oscar Camacho and Danilo Chavez |
Abstract: | In this paper, we apply genetic programming as a tool for identifying an inverse response system. In previous works, the genetic programming has been used in the context of identification problems, where the goal is to obtain the descriptions of a given system. Identification problems have been studied much from control theory, due to their practical application in industry. In some cases, a description of a system in terms of mathematical equations is not possible, for these cases are necessary new heuristic approaches like the genetic programming. Here, we like to test the quality of the genetic programming to identify inverse response systems, which are systems where the initial response is in a direction opposite to the final outcome. The tool used to develop the model of identification is GPTIPS V2, we use our approach in two cases: in the first one, the equation that describes inverse response system is determined; and in the second case, the transfer function of the system in the frequency domain is found. |
Paper Nr: | 108 |
Title: | Feature Extraction from sEMG of Forearm Muscles, Performance Analysis of Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines for Movement Classification |
Authors: | Luis Morales and Jaime Cepeda |
Abstract: | The propose of this work is to extract different features from surface EMG signals of forearm muscles such as MAV, RMS, NZC, VAR, STD, PSD, and EOF's. Signals are acquired through 8 channels from "Myo Armband" sensor that is placed in the forearm of the human being. Then, identification and classification of 5 types of movements are done, including open hand, closed hand, hand flexed inwards, out and relax position. Classification of the movement is performed through machine learning and data mining techniques, using two methods such as Feedforward Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. Finally, an analysis is done to identify which features extracted from the sEMG signals and which classification method present the best results. |
Paper Nr: | 111 |
Title: | Automatic Acquisition and Update of a Causal Temporal Signatures Base- for Faults Diagnosis in Automated Production Systems |
Authors: | Nourhène Ben Rabah, Ramla Saddem, Faten Ben Hmida, Véronique Carre-Menetrier and Moncef Tagina |
Abstract: | Causal Temporal Signatures (CTS) is an efficient formalism for behaviors description and recognition of fault diagnosis in Discrete Event Systems (DES). The main advantages of this formalism are the readability and the expressivity. Indeed, it is able to describe clearly all desired behaviors and it is understandable and readable by an expert in the field. However, it raises the problem of acquisition and updating of expert knowledge stored in a CTS base. In this paper, we suggest an incremental learning approach based on the simulation to acquire and update automatically a consistent CTS base. The proposed approach is illustrated with an example applied to the turntable helps to understand the different modules of the method. |
Paper Nr: | 125 |
Title: | Open Loop based Time Optimal PID Control Synthesis |
Authors: | Salim Bichiou, Mohamed Karim Bouafoura and Naceur Benhadj Braiek |
Abstract: | This paper deals with PID control tuning. The main objective being to minimize stabilizing/settling time of linear control feedback. The presented method is based on an open loop time optimal control framework reformulation into a closed loop system. Numerical tools such as orthogonal functions and optimization algorithms are used to determine PID parameters that match a certain equivalent bang-bang control. Numerical simulation of the obtained results shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. |
Paper Nr: | 151 |
Title: | Nonlinguistic Information Extraction by Semi-Supervised Techniques |
Authors: | Maria Semenkina, Shakhnaz Akhmedova and Eugene Semenkin |
Abstract: | The concept of nonlinguistic information includes all types of extra linguistic information such as factors of age, emotion and physical states, accent and others. Semi-supervised techniques based on using both labelled and unlabelled examples can be an efficient tool for solving nonlinguistic information extraction problems with large amounts of unlabelled data. In this paper a new cooperation of biology related algorithms (COBRA) for semi-supervised support vector machines (SVM) training and a new self-configuring genetic algorithm (SelfCGA) for the automated design of semi-supervised artificial neural networks (ANN) are presented. Firstly, the performance and behaviour of the proposed semi-supervised SVMs and semi-supervised ANNs were studied under common experimental settings; and their workability was established. Then their efficiency was estimated on a speech-based emotion recognition problem. |
Paper Nr: | 162 |
Title: | Review of the Best MPPT Algorithms for Control of PV Sources - RUCA Tracking Algorithm |
Authors: | Nacer K. M’Sirdi, Abdelhamid Rabhi and Bechara Nehme |
Abstract: | Renewable energies, has generated more and more interest of research in control of the HyRES. Thousand of papers deal with MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) to optimize harnessing solar energy. The intent of this paper is to review the most interesting Algorithm and to propose a Robust Unified Tracking Algorithm. |
Paper Nr: | 175 |
Title: | The New Automated Fire Control System for Artillery Units based on Interoperability and Standards |
Authors: | Karel Šilinger and Martin Blaha |
Abstract: | This paper is focused on the new automated fire control system for artillery units - PVNPG-14M, especially on interoperability and standards. Artillery units of the Army of the Czech Republic, reflecting the current global security neighbourhood, can be used outside the Czech Republic. The paper presents principles, evolution and functionality in the framework for the project through the establishment of strategic and conceptual context and the examination of Network Enabled Capability (NEC) activities and Interoperability Standards, makes proposals for engagement with NATO and coalition agencies, programs and projects, and offers starting point for project and moreover set up the new artillery full-automated system for fire control. The Czech Artillery units need to have intuitive system for mathematical computations what assures prediction capabilities for adequate fire support provision - PVNPG-14M should be the best choice in current conditions. |
Paper Nr: | 191 |
Title: | Literature Review of Crowd Management: A Hajj Case Study |
Authors: | Jihen Fourati, Brahim Issaoui and Kamel Zidi |
Abstract: | Pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam, which is a duty every Muslim should perform once during his lifetime. Over than two millions Muslims from all the world gather in Makkah for one of the world's largest pilgrimages. All those pilgrims are obligated to be accommodated at Hajj ritual sites, which are the Kaaba, Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah. With this huge number of pilgrims in the holy city, managing the crowd is a complicated task, especially in the geographical area for the movement of pilgrims, the fixed underlying road-network infrastructure between the different worship places, the annually increasing number of pilgrims and also the short duration of Hajj. As a result of this, huge crowd and difficulties in control have led to fatal accidents among the pilgrims. By the last decade, overcrowding management became a big challenge for the Saudi Arabian authorities and Hajj organizers. Scientists have started research projects to provide several methodologies for crowd monitoring and estimation of its density. In this work, we tried to present a literature review about the Hajj in order to help scientists for future contribution and have lots information about this new field of research. |
Paper Nr: | 192 |
Title: | A Multi-objective Mathematical Model for Problems Optimization in Multi-modal Transportation Network |
Authors: | Mouna Mnif and Sadok Bouamama |
Abstract: | In order to reach a sustainable planning in a rather complicated transport system, it is of high interest to use methods included in Operations Research areas. This study has been conducted to solve the transportation network planning problems, in accordance with the optimization problem and multi-objective transport network in multi-modal transportation. Firstly, we improve the implementation of the existing literature model proposed in (Cai, Zhang, and Shao, 2010; Zhang and Peng, 2009) because after the conducted experimentation, we show that there are two previously proposed constraints that make the solution unrealizable for the transportation problem solving. Secondly, we develop the proposed multi-objective programming model with linear constraints. Computational experiments are conducted to test the effectiveness of the proposed model. The mathematical formulation is developed to contribute to success solving the optimization problem, taking into account important aspects of the real system which were not included in previous proposals in the literature, and review. Thus, it gives ample new research directions for future studies. |
Area 3 - Robotics and Automation
Full PapersPaper Nr: | 26 |
Title: | Dynamic Simulation of Vertebral Column and Control of the Posture using a Parallel Mechanism |
Authors: | Mouna Souissi, Walid Amokrane, Zefeng Wang and Gerard Poisson |
Abstract: | Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a deformity of spine which occurs during growth. This paper presents a novel method for simulation of a 2D and 3D trunk model and the adaptation of an existing parallel mechanism to design parallel joints that can be used to correct abnormal postures of the human spine affected by scoliosis. A 3D model of the system has been elaborated for simulation and design. Simulations results show that this mechanism is able to permit some bending motions of human torso, taking into account the specifications of forward, backward and left/right sideways bending amplitudes. |
Paper Nr: | 69 |
Title: | Using Physical Modeling and RGB-D Registration for Contact Force Sensing on Deformable Objects |
Authors: | Antoine Petit, Fanny Ficuciello, Giuseppe Andrea Fontanelli, Luigi Villani and Bruno Siciliano |
Abstract: | In this paper we propose a method to estimate the force applied to a manipulated deformable object by processing information provided by an external vision sensor, in this case a consumer RGB-D camera. By measuring the deformations undergone by the object through a registration technique, the idea is to retrieve the contact force which minimises the deviation between the measured and the simulated deformations, given a simple interaction model and by employing a fitting process. The system resorts to a realistic mesh-based Finite Element Method model to accurately model deformations, whose elastic parameters are estimated in advance using the vision system and a force sensor. Experimental results are presented for the case of a compressive point-wise contact force applied, at static equilibrium, on a deformable object. |
Paper Nr: | 83 |
Title: | A Practical Approach for the Auto-tuning of PD Controllers for Robotic Manipulators using Particle Swarm Optimization |
Authors: | Ahmed Zidan, Jens Kotlarski and Tobias Ortmaier |
Abstract: | An auto-tuning method of PD controllers for robotic manipulators is proposed. This method suggests a practical implementation of the particle swarm optimization technique in order to find optimal gain values achieving the best tracking of a predefined position trajectory. For this purpose, The integral of the absolute error IAE is used as a cost function for the optimization algorithm. The optimization is achieved by performing the desired movement of the robot iteratively and evaluating the cost function for every iteration. Therefor, the necessary constraints that guarantee a safe and stable movement of the robot are defined, which are: a maximum joint torque constraint, a maximum position error constraint and an oscillation constraint. A constraint handling approach is suggested for the optimization algorithm in order to adapt it to the problem in hand. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed method is verified through a practical experiment on a real robot. |
Paper Nr: | 95 |
Title: | Architecture for a Combined Mobile Robot and Human Operator Transportation Solution for the Hierarchical Life Science Automation |
Authors: | S. Neubert, T. Roddelkopf, X. Gu, B. Göde, S. Junginger, N. Stoll and K. Thurow |
Abstract: | Modern laboratories for life sciences often include several different integrated automation systems to increase throughput and quality, to reduce efforts for human operators and to reduce the costs of processes. Typically, the planning and monitoring of methods are prepared and executed directly on local computers of the automation systems. Moreover, a manual replenishing of resources and a manual transfer of samples and labware between interacting automation systems are required in order to ensure end-to-end operations in a 24/7 mode. This work describes the architecture and the pilot solution of a hierarchical workflow management system (HWMS), which integrates distributed automation systems by combined use of mobile robots and human operators as transportation units. With a graphical process design tool a material flow-oriented diagram can be created, which describes the correlations of distributed subsystems in a complex workflow. The HWMS schedules the workflows and controls the execution autonomously dependent on the planned process diagrams. Two front-end components located on the process control layer simplify the integration and support the control of the required subsystems. With smart device communications human operators can be integrated in the workflow for transportation and assistance tasks as a necessary alternative to the robots. |
Paper Nr: | 101 |
Title: | Novel Pose Estimation System for Precise Robotic Manipulation in Unstructured Environment |
Authors: | Mario di Castro, Jorge Camarero Vera, Alessandro Masi and Manuel Ferre Pérez |
Abstract: | Intelligent robotic systems are becoming essential for industry and harsh environments, such as the CERN accelerator complex. Aiming to increase safety and machine availability, robots can help perform repetitive and dangerous tasks, which humans either prefer to avoid or are unable to do because of hazards, size constraints, or the extreme environments in which they take place, such as outer space or radioactive experimental areas. A fundamental part of intelligent robots is the perception of the environment that is possible to obtain only knowing the 6D pose of the objects around the robotic system. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm to estimate the 6D pose of an object that can be manipulated by a robot. The proposed algorithms works consistently in unstructured and harsh environments presenting several constraints like variable luminosity, difficult accessibility and light reflections. The algorithm detects the position and rotation of an object using 3D cameras. The procedure has been developed using Point Cloud Library to manage the point cloud created with an RGBD Camera. The position and rotation of an object is useful in augmented reality systems to help the tele-operator and for the realization of autonomous or semi-autonomous tasks. |
Paper Nr: | 112 |
Title: | A Bio-inspired Auto-velocity Detection Algorithm for Autonomous Robots |
Authors: | Erhard Gwerder and Hans Dermot Doran |
Abstract: | As examples of computationally cheap and robust sensors the eyes of a fly are well known in literature. Attempts to replicate the function of the eye in electronic technology has resulted in several algorithms and implementations based on those algorithms. These implementations are either impractical for industrial use or use costly Application Specific Integrated Circuits. In an attempt to use a low-cost Commercial off the Shelf camera as a sensor in a real-world robot navigation use-case we investigate two commonly used algorithms and find them unsuitable. We develop a new algorithm – the Distance of Travel algorithm – show its suitability and investigate its properties in both simulation and practical experiments. |
Paper Nr: | 120 |
Title: | Design and Stiffness Analysis of 12 DoF Poppy-inspired Humanoid |
Authors: | Dmitry Popov, Alexandr Klimchik and Ilya Afanasyev |
Abstract: | This paper presents a low-cost anthropomorphic robot, considering its design, simulation, manufacturing and experiments. The robot design was inspired by open source Poppy Humanoid project and enhanced up to 12 DoF lower limb structure, providing additional capability to develop more natural, fast and stable biped robot walking. The current robot design has a non-spherical hip joint, that does not allow to use an analytical solution for the inverse kinematics, therefore another hybrid solution was presented. Problem of robot joint’s compliance was addressed using virtual joint method for stiffness modeling with further compensation of elastic deflections caused by the robot links weight. Finally, we modeled robot’s lower-part in V-REP simulator, manufactured its prototype using 3D printing technology, and implemented ZMP preview control, providing experiments with demonstration of stable biped locomotion. |
Paper Nr: | 132 |
Title: | Autonomous Navigation with ROS for a Mobile Robot in Agricultural Fields |
Authors: | Mark A. Post, Alessandro Bianco and Xiu T. Yan |
Abstract: | Autonomous monitoring of agricultural farms and fields has recently become feasible due to continuing advances in robotics technology, but many notable challenges remain. In this paper, we describe the state of ongoing work to create a fully autonomous ground rover platform for monitoring and intervention tasks on modern farms that is built using inexpensive and off the shelf hardware and Robot Operating System (ROS) software so as to be affordable to farmers. The hardware and software architectures used in this rover are described along with challenges and solutions in odometry and localization, object recognition and mapping, and path planning algorithms under the constraints of the current hardware. Results obtained from laboratory and field testing show both the key challenges to be overcome, and the current successes in applying a low-cost rover platform to the task of autonomously navigating the outdoor farming environment. |
Paper Nr: | 140 |
Title: | Conditional Synchronized Diagnoser for Modular Discrete-event Systems |
Authors: | Felipe G. Cabral, Maria Z. M. Veras and Marcos V. Moreira |
Abstract: | In general, systems are formed by the composition of several modules, and may exhibit a large number of states. The growth of the global system model with the number of components leads to a high computational cost for diagnosis techniques. In order to circumvent this problem, in a recent work, a diagnosis scheme based on the observation of the nonfailure behavior model of the system components, and their synchronization due to observable events, is proposed. Although the computation of the global system model for diagnosis is avoided, the estimated observed nonfailure language in this scheme can be a larger set than the actual observed nonfailure language of the system, which leads to the notion of synchronous diagnosability. This scheme is implemented using a diagnoser, called synchronized Petri net diagnoser (SPND). In this work, we propose the addition of conditions for the observable transitions of the SPND, leading to a conditional synchronized Petri net diagnoser (CSPND). We show that the addition of such conditions can cause a decrease in the observed nonfailure language, and systems that are not synchronously diagnosable can be conditionally synchronously diagnosable, and the delay bound can be smaller than using the synchronous diagnosis scheme. |
Paper Nr: | 141 |
Title: | Quadrotor Attitude Control using Incremental Nonlinear Dynamics Inversion |
Authors: | Rodrigo Coelho, Alexandra Moutinho and José Raul Azinheira |
Abstract: | Given the large flight envelope of vertical take-off and landing vehicles, and the nonlinear nature of multi-rotor aircraft, especially in aggressive maneuvering, nonlinear control strategies are often considered. Yet, most available solutions are model dependent and thus require a precise knowledge of the system dynamics, including the hard to model aerodynamics. This paper proposes a sensor-based approach to the problem. It considers a recent strategy based on incremental control and Nonlinear Dynamics Inversion (NDI), the Incremental Nonlinear Dynamics Inversion (INDI), to solve the attitude control problem of quadrotors. The INDI general formulation is presented, and then applied considering the attitude stabilization of a quadrotor. In order to apply the INDI solution to this case study, a linear predictor for the angular acceleration is provided. Simulation results demonstrate the robustness of this sensor-based approach to model-parameter uncertainties and wind disturbances. An analysis is also done regarding the tuning of INDI parameters and its sensitivity to the chosen sampling time. |
Paper Nr: | 149 |
Title: | Optimization for Solving Workcell Layouts using Gaussian Penalties for Escaping Local Minima |
Authors: | Thomas Fridolin Iversen and Lars-Peter Ellekilde |
Abstract: | The main contribution of this paper is a method for optimizing the layout of workcells taking into consideration both the reachability of the robot as well as the expected cycle time. To analyse the reachability for systems using sensors to pose estimate objects, the method uses a combination of discrete samples over the space in which objects are located and a manipulability measure based on the determinant of the manipulator Jacobian. To compute the expected cycle time for the robot, the method includes a simulated controller, which is optimized to estimate the performance of the physical robot. For the optimization of the workcell layout the proposed method based on applying Gaussian penalties in local minima is compared to three existing methods for global optimization. For the optimization of the simulated controller three different local methods are compared along with one global. |
Paper Nr: | 150 |
Title: | An Automated Quadcopter CAD based Design and Modeling Platform using Solidworks API and Smart Dynamic Assembly |
Authors: | Mohammad Shaqura and Jeff S. Shamma |
Abstract: | Multirotors micro aerial vehicles (UAV) have become a standard platform in robotics and control research related to algorithmic development as well as design innovation. Custom-built designs based on open-source architecture and off-the-shelf components are attractive for researchers due to low cost and easy rapid prototyping. Hardware selection and integration is usually based on heuristics. Building a realistic quadcopter simulator requires accurate modeling and knowledge of its dynamics and the effect of each component on that. Often, moving from simulation to actual experiment is a challenging task due to the huge dynamical differences when working with the real system. The presented work aims to strengthen the bridge between simulations and actual system through an automated CAD based modeling software system that generates realistic models mathematically and visually for Matlab Simscape physics simulation and visualization utilizing Solidworks API, smart mating techniques and dynamical analysis. A proof of concept application with user friendly interface is built for Windows OS and the system components are further illustrated. |
Paper Nr: | 156 |
Title: | Modified Spline-based Path Planning for Autonomous Ground Vehicle |
Authors: | Evgeni Magid, Roman Lavrenov and Airat Khasianov |
Abstract: | Potential function based methods play significant role in global and local path planning. While these methods are characterized with good reactive behavior and implementation simplicity, they suffer from a well-known problem of getting stuck in local minima of a navigation function. In this article we propose a modification of our original spline-based path planning algorithm for a mobile robot navigation, which succeeds to solve local minima problem and adds additional criteria of start and target points visibility to help optimizing the path selection. We apply a Voronoi graph based path as an input for iterative multi criteria optimization algorithm. The algorithm was implemented in Matlab environment and simulation results demonstrate that we succeeded to overcome our original algorithm pitfalls. |
Paper Nr: | 180 |
Title: | Development of a Standing Assistance Walker for a Patient with Low Level of Care |
Authors: | Daisuke Chugo, Shohei Kawazoe, Sho Yokota, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Takahiro Katayama, Yasuhide Mizuta and Atsushi Kojina |
Abstract: | This paper proposes a novel low cost robotic walker with standing assistance function. Our system focuses on domestic use for elderly people who is low level of care and need nursing in their day-to-day lives. Usually, these patients require a partial standing assistance only when they need it, not a full assistance during standing motion such as a hanging by the lift. The widely and easily use of such assistance in daily life will be successful in ensuring safety and providing an inexpensive manufacturing cost. These two opposed requirements have been realized with our developed robotic walker. Our key ideas are two topics. First is proposal of a mechanical design with minimum and smaller actuators. Proposed system uses a gas spring which helps the up/down actuator and our system assists the patient with wheel actuators on a powered walker for stabilizing its user as well as for lifting up the user. Second is assistance procedure which leads the patient to suitable posture by the force guidance and voice instruction. We investigate what factor enables the patient to stand up safety by preliminary experiment. The performance of our proposed system is verified through experiments using our prototype with elderly and handicapped subjects. |
Paper Nr: | 182 |
Title: | Using Geometry to Detect Grasping Points on 3D Unknown Point Cloud |
Authors: | Brayan S. Zapata-Impata, Carlos M. Mateo, Pablo Gil and Jorge Pomares |
Abstract: | In this paper, we focus on the task of computing a pair of points for grasping unknown objects, given a single point cloud scene with a partial view of them. The main goal is to estimate the best pair of 3D-located points so that a gripper can perform a stable grasp over the objects in the scene with no prior knowledge of their shape. We propose a geometrical approach to find those contact points by placing them near a perpendicular cutting plane to the object’s main axis and through its centroid. During the experimentation we have found that this solution is fast enough and gives sufficiently stable grasps for being used on a real service robot. |
Paper Nr: | 185 |
Title: | A Hybrid Method Using Temporal and Spatial Information for 3D Lidar Data Segmentation |
Authors: | Mehmet Ali Çağrı Tuncer and Dirk Schulz |
Abstract: | This paper proposes a novel hybrid segmentation method for 3D Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) data. The presented approach gains robustness against the under-segmentation issue, i.e., assigning several objects to one segment, by jointly using spatial and temporal information to discriminate nearby objects in the data. When an autonomous vehicle has a complex dynamic environment, such as pedestrians walking close to their nearby objects, determining if a segment consists of one or multiple objects can be difficult with spatial features alone. The temporal cues allow us to resolve such ambiguities. In order to get temporal information, a motion field of the environment is estimated for subsequent 3D Lidar scans based on an occupancy grid representation. Then we propose a hybrid approach using the mean-shift method and the distance dependent Chinese Restaurant Process (ddCRP). After the segmentation blobs are spatially extracted from the scene, the mean-shift seeks the number of possible objects in the state space of each blob. If the mean-shift algorithm determines an under-segmented blob, the ddCRP performs the final partition in this blob. Otherwise, the queried blob remains the same and it is assigned as a segment. The computational time of the hybrid method is below the scanning period of the Lidar sensor. This enables the system to run in real time. |
Paper Nr: | 216 |
Title: | Design of a Sensor-based Controller Performing U-turn to Navigate in Orchards |
Authors: | A. Durand-Petiteville, E. Le Flecher, V. Cadenat, T. Sentenac and S. Vougioukas |
Abstract: | In this work, the problem of designing sensor-based controllers allowing to navigate in orchards is considered. The navigation techniques classically used in the literature rely on path following using metric maps and metric localization obtained from onboard sensors. However, it appears promising to use sensor-based approaches together with topological maps for two main reasons: first, the environment nature is rather changing and second, only high-level information are sufficient to describe it. One of the key maneuver when navigating through an orchard is the u-turn which must be performed at the end of each row to reach the next one. This maneuver is generally performed using only dead reckoning because of the lack of dedicated sensory data. In this paper, we propose two sensor-based control laws allowing to perform u-turns, improving the performance quality. They allow following particular spirals which are defined from laser rangefinder data and adapted to realize the desired maneuver. Their stability is studied and their performances are thoroughly examined. Finally, they are embedded in a complete navigation strategy to show their efficiency in our agricultural context. |
Paper Nr: | 218 |
Title: | ARTag, AprilTag and CALTag Fiducial Marker Systems: Comparison in a Presence of Partial Marker Occlusion and Rotation |
Authors: | Artur Sagitov, Ksenia Shabalina, Leysan Sabirova, Hongbing Li and Evgeni Magid |
Abstract: | Fiducial marker systems consist of patterns that are placed in environment and are automatically detected with a camera using appropriate for the marker detection algorithm. Marker systems are useful for many modern visual applications such as augmented reality, robot navigation and collaboration, industrial and space robotics, and human-robot interaction. A variety of applications demands certain quality assurance for marker properties. Among the most common criteria are resistance to partial occlusion and rotation, sensitivity to lightning conditions, marker size, false positive and false negative rates. This paper compares three types of markers for their resistance to partial occlusion in various types of occlusion and resistance to normal, lateral, and longitudinal rotations. Intensive experimental comparison of tags is presented with analysis. Detection of markers was performed with a common Web camera. Based on our experimental results, we have selected a marker system, which should be preferred for real world applications when only simple inexpensive hardware is available and appearance of rotation and occlusion disturbances are expected in the environment. Our long term goal is to calibrate humanoid robot manipulators in real-world environment applying a pre-calibrated camera of the robot, while the presented in this paper results help selecting a most suitable marker system for further calibration procedures. |
Paper Nr: | 220 |
Title: | Application of Sensory Body Schemas to the Orientation Control of Hand-held Tactile Tonometer |
Authors: | Eniko T. Enikov and Phillip Vidinski |
Abstract: | Body schemas are a biologically-inspired approach, emulating the plasticity of the animal brains, allowing efficient representation of non-linear mapping between the body configuration space, i.e. its generalized coordinates and the resulting sensory outputs. This paper describes the development of closed-loop control of spherical parallel mechanism based on self-learning body schemas. More specifically, we demonstrate how a complex parallel spherical manipulator in contact with a surface of irregular geometry can be driven to a configuration of balanced contact forces, i.e. aligned with respect to the irregular surface. The approach uses a pseudo-potential functions and a gradient-based maximum seeking algorithm to drive the manipulator to the desired position. It is demonstrated that a neural-gas type neural network, trained through Hebbian-type learning algorithm can learn a mapping between the manipulator’s rotary degrees of freedom and the output contact forces. Numerical and experimental results are presented illustrating the performance of the control scheme. A motivating application of the proposed manipulator and its control algorithm is a hand-held eye tonometer based on tactile force measurements. The resulting controller has been shown to achieve 10 mN of force errors which are adequate for tactile tonometers. |
Short Papers
Paper Nr: | 11 |
Title: | A Hybrid Hierarchical Rally Driver Model for Autonomous Vehicle Agile Maneuvering on Loose Surfaces |
Authors: | Manuel Acosta, Stratis Kanarachos and Michael E. Fitzpatrick |
Abstract: | This paper presents a novel Hybrid Hierarchical Autonomous system for improving vehicle safety based on agile maneuvering and drift control on loose surfaces. Standard Electronic Stability Control Systems provide stability by limiting the vehicle body slip, thus reducing the capability of the vehicle to generate lateral acceleration and follow road segments and paths with high curvature on loose surfaces. The proposed system overcomes this shortcoming. Furthermore, it is the first time where a solution for arbitrary road geometries is proposed. The system described in this work consists of three layers. The first layer selects the driver model. The second layer selects the path to be followed and the maneuver type using a Proportional controller and motion planning strategies. The third layer coordinates the steering and driving functions of the vehicle to perform the maneuver, where a Gain-Scheduled Linear Quadratic Regulator is employed to achieve drift control. The hybrid system is implemented in Matlab/Simulink R and tested in two scenarios: First, a Rally-like stage formed by a combination of clothoid and arc segments is used to study the drift-path-following capabilities of the system, and lastly, a lateral collision case is proposed to evaluate the suitability of the system as an ADAS Co-Pilot system for lateral collision avoidance. |
Paper Nr: | 28 |
Title: | Time-energy Optimal Trajectory Planning over a Fixed Path for a Wheeled Mobile Robot |
Authors: | Werther Alexandre de Oliveira Serralheiro and Newton Maruyama |
Abstract: | In this paper a method for time-energy optimal velocity profile planning for a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot (WMR) is proposed. Instead of relying on a nonlinear programming algorithm, the method utilizes a nonlinear change of variables that can transform the nonlinear optimization problem into a convex optimization problem. The equations are then discretized and later formulated as a second order cone programming that can be solved by the Matlab CVX toolbox. The formulation of the objective function has two components: the total energy and the traversal time that is weighted by a parameter named penalty coefficient. With the use of the penalty coefficient one can easily establish a trade-off between the optimization of total energy and traversal time. If the penalty coefficient is increased then minimization of time is more prioritized than the total energy and vice versa. The formulation gives rise to a Pareto optimality condition from which it is not possible to diminish the traversal time without increasing the total energy and vice versa. |
Paper Nr: | 54 |
Title: | A Study on Automating Rolling-stock Maintenance in the Rail Industry using Robotics |
Authors: | Randika K. W. Vithanage, Colin S. Harrison and Anjali K. M. DeSilva |
Abstract: | Maintenance cost of United Kingdom’s rail rolling stock is a substantial portion of its whole life costs. Therefore, it is vital to conduct these maintenance tasks in an efficient and cost-effective manner to minimize operational costs while maximizing safety, quality, and consistency of service. The introduction of robotics and other intelligent mechanisms to maintenance processes would be an ideal solution to these challenges. Hence, this research suggests introducing autonomous maintenance systems equipped with industrial robots to tasks within the railway system, specifically for rolling-stock maintenance. The paper summarizes on-going and future work of a case-study conduct in conjunction with a UK railway operator. |
Paper Nr: | 58 |
Title: | Different Intelligent Approaches for Modeling the Style of Car Driving |
Authors: | Jose Aguilar, Kristell Aguilar, Danilo Chávez, Jorge Cordero and Eduard Puerto |
Abstract: | In this paper, we propose a hierarchical pattern of the style of driving, which is composed of three levels, one to recognize the emotional state, other to recognize the state of the driver, and finally, the last one corresponds to the style of driving. Each level is defined by different types of descriptors, which are perceived in different multi-modal ways (sound, vision, etc.). Additionally, we analyze three techniques to recognize the style of driving, using our hierarchical pattern, one based on fuzzy logic, another based on chronicles (a temporal logic paradigm), and another based on an algorithm that models the functioning of the human neocortex, exploiting the idea of recursivity and learning in the recognition process. We compare the techniques considering the dynamic context where a car driver operates. |
Paper Nr: | 82 |
Title: | Adaptive Neural Control for Bilateral Teleoperation System using External Force Approach |
Authors: | Outayeb Adel Mohamed, Ferguene Farid and Toumi Redouane |
Abstract: | The paper deals with external force control approach based on four channel scheme, that is reported in previous paper (Outayeb et al., 2016). The problem of controlling bilateral teleoperation system under disturbances due mainly to unknown environment, dynamic robot uncertainties and in presence of noisy measurement of force sensors is considered. The Control Algorithms are obtained on two control strategies, the first one consists on a force/Impedance control approach applied to the master robot, whereas the second one consists on external force control loop combined with position control loop applied to the 3-DOF nonlinear slave robot. A neural network (NN) compensator and online environment estimation based on forgetting factor recursive least squares method (FFRLS) are integrated, to eliminate the effects of uncertainties in dynamic model of the slave robot, as well as, to estimate the unknown time varying characteristics of the environment under noisy measurements of force sensors. Numerical simulations using Labview show the efficacy of proposed scheme to guarantee system stability and acceptable transparency performance. |
Paper Nr: | 86 |
Title: | Analysis of ROS-based Visual and Lidar Odometry for a Teleoperated Crawler-type Robot in Indoor Environment |
Authors: | Maxim Sokolov, Oleg Bulichev and Ilya Afanasyev |
Abstract: | This article presents a comparative analysis of ROS-based monocular visual odometry, lidar odometry and ground truth-related path estimation for a crawler-type robot in indoor environment. We tested these methods with the crawler robot ”Engineer”, which was teleoperated in a small-sized indoor workspace with office-style environment. Since robot’s onboard computer can not work simultaneously with ROS packages of lidar odometry and visual SLAM, we used online computation of lidar odometry, while video data from onboard camera was processed offline by ORB-SLAM and LSD-SLAM algorithms. As far as crawler robot motion is accompanied by significant vibrations, we faced some problems with these visual SLAM, which resulted in decreasing accuracy of robot trajectory evaluation or even fails in visual odometry, in spite of using a video stabilization filter. The comparative analysis shown that lidar odometry is close to the ground truth, whereas visual odometry can demonstrate significant trajectory deviations. |
Paper Nr: | 91 |
Title: | Distortion Correction of Laser Scan Data from In-vehicle Laser Scanner based on Kalman Filter and NDT Scan Matching |
Authors: | Kimiaki Inui, Masahide Morikawa, Masafumi Hashimoto and Kazuhiko Takahashi |
Abstract: | This paper presents a Kalman-filter-based method of correcting distortion in 3D laser-scan data from in-vehicle multilayer laser scanner. A robot identifies its own 3D pose (position and attitude) in a laser-scan period using the normal-distributions transform (NDT) scan-matching method. Based on the pose information, the robot’s pose is predicted and smoothed in a period shorter than the scan period using Kalman filter under the assumption that the robot moves at nearly constant linear and turning velocities. The predicted and smoothed poses of the robot are applied to map laser-scan data onto a world coordinate frame. Subsequently, the robot again identifies its own 3D pose from the mapped scan data using NDT scan matching. This iterative process enables the robot to correct the distortion of laser-scan data and accurately map the laser-scan data onto the world coordinate frame. Experimental results of mapping a signal light in a road environment validate the proposed method. |
Paper Nr: | 102 |
Title: | Design and Control of a Force Reflecting Arm Exoskeleton for Virtual Reality Applications |
Authors: | Dimitar Chakarov, Ivanka Veneva, Mihail Tsveov and Dimitar Trifonov |
Abstract: | In this paper, the design of an exoskeleton for the upper limb is presented, aimed primarily at training and rehabilitation in virtual environments. A mechanical model of the exoskeleton arm as haptic device is built up and impedance control scheme is selected as the most suitable for force reflection at the arm. The design of a grounded exoskeleton prototype is revealed in the paper. A driving system based on braided pneumatic muscle is selected to ensure natural security in the interaction. Antagonistic drive system for each joint is shown, using pulley and Bowden cable transmissions. An approach is presented for the joint moments control by antagonistic interaction of bundles with different numbers of pneumatic muscles. Control scheme of joint torque by antagonistic interaction is given, too. Computer simulations are performed to provide power reflection by virtual reality (VR), according to scenario of virtual gymnastics. |
Paper Nr: | 103 |
Title: | Path Planning and Obstacles Avoidance using Switching Potential Functions |
Authors: | Giuseppe Fedele, Luigi D'Alfonso, Francesco Chiaravalloti and Gaetano D'Aquila |
Abstract: | In this paper, a novel path planning and obstacles avoidance method for a mobile robot is proposed. This method makes use of a switching strategy between the attractive potential of the target and a new helicoidal potential field which allows to bypass an obstacle by driving the robot around it. The new technique aims at overcoming the local minima problems of the well known artificial potentials method, caused by the summation of two (or more) potential fields. In fact, in the proposed approach, only a single potential is used at a time. The resulting proposed technique uses only local information and ensures high robustness, in terms of achieved performance and computational complexity, w.r.t. the number of obstacles. Numerical simulations and comparisons with traditional artificial potential field technique confirm a robust behavior of the method, also in the case of a framework with multiple obstacles. |
Paper Nr: | 107 |
Title: | Second-order Taylor Stability Analysis of Isolated Kinematic Singularities of Closed-chain Mechanisms |
Authors: | Adrián Peidró, Óscar Reinoso, Arturo Gil, José María Marín, Luis Payá and Yerai Berenguer |
Abstract: | When the geometric design of a closed-chain mechanism is non-generic, the singularity locus of the mechanism may exhibit isolated points. It is well known that these isolated points are unstable since they disappear or generate/reveal cusps when the geometric design of the mechanism slightly deviates from a non-generic design, possibly affecting the ability of the mechanism to reconfigure without crossing undesirable singularities. This paper presents a method based on second-order Taylor expansions to determine how these isolated singularities transform when perturbing the different geometric parameters of a non-generic mechanism. The method consists in approximating the singularity locus by a conic section near the isolated singularity, and classifying the resulting conic in terms of the perturbations of the different geometric parameters. Two non-generic closed-chain mechanisms are used to illustrate the presented method: an orthogonal 3R serial arm with specified position for its tip, and the planar Stewart parallel platform. |
Paper Nr: | 133 |
Title: | SLAM Algorithm by using Global Appearance of Omnidirectional Images |
Authors: | Yerai Berenguer, Luis Payá, Adrián Peidró and Oscar Reinoso |
Abstract: | This work presents a SLAM algorithm to estimate the position and orientation of a mobile robot while simultaneously creating the map of the environment. It uses only visual information provided by a catadioptric system mounted on the robot formed by a camera pointing towards a convex mirror. It provides the robot with omnidirectional images that contain information with a field of view of 360 degrees around the camera-mirror axis. Each omnidirectional scene acquired by the robot is described using global appearance descriptors. Thanks to their compactness, this kind of descriptors permits running the algorithm in real time. The method consists of three different steps. First, the robot calculates the pose of the robot (location and orientation) and creates a new node in the map. This map is formed by connected nodes between them. Second, it detects loop closures between the new node and the nodes of the map. Finally, the map is optimized by using an optimization algorithm and the detected loop closures. Two different sets of images have been used to test the effectiveness of the method. They were captured in two real environments, while the robot traversed two paths. The results of the experiments show the effectiveness of our method. |
Paper Nr: | 137 |
Title: | Smooth Autonomous Take-off and Landing Maneuvers over a Double-hulled Watercraft |
Authors: | Omar Velasco, Pablo J. Alhama Blanco and João Valente |
Abstract: | This paper addresses the problem of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) over a moving target in an inland water environment. The maneuvers are carried out by a multi-rotor unmanned aerial system (UAS) over a double-hulled watercraft unmanned surface vehicle (USV). The approach proposed employs a cascade PID control architecture and is then improved with Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP). The results presented show that DMP can be used in combination with PID classical control for achieving a more safe and accurate VTOL maneuver. |
Paper Nr: | 146 |
Title: | Using Inverse Compensation Vectors for Autonomous Maze Exploration |
Authors: | Andrzej Bieszczad |
Abstract: | Autonomous exploration of mazes requires finding a “center of gravity” keeping the robot safe from colliding with the walls. That is similar to the obstacle avoidance problem as the maze walls are obstacles that the robot must avoid. In this report, we describe an approach to controlling robot movements in a maze using an Inverse Compensation Vector (ICV) that is not much more computationally demanding than calculating a centroid point. The ICV is used to correct the robot velocity vector that determines the direction and the speed, so the robot moves in the maze staying securely within the passages between the walls. We have tested the approach using a simulator of a physical robot equipped with a planar LIDAR scanner. Our experiments showed that using the ICV to compensate robot velocity is an effective motion-correction method. Furthermore, we augmented the algorithm with preprocessing steps that alleviate problems caused by noisy raw data coming from actual LIDAR scans of a physical maze. |
Paper Nr: | 153 |
Title: | Identifying the Left Ventricle Optimally in Cardiac MR Images by Comparing State-of-the-Art Segmentation Methods |
Authors: | Jingjing Xiong, Yongming Yang and Zhenzhou Wang |
Abstract: | In medical diagnosis, the movement of the left ventricle (LV) could be used to estimate the volume of the left ventricle and the dyssynchrony of the heart, which can provide the basis for diagnosis of heart diseases. Identification of the LV endocardium, especially the images with poor image quality and images in apical or basal slices, is still a very challenging problem. In this paper, an automatic segmentation method based on threshold is proposed. This method works well in image both with good quality and bad quality. We tested the proposed SDD method with other 15 state-of-the-art segmentation methods by 104 frames of testing Cardiac MR images from Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2009 challenge. Finally, we assessed the deviation between the automatically segmented and benchmark manual contours. The proposed method achieved 0.9172 average Dice metric, 1.9817 mm average perpendicular distance (APD). These results compared with other methods indicate that the proposed SDD method is an effective and viable method to identify the boundary of left ventricle. |
Paper Nr: | 154 |
Title: | Parametric Synthesis of a Robust Controller on a Base of Interval Characteristic Polynomial Coefficients |
Authors: | Sergey Gayvoronskiy, Tatiana Ezangina and Ivan Khozhaev |
Abstract: | The paper is dedicated to deriving sufficient conditions, connecting root quality indexes of the control system with interval coefficients of its characteristic polynomial, on the base of interval expansion of the coefficient method. With the help of these conditions, a method of synthesizing a controller, providing an aperiodic transient process and acceptable stability degree, was developed. The method is applied to a problem of synthesizing a controller of an autonomous underwater vehicle submerging control system with interval parameters. |
Paper Nr: | 155 |
Title: | Arbitrary Trajectory Foot Planner for Bipedal Walking |
Authors: | Ramil Khusainov, Artur Sagitov, Alexandr Klimchik and Evgeni Magid |
Abstract: | This paper presents a foot planner algorithm for bipedal walking along an arbitrary curve. It takes a parametrically defined desired path as an input and calculates feet positions and orientations at each step. Number of steps that are required to complete the path depends on a maximum step length and maximum foot rotation angle at each step. Provided with results of the foot planner, our walking engine successfully performs robot locomotion. Verification tests were executed with AR601M humanoid robot. |
Paper Nr: | 176 |
Title: | Autonomous Trail Following |
Authors: | Masoud Hoveidar-Sefid and Michael Jenkin |
Abstract: | Following off-road trails is somewhat more complex than following man-made roads. Trails are unstructured and typically lack standard markers that characterize roadways. Nevertheless, trails can provide an effective set of pathways for off-road navigation. Here we approach the problem of trail following by identifying trail-like regions; that is regions that are locally planar, contiguous with the robot’s current plane and which appear similar to the region in front of the robot. A multi-dimensional representation of the trail ahead is obtained by fusing information from an omnidirectional camera and a 3D LIDAR. A k-means clustering approach is taken based on this multi-dimensional signal to identify and follow off-road trails. This information is then used to compute appropriate steering commands for vehicle motion. Results are presented for over 1500 frames of video and laser scans of trails. |
Paper Nr: | 181 |
Title: | Implementation of the Algorithms to Retrieve the Data About Local and Global Wireless Networks from the Telematics Map |
Authors: | Serge Popov, Maxim Sharagin, Vadim Glazunov and Mikhail Chuvatov |
Abstract: | This paper describes implementation and research of the algorithms to select the data about surrounding wireless networks from the moving vehicle. The data are retrieved from the telematics map, which is a cloud service containing the data about all the available wireless networks in the region. The paper contains the description of three scenarios of data extraction, relational queries to the telematics map which serve these scenarios, and the experiment to test the data extraction from the cloud service under real road environment. The experiment has shown that the time needed to extract the data about available local and global wireless networks does not exceed 0.2 sec, which is acceptable for the tasks of scheduling the wireless connections between the vehicle and the cloud services during the whole route. The results of this work may be used to retrieve the list of available wireless networks in the algorithms of intelligent scheduling of bidirectional data transmission for the connected vehicles. |
Paper Nr: | 199 |
Title: | Unscented Kalman Filter for Vision based Target Localisation with a Quadrotor |
Authors: | Jos Alejandro Dena Ruiz and Nabil Aouf |
Abstract: | Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) equipped with a navigation system and an embedded camera can be used to estimate the position of a desired target. The relative position of the UAV along with knowledge of camera orientation and imagery data can be used to produce bearing measurements that allow estimation of target position. The filter methods applied are prone to biases due to noisy measurements. Further noise may be encountered depending on the UAV trajectory for target localisation. This work presents the implementation of an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) to estimate the position of a target on the 3D cartesian plane within a small indoor scenario. A small UAV with a single board computer, equipped with a frontal camera and moving in an oval trajectory at a fixed height was employed. Such a trajectory enabled an experimental comparison of UAV simulation data with UAV real-time flight data for indoor conditions. Optitrack Motion system and the Robot Operative System (ROS) were used to retrieve the drone position and exchange information at high rates. |
Paper Nr: | 200 |
Title: | Exploiting Optical Flow Field Properties for 3D Structure Identification |
Authors: | Tan Khoa Mai, Michèle Gouiffès and Samia Bouchafa |
Abstract: | This paper deals with a new method that exploits optical flow field properties to simplify and strengthen the original c-velocity approach (Bouchafa and Zavidovique, 2012). C-velocity is a cumulative method based on a Hough-like transform adapted to velocities that allows 3D structure identification. In case of moving cameras, the 3D scene is assumed to be composed by a set of 3D planes that could be categorized in 3 main models: horizontal, lateral and vertical planes. We prove in this paper that, by using directly pixel coordinates to create what we will call the uv-velocity space, it is possible to detect 3D planes efficiently. We conduct our experiments on the KITTI optical flow dataset (Menze and Geiger, 2015) to prove our new concept besides the effectiveness of uv-velocity in detecting planes. In addition, we show how our approach could be applied to detect free navigation area (road), urban structures like buildings and obstacles from a moving camera in the context of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. |
Paper Nr: | 202 |
Title: | A New Control Strategy for the Improvement of Contact Rendering with Encounter-type Haptic Displays |
Authors: | Oscar De La Cruz Fierro, Wael Bachta, Florian Gosselin and Guillaume Morel |
Abstract: | Encounter-type haptic interfaces are used to interact physically with virtual environments. They allow controlling the position of an avatar in the simulation while perceiving the forces applied on it when it interacts with the surrounding objects. Contrary to usual force feedback devices, the interface tracks the real user’s finger without touching it when the user’s finger avatar moves in free space. Only when a contact occurs in the virtual environment, the interface comes in contact with the user to display the mechanical properties of the encountered objects. This way, the device’s behaviour is more natural as simulated contacts really occur in the real world. Existing control laws for such devices exhibit however limitations, especially when contacts occur at high speed. In such cases, the device tends to bounce against the user’s finger, which decreases the realism of the interaction. In this paper, we propose a new control strategy where the interface is first stabilized against the obstacles before the user touches its end-effector. This way, contacts appear more natural, even at high speeds, as confirmed by preliminary user-tests made with an existing 2 DoF encounter type haptic interface at different speeds with the state of the art control law and the novel approach we propose here. |
Paper Nr: | 206 |
Title: | An Interactive Virtual Simulator for Motion Analysis of Underwater Gliders |
Authors: | Alan López-Segovia, Luis García-Valdovinos, Tomás Salgado-Jiménez, Isabel Andrade-Bustos, Luciano Nava-Balanzar, José Luis Sánchez-Gaytán and Juan Pablo Orozco-Muñiz |
Abstract: | Autonomous Underwater Gliders (AUG) have become a very useful and cheap tool to sample the ocean’s environment compared with oceanographic ships to perform the same task. AUGs can glide along the ocean up to a specific depth thanks to their aerodynamic shape, wings and rudders, and a buoyancy-driven system composed of a bladder and an eccentric movable mass that modifies the net buoyancy and the pitch/roll angles of the vehicle, respectively. One of the main concerns of glider’s pilots is to understand and/or predict the behaviour of the glider when it is affected by ocean currents under the water. In this paper, an interactive virtual simulator for motion analysis of underwater gliders is given. The simulator considers the online solution of the full nonlinear hydrodynamics of a well-known glider. The virtual simulator is a tool that will help technicians and pilots to increase their training process, to carry out performance analysis of new control schemes and validation of new glider’s models before the physical construction. |
Paper Nr: | 208 |
Title: | Suggestion of Motion Velocity/Acceleration Curved Surface |
Authors: | Kaoru Mitsuhashi, Mizuho Nakamura, Masanobu Chiba and Hiroshi Hashimoto |
Abstract: | The skill teaching/succession method is not quantitative but qualitative, which is abstract oral or gesture expression. Quantitative teaching is difficult for teacher/instructor. In previous research, Expert and beginner perform the sports and entertainment motion, and the character of the motion curved surface is analysed using Microsoft Kinect (RGBD camera). The character is the maximum curvature and surface area. However, the usage of characters is uncertain. In this research, we investigate the correlation of maximum curvature and surface area from motion curved surface in before and after training. Therefore, we visualize the different correlation of experts and beginners from the characters and the transition of the skill training. |
Paper Nr: | 209 |
Title: | Algorithms of Aircraft Flight Parameters Determination via the Visual Data |
Authors: | Sergey Sokolov, Nikolay Beklemichev and Andrey Boguslavskiy |
Abstract: | This paper provides the information about the possibility of independent information channel development for determination of altitude, list and pitch of aircrafts based on the visual data analysis. All stages of solving the information support problem for aircraft control system based on the collection and processing of the visual data are considered here. This paper provides the information about the development of mathematical model, the calibration of visual fields and the provision of stereoscopic calculations accuracy. The mathematical support of the computer vision system, consisting of two video cameras and computing unit installed on the aircraft, is also described here. The proposed algorithms are implemented for the system model as a part of the flying laboratory. The results of the experiments carried out for this model are also presented here. The results allow drawing the conclusion about the possibility of successful solution of the problem. Possible ways for further system improvement are also presented in this paper. |
Paper Nr: | 213 |
Title: | Using Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem Modeling to Improve Visual Odometry for Autonomous Vehicles |
Authors: | Anderson Souza, Leonardo Souto, Fabio Fonseca de Oliveira, Biswa Nath Datta and Luiz M. G. Gonçalves |
Abstract: | Visual Odometry (VO) is the process of calculating the motion of an agent (such as, robot and vehicle), using images captured by a single or multiple cameras embedded to it. VO is an important process to supplement autonomous navigation systems, since VO can provide accurate trajectory estimates. However, algorithms of VO work with several steps of hard numerical computation which generate numerical errors and demand considerable processing time. In this paper, we propose the use of a mathematical framework for monocular VO process based on Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem (PEP) modeling in order to achieve both more accurate motion estimation and to decrease the processing time of the VO process. Some previous experiments are shown in order to validate the proposed computation accuracy. |
Paper Nr: | 6 |
Title: | Learning Spatial Constraints using Gaussian Process for Shared Control of Semi-autonomous Mobile Robots |
Authors: | Kun Qian, Dan Niu, Fang Fang and Xudong Ma |
Abstract: | In this paper, a novel human-robot shared control approach is proposed to solve the problem of semi-autonomous mobile robot navigation with the spatial constraints of maintaining reliable Wi-Fi connection. In particular, the presented approach benefits from using Gaussian Process Regression method to learn the distribution of indoor Wi-Fi signal strength (WSS) and to fuse it with the environmental occupancy probability. The resulting WSS-Occupancy hybrid map is further utilized for generating paths that prevent the robot from violating the spatial restriction. A shared control strategy is designed to implement the WSS-aware navigation behaviour. The approach is evaluated by both simulation and real-world experiments, in which the results validate the practicability and effectiveness of the approach. |
Paper Nr: | 10 |
Title: | Design of a Special Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot for Leg Patients |
Authors: | Gab-Soon Kim, Han-Sol Kim and Jae-Hyun Jung |
Abstract: | We describe the design of a special lower limb rehabilitation robot for leg patients and its operation. The lower limb rehabilitation robot is composed of linear motion mechanisms, links, a foot plate, a joint and two-axis force sensors. The links and the foot plate are rotated according to the linear motion mechanisms. The bending motions of the hip, knee, and ankle are performed. The designed rehabilitation robot was subjected to tests involving hip joint bending, knee joint bending, and ankle joint bending exercises, and the robot operated smoothly. Therefore, it can be concluded that the designed rehabilitation robot can be used on leg patients, for the three exercises stated above. |
Paper Nr: | 14 |
Title: | Non-singular Terminal Second Order Sliding Mode with Time Delay Estimation for Uncertain Robot Manipulators |
Authors: | Yassine Kali, Maarouf Saad and Khalid Benjelloun |
Abstract: | In this paper, a second order sliding mode with time delay estimation based on non-singular terminal sliding surface is presented for high-accuracy tracking trajectory of uncertain robot manipulators. The design of the proposed controller is based on a non-singular terminal sliding surface that overcomes the problem of singularity and the restrictions of the exponent in classical terminal sliding surface. Then, a second order sliding mode control scheme with time delay estimation is proposed to eliminate the chattering phenomenon and to estimate the uncertainties and disturbances. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the finite-time convergence of the sliding surface and its derivative. Finally, simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. |
Paper Nr: | 17 |
Title: | An RGB-D based Augmented Reality 3D Reconstruction System for Robotic Environmental Inspection of Radioactive Areas |
Authors: | Giacomo Lunghi, Raul Marin Prades, Mario Di Castro, Manuel Ferre and Alessandro Masi |
Abstract: | Preparing human intervention in hazardous, unknown and unstructured environments is a difficult task. The intervention should focus on the optimization of the operations in order to reduce the personnel exposure to hazards. Optimizing these operations is not always possible, due to a lack of information about the intervention environment: such information can be collected through a robotic inspection before the preparation of the intervention. The data collected during this inspection, such as radiation, temperature and oxygen level, must be accurate and precisely positioned in the environment in order to optimize the humans approaching path and their stay in the intervention area. In this paper we present a robotic system for collecting physical quantities, precisely positioned in the environment, which is easy to use by the robot operator and it is seamlessly integrated in the robot control. The operator is helped by the system in finding the most dangerous zones, which collects all the sensor readings while building a 3D model of the environment. Preliminary results are presented using CERN's accelerators facilities as testing area. |
Paper Nr: | 35 |
Title: | Improved Planning and Filtering Algorithm for Task-priority Redundancy Resolution in Mobile Manipulation |
Authors: | Nagamanikandan Govindan and Asokan Thondiyath |
Abstract: | Discrete time implementation of task-priority redundancy resolution using closed loop inverse kinematics with fixed sampling time may lead to discretization chatter. The chattering effect is due to switching between different closed loop behaviours whenever the corresponding external event has occurred. This effect causes high frequency oscillation with finite frequency and amplitude in both joint space motion and operational space motion which is highly undesired. In this paper, we propose a planning and filtering algorithm to improve the robustness of task-priority redundancy resolution without having the effect of chattering, while combining multiple closed loop behaviours. We also show how the null space projection in task- priority control affects the operational space motion while switching between the behaviours. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, three different case studies are presented for a planar mobile manipulator with holonomic constraint. The results confirm that the proposed algorithm eliminates the chatter and moves the end effector on a smooth trajectory. |
Paper Nr: | 40 |
Title: | C2-continuous Path Planning by Combining Bernstein-Bézier Curves |
Authors: | Gregor Klančar, Sašo Blažič and Andrej Zdešar |
Abstract: | This work proposes fifth order Bernstein-Bézier (BB) curve segments to be used in path planning approaches. The combined path consists of BB spline sections with continuous second derivative in connections which means that the path curvature is continuous and feasible for wheeled robot to drive on. To further minimize the travelling time on this path a velocity profile is optimized by considering acceleration and velocity constraints. |
Paper Nr: | 50 |
Title: | An Algebraic Collision Avoidance Approach for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
Authors: | Adriana Dapena, María José Souto-Salorio, Ana Dorotea Tarrío-Tobar and Paula M. Castro |
Abstract: | In this paper we address the problem of avoidancing collisions between an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and a rigid surface. The UAV is modelled as an unique sphere envolving the UAV or as multiple spheres only envolving the motors. The UAV flies inside a rigid hyperboloid structure typically used in architecture. The collision is detected by means of the study of the characteristic polynomial associated to quadric surfaces. Computer simulation results included in this paper will show both the accuracy and the low computational cost exhibited by the proposed method. |
Paper Nr: | 53 |
Title: | Multi-robot Control Architecture for Hospital Delivery Service in Unstable Network Environment |
Authors: | Seohyun Jeon and Jaeyeon Lee |
Abstract: | This paper describes the problem about controlling multiple robots in a real world when the network connection is unstable. Robots are deployed at the hospital for delivery service. Robots navigate autonomously through the hospital-wide hallway while delivering items from point to point. The delivery task is assigned and sent to the robot by the server via wireless network. To increase the performance of using fleet of robots, online task assignment and fleet optimization is required. However, the robots are frequently disconnected with the network since the robot continuously moves and the mission area covers multiple floors. The online communication cannot be guaranteed at all times. Therefore, this paper proposes a control architecture to cope with such unstable network connectivity. The server has a specific message board to communicate with the robot. Task assignment of the server or status report of the robot are transferred through this message board. In general, the server uses a fixed IP address, whereas a robot uses a dynamic IP address. Therefore, the connection is always initiated from the robot’s side by the heartbeat message. With this architecture, the communication between the server and the robot can be achieved in a partially online network environment. And, the delivery performance of the fleet of robots can be increased by the scheduler assigning the task online. |
Paper Nr: | 62 |
Title: | Towards Teleoperation and Automatic Control Features of an Unmanned Surface Vessel-ROV System: Preliminary Results |
Authors: | L. Nava-Balanzar, J. L. Sanchez-Gaytán, F. Fonseca-Navarro, T. Salgado-Jiménez, M. Á. Reyna-Alonso, L. G. Garcia-Valdovinos, O. Rubio-Lopez, A. Gómez-Espinosa and A. Ramirez-Martinez |
Abstract: | This paper presents the design, construction and control of an Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) along with a ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) system, called USV-ROV system. These systems are mainly used for underwater inspection of shallow water structures, such as: ports, bridges bases and platforms. The USV-ROV, developed at CIDESI-Mexico, has been designed for academic purposes. This paper describes the Surface Control Unit (SCU), the ROV and the USV, including: electronics architecture, data managing, sensors, actuators and mechanical design considerations. USV and ROV control strategies preliminary results are presented. Real time experiments are shown for: USV heading control, and ROV depth and heading control. The goal of this paper is to present preliminary results of a coordinated USV-ROV system, desgined for the development of inspection and surveillance techniques accroding to the marine and submarine application; however, these techniques are not commercially available and have to be developed with an open architecture system like the presented here. |
Paper Nr: | 79 |
Title: | Easy 3D Mapping for Indoor Navigation of Micro UAVs |
Authors: | Henrik Schiøler, Luminita Totu, Anders la Cour-Harbo, John Josef Leth and Jesper Larsen |
Abstract: | Indoor operation of micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV or UAS) is significantly simplified with the capability for indoor localization as well as a sufficiently precise 3D map of the facility. Creation of 3D maps based on the available architectural information should on the one hand provide a map of sufficient precision and on the other limit complexity to a manageable level. This paper presents a box based approach for easy generation of 3D maps to serve as the basis for indoor navigation of UAS. The basic building block employed is a 3D axis parallel box (APB). Unions of APBs constitute maps, which are by definition closed to basic set operations such as; union, intersection, set difference etc. The restriction to APBs is made in accordance with the tradeoff between simplicity and expressiveness, where real time requirements emphasize simplicity. The mapping approach is presented along with different approaches of selecting via points ensuring sufficiently efficient path planning and at the same time ensuring scalability by keeping complexity low. A proposition for {\em minimal} via point assignment is ensuring at least feasibility of path planning is presented. Feasibility is not proved formally. Instead results from a randomized {\em statistical proof} are given. %An easy-to-use procedure for calibrating maps and indoor positioning is presented. 3D Mapping, via point assignment and calibration are all implemented in a stand alone software application. The application program provides, through a graphical user interface, the possibility to map indoor environments based on existing 2D floor maps. |
Paper Nr: | 90 |
Title: | A New Particle Weighting Strategy for Robot Mapping FastSLAM |
Authors: | Luciano Buonocore, Sergio R. Barros dos Santos, Areolino de Almeida Neto, Alexandre C. M. Oliveira and Cairo L. Nascimento Jr. |
Abstract: | Nowadays, FastSLAM filters are the most widely used methods to solve the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. In general, these approaches can use complex matrix formulation for computing the particle weighting procedure, during the execution of the SLAM algorithm. In this paper, we describe a new particle weight strategy for the FastSLAM filter, which can maintain the generation of particles in its most simplified form. Thus, this approach tries to estimate the robot poses and build the environment map using a simple geometric formulation for executing the particle weighting procedure. This method is capable of reducing the processing time and keeping the accuracy of the robot pose. Both simulation and experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach at enabling a robotic vehicle to accomplish the mapping of an unknown environment and also navigate through it. |
Paper Nr: | 115 |
Title: | Exploration of Unknown Map for Safety Purposes using Wheeled Mobile Robots |
Authors: | Sara Ashry Mohammed and Walid Gomaa |
Abstract: | Exploring unknown 2-D grid map using multi-robots has a great significance in a vast domain of applications. One possible application is to search for a gas leakage or a fire source which we address in this paper. We propose an algorithm called Zigzag Ray for multi-robot exploration. The aim is to reduce the required time to discover the environment as much as possible to suit the critical applications such as rescue operations. Experiments are done using two, three, and four Khepera robots for exploring a map. The exploration time without the boundary scan offset is ranged from 28.4% to 17.2% of the time taken by Albers algorithm and from 41.2% to 30.7% of the time taken by the Zigzag algorithm for a single robot. Also, the time of four robots by using a Zigzag algorithm for multi-robots is about 46% of Albers time of four robots. A disparity in time existing between the algorithms shows the effectiveness of the new proposed algorithm. Additionally, the Zigzag algorithm of a single robot is compared with the heuristic SRT algorithm. Zigzag time takes about 54.5% to 77.4% from heuristic SRT time. The evaluation is done using the Exploration Index strategy. |
Paper Nr: | 128 |
Title: | Color Edge Detection based on Bhattacharyya Distance |
Authors: | Yongsung Cheon and Chulhee Lee |
Abstract: | In this paper, we propose to apply the multi-dimensional edge detection algorithm developed for hyperspectral images to colour image edge detection. The multi-dimensional edge detection algorithm utilizes the Bhattacharyya distance and considers the statistical difference between two neighbouring blocks. In order to apply the algorithm to colour images, we need to take into account the singularity problem of the covariance matrices. In the algorithm, we first apply the Wiener filter to supress noise and select four block pairs including up-down, left-right, diagonal-left-down and diagonal-right-down. The experimental results show that the colour edge detection method based on the Bhattacharyya distance shows promising results compared to the results obtained by the Sobel and Canny-edge edge detection algorithms. |
Paper Nr: | 130 |
Title: | Parallel Robot Structure Optimizations for a Friction Stir Welding Application |
Authors: | F. Dardouri, G. Abba and W. Seemann |
Abstract: | Today industrial robots are used in many manufacturing applications because of their versatility and easy applicability. Notwithstanding their performance these robots are not suitable for some manufacturing processes where uniform and high forces together with suitable precision of position are required. The present research is focused on one of the high thrust operations, the friction stir welding (FSW). This method for connecting two parts works while the connected materials are in the solid phase. For this reason a very high thrust force is needed to soften the material during the welding process. Due to these high forces the position of the tool of a serial robot deviates from the desired trajectory. In this paper the possibility of using a parallel structure device is investigated to improve the load capacity and stiffness of a heavy manipulator robot. Such a system may exert forces directly on the process tool. In this way the movement of the tool is mainly generated by the industrial serial robot, while the parallel structure ensures the generation of very high thrust forces. |
Paper Nr: | 177 |
Title: | Fuzzy and 2-DOF Controllers for Processes with a Discontinuously Variable Parameter |
Authors: | Alexandra-Iulia Szedlak-Stinean, Radu-Emil Precup and Emil M. Petriu |
Abstract: | The application with a discontinuously variable parameter (moment of inertia) discussed in this paper is represented by an experimental setup, namely the Model 220 Industrial Plant Emulator (M220IPE), which allows the testing of several control solutions by performing real-time experiments. This paper suggests a simple state feedback control structure with three position controllers developed with the aid of linearized mathematical models and particular features of the process. The control structures contain conventional controllers (PID) and also advanced control solutions (Takagi-Sugeno PD+I fuzzy and two-degree-of-freedom PID controllers). The aim of these control structures is to achieve good robustness, good disturbance control behaviours regarding the model uncertainties and also to improve set-point responses. The proposed control structures are validated by digital and experimental results obtained for three specific values of the moment of inertia. |
Paper Nr: | 179 |
Title: | Two Mobile Robots Platforms for Experimentation: Comparison and Synthesis |
Authors: | Ernesto Fabregas, Gonzalo Farias, Emmanuel Peralta, José Sanchéz and Sebastian Dormido |
Abstract: | This paper presents a comparison between two ready-to-use platforms developed for both teaching and research purposes with wheeled mobile robots. The platforms are divided into two parts: a simulation and a real experimental environment. In both cases, the experimental environments uses a camera and a PC (with the corresponding software tools) as positioning sensor to locate the robots in the work-space. The comparison includes software, hardware and usability points of view. |
Paper Nr: | 201 |
Title: | Personal Mobility with Assistive Walker - User Interface Design for Vehicle Mode |
Authors: | Masahiro Onozawa, Sho Yokota, Daisuke Chugo and Hiroshi Hashimoto |
Abstract: | This paper presents Personal Mobility with assistive Walker (PM-W). PM-Wis consists of handle, handle post, position adjustable saddle, and two inwheel motors. The feature of PM-W is two mobile modes: ”walking assist mode” and ”vehicle mode”. In ”walking assist mode”, PM-W assists user’s walking by driving two wheels while user saddles on the seat and walks. In ”vehicle mode”, user controls PM-W like an electric bike or conventional senior cart. Thus, a certain control interface is needed in ”vehicle mode”. Therefore, this paper develops the interface for ”vehicle mode”. The proposed interface uses the bending strain at the root of the handle post, because the handle should not have any moving parts on it such as throttle lever or stick controller for supporting elderly’s stable posture. In order to verify the operability of this interface, the basic experiment was conducted. From the results of the experiment, it is appropriate that the interface is adopted for ”vehicle mode”, because it can be regarded that the operability of proposed interface is equal to or more than the conventional interface. |
Paper Nr: | 215 |
Title: | Home Furniture Detection by Geometric Characterization by Autonomous Service Robots |
Authors: | Oscar Alonso-Ramirez, Antonio Marin-Hernandez, Homero V. Rios-Figueroa and Michel Devy |
Abstract: | Service robots are nowadays more and more common on diverse environments. In order to provide useful services, robots must not only identify different objects but also understand their use and be able to extract characteristics that make useful an object. In this work, a framework is presented for recognize home furniture by analyzing geometrical features over point clouds. A fast and efficient method for horizontal and vertical planes detection is presented, based on the histograms of 3D points acquired from a Kinect like sensor onboard the robot. Horizontal planes are recovered according to height distribution on 2D histograms, while vertical planes with a similar approach over a projection on the floor (3D histograms). Characteristics of points belonging to a given plane are extracted in order to match with planes from furniture pieces in a database. Proposed approach has been proved and validated in home like environments with a mobile robotic platform. |
Paper Nr: | 217 |
Title: | Modeling Inhibitory and Excitatory Synapse Learning in the Memristive Neuron Model |
Authors: | Max Talanov, Evgeniy Zykov, Victor Erokhin, Evgeni Magid, Salvatore Distefano, Yuriy Gerasimov and Jordi Vallverdú |
Abstract: | In this paper we present the results of simulation of exitatory Hebbian and inhibitory “sombrero” learning of a hardware architecture based on organic memristive elements and operational amplifiers implementing an artificial neuron we recently proposed. This is a first step towards the deployment on robots of a bio-plausible simulation, currently developed in the neuro-biologically inspired cognitive architecture (NeuCogAr) implementing basic emotional states or affects in a computational system, in the context of our “Robot dream” project. The long term goal is to re-implement dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline pathways of NeuCogAr in a memristive hardware. |
Area 4 - Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modelling and Control
Full PapersPaper Nr: | 12 |
Title: | Aircraft Attitude Determination Algorithms Employing Gravity Vector Estimations and Velocity Measurements |
Authors: | Raúl de Celis and Luis Cadarso |
Abstract: | Precision on Navigation, Guidance and Control of aircraft is dependent on the precision of the measurement system both for position and attitude. It is well known in aerospace engineering that the rotation of an aircraft or space vehicle can be determined measuring two vectors in two different reference systems. Velocity vector in an aerospace vehicle can be determined in an inertial reference frame directly from a GNSS-based sensor. Also this velocity vector can be determined by integrating the acceleration measurements in an aircraft body fixed reference frame. By estimating gravity vector in an inertial reference frame, which currently is perfectly tabulated, and in a body reference frame, and combining these measurements with the velocity vector, rotation of the body can be determined. Application of these concepts is especially interesting in order to substitute high-precision attitude determination devices, which are usually expensive as they are forced to bear high solicitations as for instance G forces. |
Paper Nr: | 13 |
Title: | A Virtual Sensor for Integral Tire Force Estimation using Tire Model-less Approaches and Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter |
Authors: | Manuel Acosta, Stratis Kanarachos and Michael E. Fitzpatrick |
Abstract: | In this paper, a novel approach to estimate the longitudinal, lateral and vertical tire forces is presented. The innovation lies a) in the proposition of a modular state estimation architecture that lessens the tuning effort and ensures the filter’s stability and b) in the estimation of the longitudinal velocity relying only on the wheel speed information.The longitudinal forces are estimated using an Adaptive Random-Walk Linear Kalman Filter. The lateral forces per axle are estimated by combining an Adaptive Unscented Kalman filter and Neural Networks. The individual tire lateral forces are inferred from the axle lateral forces using the vertical load proportionality principle. The individual tire vertical forces are estimated using a steady-state weight transfer approach, in which the roll stiffness distribution is considered. The state estimator is implemented in Simulink R and simulations are carried out in the vehicle dynamics simulation software IPG CarMaker R . The virtual sensor is tested in aggressive and steady-state maneuvers, exhibiting in both cases a remarkable performance. |
Paper Nr: | 24 |
Title: | Sensor Fusion of a 2D Laser Scanner and a Thermal Camera |
Authors: | Johanna Gleichauf, Christian Pfitzner and Stefan May |
Abstract: | In order to increase the robustness of localisation and victim detection in low visibility situations it is necessary to fuse several sensors. The most common sensor used in robotics is the 2D laser scanner which delivers distance measurements. In combination with a camera the gained information can be supported by visual information about the environment. Thermal cameras are ideal for finding objects with a certain temperature, but they do not deliver distance information. The difficulty in fusing these two sensors is, that a correspondence between each distance measurement and its corresponding pixel within the thermal image needs to be found. As the laser scanner only displays one plane, this is not an intuitive task. A special triangular calibration target, covering all six degrees of freedom and being visible for both sensors, was developed. In the end the transformation between each laser scan point and its corresponding thermal image pixel is given. This allows for assigning every laser measurement within the field of view a corresponding thermal pixel. The final application will enable detection of human beings and display the distance required to reach them. |
Paper Nr: | 34 |
Title: | Preprocessing Graphs for Network Inference Applications |
Authors: | H. R. Sachin Prabhu and Hua-Liang Wei |
Abstract: | The problem of network inference can be solved as a constrained matrix factorization problem where some sparsity constraints are imposed on one of the matrix factors. The solution is unique up to a scaling factor when certain rank conditions are imposed on both the matrix factors. Two key issues in factorising a matrix of data from some netwrok are that of establishing simple identifiability conditions and decomposing a network into identifiable subnetworks. This paper solves both the problems by introducing the notion of an ordered matching in a bipartite graphs. Novel and simple graph theoretical conditions are developed which can replace the aforementioned computationally intensive rank conditions. A simple algorithm to reduce a bipartite graph and a graph preprocessing algorithm to decompose a network into a set of identifiable subsystems is proposed. |
Paper Nr: | 37 |
Title: | A Solution for Ice Accretion Detection on Wind Turbine Blades |
Authors: | Jocelyn Sabatier, Patrick Lanusse, Benjamin Feytout and Serge Gracia |
Abstract: | This paper proposes a solution for ice accretion detection on wind turbine blades. The solution involves an active deicing device that uses a conductive polymer paint to heat relevant surfaces of the blade under electric potential difference. This deicing system is used here to perform a dynamic thermal characterization of the blade for various operating conditions (with or without ice, with or without wind). The dynamical behavior differences highlighted are then exploited using a dynamic observer to detect ice accretion through the control signal produced by the observer. Tests carried out in a climatic chamber showed the validity and the accuracy of the proposed method. |
Paper Nr: | 38 |
Title: | On Smartphone-based Discrimination of Pathological Respiratory Sounds with Similar Acoustic Properties using Machine Learning Algorithms |
Authors: | Chinazunwa Uwaoma and Gunjan Mansingh |
Abstract: | This paper explores the capabilities of mobile phones to distinguish sound-related symptoms of respiratory conditions using machine learning algorithms. The classification tool is modeled after some standard set of temporal and spectral features used in vocal and lung sound analysis. These features are extracted from recorded sounds and then fed into machine learning algorithms to train the mobile system. Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN) classifiers were evaluated with an overall accuracy of 86.7%, 75.8%, and 88.9% respectively. The appreciable performance of these classifiers on a mobile phone shows smartphone as an alternate tool for recognition and discrimination of respiratory symptoms in real-time scenarios. |
Paper Nr: | 51 |
Title: | Track-to-track Fusion using Multiple Detection Linear Multitarget Integrated Probabilistic Data Association |
Authors: | Yuan Huang, Sa Yong Chong and Taek Lyul Song |
Abstract: | The multi-sensor multiple detection target tracking problem is considered in this paper. The probability of target existence is used as the track quality measure and plays an important part in the fusion paradigm. The multiple detection linear multi-target integrated probabilistic data association (MD-LM-IPDA) is utilized and extended to the multi-sensor structure. Both centralized fusion MD-LM-IPDA and distributed track-to-track fusion MD-LM-IPDA are proposed. The centralized fusion method utilizes the information from all local sensors' measurements to get the best tracking performance but suffers from the high communication load. The distributed fusion method can control the communication load by adjusting the threshold for transmitting local tracks to the fusion center. One can make a choice between these two structures based on the tracking performance requirement and the computation resources. |
Paper Nr: | 63 |
Title: | Adaptive Nonlinear Projective Filtering - Application to Filtering of Artifacts in EEG Signals |
Authors: | Bartosz Binias and Michal Niezabitowski |
Abstract: | In this work a novel approach to filtering of eyeblink related artifacts from EEG signals is presented. Proposed solution, the Adaptive Nonlinear Projective Filtering (ANPF) algorithm, combines the classic approach to adaptive filtering with algorithms from nonlinear state space projection family. Performance of described method is compared with adaptive filter based on Normalized Least Mean Squares algorithm in terms of median Normalized Mean Squared Error. Data used in conducted research was simulated according to described procedure. Such approach allowed for a reliable comparison and evaluation of algorithm’s signal correction properties. Additionally, a real time modification of ANPF algorithm is proposed and tested. The analysis of sensitivity to changes of parameter values was also performed. Achieved results were tested for statistical significance. According to obtained scores ANPF significantly outperforms referential method during offline processing. |
Paper Nr: | 74 |
Title: | Initialization of Recursive Mixture-based Clustering with Uniform Components |
Authors: | Evgenia Suzdaleva, Ivan Nagy, Pavla Pecherková and Raissa Likhonina |
Abstract: | The paper deals with a task of initialization of the recursive mixture estimation for the case of uniform components. This task is significant as a part of mixture-based clustering, where data clusters are described by the uniform distributions. The issue is extensively explored for normal components. However, sometimes the assumption of normality is not suitable or limits potential application areas (e.g., in the case of data with fixed bounds). The use of uniform components can be beneficial for these cases. Initialization is always a critical task of the mixture estimation. Within the considered recursive estimation algorithm the key point of its initialization is a choice of initial statistics of components. The paper explores several initialization approaches and compares results of clustering with a theoretical counterpart. Experiments with real data are demonstrated. |
Paper Nr: | 80 |
Title: | Modeling of Two Sub-reach Water Systems: Application to Navigation Canals in the North of France |
Authors: | Pau Segovia, Klaudia Horváth, Lala Rajaoarisoa, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenç Puig and Eric Duviella |
Abstract: | Inland navigation networks are large-scale systems that can be described by using the nonlinear Saint-Venant partial differential equations. However, as there is no analytical solution for them, simplified models are used instead for modeling purposes. This work addresses the modeling of two sub-reach systems by means of the well-known Integrator Delay Zero model. Two main scenarios are considered: in the first one, the two partial models are independently computed one from each other; the second one uses previous knowledge of the whole two sub-reach system in order to ensure the flow consistency along the system. The application of these two methodologies to a part of the navigation network in the north of France serves as the case study for this work. |
Paper Nr: | 97 |
Title: | Blind Decision Feedback Equalizer for Holographic Versatile Disc |
Authors: | Kyuhwan Kim, Seung Hun Kim, Gyogwon Koo, Min Seok Seo and Sang Woo Kim |
Abstract: | As the amount of data increases, holographic data storage (HDS) is considered as a next generation storage medium. Since HDS uses two-dimensional (2D) data, it causes intersymbol interference (ISI) between adjacent pixels not only in the horizontal direction but also in the vertical direction. Thus, studies have been carried out to reduce such 2D ISI, and especially many researches using the partial response maximum likelihood (PRML) method have been carried out. These PRML methods have good bit-error-rate (BER) performance, but also have various disadvantages. Therefore, we propose a simple blind decision feedback equalizer (blind DFE) that does not use soft output Viterbi algorithm (SOVA) for application to European standard holographic versatile disc (HVD). First, we propose a blind equalizer using simle theshold method to get information that the equalizer can refer to. In order to make it work well in any environment, the threshold value is adaptively determined using the statistical characteristics of the received image. And, in order to reduce errors due to the data that cannot be distinguished only by the blind equalizer, we add a decision feedback loop after the blind equalizer. Finally, various simulations were conducted to confirm the performance of blind DFE for HVD. |
Paper Nr: | 99 |
Title: | Relaxation and Optimization of Impulsive Hybrid Systems - Inspired by Impact Mechanics |
Authors: | Elena Goncharova and Maxim Staritsyn |
Abstract: | The paper compresses some results on modeling and optimization in a class of hybrid systems with control switches of dynamics. The study is motivated by widespread physical phenomena of impulsive nature, faced in contact dynamics, such as unilateral contacts of rigid bodies and impactively blockable degrees of freedom. The developed modeling approach is based on a representation of hybrid events as impulsive control actions produced by distributions or Borel measures under constraints on states before and after the action. Basically, such systems are described by measure differential equations with states of bounded variation, and the relations between the trajectory and the control measure are given by a specific mixed condition of a complementarity type. The main goal of the study is to describe the closure of the tube of solutions to the addressed system. For this, we design an approximation of the hybrid property, and develop a specific singular time-spatial transformation of the original system. A convexification of the transformed system then defines – after the inverse transform – the closed set of generalized, limit solutions. The main result concerns the asymptotic behavior of these generalized solutions, stating that the hybrid property is preserved after the relaxation. |
Paper Nr: | 106 |
Title: | Dynamic Stability of Repeated Agent-Environment Interactions During the Hybrid Ball-bouncing Task |
Authors: | Guillaume Avrin, Maria Makarov, Pedro Rodriguez-Ayerbe and Isabelle A. Siegler |
Abstract: | This interdisciplinary study aims to understand and model human motor control principles using automatic control methods, with possible applications in robotics for tasks involving a rhythmic interaction with the environment. The paper analyses the properties of a candidate model for the visual servoing of the 1D bouncing ball benchmark task in humans. The contributions are twofold as they i/ enable a computationally efficient way of testing hypotheses in human motor control modeling, and ii/ will allow to export and adapt the lessons learned from this modeling of human behavior for more robust and less model-dependent robotic control methods. Three hypotheses about the sensorimotor couplings involved during the task, i.e. three control structures are analyzed from the point of view of task stability by means of Poincaré maps. Obtained results are used to refine the proposed models of sensorimotor couplings. It is shown that the fixed points of the Poincaré maps are stable and that the obtained linear approximation, derived on these equilibrium points, can be viewed as a state-feedback. The human-like controller gains are then retrieved with a Linear Quadratic control method, thus showing its inherent robustness. |
Paper Nr: | 118 |
Title: | Multi-objective Dynamical System Parameters and Initial Value Identification Approach in Chemical Disintegration Reaction Modelling |
Authors: | Ivan Ryzhikov, Christina Brester and Eugene Semenkin |
Abstract: | A multi-criteria multi-output dynamical system identification problem is considered. The inverse mathematical problem of estimating the parameters of a system of differential equations and its initial point using the measured data is provided for the hexadecane disintegration reaction. The aim of modelling is to approximate the dynamical behaviour of hexadecane and the concentrations of its products, which according to chemical kinetics are determined by a differential equation. Since the dynamical model adequacy is based on the error between its output and the sample data and the output itself depends on the initial point values, the inverse mathematical modelling problem is the simultaneous estimation of the model parameters and the initial point. At the same time, the initial point is unknown and the sample data is noisy, and for this reason, the inverse mathematical modelling problem is reduced to a two-objective optimization problem. The reduced problem is a sample of black-box optimization problems; it is complex, multimodal and requires a reliable technique to solve it. This is why a specific heterogeneous multi-objective genetic algorithm with the island meta-heuristic is used and its efficiency in solving this problem is proved by the investigation results. |
Paper Nr: | 148 |
Title: | An Extrinsic Sensor Calibration Framework for Sensor-fusion based Autonomous Vehicle Perception |
Authors: | Mokhtar Bouain, Denis Berdjag, Nizar Fakhfakh and Rabie Ben Atitallah |
Abstract: | In this paper we deal with sensor alignment problems that appear when implementing sensor fusion-based autonomous vehicle perception. We focus on extrinsic calibration of vision-based and line scan LIDAR sensors. Based on state-of-art solutions, a consistent calibration toolchain is developed, with improvements (accuracy and calibration duration). Additionally, sensor alignment/calibration impact on fusion-based perception is investigated. Experimental results are provided for illustration, using real-world data. |
Paper Nr: | 221 |
Title: | Quality-Based Behavior-Based Control for Autonomous Robots in Rough Environments |
Authors: | Thorsten Ropertz, Patrick Wolf and Karsten Berns |
Abstract: | Autonomous navigation in unstructured environments is a challenging task for which behavior-based control systems proved to be suitable due to their inherent robustness against unforeseen situations. But especially the robust perception is still an unsolved problem leading to severe system failures. This paper faces the perception problem by introducing a new data quality-based perception module based on the integrated Behavior-Based Control (iB2C) architecture. Therefore, a new concept of data quality in behavior-based systems and methods for quality-based data fusion are developed while taking advantage of the modularity, extensibility and traceability of the existing architecture. To demonstrate its capabilities, a perception network for robot localization is derived and its outcomes are compared to an state of the art localization filter in simulation and in a real world scenario as well. |
Short Papers
Paper Nr: | 16 |
Title: | Realistic Estimation of Model Parameters |
Authors: | Pavel Ettler |
Abstract: | Most often, the normal distribution N plays the key role in the process modelling and parameter estimation. The paper deals with 'realistic' estimation of model parameters which takes into account limitations on parameters which arise in industrial applications of the model-based adaptive control. Here the limitation of a normally distributed random variable is being modelled by specific distribution - the probabilistic mixture D. It is shown that relationship between distributions N and D coincides with properties of the generalized normal distribution G and that relations between their first and second statistical moments can be adequately approximated by G's cumulative distribution function and probability density function, respectively. The derived method is then applied to estimation of bounded parameters. In combination with the idea of parallel identification of the full and reduced models of the process, a working algorithm is derived. Performance of the algorithm is illustrated by examples on both simulated and real data. |
Paper Nr: | 20 |
Title: | New SLICOT Routines for Standard and Descriptor Systems |
Authors: | Vasile Sima and Andreas Varga |
Abstract: | New routines included into the SLICOT Library for standard and descriptor systems are presented. The underlying numerical methods, the functionality and the main features of the added software are described. The topics covered include stable/unstable and finite/infinite spectrum separation, additive spectral decomposition, and removing the non-dynamic modes. The main implementation issues are also addressed. Numerical results obtained using the software on a large set of examples of various complexity and difficulty are summarized. The results reported highlight the performance and capabilities of this SLICOT Library extension. |
Paper Nr: | 77 |
Title: | Experiments and Analysis for Fractional Order Modelling of an EEG Recording Process |
Authors: | Guillaume Becq, Alina Voda, Gildas Besançon, Pierre-Olivier Amblard and Olivier Michel |
Abstract: | In this study, an original experimental setup is proposed to analyze the transfer function of an electroencephalographic (EEG) measurement chain: this setup allows to control electrodes inserted into an electrolytic medium, and observe the electrical potentials at different points with electrodes connected to an electroencephalographic recording system. Experimental transfer functions are obtained that enable to characterize the influence of the electrolyte, the electrode-electrolyte interfaces, and the medium itself. A theoretical model containing so-called constant phase elements is then proposed and analysed to understand the behaviour of the transfer function in Bode or Nyquist representations. Experimental and theoretical systems are finally compared. |
Paper Nr: | 81 |
Title: | Formal Verification for Validation of PSEEL’s PLC Program |
Authors: | Mohamed Niang, Alexandre Philippot, François Gellot, Raphaël Coupat, Bernard Riera and Sébastien Lefebvre |
Abstract: | In order to keep its leadership in French rail market and to improve work conditions of its systems engineers during automation projects, the SNCF (French acronym for National Society of French Railways) wants to develop solutions increasing the productivity. One of these improvements focuses on the current methodology used by systems engineers to verify and validate PLC programs of electrical installations. This task remains one of the most important during an automation project because it is supposed to ensure installations safety, but it must be optimized. Through an industrial thesis financed by SNCF, the aim of this research project is to improve this method and reduce time validation of programs by providing a tool which will help systems engineers to verify and validate quickly and automatically PLC programs during any automation project, not necessarily during factory tests but directly from their office. |
Paper Nr: | 93 |
Title: | Parameter Identification of an Electrical Battery Model using DC-IR Data |
Authors: | Ayse Cisel Aras and Emre Yonel |
Abstract: | Parameter identification of an electrical battery model is significant for the analysis of the performance of a battery. In order to obtain an accurate electrical battery model, a series of cell characterization tests should be conducted which will take a considerable amount of time. In this study, in order to identify the parameters of the electrical battery model in a short amount of time with an acceptable accuracy, DC-IR data is used. DC-IR test will take less time compared to the cell characterization tests. For the parameter identification, one of the most commonly used evolutionary algorithm (EA), Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used for the curve fitting problem and its performance is compared with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. |
Paper Nr: | 123 |
Title: | Robust Vertex-dependant H_∞ Filtering of Stochastic Discrete-time Systems with Delay |
Authors: | Eli Gershon and Uri Shaked |
Abstract: | Linear, state delayed, discrete-time systems with stochastic uncertainties in their state-space model are considered. The problems of robust vertex-dependant polytopic H_∞ filtering is solved, for the stationary case, via an input-output approach by which the system is replaced by a non-retarded system with deterministic norm-bounded uncertainties. A vertex-dependent solution is obtained by applying a modified version of the Finsler lemma. In this problem, a cost function is defined which is the expected value of the standard H_∞ performance index with respect to the uncertain parameters. |
Paper Nr: | 161 |
Title: | Simulation Model of a SiC Power MOSFET - Variables Estimation and Control of a Power Source |
Authors: | N. K. M’Sirdi, E. Baghaz, K. Frifita, A. Naamane and M. Boussak |
Abstract: | An electro-thermal model of a power SiC MOSFET is proposed. The thermal model, is coupled with the physical model through the interaction between the transistor power loss and the junction temperature. For validation of this model, the simulation curves are compared to the manufacturer’s experimental curves. As first application, a boost DC/DC converter is considered. An observer is proposed to estimate the MOSFET voltage VDS, the power and the junction temperature. These estimates are used to control the converter. The proposed model and estimator give sufficiently good temperature and power estimation. The Power source obtained using DC/DC converter is efficient, allowing the power loss reduction and robust. |
Paper Nr: | 184 |
Title: | Research on the Mission Critical Parameters Identification by using Kinematic Boundaries |
Authors: | Jingyu Wang, Usman Fareed, Ke Zhang and Pei Wang |
Abstract: | Finalization of missile system requirement specifications in design phase is critical in order to achieve user’s expectations and to avoid unexpected outcomes. This is guaranteed through well defined performance evaluation criteria. A methodology is devised to finalize and evaluate missile sub-systems characteristics with emphasis on its ability to meet mission specific goals. Missile system evaluation is achieved through computing kinematic boundaries against highly agile targets. Kinematic boundaries includes minimum and maximum launch points. These launch points are the sequel of 3-DoF missile and target engagement simulations. In order to reduce computation time, coarse and fine search has also been introduced. Mission critical sub-systems are identified through relative frequency analysis. Once requirements are finalized, technical challenges associated with respective sub-systems are eliminated by suggesting efficient missile launch strategies. |
Paper Nr: | 186 |
Title: | A Left-Right-Asymmetric Pedaling Machine for Medical Rehabilitation of Lower Limbs |
Authors: | Milun Liu, Fajian Wu, Jinhua She, Hiroshi Hashimoto and Min Wu |
Abstract: | This paper explains a pedaling machine of a left-right-asymmetric type for lower-limb rehabilitation. Since most commercially available machines for the rehabilitation of lower limbs are symmetric, people with lower-limb injuries have to adapt themselves to the machines to do exercises. To solve this problem, we have been developing a new kind of pedaling machine that can easily be used to adapt the requirements for left-right asymmetry of lower limbs. Main points in the design of a prototype of a half model for one leg of the machine are summarized. Preliminary tests with a tread force sensor and some electromyogram (EMG) sensors are carried out and are showed the feasibility of the machine. |
Paper Nr: | 190 |
Title: | Bearings Prognostics based on Blind Sources Separation and Robust Correlation Analysis |
Authors: | Tarak Benkedjouh, Noureddine Zerhouni and Said Rechak |
Abstract: | Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) for condition monitoring systems have been proposed for predicting faults and estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of components or subsystem. For gaining importance in industry and decrease possible loss of production due to machine stopping, a new intelligent method for bearing health assessment based on Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Blind Source Separation (BSS). EMD is one of the most powerful time-frequency analysis decompose the signal into a set of orthogonal components called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). BSS method used to separate IMFs of one-dimensional time series into independent time series. The health indicator based on the robust correlation coefcient is proposed based on a weighted average correlation calculated from different combinations of the original data. The correlation coefficients between separated IMFs used to estimate the health of bearing; The correlation coefficient used for comparison between the estimated sources with differents degradation levels. The correlation coefficient values are then fitted to a regression to obtain the model for Remaining Useful Life (RUL) estimation. The method is applied on accelerated degradations bearings called PRONOSTIA. Experimental results show that the proposed method can reflect effectively the performance degradation of bearing. |
Paper Nr: | 194 |
Title: | A Novel Strategy for Adjusting Current Pulse Amplitude of FES-Systems with PID based on PSO Algorithm Method to Control the Muscle Force |
Authors: | Abdennacer Ben Hmed, Toufik Bakir, Yoann Garnier, Stephane Binczak and Anis Sakly |
Abstract: | Adjusting stimulation parameters using control strategy based on mathematical model, that successfully predict muscle force, may improve the efficiency of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) systems. It present an interesting task in industrial FES systems applications. In the present study, we investigate the PID control tuning based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm at the first time in neuro-muscular systems for updating automatically the stimulation pulse amplitude to track a desired force profiles. In the beginning, The PSO algorithm is used to identify unknown force model parameters. Next, according to the identified model, optimal PID gains are found by the same intelligent algorithm. The preliminary obtained results showed promise of using intelligent algorithm on tuning PID to perform control sessions of FES systems. |
Paper Nr: | 198 |
Title: | Real-Time Setup with PD and Backstepping Control for a Pelican Quadrotor |
Authors: | José Alejandro Dena Ruiz and Nabil Aouf |
Abstract: | In this paper, a real-time setup and an implementation of a Proportional Derivative (PD) controller for orientation and comparison between PD and BackStepping (BS) controllers for linear positioning are presented using a Pelican quadrotor from Ascending Technologies (AscTec). An onboard Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) was used for orientation control and Optitrack Vision Tracking System for linear positioning control. A linear Kalman filter was implemented for linear velocity estimation. The software and hardware integration was achieved with the help of the Robot Operating System (ROS). Simulations and experiments with this drone platform are achieved in order to implement different controller algorithms and analyse them in order to achieve better aircraft performance. |
Paper Nr: | 32 |
Title: | Robust PI^λD^μ, H_∞ and Smith Predictor Controller Design for Time Delay Systems |
Authors: | Youcef Zennir, Mohand Said Larabi and Hamza Zemaili |
Abstract: | This paper present optimal robust control with different controllers design used in the industrial (didactic or process) system. We designed a controller base on Smith’s predicator controller and Fractional order PID (PI^λD^μ) controller and H_∞ controller. These control techniques has been used with different controller’s types to ensure an optimum control in term of dynamic and static performances of a complex didactic industrial process in accordance with the required specifications. We have described in more details the process, the mathematical model, the structure of FOPID controller and the approximation method (singularity function method of Charef) used to approximate fractional order. The principle of control is decried as well with the different types of controllers used in this study. Finally several simulation and real results are presented which have proved the efficiency of this new control design in term of: stability, robustness and precision. |
Paper Nr: | 64 |
Title: | Adaptive Predictive Controller for a Servo Drive – Actuator/Sensor Failure Study Experiments |
Authors: | Dariusz Horla |
Abstract: | The paper considers the problem of predictive control with actuator or sensor failures. The problem is to show in what configuration (i.e. for what prediction horizons) the adaptive generalized predictive control can tolerate these failures, assuring similar performance in comparison with the case without failures. The results are shown on the basis of experiments conducted on the laboratory stand with a servo drive coupled with a mechanical backlash module do mimic actuator/sensor failures, and with a magnetic brake, to show the performance in the case of occurrence of an unexpected load. |
Paper Nr: | 94 |
Title: | IMU Acceleration Drift Compensation for Position Tracking in Ambulatory Gait Analysis |
Authors: | Serhat İkizoğlu, Kaan Şahin, Ahmet Ataş, Eyyüp Kara and Tunay Çakar |
Abstract: | This study is a part of a project where we target determining discriminative features to define diseases that cause disorders in the human vestibular system. For this purpose we aim to analyze the gait of the person. Among a number of parameters used for gait analysis, some make use of the foot- and knee positions. Hence the exact determination of position is of great importance. Here we use inertial sensors (IMU) placed on foot and knee in order to calculate the displacement by double integrating the free acceleration output data of the sensor. Thus, the overall position accuracy is highly dependent on the accuracy of the acceleration data where the offset and drift play great role in its corruption. We propose a method to minimize the error due to sensor offset and drift by utilizing the fact that there are gait intervals where the foot rests. The results are promising that the calculated average error is low; though the standard deviation needs some further amendment. |
Paper Nr: | 98 |
Title: | A Sliding-Mode Controller from a Reduced System Model: Ball and Plate System Experimental Application |
Authors: | Luis Morales, Oscar Camacho, Paulo Leica and Danilo Chávez |
Abstract: | The purpose of this work is to design a Sliding-Mode Control from a reduced system model using a PID as sliding surface. The controller is applied to a Ball and Plate system which has extremely non-linear characteristics and therefore does not have a unique solution in terms of ball stabilization control. The results are obtained by simulations and with real experiments in the implemented system. A comparative performance analysis is done between the proposed approach and a PID controller to stabilize the ball at fixed points of the plate. |
Paper Nr: | 100 |
Title: | New Smith Predictor Controller Design for Time Delay System |
Authors: | Youcef Zennir, Mohand Said Larabi and Hassen Benzaroual |
Abstract: | This paper presents a robust control design based on Smith predictor and Fractional order PID (PID) controller. This control technique has been used with other type of controllers (PID and IMC internal model Controller) in order to ensure all performances required by several complex industrial process. Detailed descriptions of the process with different mathematical models (with time delay) are exposed. One model is validated around different operating points, by using different identification methods. We have used the singularity function method to approximate fractional order in the FOPID structure. We have described control principle’s and compare it with a different types of mentioned controllers in this study. Finally several simulations have proved the efficiency of the new control design in term of stability, robustness and precision. |
Paper Nr: | 109 |
Title: | A Blended Sliding Mode Control with Linear Quadratic Integral Control based on Reduced Order Model for a VTOL System |
Authors: | Marco Herrera, Paulo Leica, Danilo Chávez and Oscar Camacho |
Abstract: | In this paper, a Sliding Mode Control with chattering reduction based on reduced order model using Linear Quadratic Integral Control as sliding surface, is implemented to One Degree of Freedom Vertical Take-Off Landing System (VTOL). The controller performance is measured using Integral of the Square Error index by simulation and real tests. Finally, the Sliding Mode Control with a Linear Quadratic Integral Control as sliding surface performance for reference tracking and, robustness against VTOL system physical parameter uncertainties and external disturbances are verified by experimental results. |
Paper Nr: | 117 |
Title: | Fault Estimation using a Takagi-Sugeno Interval Observer: Application to a PEM Fuel Cell |
Authors: | C. Martínez García, V. Puig and C. Astorga Zaragoza |
Abstract: | Fault estimation plays an important role in the fault diagnosis system since provides information about the fault magnitude and temporal evolution. In this paper, we present an approach that allows to obtain a simultaneous estimation of the fault, state and associated uncertainty intervals of a uncertain Takagi-Sugeno (TS) system. The fault estimation is obtained using a TS interval observer augmenting the system state with the fault and considering the system uncertainty in a bounded context. A set of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) have been derived to design the TS interval observer. With the purpose of illustrating the performance of TS interval observer for fault and state estimation, a case study based on a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell is used. |
Paper Nr: | 124 |
Title: | An Adaptive Underfloor Heating Control with External Temperature Compensation |
Authors: | Luca Ferrarini, Soroush Rastegarpour and Anacleto Petretti |
Abstract: | The paper describes an interesting combination of auto-tuning and adaptive scheduling approaches to design and update a feedback/feedforward control of the temperature in buildings. The focus here is on residential houses endowed with radiant floors, which are intrinsically complex to control due to large inertia and operational constraints, and on the disturbance rejection of the external temperature. Pure auto-tuning techniques may fail to converge if the initialization step is not done properly, due to the wide variety of possible buildings and compensation hard to adapt in closed loop. The proposed approach combines a classification of the typology of rooms based on physical parameters with auto-tuning, so that in a two-step closed-loop procedure, the room cluster can be quickly identified, and consequently the feedback controller and feedforward compensator be tuned. Numerical examples are provided to test the robustness of the proposed approach. |
Paper Nr: | 196 |
Title: | iBoccia - Monitoring Elderly While Playing Boccia Gameplay |
Authors: | Carina Figueira, Joana Silva, António Santos, Filipe Sousa, Vinícius Silva, João Ramos, Filomena Soares, Paulo Novais and Pedro Azeres |
Abstract: | The size of the aging population has been increasing over the last years, leading to a search for solutions that can increase the quality of life of the elderlies. One of the main means of action is focused on their physical activity. A non-sedentary life can help in disease prevention and disability reduction, leading to an independent living with quality. Moreover, the practice of physical exercise can decrease fall risks and its consequences. Furthermore, it is desirable that the solutions can be accessed by anyone, with a low inherent cost. The Boccia game is a good way to promote physical activity to the elderly, due to its simplicity and easy adaptability to the physical limitations of the elderly. Following this trend, this paper presents iBoccia, a novel framework to monitor elderly while playing Boccia game, through wearable sensors, Mio Fuse band and pandlet (inertial sensor), and a non-wearable device, Kinect camera. Several performance metrics are expected to be measured during the gameplay. Using the pandlet we calculate wrist rotation angles and force applied during ball throw, using the Kinect we recognize facial expressions and from the Mio Fuse band we retrieve heart rate. |
Paper Nr: | 205 |
Title: | MISO Fuzzy System Applied to Weather Forecast |
Authors: | Daiana Gomes, Danúbia Pires and Orlando Donato Rocha Filho |
Abstract: | A MISO (Multiple Input and Single Output) model to obtain rain prediction is present. From a rainfall database, related to the input variables of the MISO model (humidity in the air, temperature, atmospheric pressure, speed wind) fuzzy sets were formulated in the consequent of Mamdani fuzzy model. The development of the proposed fuzzy model was based on a research and analysis of meteorological data of the input variables. First, only two variables were selected for input system (relative humidity and temperature), and the variable wind velocity was added. Considering that the climate behavior varies over the years, data were collected over an extended period, being also analyzed the degree of influence in the choice of years on the rain prediction, provided by the system. A study of how the two variables (humidity relative in the air and temperature) are related to rain was performed in order to define the fuzzy sets and rules in the Mamdani fuzzy model consequent. Computational results show the efficiency of the proposed methodology, once the system presents satisfactory results to rain prediction. |