Detailed Program

<h1><em><a href=" target="_blank">Download a PDF copy of Detailed Program</a>.</em></h1>


<h2><strong>Monday, April 1, 2019</strong></h2>

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<p><br />
<strong><font color = "brown">8:00am – 8:30am – Registration</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: Marcus Nanotechnology Building, </strong><strong>Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 1</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>8:30am-9:15am – </strong>Jaydev P. Desai, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA&nbsp;<em>Flexible, 3D-printed Robotic Systems for Surgical Interventions</em></p>

<p><strong>9:15am-10:00am – </strong>Aaron Young, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA&nbsp;<em>Control and human performance evaluation of lower limb wearable robotic systems</em></p>

<p><strong>10:00am-10:45am – </strong>Jun Ueda, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA&nbsp;<em>Neuromodulations via Robotic Mechanical Stimulation and Paired Brain Stimulation</em></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">10:45pm – 11:15pm – Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 2</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>11:15am-12:00pm</strong> – Dominic Papandria, Emory University, USA&nbsp;<em>Surgical Robotics – Opportunities and Challenges in General Surgery</em></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">12:00pm - 1:00pm – Lunch</font></strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 3</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>1:00pm-1:45pm –</strong>Muralidhar Padala, Emory University, USA&nbsp;<em>Experimental platforms for development and validation of cardiovascular robotic systems</em></p>

<p><strong>1:45pm-2:30pm –</strong> Zion Tse, University of Georgia, USA&nbsp;<em>MRI-guided Therapy for Prostate, Cardiovascular and Spinal Treatment</em></p>

<p><strong>2:30pm-3:15pm – </strong>Simon DiMaio, Intuitive Surgical, Inc., USA&nbsp;<em>Medical Robots – From Bench to Bedside</em></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">3:15pm-3:45pm – </strong><strong>Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 4</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>3:45pm-4:30pm – </strong>Cameron Riviere, Carnegie Mellon University, USA&nbsp;<em>Active and passive compensation of physiological motion for accuracy enhancement in surgery</em></p>

<p><strong>4:30pm-5:15pm – </strong>Ann Majewicz Fey, UT Dallas, USA&nbsp;<em>From Tool to Assistant: Developing Adaptive Surgical Robots for the Operating Room</em></p>

<p><strong>5:15pm-6:00pm – </strong>Nabil Simaan, Vanderbilt University, USA <em>Towards Continuum Robots with Surgical Situational Awareness: Modeling and Control&nbsp;Challenges with Applications</em></p>


<h2><strong>Tuesday, April 2, 2019</strong></h2>

<hr />

<p><strong><font color = "brown">8:000am – 8:30am – Registration</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: Marcus Nanotechnology Building, </strong><strong>Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 5</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>8:30am-9:15am –</strong> Tamas Ungi, Queen’s University, Canada&nbsp;<em>Perk Tutor: An Open-Source Platform for Ultrasound Guided Intervention Training</em></p>

<p><strong>9:15am-10:00am – </strong>Mahdi Tavakoli, University of Alberta, Canada&nbsp;<em>Robotics Learning and Imitation of Physical Therapy</em></p>

<p><strong>10:00am-10:45am – </strong>Nabil Zemiti<strong>, </strong>Université de Montpellier, France<strong>&nbsp;</strong><em>Some recent translational research activities on augmented reality and robot assisted surgery&nbsp;gesture guidance</em></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">10:45pm – 11:15pm – </strong><strong>Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 6</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>11:15am-12:00pm</strong> – Antoine Ferreira, INSA Centre Val de Loire, France</p>

<p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Recent Progress in Magnetically Actuated Microrobotics for Endovascular Therapies</em></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">12:00pm - 1:00pm – Lunch</font></strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 7</font></strong></p>
<p><strong>1:00pm-1:45pm – </strong>Pretesh Patel, Emory University, USA&nbsp;<em>Anti-Cancer Brachytherapy – Challenges and Opportunities </em></p>

<p><strong>1:45pm-2:30pm – </strong>Paolo Fiorini, University of Verona, Italy&nbsp;<em>Automation and Autonomy in Robotic Surgery</em></p>

<p><strong>2:30pm-3:15pm – </strong>Russell H. Taylor, Johns Hopkins University, USA&nbsp;<em>A Thirty Year Perspective on Medical Robotics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow</em></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">3:15pm-3:45pm – </strong><strong>Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "blue">SSMR Speakers – Session 8</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>3:45pm-4:30pm – </strong>Zachary Bercu, Emory University, USA&nbsp;<em>Minimally Invasive Image-Guided Procedures (MIIP’s): A Primer for Medical Robotics Specialists</em></p>

<p><strong>4:30pm-</strong><strong>5:15pm – </strong>Arianna Menciassi, Scuola Superiore Sant`Anna, Italy&nbsp;<em>Robotics for wireless surgery and targeted therapy</em></p>

<p><strong>5:15pm-6:00pm – </strong>Elena De Momi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy&nbsp;<em>Smart assistance for surgical training and surgical practice</em></p>


<h2><strong>Wednesday, April 3, 2019</strong></h2>

<hr />

<p><strong><font color = "brown">8:00am – 8:30am – Registration</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">Workshops for 2019 SSMR and 2019 ISMR</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Title:</strong>&nbsp;Convergence of IP, Tech Transfer, and Translation, for Medical Robotics Research<br />
<strong>Organizers:&nbsp;</strong><br />
Yash Chitalia, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA<br />
Matt Harrow, Stryker, USA<br />
Hussein Akhavannik, Baker Law, Washington D.C., USA<br/>
Nobuhiko Hata, Bringham and Women's Hospital, USA </p>

<p><strong>Half-day (8:30am – 12:00pm); Break and Refreshments: 10:00am – 10:30am</strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: Marcus 1118</strong></p>


<p><strong>Title:&nbsp;</strong>Improving the Utility and Adoption of Human Augmentation Devices<br />
<strong>Organizer:&nbsp;</strong>Frank L. Hammond III, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</p>

<p><strong>Half-day (8:30am – 12:00pm); Break and Refreshments: 10:00am – 10:30am</strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: Marcus 1117</strong></p>


<p><strong>Title:&nbsp;</strong>Robot-assisted eye surgery: steps toward operating room<br />
<strong>Organizers:</strong><br />
Iulian Iordachita, Johns Hopkins University, USA<br />
Emmanuel Vander Poorten, KU Leuven, Belgium<br />
Ali Nasseri, Technical University of Munich, Germany</p>

<p><strong>Half-day (8:30am – 12:00pm); Break and Refreshments: 10:00am – 10:30am</strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: Whitaker 3115</strong></p>


<p><strong>Title:&nbsp;</strong>Open Platforms for Medical Robotics Research<br />
<strong>Organizers:</strong><br />
Peter Kazanzides, Johns Hopkins University, USA<br />
Blake Hannaford, University of Washington, USA<br />
Gregory S. Fischer, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA</p>

<p><strong>Full-day (8:30am – 5:00pm); Break and Refreshments: 10:00am – 10:30am / 3:00pm – 3:30pm</strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: 1128 Suddath Room, Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience (IBB)</strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">12:00pm – 1:30pm – Lunch</font> </strong></p>


<p><strong>Title:</strong>&nbsp;Building Software System for Image-Guided Robot-Assisted Interventions<br />
<strong>Organizers:</strong><br />
Junichi Tokuda, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA<br />
Tamas Ungi, Queen’s University, Canada<br />
Axel Krieger, University of Maryland, USA<br />
Simon Leonard, Johns Hopkins University, USA</p>

<p><strong>Half-day (1:30pm – 5:00pm); Break and Refreshments: 3:00am – 3:30pm</strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: Marcus 1118</strong></p>


<p><strong>Title:</strong>&nbsp;Sensorimotor Augmentation in NeuroRehabilitation Robotic and Prosthetic Technologies<br />
<strong>Organizers:</strong><br />
S. Farokh Atashzar, Imperial College London, UK<br />
Mahdi Tavakoli, University of Alberta, Canada<br />
Dario Farina, Imperial College, London, UK<br />
Rajni V. Patel, Western University, Canada</p>

<p><strong>Half-day (1:30pm – 5:00pm); Break and Refreshments: 3:00am – 3:30pm </strong></p>

<p><strong>Location: Marcus 1117</strong></p>


<p><strong><font color = "brown">5:30pm - 7:00pm – 2019 SSMR and 2019 ISMR Reception</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">7:30pm - 10:00pm – 2019 SSMR and 2019 ISMR Dinner (By Invitation only)</font></strong></p>


<h2><strong>Thursday, April 4, 2019</strong></h2>

<hr />

<p><strong><font color = "brown">8:00am – 8:30am – Registration</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">Welcome and Opening Remarks (8:30am – 9:00am)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>8:30am - 8:45am </strong><em>- </em>Jaydev P. Desai, Director, Georgia Center for Medical Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</p>

<p><strong>8:45am - 9:00am </strong><em>– </em>Chaouki Abdallah, Executive VP Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">09:00am – 9:45am – KEYNOTE</font></strong></p>

<p><em>Rajni Patel</em>, Ph.D., Western University, Canada<em> –</em> Teleoperation, Haptics and Control Issues in Medical Robotic Applications</p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">9:45am - 10:00am</strong> - <strong>Rapid Fire Poster Presentations (2 mins each)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair:</strong> Jaydev P. Desai, Georgia Center for Medical Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</p>

<li>Marzieh Ershad, Robert Rege, Ann Majewicz Fey. <em>Surgical Robotic Training using Real-Time Force Feedback Based on Stylistic Behavior</em></li>

<li>Yi Zheng, Ann Majewicz Fey. <em>Effect of Stressors on Surgical Training Performance</em></li>

<li>Ziheng Wang, Ann Majewicz Fey. <em>Operative Difficulty Assessment in Robot-assisted Teleoperation with Domain Adaptation</em></li>

<li>Daniel Naftalovich, Annie Yang, Yuman Fong, Joel Burdick, Yanghee Woo. <em>Comparison of semantic and lower-level segmentations of robotic-assisted gastrectomies</em></li>

<li>Keshav Bimbraw, Elizabeth Fox, Frank L. Hammond III, Gil Weinberg. <em>Sonomyography based real-time hand grasp configuration identification via supervised learning to control a soft robotic gripper</em></li>

<li>Zhaoshuo Li, Mahya Shahbazi, Niravkumar Patel, Eimear O’ Sullivan, Preetham Chalasani, Haojie Zhang, Khushi Vyas, Anton Deuget, Peter L. Gehlbach, Iulian Iordachita, Guang-Zhong Yang, Russell H. Taylor. <em>An Image-Based Control Framework for Teleoperated Semi-Autonomous Retina Endomicroscopy Scanning</em></li>

<li>Siobhan Rigby, Daniel Buckland. <em>Challenges of Autonomous IV insertion</em></li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">10:00am – 10:30am – Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">10:30am - 12:30pm - Oral Presentations – Session 1 (15mins/paper: 13 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&amp;A)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair: Aaron Young, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</strong></p>

<li><em>Renz Ocampo and Mahdi Tavakoli</em>. Visual-Haptic Colocation in Robotic Rehabilitation Exercises Using a 2D Augmented-Reality Display</li>

<li><em>Nafiseh Ebrahimi, Gautham Muthukumaran and Amir Jafari</em>. Reduction in The Metabolic Cost of Human Walking Gaits Using Quasi-Passive Upper Body Exoskeleton</li>

<li><em>Shrey Pareek, Hemanth Manjunath, Ehsan Esfahani and&nbsp;Thenkurussi Kesavadas</em>. MyoTrack: Tracking Subject Participation in Robotic Rehabilitation using sEMG and IMU</li>

<li><em>Veena Jayasree-Krishnan, Dhruv Gamdha, Brian Goldberg, Shramana Ghosh, Preeti Raghavan and&nbsp;Vikram Kapila</em>. A Novel Task-Specific Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation System with Interactive Game-Based Interface for Stroke Patients</li>

<li><em>Vijeth Rai, Abhishek Sharma and Eric Rombokas</em>. Mode-free Control of Prosthetic Lower Limbs</li>

<li><em>Rui Li,&nbsp;Christopher Modlesky&nbsp;and&nbsp;Zion Tse</em>. Smartphone-enabled Trackers for Lower-body Monitoring</li>

<li><em>Bahareh Abbasi, Mehdi Sharifzadeh, Ehsan Noohi, Sina Parastegari and Milos Zefran</em>. Grasp Taxonomy for Robot Assistants Inferred from Finger Pressure and Flexion</li>

<li><em>Waiman Meinhold and Jun Ueda</em>. Tendon Tapping Location Detection Through Impact Modeling</li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">1:30pm – 3:00pm - Oral Presentations – Session 2 (15mins/paper: 13 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&amp;A)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair: Mahdi Tavakoli, </strong><strong>University of Alberta, Canada</strong></p>

<li><em>Yun-Hsuan Su, Kevin Huang and&nbsp;Blake Hannaford</em>. Multicamera 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Surgical Cavities: Camera Grouping and Pair Sequencing</li>

<li><em>Di Wu, Gang Li, Niravkumar Patel, Jiawen Yan, Reza Monfaredi, Kevin Cleary and&nbsp;Iulian Iordachita</em>. Remotely Actuated Needle Driving Device for MRI-guided Percutaneous Interventions</li>

<li><em>Shahriar Sefati, Rachel Hegeman, Farshid Alambeigi, Iulian Iordachita and Mehran Armand</em>. FBG-Based Position Estimation of Highly Deformable Continuum Manipulators: Model-Dependent vs. Data-Driven Approaches</li>

<li><em>Ali Ebrahimi, Changyan He, Niravkumar Patel, Marin Kobilarov, Peter Gehlbach and Iulian Iordachita</em>. Sclera Force Control in Robot-assisted Eye Surgery: Adaptive Force Control vs. Auditory Feedback</li>

<li><em>Xuefeng Wang, Phillip Tran, Sarah Callahan, Steven Wolf and Jaydev Desai</em>. Towards the development of a voice-controlled exoskeleton system for restoring hand function</li>

<li><em>Brooks McKinney, Will McKinney, Shivanand Pattanshetti and Seok Chang Ryu</em>. Feasibility Study of In Vivo Robotic Plasma Medicine Devices</li>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">3:00pm – 3:15pm - Rapid Fire Poster Presentations (2 mins each)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair:</strong> Jaydev P. Desai, Georgia Center for Medical Robotics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</p>

<li>Austin J. Taylor, Sheng Xu, Bradford J. Wood, Zion T. H. Tse. <em>Rapid Prototyping of Patient Specific CT Markers</em></li>

<li>Zhuo Zhao, Rui Li, Sheng Xu, Bradford J. Wood, Zion Tsz Ho Tse. <em>Angular Tracking Device for Assisting Image-guided Needle Placement</em></li>

<li>Rui Li, Sheng Xu, Bradford Wood, Zion Tsz Ho Tse. <em>3D-printed Template for Assisting MRI-guided Needle Biopsy</em></li>

<li>Rui Li, Kate Schutz, Zion Tsz Ho Tse. <em>Studying Lunge Movement for Fencing Injury Rehabilitation</em></li>

<li>Lingbo Cheng, Mahdi Tavakoli. <em>Neural network-based physiological organ motion prediction and robot impedance control for teleoperated beating-heart surgery</em></li>

<li>Xiaolong Liu, Jindong Tan. <em>A Generic In Vivo In Situ Camera Cleaning Module for Laparoscopic Surgery</em></li>

<li>Nahian Rahman, Nancy Deaton, Jun Sheng, Jaydev P. Desai. <em>A Novel Bending Sensor for Measuring the Deflections of a Continuum Robot</em></li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">3:15pm – 3:45pm – Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">3:45pm – 4:15pm – Semi-Plenary Talk</font></strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>Nabil Zemiti</em>, Ph.D., University of Montpellier, France <em>–</em> Some recent translational research activities on augmented reality and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; robot assisted surgical gesture guidance</p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">4:15pm – 4:45pm – Semi-Plenary Talk</font></strong></p>

<p><em>Zachary Bercu</em>, MD, Emory University Hospital Midtown, USA <em>–</em> Medical Robotics in Endovascular Procedures - Challenges and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Opportunities</p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">4:45pm – 5:30pm - Oral Presentations – Session 3 (15mins/paper: 13 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&amp;A)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair: Jun Ueda, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA</strong></p>

<li><em>Mohammad Yasar, David Evans and Homa Alemzadeh</em>. Context-aware Monitoring in Robotic Surgery</li>

<li><em>Ada Zhang, Liheng Guo and Anthony Jarc</em>. Prediction of task-based, surgeon efficiency metrics during robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery</li>

<li><em>Christopher Schlenk, Andrea Schwier, Michael Heiss, Thomas Bahls and Alin Albu-Schäffer</em>. Design of a robotic instrument for minimally invasive waterjet surgery</li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">5:30pm – 7:30pm – 2019 ISMR Networking Social</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">7:30pm – 9:30pm – 2019 ISMR Banquet</font></strong></p>


<h2><strong>Friday, April 5, 2019</strong></h2>

<hr />

<p><strong><font color = "brown">8:00am – 8:30am – Registration</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">8:30am – 9:00am – Semi-Plenary Talk</font></strong></p>

<p>Cameron Riviere, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, USA <em>–</em> Handheld robotics for microsurgery in the eye and brain</p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">9:00am - 10:30am - Oral Presentations – Session 4 (15mins/paper: 13 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&amp;A)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair: Blake Hannaford, University of Washington, Seattle, USA</strong></p>

<li><em>Dogancan Temel, Melvin Mathew,&nbsp;Ghassan Alregib&nbsp;and Yousuf Khalifa</em>. Automated Pupillary Light Reflex Test on a Portable Platform</li>

<li><em>Niveditha Kalavakonda and Blake Hannaford</em>. Augmented Reality Application for Aiding Tumor Resection in Skull-Base Surgery<a name="16"></a></li>

<li><em>Shivanand Pattanshetti and Seok Chang Ryu</em>. On the Kinematic Model of Continuum Robots with Spatially Varying Nonlinear Stiffness</li>

<li><em>Ruipeng Chen, David Folio and Antoine Ferreira</em>. Study of robotized electromagnetic actuation system for magnetic microrobots devoted to minimally invasive ophthalmic surgery</li>

<li><em>Brijen Thananjeyan, Ajay Tanwani, Jessica Ji, Danyal Fer, Vatsal Patel, Sanjay Krishnan and Ken Goldberg</em>. Optimizing Robot-Assisted Surgery Suture Plans to Avoid Joint Limits and Singularities</li>

<li><em>Francesco Piqué, Mohamed Nassim Boushaki, Margherita Brancadoro, Elena De Momi and Arianna Menciassi</em>. Dynamic Modeling of the Da Vinci Research Kit Arm for the Estimation of Interaction Wrench</li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">10:30am – 11:00am – Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">11:00am – 11:45am – KEYNOTE</font></strong></p>

<p>Lee M. Akst, MD, Johns Hopkins University,&nbsp;USA <em>–</em> <em>Robotic Microlaryngeal Surgery – Where We Are and Where We’re Going</em></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">11:45am - 12:30pm - Oral Presentations – Session 5 (15mins/paper: 13 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&amp;A)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair: Riccardo Muradore, University of Verona, Italy</strong></p>

<li><em>Giovanni Menegozzo, Diego Dall'Alba, Chiara Zandonà and Paolo Fiorini</em>. Surgical Gesture Recognition with Time Delay Neural Network based on kinematic data</li>

<li><em>Francesco Setti, Elettra Oleari, Alice Leporini, Diana Trojanello, Alberto Sanna, Umberto Capitanio, Francesco Montorsi, Andrea Salonia and Riccardo Muradore</em>. A Multirobots Teleoperated Platform for Artificial Intelligence Training Data Collection in Minimally Invasive Surgery</li>

<li><em>Jay Carriere, Jason Fong, Tyler Meyer, Ron Sloboda, Siraj Husain, Nawaid Usmani and Mahdi Tavakoli</em>. An Admittance-Controlled Robotic Assistant for Semi-Autonomous Breast Ultrasound Scanning</li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch </font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">1:30pm – 2:15pm – KEYNOTE</font></strong></p>

<p>Stanley Duke Herrell, MD, Vanderbilt University, USA <em>–</em> <em>Engineering the future of Urology and MIS: The role of the Surgical Innovator</em></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">2:15pm - 3:15pm - Oral Presentations – Session 6 (15mins/paper: 13 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&amp;A)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair: Ravikiran B. Singapogu, Clemson University, USA</strong></p>

<li><em>Zhuo Zhao and Zion Tsz Ho Tse</em>. A Smartphone and Permanent Magnet-based Needle Guidance System</li>

<li><em>Mahdieh Babaiasl, Fan Yang, Yao Chen, Jow-Lian Ding and John Swensen</em>. Predicting Depth of Cut of Water-jet in Soft Tissue Simulants based on Finite Element Analysis with the Application to Fracture-directed Water-jet Steerable Needles</li>

<li><em>Kihan Park, Phillip Tran, Nancy Deaton and Jaydev Desai</em>. Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT)/PDMS-based Flexible Sensor for Medical Applications</li>

<li><em>Irfan Kil, Ravikiran B. Singapogu and Richard E. Groff</em>. Needle Entry Angle &amp; Force: Vision-enabled Force-based Metrics to Assess Surgical Suturing Skill</li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">3:15pm – 3:45pm – Break, Refreshments, and Poster Session</font></strong></p>

<p><strong><font color = "blue">3:45pm – 5:15pm - Oral Presentations – Session 7 (15mins/paper: 13 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&amp;A)</font></strong></p>

<p><strong>Session Chair: Sang-Eun Song, University of Central Florida, USA</strong></p>

<li><em>Arpita Routray, Robert MacLachlan, Joseph Martel and Cameron Riviere</em>. Real-Time Incremental Estimation of Retinal Surface Using Laser Aiming Beam</li>

<li><em>Eric Wilde, Sumit Dan, Nathan A. Wood, Michael J. Passineau, M. Scott Halbreiner, Marco A. Zenati and Cameron Riviere</em>. Parallel Position/Force Control of Epicardial Wire Robot Based on Ellipsoid Geodesy</li>

<li><em>Jianxin Gao, Irfan Kil, Richard E. Groff and Ravikiran B. Singapogu</em>. Automatic Detection of Needle Puncture in a Simulated Cannulation Task</li>

<li><em>Sakura Sikander, Pradipta Biswas, Pankaj Kulkarni, Christopher Harrington, Neil Chang and Sang-Eun Song</em>.&nbsp; Concept Development of Fixed Geometry Tactile Display using Granular Jamming</li>

<li><em>Yingqiao Yang, Kai-Leung Yung and Robert Tin Wai Hung</em>. Surface Model Extraction from Indentation Curves of Hyperelastic Simulation for Abnormality Detection</li>

<li><em>Adolfo Perrusquia and Wen Yu</em>. Task space human-robot interaction using angular velocity Jacobian</li>

<p><strong><font color = "brown">5:15pm – 5:30pm – Closing Remarks</font></strong></p>

