Kentico CMS 7.0 Context Help

Virtual objects

Virtual objects

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Virtual objects

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The Virtual objects tab provides options for storing virtual objects in the file system on the disk and back in the system's database.




This section enables you to prepare your website for deployment or for running in a Medium trust environment:


Store all virtual objects in file system button saves all objects using VirtualPathProvider (page layouts, page templates, transformations and web part layouts) to the disk. Target folder for all virtual object files is ~/CMSVirtualFiles.

Store all virtual objects in database button moves the virtual objects back in the system's database (the files on the disk are deleted).



The deployment mode:


When the deployment mode is OFF

­The location of virtual objects depends on the Source control options.

When the deployment mode is ON

­The relevant virtual objects are moved from the database to the file system on your disk. Target folder is ~/CMSVirtualFiles.


Source control


The source control options allow you to move chosen virtual objects on the disk, where you can edit them using an external editor or manage their versioning using a source control system. You can always move them back into the database.




Uses VirtualPathProvider

Page layouts

Indicates, whether the page layouts should be saved on the disk


Page template layouts

Indicates, whether the page templates should be saved on the disk



Indicates, whether the transformations should be saved on the disk


Web part layouts

Indicates, whether the web part layouts should be saved on the disk


Web part containers

Indicates, whether the web part containers should be saved on the disk


CSS stylesheets

Indicates, whether the CSS stylesheets should be saved on the disk



Apply changes button stores chosen (checked) virtual object types in the file system (in the ~/CMSVirtualFiles folder) and keeps or moves back the other (unchecked) types in the database.

Synchronize changes to database button copies virtual objects, that are currently saved on the disk, into the database to synchronize changes made using external editors.






Deployment and source control:


When the deployment mode is ON, the source control options for object types that use VirtualPathProvider are disabled.


See Developer's Guide -> Development -> Team development -> Deployment and source control for more information on this topic.