1. President Andrews called the meeting to order at 4PM and welcomed the attendees. Attendees introduced themselves.
2. The agenda of the meeting was adopted, except that the Publications Report was put after the Committee Reprots.
3. The minutes of the previous meeting (April 20, 2002) were approved.
4. President Andrews gave the president's report.
(a) IEEE-wide budget status. IEEE's cash reserves are being depleted. Much was lost in the .com bust. SSIT reports to the Technical Activities Board (TAB). The TAB Finance Committee met on May 1, 2002. Their report is attached. Several of their approved motions are relevant to SSIT.
TAB adopted the principle that Society membership dues meet or exceed the variable cost of membership. TAB claims our membership fee should be $34 to do this. The current membership fee is $22.
Discussion: SSIT has been meeting costs, except, perhaps, for Xplore and the "corprate allocations related to membership." Some doubt was expressed about the TAB calculations. This is likely to have a wide impact on IEEE membership since all societies must raise their dues.
Pres. Andrews: The TAB analysis is not a supply and demand analysis. It is strictly supply side. The full body of TAB is likely to approve their Finance Committee reccomendations.
Discussion: IEEE HQ should not expect societies to quickly make changes in response to IEEE's sudden changes. The processes seems backwards, IEEE supplies services and charges for them without input from the societies. HQ seems to question the idea of membership, they may want to focus on publishing journals.
Pres. Andrews: A new IEEE Information and Security Magazine has been created. Some of these topics infringes on some long standing SSIT issues. How should we respond?
Discussion: It looks more like a trade magazine, not an archival, scholarly journal like our T&S. We should not be concerned. It is more of a "practicioner"-type, how-to publication. SSIT should contact its editor. Authors should be directed to whichever publication is appropriate. We might adversise in it.
(b) IEEE Computer Society Resolution on Global Members. The IEEE Computer Society adopted a resolution on global members that protests the restrictions placed on some non-US members (attached).
Discussion: The Federal Government wants the IEEE to revise its procedures for accepting and publishing papers at conferences. In one case, an accepted paper had to be torn out of the proceedings after being published. It is not clear that the procedures desired by the Federal Government are the solution to the problem. There is the problem of foreign nationals that live in the US or other nations. IEEE can't reasonably investigate the background of these members. It is legally questionable. It seems unclear what the Federal Government wants.
Motion: to endorse the resolution that the IEEE Computer Society adopted at its Board of Governors meeting on May 10, 2002. PASSED.
5. There was no Past President's Report.
6. The Publications Report was deferred to later in the meeting.7. Treasurer's Report
Karl Stephan (treasurer) distributed the Treasurer's Report (see attached). Membership has dropped by about 50, but this is in the range of normal fluctuation. Most of the income not counting membership is from the magazine and meetings. ISTAS 2002 may contribute a surplus. There are no short term fiscal emergencies.
8. Conference Reports.
ISTAS 2002 Conference:
Joe Herkert, Conference Chair: The conference is a great success. Because of the uncertain climate after 9/11 the budget for the conference was conservative. The conference did much better than was budgetted. There were about 120 registrants. Audio/Visual expenses were higher than expected and some gifts and contributions were frozen. The papers are of high quality. The plenary speaker was a success with the attendees. She was given an honorarium and this was probably worth the expense. There was no major crises. One session was cancelled. Ninety papers were accepted; this would have made a 700 page proceedings. But only fifty papers were sent in so the proceedings were of reasonable size. If people paid the registration fee but did not attend they will be sent the proceedings.
Motion: The Board of Governors gives profound thanks to Joe Herkert and the others at NC State for for the work on the 2002 Conference. PASSED.
2003 Conference: Simon Burne is organizing next year's conference. The conference concept is "Technology and Security". This will be done in cooperation with another organization, CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design). The conference is planned for September 24-26, 2003 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hin Oey hoped to attend ISTAS 2002, but was unable to because of turmoil in the Dutch government. SSIT will deal with the critical analysis part ot the conference; Hin Oey will deal with the crime prevention professionals part. The web page https://radburn.rutgers.edu/andrews/projects/ssit/istas03.pdf has more information.
The memorandum of understanding is not yet signed.
(Discussion:) The call for papers should be sent to attendees of ISTAS 2002.
2004 Conference: This is still somewhat tentative. It is proposed for Worcester, MA with Lance Schachterle as the organizer. Worcester Polytechnic Institute is a good site with a new conference center. The president of the Institute, Edward Parish is interested in supporting the conference. Lance Schachterle would like to meet with a delegation from SSIT during the summer.
9. Committee Reports
A. Ad Hoc Committee on Membership (Brian O'Connell and Michael Loui)
The committee proposed two projects:
(1) Outreach to affiliate organizations. SSIT will find secions of other organizations that have similar interests and see if affiliate membership for their members is possible and if they are interested. Proposed societies are ACM SigCAS, ASEE, T&S of the ASME, ACM SigGraph, Society of Internet Researchers, and ASIC. Contact people of each organization should be identified.
(2) Geographical Outreach. The committee suggested to Spring 2003 SSIT Board of Governors meeting be at the University of Illinois, Urbana. There is an active student ACM and IEEE chapter at the University as well as regional ACM and IEEE chapters. There are several other universities in the area. Perhaps the BOG meeting could be combined with an afternoon of free talks or a one day regional meeting on Friday with the BOG meeting on Saturday. Michael Loui will be organizing this.
Karl Stephan: Proposed that University of Texas at Austin also be considered as a site for a future BOG meeting. Possibly the Spring BOG meeting should rotate between other sites.
B. Membership There has been a slight decline in membership. Membership in IEEE societies has been declining slightly. IEEE membership has increased slightly.
C. Awards. No report.
D. Technology and Public Policy. No report.
E. Ethics. Clint Andrews and Charles Turner, the chair of IEEE Ethics and Member Conduct Committee (EMCC), will meet to discuss common interests.
F. Chapters. No report.
G. PACE. No report.
6. Publications
The BOG went into executive session to discuss matters related to Technology and Society.
Motion: Move to request that Aarne Vesilind serve another term as T & S editor and to appoint an associate editor, both for a term of one year. Janet Rochester will write to Aarne with this information. PASSED.
Motion: Move to accept revised contract terms for the managing editor's services services upward by $5000. PASSED.
12. Old Business
No old business.
13. New Business
No new business was introduced.
14. Next Meeting Data and Place
The next Board of Governor's meeting will be in New York City, Saturday, September 28, 2002. The following meeting will be in Washington, DC, possibly November 23.
15. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8PM.
Attendees at the June 8, 2002 Meeting NAME AFFILIATION Clint Andrews President c.j.andrews#ieee.org Jim Isaak Computer Society Liasion j.isaak#computer.org Terri Bookman T&S Managing Editor t.bookman#ieee.org Karl Stephan Treasurer kdstephan#swt.edu Joe Herkert Board of Gov. herkert#social.chass.ncsu.edu Brian O'Connell Vice President oconnellb#ccsu.edu Bradley Kjell Secretary kjell#ieee.org Janet Rochester Publications Chair j.rochester#ieee.org Frank Bianchetti visitor, Quest Diagnostics bianchef#questdiagnostics.com Roberta Brody visitor, Queens College roberta_brody#qc.edu Edward Farell visitor, EFC Co., Ltd, Toronto efarellc#interlog.com Michael Loui Board of Gov. m-loui#uiuc.edu # == @