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Neural Net. TC
Fuzzy Sys. TC
Evol. Comp. TC
Comp. Fin. TC

Neural Computing Research Programs in North America

Asia North America South America Africa Antarctica Europe Australia and Oceania


- Neurocomputing for Signal Processing Research Group at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario
- Biological Computation Group at the University of Western Ontario
- Dendronic Decisions Limited, Edmonton, Alberta



- AI and cognitive science research at the University of Alabama
- Flexible Intelligence Group, LLC., Tuscaloosa


- Computation and Neural Systems Program in Caltech
- Institute for Neural Computation at the University of Califonia, San Diego
- GURU - Gary's Unbelievable Research Unit at the University of Califonia, San Diego
- Cognitive Computer Science Research Group (CCSRG) at the University of Califonia, San Diego
- Center for Research in Language at the University of Califonia, San Diego
- Neuroengineering Laboratory at the University of Califonia, San Diego
- The Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology at the University of California, San Francisco
- NASA Ames Neuro-Engineering Team at Moffett Field
- Spatial Hearing and Biological neural net research at San Jose State University
- Laboratory for Neural Computation at the University of Southern California
- Machine Learning group at the University of California, Santa Cruz
- Computational Biology Group at the University of California, Santa Cruz
- Natural Selection Inc, La Jolla
- Applied Neurodynamics, Carlsbad
- Genetic Programming Research at Stanford University


- Center for Robotics and Intelligent systems at the Colorado School of Mines
- Inductive Transfer Research Group at the Colorado School of Mines
- The AI group at the Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University


- Neuroengineering and Neuroscience Center at Yale University


- Computational Neuroengineering Laboratory at the University of Florida, Gainesville
- Computer Science Innovations, Inc, at Melbourne


- Intelligent Systems & Robotics Group at Georgia Tech


- Artificial Neural Networks and Computational Brain Theory group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- IlliGAL - Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- TEACHER research group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


- Artificial Intelligence Research Group at Iowa State University


- Computational Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Louisville


- Computational Neuroscience Lab at Johns Hopkins University


- Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT
- Computation Group at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT
- NeuroDyne Inc, Cambridge


- Computation and Neural Network Laboratory at Wayne State University


- Computational Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Missouri-Columbia

New Jersey

- Artificial Neural Networks Research at NEC Research Institute, Princeton
- Cognition, Intelligence, and DNA based Computing Research at NEC Research Institute, Princeton

New Mexico

- Adaptive Computation group at the University of New Mexico
- Nonlinear Adaptive Computation Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory

New York

- The Field Lab at Cornell University


- Artificial Neural Systems Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati


- Center for Information Technology at the Oregon Graduate Institute


- Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at Carnegie Mellon


- Neuro Engineering R&D Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin
- Laboratory for Artificial Neural Systems at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Texas Tech University


- Computational Intelligence Applications Laboratory, University of Washington
- Neural Networks research at the Information Processing Laboratory, University of Washington
- Neural Networks at Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington


- Machine Learning Research Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Neural Computing Research at the Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- AI research at the Computer Science Dept., University of Wisconsin-Madison

US Military

- U.S. Marine Corps New Sciences Homepage

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This page (https://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/nnc/research/north-america.html) was most recently modified on Nov 3, 2000.