*IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer講演会 開催のご案内 [#le690425]
RIGHT:IEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapter Chair 山口 良 (ソフトバンク)
IEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapterでは,IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturerである
Prof. Debatosh Guhaによる講演会を下記要領で開催します.~
Is antenna made of mathematics? - Search for a missing link between Maxwell's theory and practice
Prof. Debatosh Guha (Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta)
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Room11-07, Hokkaido University, Sapporo Japan~
//(〒112-8551 東京都文京区春日1-13-27 東京メトロ丸ノ内線 後楽園駅から徒歩約5分)~
This talk is designed to resolve a quest about the fundamentals of antenna engineering in the
light of Electromagnetic Field theory. It looks at the Maxwellian Electrodynamics from a
different angle and tries to find out the reason why Maxwell himself failed in experimental
validation of his own theory, although he lived an active life for another 15 years after his third
and final paper ‘A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field’ was published in 1965. In
quest of a further knowledge, the speaker visited the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the place
of Hertz’s radio wave experiment and the Deutsches Museum Munich where his original
experimental units are preserved. This talk will showcase some important evidences too.
Debatosh Guha is a Professor in Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta and Abdul
Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellow. He is a Fellow of IEEE and also a fellow of all
four Indian Science and Engineering Academies. He has served IEEE Transactions on Antennas
and Propagation, and IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters as an associate editor. He
has been serving IEEE AP Society at the local Chapter, Section, Region, and Global levels in
various capacities since 2003. At present he is the chair of AP-S MGA Committee, and Technical
Committee on Antenna Measurement. All his major technical contributions have been published
in IEEE Transactions and Letters, and featured in the contemporary text/handbooks. A couple of books on antenna
engineering published by IEEE Press and Wiley Int. Sc. are to his credit. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE AP
//|時 間|講 演 者|講 演 題 目|講演概要・講師略歴|
//|15:00-17:00|Prof. Debatosh Guha &br;University of Calcutta |Novel Is antenna made of mathematics? &br; - Search for a missing link between Maxwell's theory and practice |&ref(Announcement_Chuo-u_seminar.pdf);|
//|16:00-17:15&br;(AP-S DL講演)|Prof. Qing Huo Liu&br;Duke University, USA|Multiscale Computational Electromagnetics and Applications|&ref(Announcement_DL2016.pdf);|
//2016年7月1日(金)~ 2017年8月20日(土)~
//電子メールにてIEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapterまでご連絡ください.~
電子メールにてIEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapterまでご連絡ください.~
E-mail: aps_tc(a)ieee-jp.org