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Below contains a few examples of BCI in the media. This be no means all available media articles and is just a few examples. If you know of any BCI related media coverage, please let us know. Just to note BCI related news ietms are often written by reporters, not BCI researchers, and are often subject to false claims and errors. Therefore all media reporter should try to adhere to the high reporting standards and responsible reporting. This web page provide BCI related media reports to keep the BCI community informed of the level of media interest and about new advancements in BCI.

New Media News Items

Old Media News items 

Software Notebook: Helping PCs peer into the minds of users

Brain chip reads man's thoughts

2005 Award: After the Award Jonathan WOLPAW

Non-invasive brain-computer interface offers more control than once thought

Bionic Man Moves Artificial Arm With Brain

New low-cost device opens communication for the severely paralysed

Tapping the Mind

EEG Cap Helps Paralyzed Patients