The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Syracuse Section Bylaws

Nothing in these Bylaws is to be construed as to be contrary to the
IEEE Bylaws, Constitution and Policy and Procedures.

Article I -- Name and Territory

Sec. 1 This organization shall be known as the Syracuse Section
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Sec. 2 The territory of the Syracuse Section, as approved by
the Regional Activities Board, includes the following US Postal
Codes: l3020, l302l, l3022, l3023, l3024, l3025, l3026, l3027,
l3028, l3029, l3030, l303l, l3032, l3033, l3034, l3035, l3036,
l3037, l3038, l3039, l304l, l3042, l3043, l3044, l305l, l3052,
l3057, l3058, l3059, l3060, l306l, l3063, l3064, l3065, l3066,
l3069, l3070, l307l, l3072, l3074, l3075, l3076, l3078, l3079,
l3080, l308l, l3082, l3083, l3084, l3085, l3088, l3089, l3090,
l309l, l3092, l3093, l3094, l3l03, l3l04, l3l05, l3l06, l3l07,
l3l08, l3l09, l3ll0, l3lll, l3ll2, l3ll3, l3ll4, l3ll5, l3ll6,
l3ll7, l3ll8, l3ll9, l3l20, l3l2l, l3l22, l3l25, l3l26, l3l30,
l3l3l, l3l32, l3l33, l3l34, l3l35, l3l37, l3l38, l3l39, l3l40,
l3l42, l3l44, l3l45, l3l47, l3l48, l3l49, l3l50, l3l5l, l3l52,
l3l53, l3l56, l3l59, l3l60, l3l6l, l3l63 through l326l, l3302,
l33l0, l33l4, l3332, l3334, l3355, l3364, l3408, l3409, l34l8,
l3426, l3432, l3434, l3437, l3465, l3484, l3493, l360l, l3602,
l3603, l3604, l3605, l3606, l3607, l3608, l36ll, l36l2, l36l5,
l36l6, l36l8, l36l9, l3622, l3624, l3628, l3632, l3634, l3638,
l3640, l364l, l3643, l3644, l3650, l365l, l3653, l3656, l3657,
l3659, l366l, l3665, l367l, l3673, l3674, l3675, l3679, l3682,
l3685, l3686, l3688, l369l, l3692, l3693, l3698, l4465, l450l,
l452l, l454l, l4588, l4847, l4860,

Article II -- Officers

Sec. 1 The elected officers of the Section shall be Chair,
Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chapter Chairs.
Sec. 2 With the exception of the Secretary and Treasurer, the
terms of office of the elected officers shall be for 1 year. The
terms of both Secretary and Treasurer shall be for 2 years, with
their terms starting in alternate years.
Sec. 3 Terms of office will begin on June 1, but in any case
the outgoing officers will continue until their successors are duly
elected and take office.
Sec. 4 Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled by
a majority vote of the Section Executive Committee.
Sec. 5 The duties of the elected officers shall be as described
in the IEEE Bylaws and in the Section Operations Guide.

Article III -- Standing Committee

Sec. 1 The Standing Committees of the Section will be:

Membership Development
Professional Activities
Student Activities

Sec. 2 The Chairs of each of the Standing Committees will be
appointed by the Section Chair with the approval of the Section
Executive Committee, and their terms will expire on May 31.
Sec. 3 Each Committee Chair will appoint his/her committee
members with the approval of the Section Executive Committee, and
their terms will expire on May 31.
Sec. 4 Duties of the Standing Committees will be generally as
described in the IEEE Section Operations Guide.

Article IV -- Management

Sec. 1 The management of the Section shall be by the Section
Executive Committee which shall consist of the elected officers,
Junior Past Section Chair, Senior Past Section Chair, the Chairs of
the Standing Committees.
Sec. 2 The Chair may appoint, subject to confirmation by a
majority vote of the Section Executive Committee,
additional members to the Section Executive Committee
from the Section membership.
Sec. 3 A majority of the non-vacant Section Executive Committee shall
constitute a quorum.
Sec. 4 A majority of the Section Executive Committee present
shall be necessary in the conduct of its business.
Sec. 5 Meetings of the Section Executive Committee ordinarily
will be held monthly and will be called by the Section Chair or
by the request of any three members of the Section Executive
Sec. 6 The fiscal year of the Section shall be Jan 1 -- Dec 31.

Article V -- Nomination and Election of Officers

Sec. 1 A Nominating Committee consisting of at least 2 members,
not then officers of the Section, shall be appointed by the Section
Chair with the approval of the Section Executive Committee.
Sec. 2 The nominations of the Nominating Committee will be
announced to the Section membership and, following this, a minimum
of twenty-eight days allowed for additional nominations by petition.
To be valid, the petition must be signed by at least 1% of the
voting membership of the Section.
Sec. 3 If only one nomination is made for each office, the
election will be made at the Annual Fellows Night Meeting. If additional
nominations are made, election will be by ballot mailed to the
membership with the vote counted by a Tellers Committee appointed by
the Section Chair.
Sec. 4 The typical timetable for this procedure is as follows:

Early January -- Appointment of Nominating Committee
Early March -- Announcement of Nominations
Early April -- Close nominations by petition
Fellows Night -- hold election

A ballot, if required, shall be mailed prior to May 10.
Sec. 5 A plurality of the votes cast shall be necessary for

Article VI -- Business Meeting

Sec. 1 In order to transact business at a Section meeting, at
least 10% of the membership must be present to constitute a quorum.

Article VII -- Finances

Sec. 1 All expenditures of the Section funds must be approved
by the Section Executive Committee.
Sec. 2 Without prior authorization of the IEEE Executive
Committee, Section funds can be used only for normal operations of
the Section.
Sec. 3 The Treasurer and Chair shall be authorized to draw
funds as approved by the Section Executive Committee.

Article VIII -- Amendments

Sec. 1 Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may originate
in the Section Executive Committee or by a petition signed by 10 or
more voting members.
Sec. 2 Amendments to or revocation of these Bylaws shall be in
accordance with the IEEE Bylaws.

Article IX -- Publications

Sec. 1 The Section may publish a periodical which will be the
the major medium of communication with the Section membership.
Sec. 2 This periodical may accept advertising.

Article X -- Chapters

Sec. 1 Each Chapter membership shall elect their officers in
accordance to their own Bylaws or established operations procedure.
Sec. 2 As indicated under Article II, the elected Chapter
Chairs are considered officers of the Section.

Article XI -- Removal from Appointed Position

Sec. 1 Any Section member appointed to the Executive Committee
may be removed prior to the end of their term, by a two-thirds
majority vote of the entire voting membership of the Executive
Committee. Prior to any vote (for removal) being taken, the member
in question shall be notified.

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