IEEE Central Texas Section


Volume 55-03

March 2011

Newsletter of the Central Texas Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.

Published monthly. Deadline for inclusion is the 26th day of the previous month. Send submissions, comments, questions to John Purvis, Editor,


1. Section Activities

Chairman's Column

Membership Development

Austin Vice-Chair's Column

San Antonio Vice-Chair's Column

Section & Chapter News

Continuing Education

Student Branches

Calls for Volunteers

2. Chapter Activities

Multiple Chapters

Chapter Meeting Notices

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques

Instrumentation and Measurement Society

Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits

Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

Computer Society - Austin

Computer Society - San Antonio

Consultants Network

Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

Electron Devices Society

Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Graduates of the Last Decade

Laser and Electro Optics Society

Life Members Affinity Group

Power Engineering Society - Austin

Power Engineering Society - San Antonio

Product Safety Engineering Society

Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin

Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - San Antonio

Technology Management Council - Austin

Technology Management Council - San Antonio

Women in Engineering

3. News & Information

Latest issue of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer

4. Local Conferences

5. Other Conferences




IEEE Region 5

IEEE Central Texas Section

Call for Papers

IEEEXplore - full text access to IEEE Publications

What's New at IEEE

SocietyNews from IEEE

IEEE Standards Association

The Spectrum Online - The Magazine for Technology Insiders

1. Section Activities

Chairman's Column

We have had more opportunities than ever celebrate Engineering Week. You still have a chance to meet with fellow engineers, play a little golf, and help raise funds for the new Student Branch at Texas State.  Take advantage of the Golf Tournament Hosted by the Texas State Chapter on March 26.  Look here for further information in this edition of the Analog.   You also still have an opportunity to hear Jim Kennedy, former director of NASA, speak in Austin.  To register go here.

Tom Grim
Chairman, Central Texas Section

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Membership Development

Not an IEEE member and have been waiting to join?

Join now with ½ year dues!  Join IEEE and receive 10 months of membership for the price of six.  If you have been away from IEEE for more than a year, you can re-join for half price!

Have you renewed your IEEE membership for 2011?

It is easy to forget and easy to put off.  If you haven’t renewed your IEEE membership, or don’t know if you have, go to your MYIEEE account NOW and check at or call 800 678-4333.

Beginning March 1st, non-renewing IEEE members will lose all member benefits.  Renew now and regain access to your IEEE benefits.

If you have already renewed, thank you for being part of the Central Texas Section and the IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association.

Did you know about IEEE – E-Books from IEEE Press

The IEEE Press has partnered with John Wiley, Inc. to provide 240+ books, which are available to member at no additional cost.  The e-book collection spans a number of today’s technologies across 19 content areas, and include:
  • Practical handbooks;
  • Introductory and advanced texts
  • Reference works
  • Professional books

IEEE is committed to serve the needs of practicing engineers and members from industry.  The value of this benefit grows ever year the member renews.  IEEE Press will be adding 40-50 books annually.

Access your E-Books by logging on to  IEEE Xplore ( using  your MyIEEE account.  Select Books and you begin browsing.

Joe Redfield
CTS Membership Development Chair

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Section & Chapter News

Date: March 3, 2011, 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Location: Building C Room 1514, National Instruments, 11500 N MoPac
Registration: Click here
Speaker: Jim Kennedy of NASA (Retired)
Topic: Lessons in Life and Leadership…As Inspired by True Stories of Space Exploration
Jim Kennedy, a highly sought-after keynote speaker and leadership development expert at NASA, will illustrate some of the Leadership Principles (below) with stories from his career. His words will inspire and motivate you to be the best you can be.
Tip # 1 Treat Everyone with Dignity and Respect
Tip # 2 Cherish Diversity
Tip # 3 Act With Integrity
Tip # 4 Praise in Public, Criticize in Private
Tip # 5 Go the Extra Mile (Human Lecture)
Tip # 6 Exploit Your Intellectual Curiosity
Tip # 7 Don’t Be Afraid of Failure
Tip # 8 Follow Your Passion
Tip # 9 Be Thoughtful of Others (Overview Lecture)
Tip # 10 Be Proud of Who You Are
Tip # 11 Have the Courage of Your Convictions
Tip # 12 Pause to Celebrate Your Accomplishments
Tip # 13 Change is NOT a Bad Thing (Overview Lecture)
Tip # 14 The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get (Robotic Lecture)
Tip # 15 Keep a Sense of Humor
Tip # 16 Things Are Not Always What They Appear To Be
Tip # 17 Out of Tragedy Comes Triumph
Tip # 18 Life Is Complicated….Practice KISS’ing
Tip # 19 Ships In Harbor Are Safe, But That’s Not What Ships Are For
Tip # 20 Keep Your Friends Close…And Your Enemies Closer
Tip # 21 Shoot For The Moon; Even If You Miss You’ll Be Among The Stars
Tip # 22 Get Inspired By a Young Person
Tip # 23 The World Is a Beautiful Place, Just Look For It
Tip # 24 I Will Prepare For Some Day My Chance Will Come
Tip # 25 If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try Harder
Tip # 26 YOU Can Make A Difference
Tip # 27 Teachers Rock
Tip # 28 Have Fun
Tip # 29 Find Some Alone Time (We All Need Our Space)
Tip # 30 Teamwork Makes the Team Work
Tip # 31 Invest In Friendships…They Have a Great ROI
Tip # 32 LOL…Even At Yourself
Tip # 33 Take Time to Mentor…It’s Not a Trivial Pursuit (Shuttle Lecture)
Tip # 34 Keep That Gleam in Your Eyes
Tip # 35 For Key Decisions Get a Second Opinion
Tip # 36 It’s a Grand Old Flag…Honor It
Tip # 37 Strive To Be Truly Great
Tip # 38 Take Pride in Your Organization
Tip # 39 Make Beautiful Music….In Your Own Special Way
Tip # 40 It’s OK to Have Some Heroes
Tip # 41 Have a Plan…And a Back-Up Plan
Tip # 42 Be Safe
Tip # 43 Success Is Not Always Rewarded Fairly…Live With It (ISS Lecture)
Tip # 44 When Things Go Wrong… Stay Cool
Tip # 45 Set Your Goals and Don’t Stop Until You’ve Achieved Them
Tip # 46 Make Good Choices (Cx Lecture)
Tip # 47 Life has Its Ups and Downs…Enjoy The Ride
Tip # 48 Do Your Part to Protect the Planet
Tip # 49 Commit To Be Fit
Tip # 50 Get Your Tips from Reliable Sources
Tip # 51 Sometimes you just gotta “kick a little as..teroid”
Tip # 52 Focus On Abilities, NOT Disabilities (Remember “A Blind Man Named Jim”)

Biography: James W. Kennedy was the eighth director of NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Prior to this appointment, he served as KSC's Deputy Director and as the Deputy Director of NASA's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) located in Huntsville, Alabama. Mr. Kennedy began his career with NASA in 1968 in the Aerospace Engineering Cooperative Education Program at KSC. After earning his Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Auburn University in 1972, he was called to active duty with the U.S. Air Force. In 1977, he received his Masters in Business Administration from Georgia Southern University. Mr. Kennedy's work experience includes serving as Project Manager for major projects, such as the X-34 and the DC-XA. From January to September 1996, he was the Manager for the MSFC Space Shuttle Projects Resident Office at KSC. Mr. Kennedy returned to MSFC when he received a Senior Executive Service (SES) appointment in September 1996 and was named Manager of the Solid Rocket Booster Project. In 1998, he was selected as the Deputy Director of Science and Engineering, where he was responsible for establishing and maintaining a nationally recognized research and development capability in space research and technology. One year later, he became the Director of Engineering, with responsibility for managing world-class research and development capabilities for accomplishing crosscutting engineering functions associated with the engineering design, development, testing, and valuation of assigned projects. In 2002, he was named Deputy Director of MSFC, the Agency's Propulsion Center of Excellence, with responsibility for all facets of Center operations and for the safety and success of mission programs. Mr. Kennedy has received numerous awards during his NASA career, including the MSFC Leadership Award, NASA's Silver Snoopy Award, Distinguished Service Medal, and a Meritorious Rank Award. He is also the recipient of a Group Achievement Award and several Special Service and Performance Awards. He has been selected to receive the National Space Club's Astronautics Engineer Award for 2003. Mr. Kennedy was born in Riverdale, Maryland, and currently resides in Cocoa Beach, Florida, with his wife, Bernadette. Mr. Kennedy has two children, Jeff and Jamie.

Meeting Agenda:

11:00 am Networking and snacks
12:00 pm Talk
1:00 pm Dismiss

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Continuing Education

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Student Branches

St Mary's University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Djaffer Ibaroudene, email:
Branch Chair: Ug Igboanugo, email:

Texas State University - San Marcos (new branch, 2009)
Faculty Adviser: Larry Larson, email:
Branch President: Eduardo Gonzalez, email:

Trinity University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Farzan Aminian, email:
Branch Chair: Paurakh Rajbhandary, email:

University of Texas at Austin (
Faculty Adviser: Sriram Vishwanath, email:
Branch Chair: Erik Eyberg, email:

University of Texas at San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Yufang Jin, email:
Branch Chair: Kevin Messenhimer, email:

Student Member News

Golf Tournament!
Texas State University - IEEE Student Branch is please to welcome all Professionals from Electrical and Computer Engineering related fields and businesses to attend the 1st annual Texas State IEEE Golf Tournament.

Where: Texas State University Golf Course in San Marcos.

When: March 26, 9AM - 4PM.

Details: Tee off at 9AM. Lnch will be provided after first nine holes. Second tee off at 12:30PM followed by awards.

Entry Fee: $50 per person golfing in teams of 4

For more information plese contact us at

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Calls for Volunteers

Exxon Mobil Texas Science & Engineering Fair
The State ExxonMobil Texas Science & Engineering Fair 2011 is taking place at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center the weekend of March 31st – April 3rd and once again is requesting your support in signing up to become a Judge to our over 1000 projects from the best and brightest junior and high school students in Texas!  Judging will be on April 2nd starting at 8:30 am.  I am trying to implement a system that expedites the process while maximizing your time.  This system will be best if we are able to get enough judges.  With that said, we encourage you to reach out to your colleagues to meet the goal of 300 judges!

Some of the features you we are working on within our “New” system is the ability to read the abstracts within your category preference prior to the fair.  In the future, we would like to be able to assign the specific projects assigned to you, but this can only work if we have the appropriate amount of judges in every discipline AND that we receive, reviewed, and approved all projects in time.  We are working hard to maximize your time in the best and most efficient way so that we can fairly award the best projects in the fair.

Once we have assigned you your category, we will distribute the projects equally to each judge within your category.  You will have two hours to interview 12 projects at 10 minutes per project (give or take).  Once you have completed the projects assigned to you, you will then hand in your score cards to be scanned and a report will be given back to you.  We then hope for you to reconvene with your other category judges to identify the best projects within your category.  You will have up to 11:30 am to re-review projects and caucus.  Then provide us your winners within your category.

Breakfast, Lunch, Free Parking, and a Judge Certificate will be provided.

We are also planning a Judge Networking Reception the evening of Friday, April 1 for those who would like to preview the projects ahead of time.

Go to to sign-up today! 

Central Texas Discover Engineering: Five Steps for Volunteers to Get Involved

Engineer volunteers visit classrooms and lead hands-on activities that demonstrate teamwork and logical processes while discussing their jobs and their enthusiasm for engineering. Learn about our volunteer opportunities and how you can join in sharing the world of engineering with local students, elementary through high school:
  • Sign Up
  • Select Your School Preferences
  • Plan Your Visit
  • Provide Feedback
  • Stay Involved
Matching of schools and volunteers begins in early January with classroom visits beginning in February with Engineers Week 2011.

Learn more about volunteering and how to get involved on the Central Texas Discover Engineering website.

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2. Chapter Activities

Multiple Chapter Events

The ComSoc/SP chapter will hold a joint meeting with the Section at its February 23 meeting.  Details are given below.

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Chapter Meeting Notices

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques


No meeting schedled at this time








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Instrumentation and Measurement Society


Tour of Emerson’s smart wired and wireless devices


Dirk Thiele, Software Engineering Manager, DeltaV Advanced Control


On this tour we will see a demo of transmitters and actuators on a simulated chemical process. We will discuss measurement technology and detection of measurement and instrumentation faults. The different types of field communication that are available today will be demonstrated.


Monday March 21, 2011
Reception 6-6:15pm; Presentation/Tour begins at 6:30pm




RSVP: or respond to


Emerson Process Management, 12301 Research Blvd # 3, Austin, TX 78727


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Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits


No meeting schedled at this time








The joint Circuits & Systems/Solid State Circuits Societies normally meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. This meeting is open to the public and interested parties. Additional details will be posted at the website. If you have any questions about this meeting or this group, please contact or

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Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) - Austin

No meeting scheduled at this time.

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Computer Society - Austin


Driving a Kaizen Culture Using Regular Operations Reviews


David J. Anderson
David Anderson, author of Kanban (, leads a management consulting firm focused on improving performance of technology companies. He has many years management experience leading teams on agile software development projects. David was a founder of the agile movement through his involvement in the creation of Feature Driven Development.

He was also a founder of the APLN, a non-profit dedicated to improving management and leadership in technology companies.

Recently David has been focusing his attention on business agility and enterprise scale agile software transitions through a synergy of the CMMI model for organizational maturity with Agile and Lean methods.


Austin’s software development community welcomes David J. Anderson, whose most-recent book “Kanban, Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business” points the way to second-generation Agile methods, reflecting a decade’s worth of lessons-learned in Agile Software Development and Agile Management.

Both of David J. Anderson’s books have featured chapters describing the use and value of regular operations reviews of the technology development organization. David has described operations review as the keystone or lynch pin of a Kanban initiative to drive the evolution of a Lean organization. Despite this it remains the least often implemented of the Kanban practices. This talk will present the why, what and how of operations reviews and advocate for their greater use as part of a Lean initiative and focal point for creating a Kaizen culture within your business.

For this very special event, Austin’s Software Process Improvement Network, Lean Software Austin, the Austin chapter of the IEEE Computer Society, and Agile Austin join forces to bring you a thought-provoking evening of ideas that stand to transform how we see and practice software development.


Thursday, March 17, 2011
6:30 p.m. Networking and Gathering
7:00 p.m. Call to Order, Announcements
7:15 p.m. Presentation, with Q/A
8:45 p.m. Adjourn


National Instruments

    Building C, Room 1S13
    11500 North Mopac
    Austin, TX 78759



Please RSVP for this special event at Eventbright:


Joint meeting with Austin SPIN, Lean Software Austin, and Agile Austin.

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Computer Society - San Antonio


Web Engineering

Speaker Dr. Ozgur Aktunc

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

6:30 Networking
7:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Program

Conference Room C
University Center

St. Mary’s University
San Antonio, TX


Dinner, $15 Members, $4 students, $18 Non-Members


Please email Yu Zhang,, or call (210) 999-7399

Notes See website for directions and parking,

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Central Texas Consultants Network Affinity Group

Topic/Title DSP - The Technology Behind Multimedia.
Speaker Sergio Liberman
Speaker Bio Sergio Liberman has more than 24 years of experience in the semiconductor
industry in the design and architecture of over 20 chips including DSP
processors, digital-to-analog converters, Class-D audio amplifiers and SoC
application processors.  These devices have been used in digital audio
systems for consumer, professional, and automotive applications.  Sergio
holds two patents in high-performance audio digital-to-analog converter
design, and has authored over 15 technical publications during his 28 year
career span in electronics engineering.  Sergio holds a B.Sc. EE from
Tel-Aviv University.

The multimedia products that we enjoy today share a common
technology backbone:  Digital Signal Processing (DSP).  The digital
revolution for consumers started with the introduction of the Compact Disc
(CD) format for music distribution.  With the increasing computing power and
lower cost of digital processing resulting from Moore's Law, advanced signal
processing algorithms have allowed consumer products such as HDTV, DVD and
Blu-ray, MP3 players, multimedia capable smart phones, and audio/video
streaming.  This presentation will look into how analog signals such as
sound and pictures are brought in and out of the digital domain for
communication, storage, transmission, processing and playback, as well as
some of the DSP algorithms.


Wednesday,  March 23, 2011

Networking at 6:00 pm;  Business and Program from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm


***NEW***LOCATION:   PoK-e-Jo's,  2121 W. Parmer Lane at Lamplight Village,
Austin,  TX 78727
Go to:   for
map and more info.


$5.00 minimum charge for the restaurant.   Supper is at optional
extra cost.


Not required.  All interested parties are invited to attend.
For more information, contact Ed Gordon or Kai Wong


Do a friend a favor. Bring your colleagues to grow the Consultants Network.

More information on Consultants Networks:

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Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.


No meeting scheduled at this time








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Electron Devices Society


2011 Semiconductor Industry & Economic Conditions: Moderation is Key


Shelley Van Dyke
Shelly Van Dyke is in Corporate Strategy at Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., where she provides strategic, market & economic analysis, working with contributors from across Freescale businesses and throughout the industry. Currently, Shelly is also serving on the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Board of Directors. She has more than 24 years experience in the semiconductor industry, including positions in business and manufacturing strategy, technology licensing, multiple process and device engineering and management positions in wafer fabrication, and quality. Shelly has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from The University of Texas, and an MBA from Regis University.


In 2010, the semiconductor industry had one of the strongest recoveries ever, after 2 years of decline in 2008-2009. This was against the backdrop of a lukewarm global economy but some exciting new introductions in electronics. For 2011, we will consider the macroeconomic factors as well as the innovation occurring in the electronics industries and the possible results as follows:
  • How strong was 2010?
  • What are the current economic and end market landscapes?
  • What is the likely growth range for 2011, and what will improve or impede that growth?


March 24th, 2011
Meeting time: 6:00-7:30PM
Refreshments: 6:00-6:30PM




Rio Grande Conference room at SVTC


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Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Topic/Title No meeting schedled at this time



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Engineering Management

The Engineering Management Society has become the Technology Management Council. Information about meetings can be found in the sections for Technology Management Council - Austin and Technology Management Council - San Antonio

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Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Affinity Group

Topic/Title No meeting schedled at this time





For more Information contact Jeffrey Langston ( 

More information on GOLD:

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Laser and Electro Optics Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.

For more information, contact Ray Chen

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Life Members (LM) Affinity Group - San Antonio

Topic/Title No meeting schedled at this time



More information on LM:

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Power and Energy Society - Austin


Photovoltaic & Renewable Energy Projects at Austin Energy

Speaker Paul Martinez of Austin Energy
Paul Martinez is a Graduate Engineer for Austin Energy (AE).  He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in May of 2008 from the University of Texas Pan American in Edinburg, Texas.  For his Senior Design Project his team competed in the 2008 IEEE Region 5 Robotics Competition in Kansas City.  Team Iron-Bot received 6th place.  Paul interned with AE in the summers of ’07 and ’08 with the Market Research Planning and Development group.  He analyzed load profiles for key account customers looking for anomalies in their consumption.  In September of 2008 he was offered his current full-time position.  Since then he has been designing, managing projects, soliciting and budgeting Solar Photovoltaic Systems on municipal buildings.  With a budget of approximately $4M per year, Paul works on many projects simultaneously.  Each project offers its own design and procurement issues so Paul is constantly facing new challenges.  Paul received his EIT license in March of 2010 and is eligible to sit for the professional engineering exam in October of 2012. 

One of the key components of AE’s Energy Resource Strategy is a commitment to solar energy. The Municipal Solar program helps fulfill one of the goals stated in AE’s 2003 Strategic Plan and the 2007 Climate Protection Plan.  The current goal is to meet 30% of all energy needs through the use of renewable energy including at least 100MW of solar power.  The Municipal Solar Program serves as one of the multiple means of attaining this goal by installing solar photovoltaic systems on municipal buildings.  The program also serves to attain and maintain an expertise for the burgeoning solar industry.  The program is also another means of growing and maintaining the solar industry in Austin.  This presentation will show some of our past and present projects and will discuss some of the issues and lessons learned.  The presentation will also touch on some of the other programs in Austin Energy Distributed Energy Services.

Date/Time Tuesday, March 22, 2011
 6:00 PM Social
6:30 to 7:00 PM Dinner
7:00 to 7:30 PM Business Meeting
7:30 to 8:30 PM Program
9:00 PM room closes for the benefit of long distance drivers and early risers
Location  El Gallo Mexican Restaurant, 512-444-2205
2910 S Congress (directions below)
Austin, Texas
Cost · $11 or $13 for IEEE members and accompanying spouses
· $14 or $16 for non-IEEE members
· $2 for Drinks
· Student members FREE and $2 for specials,
· $3 student visitors, and non-meal participants
The bar will be available to those who care to purchase a drink or beer. When you order, you will have a choice from nine special selections and six traditional combinations on our menu.

Please RSVP - if you plan to attend please reply to this invitation. To reply or for further information, please contact Steve Pearson via email:


There is a large parking lot in front of and on the south side of the restaurant. The meeting will be held in the party room to the left of the cashier’s counter.

Directions:          (See the map linked from the Website,

From I –35:  Exit at Oltorf and drive west. At S. Congress, turn left (south). El Gallo is about 500 feet past the next traffic light (Cumberland), on the right (west) side of Congress, directly across from the entrance to St. Edward’s University.                    

From Ben White Blvd. (US290/SH71):  Exit at S. Congress Avenue and drive north. El Gallo is about 600 feet past the next traffic light (Woodward), on the left (west) side of Congress directly across from the entrance to St. Edward’s University.

Check the web site for further information, or contact Kevin Ewing

The April meeting on the 26th will cover Designing with Solid State Lighting. More details will be published in the April Analog.

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Power and Energy Society - San Antonio

Topic/Title No meeting schedled at this time





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Product Safety Engineering Society


The Science of Lightning

Speaker Mike Noth - Lower Colorado River Authority
Abstract What is it about lightning that can hold us in awe or scare us out of
our wits for that fraction of a second it streaks across the sky? It is one
of the most powerful natural forces we deal with in our lives, yet we are
still trying to figure out how it acts and reacts to things; how it affects
various things and how we can help ensure that it stays relatively
contained. Join us as Mike takes us from that little spark between your hand
and the door handle to the giant flashing streaks we see roll across the

Tuesday, March 15, 2011




Not required


Dell Parmer Campus, Parmer South Building S4, Victoria Conference Room, 701 East Parmer Lane, Austin


We encourage you, others in your organization, or other interested parties to participate in our meetings. The PSES meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm, with the program starting at 7:00pm. For further information about the PSES, please contact Dale Ritzen at (512) 651-5338.

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin


No meeting schedled at this time








Check our website for details.

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - San Antonio


No meeting schedled at this time








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Technology Management Council - Austin

Topic/Title No meeting schedled at this time

Contact Doug Russell for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Technology Management Council - San Antonio
Topic/Title No meeting schedled at this time
Cost None
Registration Please email Michael Frye ( an RVSP by Tuesday, Feb. 8. Due to CPS security requirements please email your Name, Driver’s License number, and if you are a U.S. citizen when responding.

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Women in Engineering Affinity Group

No meeting scheduled at this time.

More information on WIE:

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Non-IEEE Meetings & Events of interest suggested by the membership

March 8, 2011
Capitol Macintosh User Group
Check web site for details

March 11-12, 2011
Keep Security Weird, Austin B-Sides 2011,
Event Details: An eclectic gathering of infosec people to hear awesome talks and have outrageously fun discussions! Our mission is to provide an inclusive, open environment for sharing and collaborative discourse on topics that most interest you.

The first austin event was great which you know if you were there. Security B-Sides 2011 will be even better.  If you have thoughts, comments, complaints, suggestions - or would like to volunteer, let us now.

Join the B-Sides mailing list, or send a message to: feedback@keepsecurity
Austin B-Sides lead - Michael Gough -

Where: The Walton-Joseph Building, 706-708 6th St.
Cost: Free (limited seating)

Whow should attend?
Developers, Programmers, IT Professionals, System Administrators, Information Security Professionals, and anyone who is interested in knowing what information security is all about and how you can integrate it into your profession.

April 4, 2011
Education Innovation -- Google Science Fair
On Jan. 11, 2011, Google launched the inaugural Google Science Fair. Google has partnered with CERN, National Geographic, Scientific American and the LEGO Group to create this new STEM competition. This is a global competition open to any student aged 13-18, and students may enter as individuals or as teams of up to three. There is no entry fee. Registrations and submissions will be made online. The Science Fair will culminate in a celebratory event at Google headquarters in California in July 2011, where finalists will compete for internships, scholarships and prizes in front of a panel of celebrity scientist judges, including Nobel Laureates and household names.
Submissions are due by April 4, 2011. To sign up for free resource kits for your classroom or school, please visit the Global Science fair website at

June 19-25, 2011
First Bytes Computer Science Camp at UT Austin
The Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin will host First Bytes, Version 9.0 - a free one-week residential program for high school women - designed to dispel myths about computer science and intrigue these young women with the potential of computing and the excitement of problem solving - June 19-25, 2011. Application forms and more information available on line.  All portions of the application must be submitted or postmarked by Friday, March 25, 2011.

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3. News & Information

December issue of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer includes these features:

Feature Stories: 
    • Hidden Job Market Secrets: The Right Strategy Makes Looking for a New Job Easy
    • Ten things You may not know about Social Networking & Social Networking Sites
    • IEEE-USA and IEEE Computer Society Cooperate in New Professional Software Engineering Licensure Initiative
U.S. Innovation & Competitiveness 
  • First Study of Its Kind Examines Innovation by U.S. Businesses
  • Lame Duck Congress Passes Key S&T Legislation
Shaping Public Policy
  • Federal Government 101: The IEEE-USA Congressional and State Department Fellowships
    • IEEE-USA Toolkit
    • Tech Digest: December
Engineers and Business School: A Match Made in Heaven
According to admissions officers at some of the leading MBA programs, nearly a third of applicants are engineers. This article identifies some of the key characteristics of business schools that might appeal to an engineer, as well as the degree’s price tag (measured in tuition and fees) and graduates’ median base salary. Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, the University of Michigan, and the University of Chicago all make the short list.  Read on.

IEEE Job Site Virtual Career Fair, February 22 to March 21, 2011
From 22 February to 21 March 2011, the IEEE Job Site will host a Virtual Career Fair, co-sponsored by IEEE-USA. Here, you can conduct job searches, apply for open positions, and chat with employers via the site's Live Online Chat program--all for free. You can also register for the Job Site's Careers Webinar, to learn about the benefits of working at sponsoring organizations.  Get more information here.
IEEE Global History Network
The IEEE Global History Network (GHN) is a wiki that "fosters the creation of narratives that not only document the history engineering practice but also explain when, how and why these myriad of technologies developed as they did." The homepage of the website for GHN has an "innovation map" and an "interactive timeline", as well as eight rotating featured concepts prominently displayed near the top of the homepage. Visitors should definitely check out the "Innovation Map", which shows what events happened, where, and when, such as the industrialization and commercialization of photovoltaic cells in Japan in 1959. The eight rotating featured concepts have included "Ancient Computers", "Cryptography", and "Memristors" which are resistors with memory. The menu across the top of any page contains the guts of the site, including "Oral Histories" of the most prominent people in the profession, "IEEE Stars", peer-reviewed articles, and "Topic Articles" which has "broad articles on a specific topic" which IEEE members and invited guests can create or modify.

Engineering for Change Needs You!

After several years of defining its humanitarian role by developing a number of diverse projects, IEEE is partnering with the American Society  of Mechanical Engineers and Engineers Without Borders on the Engineering for Change project to build a community of engineering and  technology professionals, designers, scientists, nongovernmental  organizations, and community advocates to solve humanitarian problems.  Read on at

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4. Local IEEE Conferences

  • March 3-6, 2011: 2011 IEEE-USA Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, Renaissance Austin Hotel.  Further information can be found here.
  • April 10-12, 2011: IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems & Software (ISPASS). To be held at the Westin Domain in Austin. For further information see

5. Other Conferences & Workshops

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