IEEE Central Texas Section


Volume 55-07

July 2011

Newsletter of the Central Texas Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.

Archives of The Analog can be found on the CTS web site here.

Published monthly. Deadline for inclusion is the 26th day of the previous month. Send submissions, comments, questions to John Purvis, Editor,


General Interest

Chairman's Column

Membership Development

News of Interest to the Section

Continuing Education

Student Branches

Calls for Volunteers

Local Chapter Activities

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques

Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits

Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

Computer Society - Austin

Computer Society - San Antonio

Consultants Network

Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

Electron Devices Society

Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Graduates of the Last Decade

Instrumentation and Measurement Society

Laser and Electro Optics Society

Life Members Affinity Group

Power Engineering Society - Austin

Power Engineering Society - San Antonio

Product Safety Engineering Society

Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin

Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - San Antonio

Systems, Man and Cybernetics

Technology Management Council - Austin

Technology Management Council - San Antonio

Women in Engineering

Conferences, Other Meetings and Events

Local IEEE Conferences

Other IEEE Events or Workshops

Non-IEEE Meetings & Events of interest suggested by the membership


Latest issue of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer

Tips, Tools and Gadgets




IEEE Region 5

IEEE Central Texas Section

Call for Papers

IEEEXplore - full text access to IEEE Publications

What's New at IEEE

SocietyNews from IEEE

IEEE Standards Association

The Spectrum Online - The Magazine for Technology Insiders

General Interest

Chairman's Column

I hope that all of the members are taking the opportunity this summer to spend time with their family and recharge their batteries with a little vacation.  I know that several chapters are taking the summer off, giving members and volunteers an opportunity to schedule vacations.  We will soon be enjoying a long weekend due to July 4th.  I hope all will have a safe and enjoyable weekend. 

Congratulations to the 40+ Central Texas Section members that were just raised to Senior Members.  This is a recognition of their career achievements.  We should be having another Senior Member upgrade night sometime later this year.  When you see the announcement, follow up if you are not already a Senior Member.  The Section will be ready to help you with your application. 

Tom Grim
Chairman, Central Texas Section

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Membership Development


That’s right half price IEEE membership.  Join IEEE for the first time and pay only ˝ annual dues.  If you have been looking to join, but waiting for a good excuse, now is it.  Go to for details.

If you are currently unemployed and have not renewed your membership for 2011, you also receive IEEE membership at ˝ price.  Simply go to:

Did you know about IEEE – myIEEE
Did You Know –

You can find out what are the most accessed documents in IEEE Xplore for the month. By selecting the Knowledge Tab in myIEEE, you will see the IEEE Xplore module located in the middle column. Here you will find a list of the top 10 documents accessed this month. Citations and their Abstract are available with quick links to the full article. IEEE Xplore has over two million documents on emerging and revolutionary technologies.

GO TO myIEEE now at

Joe Redfield
CTS Membership Development Chair

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News of Interest to the Section

Congratulations to Newly Elevated Members
The Admissions and Advacement review panel met in June and reviewed several applications for membership upgrade from the Central Texas Section.  Congratulations goes the the following 43 new Senior IEEE members: Robert Applonie, Dave Bachmann, Seth Bank, Kenneth Barnett, Fawzi Behmann, Paul Brown, James David Burnett, Mark Cawford, John Croix, William Davis, Pierre De Rochemont, Hongyang Deng, Reza Ebrahimian, Frederick Garia, Alexander Hoefler, Changbo Hu, Paul Ingersoll, Bruce Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Zaher Momammmad Kassas, Sandip Ladhani, Jamie Li, Sergio Liberman, Zheng Luo, David Lutz, Biju Mathew, Joel Sandahl, Markus Schwickert, Mahesh Sharma, Rupesh Shelar, Thomas Starnes, Ashley Stevens, Xiao Sun, Paul Teich, Emanuel Tutoc, Brian Veale, Khurram Waheed, George Weinreich, Paul Roger Williamson, Ian Wong, Abdullah Yassine, and Mogamad Zeidan. 

National Girls Collaborative Project
The goal of the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) "is to bring together organizations throughout the United States that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)." The Project started as a regional organization in the Pacific Northwest in 2002, and the National Science Foundation funded the creation of the national group in 2004. Visitors interested in reading about how the NGCP has positively impacted STEM education for girls and women, should definitely read the NGCP Evaluation Summary PDF in the "Project Evaluation" link under the "About" tab. Visitors can find an archive of the NGCP e-newsletter dating back to 2006 under the "Resources" tab. There are also more than a dozen webcast videos that share effective strategies from around the nation, for working with girls in STEM. The "Stories" link provides encouraging success stories of regional groups that work with girls in STEM areas.

Impact of the 82nd Legislature
The Texas 82nd Regular Legislative Session has come to a close with many changes for the state of Texas.  One bill in particular that is of interest to the engineering profession is HB2284.
House Bill 2284 by Hardcastle passed during the regular session and is intended to address the overlap issues between architects and engineers. The bill clarifies activities that are engineering and architecture and creates a grandfathering provision for engineers that meet certain requirements. TBPE is working with the Board of Architectural Examiners (TBAE) on implementation and will be communicating new information as it develops.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011, the Texas Board of Professional Engineers released a joint statement with the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners concerning practice overlap and HB2284.  The announcement is available on our website at

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Continuing Education

Webinar Explains How to Make Water Filters From Tea Bags
In the latest addition to IEEE's Humanitarian Technology webinar series, microbiologist Eugene Cloete describes a low-cost water purification technique that can benefit rural areas and communities with poor sanitation systems. The free webinar is on 14 July. For more information and to register, visit

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Student Branches

St Mary's University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Djaffer Ibaroudene, email:
Branch Chair: Ug Igboanugo, email:

Texas State University - San Marcos (new branch, 2009)
Faculty Adviser: Larry Larson, email:
Branch President: Eduardo Gonzalez, email:

Trinity University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Farzan Aminian, email:
Branch Chair: Paurakh Rajbhandary, email:

University of Texas at Austin (
Faculty Adviser: Sriram Vishwanath, email:
Branch Chair: Erik Eyberg, email:

University of Texas at San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Yufang Jin, email:
Branch Chair: Kevin Messenhimer, email:

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Calls for Volunteers

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Local Chapter Activities

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques (APS/MTTS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time








We are looking for anyone interested in presenting at our next meeting.  If interested please contact Jeremy Pruitt @

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Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits (CASS/SSCS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time








The joint Circuits & Systems/Solid State Circuits Societies normally meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. This meeting is open to the public and interested parties. Additional details will be posted at the website. If you have any questions about this meeting or this group, please contact or

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Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) - Austin

No meeting scheduled at this time.

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Computer Society - Austin (CS)


What Open Source Can Teach Us About Software Process


Ruven Brooks,   Ruven Brooks Consulting
Ruven Brooks is two years short of fifty years of experience in software development. He has engaged in a wide range of activities, He has worked in a number of roles ranging from computer science researcher to development lead and product architect to onsite customer support of commercial software and software process developer. He has worked in the telecommunications industry, health care, the petroleum industry, and the industrial automation industry. A nail hole on his wall is covered by his Ph.D. diploma in cognitive psychology from Carnegie-Mellon University.


Open source projects produce some of the highest quality software; products such as the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, and the Eclipse integrated development environment are known for their rich and powerful features, their low level of defects, and their good design. The software processes which produce these products, though, are in frequent contradiction to recommended practices in commercial software development.  For example, commercial practice holds that developers are not capable of determining requirements and, therefore, requirements specialists or product owners are needed; in most open source projects, the requirements are determined entirely by the developers.  In commercial software development, it’s  considered a best practice to have test teams separate from the developers; in open sou! rce projects, developers do nearly all of the testing.  The full list of differences is quite long.

In this talk, I will attempt to explain why open source projects succeed despite not following recommended or standard practices, and I will suggest how some commercial development projects may be able to take advantage of the open source approach.


July 14, 2011
6:30 p.m. Networking and Gathering
7:00 p.m. Call to Order, Announcements
7:15 p.m. Presentation, with Q/A
8:45 p.m. Door Prize, Meeting Evaluation, Adjourn


Austin Community College
ACC Highland Business Center
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Room HBC1-411.0






Joint meeting with Austin SPIN

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Computer Society - San Antonio (CS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time




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Central Texas Consultants Network Affinity Group

Topic/Title Product Teardown Analysis for Technical Marketing, Competitive Intelligence, and Intellectual Property Assertion.
Speaker Don Stroud and Bob Widenofer, UBM TechInsights-Austin,
Speaker Bio Don Stroud serves as Product Marketing Manager, Technical Intelligence, UBM TechInsights-Austin, identifying new applications for an extensive database of system and component metrics derived from 1,200+ product teardowns.  He joined the team in 2000 after Portelligent was spun-out from MCC and served as Director of Business Development until the acquisition by UBM TechInsights in 2007. Prior to TechInsights, Don served as Director of Business Development for several successful Austin start-ups including Aerotech Products, Austin Publishing, DataSite, and Aqua Acquisitions. He was destined for the teardown business when he dissected his father’s Emerson reel-reel and his new Briggs & Stratton lawn mower engine at the age of 8.

Bob Widenhofer is a Senior Product Analyst at UBM TechInsights-Austin, producing teardown reports and related industry research on wireless, mobile, and personal electronics.  His external publications on teardown analysis have appeared in EETimes, Medical Design Technology, and Embedded Systems Design.   A veteran of the semiconductor industry, he worked in CMOS device development, characterization, and modeling at Motorola Semiconductor and later at Freescale.  Bob holds Bachelor's ('95) and Master's ('96) degrees in electrical engineering, both from the University of Florida.

“UBM TechInsights is the leading provider of detailed “product teardown analyses” to customers in the semiconductor, wireless, consumer electronics, and intellectual property sectors, who use the teardown data in a variety of applications including technical marketing, competitive intelligence, and the assertion of patent and intellectual property rights.  In our presentation to the IEEE Consultants Network, we will introduce the key technical elements of product teardown analysis as practiced by TechInsights, and provide further detail on how the data is put to use by customer companies.

Date Wednesday,  July 27, 2011
Networking at 6:00 pm; 
Business and Program from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

PoK-e-Jo’s,  2121 W. Parmer Lane at Lamplight Village,  Austin  TX  78727


Cost:  $5.00 minimum charge for the restaurant.   Supper is at optional extra cost.

Reservations Not required.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 
For more information, go to:

For more information, go to:

Do a friend a favor. Bring your colleagues to grow the Consultants Network.

More information on Consultants Networks:

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Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Electron Devices Society (EDS)


Packaging for Portables: Going Vertical & Getting Small


David Carey

David is responsible for UBM TechInsights' open-market research and technical intelligence on semiconductors and systems. He has over 25 years of experience in electronics technology benchmarking, design, and analysis.  Before UBM TechInsights' 2007 acquisition of Portelligent he served as that company's co-founder and President after spinning out of MCC in Austin where he worked for 15 years on advanced packaging. David graduated cum laude with a B.S. and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1983 and 1985 respectively, and is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and IEEE. He is the named inventor in over 15 US and European patents. He is also a Contributing Editor for UBM's EETimes, authoring many of the media group's "Under the Hood" columns.  Outside of work and family, David's interests include historical artifacts, photography/art, and pretty much anything with wheels and a big motor.


Electronics packaging remains a key enabler for the mobile electronic products industry. As silicon technologies march forward in function and performance, the interconnect systems that transform chips into systems are experiencing unrelenting pressure to keep up.  Along with advanced technical attributes, the mobile industry demands cost-effective, high-volume solutions to packaging and "thinking in 3D" is becoming an essential part of product miniaturization. We'll use product teardown analysis of several popular mobile products to examine:

- Silicon densities and how the packaging problem varies with product form-factor

- Printed circuit board and chip packaging technologies in play, with an emphasis on three-dimensional solutions

- The relationship between integration in silicon and integration in packaging

- Some history of 3D packaging that laid the foundations for today's powerhouse portable products.


July 28th, 2011
Meeting time: 6:00-7:30PM
Refreshments: 6:00-6:30PM




Meeting Location: Rio Grande Conference room at SVTC


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Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS)

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time



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Engineering Management

The Engineering Management Society has become the Technology Management Council. Information about meetings can be found in the sections for Technology Management Council - Austin and Technology Management Council - San Antonio

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Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Affinity Group

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time




Notes Welcome from the new Chair of IEEE CTS GOLD,

It is my pleasure to serve as the Chair for CTS GOLD.  I am excited about implementing Social Events, Networking Events, Workshops/Seminars, Focus Groups, Career Guidance Mentorship, and much more. 

I am usually tied to a computer deep in the basement, as most Information Technology workers are, so I am truly excited to plan and participate in events that get me away from staring at a screen.  I enjoy any chance to be outdoors, especially if it is with Remote Control 1/8 scale gas powered buggies, which is one of my favorite hobbies.  I will plan an R/C event if other members enjoy R/C as well, just utilize my contact details below to let me know. 

As the GOLD Group matures, events, discussions, and useful resources will be posted on the following sites.
Linkedin Group:
Facebook Group:

I am planning a kickoff event, so make sure you visit the resource pages above to get the latest news.

Thank you,
Troy Green

More information on GOLD:

GOLD Launches Mentoring Connection Webinar
Are you interested in becoming a mentor or finding a mentor to help with  your professional development? If the answer is yes, check out a free new IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) webinar aimed at
helping mentors and mentees connect with each other. Learn more at

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Instrumentation and Measurement Society


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Laser and Electro Optics Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.

For more information, contact Ray Chen

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Life Members (LM) Affinity Group - San Antonio

Speaker The speaker will be Jerry Henkener, Lead Engineer at SwRI for the new ALVIN personnel sphere.  Jerry is a Staff Engineer at Southwest Research Institute.  He is a Mechanical Design Engineer with more than 40 years experience in the development of underwater components and systems for manned and unmanned vehicles as well as diving support operations. 

This meeting will provide a unique opportunity for insight into the design of a deep diving submersible vehicle that will be in the news making discoveries in the deep oceans for many years to come.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is upgrading their ALVIN deep diving submersible to improve scientific operations and increase the depth capability from 4500 MSW to 6500 MSW (nearly 23,000 feet). This depth capability will enable the new ALVIN to reach explore 98% of the ocean floor. 

Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI®) is under contract to WHOI to design, fabricate and test the new titanium personnel sphere for the submersible.  SwRI has completed the personnel sphere and has nearly completed the fabrication phase. The design and fabrication of the titanium sphere has posed some unique and interesting challenges that have taken a considerable amount of effort to resolve.  The titanium sphere is presently at SwRI in the final phase of assembly and preparations for hydrostatic testing.  After the presentation, there will be a tour of the building where the sphere if being assembled and tested.

Date/Time July 21, 2011
Lunch from 11:30 am to 12:30
Demonstration from 12:30 till 1:10
Location Southwest Research Institute, 6220 Culebra Rd, San Antonio
Lunch will be at the Institute Cafeteria.  This will not be a served lunch - each person will go through the cafeteria line and take their tray into a private dining room.  Everyone will have to pay for their own lunch in this arrangement - but the SwRI cafeteria is fairly reasonable.  

The tour will be in SwRI Building 249 – Large Article Structural Test Facility


Reservations RSVP to Bob Harris (
We will need to have RSVP's so that name badges can be prepared for visitors.  
Notes Enter SwRI at the main entrance on Culebra, about 1 mile inside Loop 410.  You do not need to stop at the guardhouse during normal working hours. 
Follow the main road (Tom Slick Avenue) up the hill.  The cafeteria is on the right and identified as Building 161.  Parking is available just in front of the cafeteria.  Go through the cafeteria line and look for a dining room to the left of the cash register.  The room will have an event sign “IEEE Life Members”.

The demonstration will be in Building 249 .  From the cafeteria parking lot, turn right on Martin Goland Avenue (at the 4-way stop intersection).  Continue on Martin Goland Avenue till you pass a recreation area (track and baseball field) on the right.  Turn right onto Avenue G.  Parking for Building 249 is the on the left side of Avenue G and is marked with the building number. 

More information on LM:

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Power and Energy Society - Austin (PES)

Topic/Title Motor Efficiency
Speaker Brad Santa of Shermco Industries
Brad has worked in the Electrical / Mechanical testing and repair business for 38 years. Starting out, he completed a 4 year Apprenticeship earning a Technical Degree in Electric Motor Repair, before working his way up as a Field Service Technician. Working in the field, he had the opportunity of traveling to different customer’s site gaining a vast amount of hands on
experience in the industry. His travels have taken him throughout the United States, Central America, South America, Europe and the Middle East, testing, learning and performing repairs on large AC generators and motors.

Some of Brad’s other studies and training includes: ISO Internal Auditor Training certified with Lloyds Registrar KSA, Deming Training Indiana Vocational Technical College, I.R.D. Mechanalysis Columbus, Ohio, Multi-Amp Institute Dallas, Texas, Supervisory Training Indiana
Vocational Technical College, SKF Bearing Rebuilder Certified Dallas, Texas and various OEM training on motors and generators.

Brad moved into the management side of the repair business several years ago, working for different repair facilities and most recently with Shermco Industries as the Repair Shop Manager for 5 1⁄2 years. Then last year Brad moved into the Sales Group for Shermco which enables him to interface with customers and the ability to get out and perform presentations concerning maintenance, testing and repair.
Abstract Why is it important?
This presentation will cover different areas of Motor Efficiency
  • Recent legislation that affects new motors
    • Energy Independence and Security Act 2007. The Law became effective on December 19, 2010.
  • Motor Efficiency Program
    • Quality of Power
      • Check and test for power quality issues
    • Maintenance
      • It is important to maintain motors thru regular Preventative
    • Maintenance (PM) programs  Repair, Recondition, Rewind
      • Quality Process for control and materials during repairs
Date/Time Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Social starts at 6:00
6:30 to 7:00 PM Dinner
7:00 to 7:30 PM Business Meeting
7:30 to 8:30 PM Program
9:00 PM room closes for the benefit of long distance drivers and early risers
Location  El Gallo Mexican Restaurant, 512-444-2205
2910 S Congress, Austin Texas 78704 (directions below)
Cost · $11 or $13 for IEEE members and accompanying spouses
· $14 or $16 for non-IEEE members
· $2 for Drinks
· Student members FREE and $2 for specials,
· $3 student visitors, and non-meal participants
The bar will be available to those who care to purchase a drink or beer. When you order, you will have a choice from nine special selections and six traditional combinations on our menu.

Please RSVP - if you plan to attend please reply to this invitation. To reply or for further information, please contact Steve Pearson via email:


There is a large parking lot in front of and on the south side of the restaurant. The meeting will be held in the party room to the left of the cashier’s counter.

Directions:          (See the map linked from the Website,

From I –35:  Exit at Oltorf and drive west. At S. Congress, turn left (south). El Gallo is about 500 feet past the next traffic light (Cumberland), on the right (west) side of Congress, directly across from the entrance to St. Edward’s University.                    

From Ben White Blvd. (US290/SH71):  Exit at S. Congress Avenue and drive north. El Gallo is about 600 feet past the next traffic light (Woodward), on the left (west) side of Congress directly across from the entrance to St. Edward’s University.

Check the web site for further information

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Power and Energy Society - San Antonio

Topic/Title SCADA or PI Historian

Tommy Ross with CPS Energy


Date/Time Thursday, July 21
6:00 Social, 6:30 Dinner, 7:00 Program

Grady's, 6510 San Pedro, San Antonio (210 806-8036)
Directions:Available on our website.


$1 members and non-members, **FREE for students**
(Cash only please, no checks or credit cards)

Reservations Please RSVP to Christina Gaydos @ 210-658-7250.
Notes Meal: Please order from the menu and pay for your meal at that time.
As always you do not have to be an IEEE member to attend. For more information go to our web site at

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Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES)

Topic/Title Tour - Professional Testing  (Round Rock location)
Speaker Tour Guides
Abstract PTI offers testing facilities for Dust Ingress, HALT, Military Requirements, CB Schemes, Vibration & Shock, Water Ingress and other related testing processes to various international standards.
Date/Time July 19, 2011, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Cost None

Not Required

Location Professional Testing, 1601 N. A.W. Grimes Blvd., Suite B, Round Rock, Texas 78664
Notes Please note that this is a different meeting place for the Product Safety  Society chapters.

We encourage you, others in your organization, or other interested parties to participate in our meetings. The PSES meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm, with the program starting at 7:00pm. For further information about the PSES, please contact Dale Ritzen at (512) 651-5338.

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin


No meeting scheduled at thist time








Check our website for details.

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - San Antonio


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society


No meeting scheduled at thist time








For further information, contact David Akopian

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Technology Management Council - Austin

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time
Notes Receipts and Certifications for PDHs will be available.  Doug will have a limited number of copies of his book available for purchase.

int meeting with the Women in Engineering chapter

Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Technology Management Council - San Antonio (TMC)
Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time

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Women in Engineering Affinity Group

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time
Notes Receipts and Certifications for PDHs will be available.  Doug will have a limited number of copies of his book available for purchase.

Joint meeting with the Austin Technology Management Council chapter

Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Conferences, Other Meetings and Events

Local IEEE Conferences

September 26-30, 2011: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster computing (CLUSTER) - Hilton Hotel, Austin TX. 

May 14-17, 2012: 2012 IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference - J.W. Marriott Hill Country Resort, San Antonio, TX. 

June 3-8, 2010: 2012 IEEE 38th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) - Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX.

Other IEEE Events or Workshops

Non-IEEE Meetings and Events of interest suggested by the membership

July 9, 2011
The Tesla Project
2 p.m.– 11 p.m., Saturday, July 9, 2011

Austin, TX - Pump Project is pleased to present THE TESLA PROJECT, an all-day extravaganza honoring the inventor Nikola Tesla, at their Satellite building in East Austin. This event marks the second annual TESLA PROJECT, dedicated to celebrating the genius of an often
overlooked inventor who is credited with things we use everyday: alternating current, induction motor, and the radio.

THE TESLA PROJECT is pleased to announce that ArcAttack will be returning as the headlining band this year. This performance-based band used Tesla coils in their act as well as a Faraday suit. ArcAttack was featured on the NBC 2010 program of America’s Got Talent.

There will also be ...
  • a Tesla-inspired art show, juried by Debra Broz
  • several t-shirt designs to choose from--visitors will be able to pick out a shirt and a screen, and shirts will be printed on the spot
  • the films All About Tesla and The History of Nikola Tesla – a Short Story will be shown throughout the day
  • two Tesla Roadsters will be on view for a portion of the event (one orange, one silver!)
  • performance artist Professor Conrad and group will be bringing THEGIANTBRAIN
  • there will be live music performed all day
  • a team from Bits, Bytes & Bots will have robots and computer activities for children
  • Lyman Grant, Dean of Arts and Humanities at ACC, will reading his Tesla-inspired poem

THE TESLA PROJECT is open to the public.

More information about the event can be found on the website,, including a video of last year’s inaugural event.

July 12, 2011
Agile Austin Meeting
Time:         6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location:     Microsoft Technology Center Quarry Oaks Atrium, Bldg. 2 - 2nd Fl., 10900 S. Stonelake Blvd. Austin, TX 78759
Speaker:     James Wickett, OWASP Austin Chapter Vice President
Matt Tesauro, OWASP Board Member and WTE Project Lead
Title:         Building Security into the Next Iteration
Description:     Software The implicit requirement of "be secure" is simply not good enough. But how can we implement security requirements while maintaining our nimbleness, short code sprints, and tight budgets? There is a movement in the security community that is gaining traction wherein the goal is not 'security' features but to produce Rugged Software. Once exposed to the Internet, complex multi-tenant Web systems encounter a wide range of input from a variety of sources but still have to be long running and behave resiliently in the face of failures.

Using the OWASP Web Test Environment (WTE) we will demo open source tools and projects and show best practices and examples to design and test your software for ruggedness. The OWASP Web Test Environment (WTE) is a free, publicly available, pre-configured security testing environment built for developers of web apps. Two years and over 300,000 downloads later, OWASP WTE has enabled security developers and professionals to amp ! up their testing game. Utilizing the tools available from OWASP WTE, you can incorporate security testing into your next iteration.
Speaker Bio:     James graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2004 with a BBA in MIS, where he also ran a Web startup company. He joined the IT division of National Instruments, where he helped run the NI Web site,, for several years. In 2007 he moved on to lead the Web division of a rapidly growing local publisher, Community Impact. In 2010, he came back to NI, this time to the LabVIEW R&D group, where he leads up security and operations for several cloud-based SaaS products. Over the last several years, James has been involved in the Austin chapter of OWASP as the Chapter President (2007-2009) and as the Chapter VP (2010-present). With his involvement in OWASP, he also co-chaired the Lonestar Application Security Conference (LASCON) which was the first OWASP conference in Austin. He is a security expert, bearing CISSP, GCFW, GWAS, and CCSK certifications.
Matt Tesauro has been involved in the Information Technology industry for more than 10 years. Prior to joining Pra! etorian, Matt was a Security Consultant at Trustwave's Spider Labs. Matt's focus has been in application security including testing, code reviews, design reviews and training. His background in web application development and system administration helped bring a holistic focus to Secure SDLC efforts he's driven. He has taught both graduate level university courses and for large financial institutions. Matt has presented and provided training a various industry events including DHS Software Assurance Workshop, AppSec EU, AppSec US, AppSec Academia, and AppSec Brazil. Matt is currently on the board of the OWASP Foundation and highly involved in many OWASP projects and committees. Matt is the project leader of the OWASP WTE (Web Testing Environment) which is the source of the OWASP Live CD Project and Virtual Machines pre-configured with tools and documentation for testing web applications. Industry designations include the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (! CISSP) and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH). Matt Tesauro has a B.S. in Economics and a M.S in Management Information Systems from Texas A&M University.
Additional Information
Cost:     Free
Map Directions:     From Mopac, take Braker Lane exit. Turn West on Braker Ln to Balcones Center Dr, then turn Right to Stonelake Blvd. Turn left on Stonelake Blvd.
From 183, take Braker Lane exit. Turn East on Braker Ln to Stonelake Blvd. Turn left at Stonelake Blvd. (map)
More Info: or
Agenda:     Sign-in and Networking     6:00 - 6:30 PM
Announcements, Presentation 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Q&A and Networking     8:00 - 8:15 PM
SIG Open Space     8:15 - 9:00 PM

November 5-6, 2011
Second Annual Texas Science and Engineering Festival (TSEF)
It is with great enthusiasm that MAES announces the Second Annual Texas Science and Engineering Festival (TSEF).

The Texas Festival is modeled after the highly successful Austin Science and Engineering Festival. With an estimated 20,000 people in 2010, attendance at the first Austin Science and Engineering Festival (ASEF) proved that STEM is fun!

Fueled by the best scientific and educational resources in the area all geared towards making science interesting, relevant and fun, the ASEF committee worked in partnership with the community to develop an annual initiative to engage and excite Texas in the wonders of science and engineering.

This year we expand the festival to the entire state of Texas with the first state-wide Texas Science and Engineering Festival. The Texas Science and Engineering Festival will be an even larger celebration, jam-packed with the smiling faces of our future scientists and engineers as they explore the myriad of STEM-related activities – lectures, exhibitions, plays, workshops, and more. There will be something for everyone!

As a partner, your name and logo will be prominently displayed on the Festival website. There is no funding required from our partners. Partners are encouraged to:

• promote the festival
• provide volnteers

Where Will You Be When Science Takes Over Texas?

The two-day Expo will be held at the Austin Convention Center on November 5-6, 2011. We invite you to become a partner of the Texas Science and Engineering Festival.

This will be a great opportunity for your organization to gain additional public awareness and recognition. Please join us in encouraging the youth of America to embrace and pursue the opportunities available in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Join us at the Texas Science and Engineering Festival, one of the largest celebrations of science and engineering. We look forward to another exciting, interesting and fun festival.

You can find out more at

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June issue of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer includes these features:

  • Engineers Need Exceptional Growth Plans
  • Getting a Job in a New Industry or Being Hired for a Different Role
  • The New Cool by Neal Bascomb
  • Taking Responsibility for Technology
  • Backscatter: Euterpe and the Engineer
  • Former IEEE-USA President Discovers Ancestor is Aviation Pioneer
  • IEEE-USA Toolkit
  • Tech News Digest
  • Inside the Minds of Congressional Staff
  • Raising Priority for Cyber Security in the Electric Utility Sector's C-Suite
  • Third IEEE Green Technologies Conference Underscores IEEE's Commitment to Clean Tech
  • U.S. Support for Academic Research and Development Lagging Behind Other Nations
  • Improving the Nation's K-12 STEM Education: One School's Program for Educating Future Teachers
  • A Brief History of the U.S. Federal Government and Innovation (Part I: 1787-1917)
  • World Bytes: The Last First World War Combat Veteran Dies

Tips, Tools and Gadgets

I have been a long time listener to podcasts, whether passing the time while exercising, working in the yard, or driving. This allows me to keep up with what is going on in the industry while performing some other task.  Our own IEEE publishes many podcasts on a variety of topics.  Checlking the iTunes store, I found over 500 podcasts when I searched for IEEE.  The one that I subscribe to is the IEEE Spectrum Podcast

I was inroduced to another podcast that most engineers would be interested in while riding with Steve Teleki to a Section Planning meeting a few years ago.  He suggested that we pass the time while we drove to the meeting listening to a Manager Tools podcast.  I have been a subscriber to Manager Tools and their sister podcast Career Tools ever since.  I have found that both of those podcasts have provided many worthwhile recommendations. 

Do you have a favorite podcast that you think other engineers would be interested in?  Send me an email and I will share it in a future issue of the Analog. 

If you have comments, or suggestions as to something I should mention in a future issue, please let me know at  I look forward to reading your comments and suggestions.