IEEE Central Texas Section


Volume 55-08

August 2011

Newsletter of the Central Texas Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.

Archives of The Analog can be found on the CTS web site here.

Published monthly. Deadline for inclusion is the 26th day of the previous month. Send submissions, comments, questions to John Purvis, Editor,


General Interest

Chairman's Column

Membership Development

News of Interest to the Section

Continuing Education

Student Branches

Calls for Volunteers

Local Chapter Activities

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques

Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits

Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

Computer Society - Austin

Computer Society - San Antonio

Consultants Network

Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

Electron Devices Society

Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Graduates of the Last Decade

Instrumentation and Measurement Society

Laser and Electro Optics Society

Life Members Affinity Group

Power Engineering Society - Austin

Power Engineering Society - San Antonio

Product Safety Engineering Society

Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin

Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - San Antonio

Systems, Man and Cybernetics

Technology Management Council - Austin

Technology Management Council - San Antonio

Women in Engineering

Conferences, Other Meetings and Events

Local IEEE Conferences

Other IEEE Events or Workshops

Non-IEEE Meetings & Events of interest suggested by the membership


Latest issue of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer

Tips, Tools and Gadgets




IEEE Region 5

IEEE Central Texas Section

Call for Papers

IEEEXplore - full text access to IEEE Publications

What's New at IEEE

SocietyNews from IEEE

IEEE Standards Association

The Spectrum Online - The Magazine for Technology Insiders

General Interest

Chairman's Column

A lot of things are on the platter for this month.

Saturday, August 27th is the Central Texas Section's Fall Planning Meeting, at Texas State in San Marcos.  An announcement of the meeting will be out shortly.  In the mean time, chapter leaders should be seeing to it that the chapter officer election process is running on schedule.  More detail on that is below and in my article in the April Analog.

The section officers and committee chairs have had a session that includes some strategic planning, and have decided that the chapters and affinity groups can benefit from the doing a planning exercise on their own, with results to be shared in their reports at the meeting in San Marcos.  The suggestion is that every chapter should have a meeting of its officers and leaders to look at SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  A good place to learn about this strategic planning tool is   Spending an hour or so thinking about the operation of the chapter and listing a set of bullet points for each of the four areas mentioned above will help you determine what might improve service to the members of the group.  Sharing the results of the analysis in San Marcos will allow leaders to benefit from the similar effort by other groups of members of the section.  The chapter report template will include a place for the SWOT analysis, which, in turn, will be input to the section's analysis. 

Congratulations to the Members who were upgraded to Senior Member as a result of Joe Redfield's Senior Member event this spring.   42 members were selected to be Senior Members, and there were another 5 or so who needed clarifications of the  justification for their promotion.  Joe is working with them to resubmit their applications for the next meeting of the IEEE Admissions and Advancement Committee.  By the way, our 50 applications for advancement were over ten percent  of the total applications processed at the last A&A Committee meeting while our section represents about one percent of the total IEEE membership. 

For those newly upgraded Senior Members, you will get a chance to specify who should be notified of your upgrade.  Based on my personal experience, you should  target the announcement at the officer level in your company, in your chain of command, rather than your immediate supervisor.  There are benefits to be had as a result of having the congratulations trickle down from officer level. 

Several CTS members will be attending the triennial IEEE Sections Congress in mid-August.  You can expect them to bring home new information about tools for managing the section and your chapters. 

Speaking of tools, the vTools meetings tool is maturing and chapter leaders should consider using it to announce meetings and collect meeting registration information.  It also automates the L31 meeting reporting process.  Clif Denny and John Purvis are working on an arrangement where members will be able to subscribe to chapter meeting notices and have them appear as notifications on their Outlook or  Macintosh calendars.  When this tool matures it will also be used to feed chapter meeting information to the section calendar and to the Analog and Mid-month Reminder.

Chapter elections should take place on about the same schedule as the section elections.  By this time, a nominating committee should have identified candidates for the chapter positions.   We now have the flexibility for chapters to have terms of office of either one or two years.  Until we figure out how to document the choice of each chapter, i'd suggest that this election be for a one year term.  Scott Atkinson will be thinking about how we should document the choice for each chapter without burdening the chapters with keeping a set of bylaws of their own.  

Congratulations are in order for Leslie Martinich.  Leslie has been selected to be an IEEE Congressional Fellow for 2012.  This means that she will work as a staff member for a US Senator or Representative for the year,  sponsored by IEEE-USA.  The Central Texas Section has been a leader in producing Congressional Fellows, with Emily Kopinski and Sherry Gillespie having served in the past.  It is sort of a bittersweet feeling to see Leslie go to  Washington, because Emily and Sherry chose to stay in Washington, and they were extremely valuable volunteers here in Central Texas, as is Leslie.  On the other hand, it should advance her career, as it did for the others. 

Tom Grim
Chairman, Central Texas Section

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Membership Development


The IEEE annual election website opens August 15.  The voting membership of the IEEE annually elects officers that serve on the top-tier IEEE governing bodies. All members eligible to vote who have not voted electronically will receive a paper ballot and a postage-paid reply envelope via USPO. VOTE TODAY at:

IEEE Participation in this Year’s NI WEEK

The IEEE, CTS, and the Austin Communications/Signal Processing Chapter will be participating in this year’s NI Week as exhibitors August 2nd though the 4th.  If you’re at NI Week be sure and stop by and help talk to others about what it is to be an IEEE member!

Did you know about IEEE – IEEE Membership Tool-kit

Did You Know –

The IEEE-USA has put together a website to support membership career development.  Whether you're a student trying to select a focus, if you're just starting your career, or if you're getting close to retirement, IEEE has a wealth of resources to help you at every stage of your professional life.
Resource  highlights:
  • Ebooks
  • Salary Comparison
  • Employment Navigation
  • Others

And it’s FREE ……check it out at:

Joe Redfield
CTS Membership Development Chair

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News of Interest to the Section

COMSOC/SP Chapter Activities
As a part of membership development program and reaching out to the local community in Austin, The COMSOC/SP chapter embarked on a series of initiatives and held 2 job fair with New Horizon (March 2011) and Coast-to-Cost (April 2011) and currently participating at National Instrument NIWeek conference (August 1-4). There was a rich level of dialogue with both employers and those seeking employment. During these events, COMSOC Austin was able to share material, describe services & benefits and extend invitation to join IEEE/COMSOC and the monthly technical meetings.

Fawzi Behmann, Chair COMSOC/SP Austin

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Continuing Education

IEEE-USA offering RISK MANAGEMENT Seminar Series
IEEE-USA has organized a 6-part monthly 1-hour web seminar series where you can learn about two of the most critical life skills that engineers and operations professionals need today: 1. Risk-based problem-solving and 2. Risk based, decision-making under uncertainty. The series will focus on the application of risk management frameworks, standards and practices in engineering with a specific focus on cyber security, public safety and critical infrastructure protection (CIP). We have recruited a set of subject matter experts who will teach the seminars. Dan Skaar, CEO of the Midwest Reliability Organization, will kick off the series on 20 July with "Cyber Security in the Electric Utility Sector".

Participants will secure the following benefits from the risk management online seminars:
An understanding of risk management standards, practices, concepts, and tools.
How risk management can be used to arrive at better solutions and decisions.
Risk applications in software, controls, security, project management and quality.
Risk management’s role to reduce vulnerabilities and increase security in critical infrastructure including the electric power grid, cybersecurity, IT, the Internet and more.

Cost is $19 per seminar ($89 for the series) for IEEE members (non-member rate $38/$189). Participants will have access to a host of online risk resources, including articles in IEEE-USA’s Today’s Engineer, webinar replay, risk articles, blogs, comment/discussion with risk experts, and much more.
  • 20-Jul; 2-3 PM; Cyber Security in the Electric Utility Sector; Dan Skaar, Midwest Reliability Organization
  • 17-Aug; 12-1 PM; Application of Risk Management During Project Definition; Paul Kostek, Air Direct Solutions
  • 21-Sep; 2-3 PM; Risk Management Standards and Decision-making; Ed Perkins
  • 19-Oct; 1-2 PM; Enterprise Risk Management and Information System Security; Peter Malpass, FAA
  • 16-Nov; 2-3 PM; Lean/Six Sigma and Risk Reduction; Adina Suciu, Adav LLC
  • 14-Dec; 1-2 PM; Risk-based Metrics for Software System Design, Development and Test; Jeffrey Voas, NIST

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Student Branches

St Mary's University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Djaffer Ibaroudene, email:
Branch Chair: Ug Igboanugo, email:

Texas State University - San Marcos (new branch, 2009)
Faculty Adviser: Larry Larson, email:
Branch President: Eduardo Gonzalez, email:

Trinity University - San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Farzan Aminian, email:
Branch Chair: Paurakh Rajbhandary, email:

University of Texas at Austin (
Faculty Adviser: Sriram Vishwanath, email:
Branch Chair: Alex Scheuermann, email:

University of Texas at San Antonio (
Faculty Adviser: Yufang Jin, email:
Branch Chair: Kevin Messenhimer, email:

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Calls for Volunteers

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Local Chapter Activities

Antennas & Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques (APS/MTTS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time








We are looking for anyone interested in presenting at our next meeting.  If interested please contact Jeremy Pruitt @

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Joint Circuits and Systems/Solid-State Circuits (CASS/SSCS)


Fabless I.C. Implementation Workshop


Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Dr. Rakesh Kumar is President of Technology Connexions (TCX Inc.), a services company which provides management, business and technical 'bridging the gaps' consulting in advanced semiconductor technology, and virtual operations areas.  The TCX client list includes many emerging companies as well as top 10 semiconductor companies, Intel and Qualcomm. He is also CEO of ei2, a fabless electronics integration company.  During 37 years in the semiconductor industry Dr. Kumar has held various technical and executive positions. He was VP & GM of the worldwide Silicon Technology Services business unit at Cadence Design Systems and Tality.  At Unisys and Motorola he made technical and management contributions.
Dr. Kumar has authored the book "Fabless Semiconductor Implementation", published by McGraw Hill in 2008.  He has also authored numerous publications and patents.  Dr. Kumar is a Fellow of the IEEE, and will be the President of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society in 2012-13. He serves on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Technology Management Council.  Dr. Kumar is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits Societies. He has chaired and served on the Steering and Program committees of the IEEE CICC (Custom IC Conference) for fourteen years.

He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rochester in 1974 and 1971 respectively. He received his B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi in 1969. Dr. Kumar received an Executive MBA from the University of California, San Diego in 1989., +1.858.945.3758.


There are over 1300 fabless Integrated Circuit companies worldwide, and over 20% of the worldwide semiconductor revenue now comes from fabless companies. While the available infrastructure makes it relatively easy to launch a fabless IC company these days, the success rate of new start-ups remains relatively low.

After providing a brief background and status of the semiconductor industry and the fabless model, this seminar will offer a discussion of the major reasons for the low success rate of fabless start-ups. Then the presentation will provide detailed suggestions in all phases of IC implementation for increasing the company's success probability. One or more case studies/examples will be included. Key success factors are technical, marketing and business considerations such as technology selection, product specification, product positioning, cost optimization, and understanding the customer value chain. Included will be a discussion of design methodologies, process prototyping, production ramp, reliability qualification, customer support, and the like.  The workshop will also have a brief discussion of challenges in scaling up the company beyond the first few successful I.C. products.
A panel discussion is being planned to follow the formal presentation.

The author's recently published book, "Fabless Semiconductor Implementation", McGraw Hill, will serve as a reference text.


Saturday, August 13th, 2011, 9 am - 5 pm


  • Advanced registration (prior to 7/20/2011): $75/IEEE member, $100/non member, $15 for student (ID required)
  • Regular registration (after 7/20/2011 or at door): $100/IEEE member, $125/non member, $25 for student
  • The fee includes all lectures, a complete set of course notes and lunch.



Engineering-Science Building (ENS), Room 314, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
201 East 24th Street, Austin, TX 78712


Registrants are encouraged to send in a list of up to 3 questions/issues they would like addressed in the seminar presentation and/or in the panel discussion at the end of the presentation on August 13. Please send questions to no later than August 9.

A signed copy of the book 'Fabless Semiconductor Implementation' will be available for purchase at a deeply discounted price ($45) to each paying attendee.  Please contact the speaker prior to the meeting.


The joint Circuits & Systems/Solid State Circuits Societies normally meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. This meeting is open to the public and interested parties. Additional details will be posted at the website. If you have any questions about this meeting or this group, please contact or

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Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) - Austin

Topic/TitleTechnological and economical challenges for SI engineers
SpeakerMoises Cases, The Cases Group
Date/TimeAugust 18, 2010 / 6:00pm-7:30pm
LocationMicroelectronics Research Center, JJ Pickle Research Campus on Burnet road, University of Texas at Austin

Om P Mandhana
IEEE-CPMT Chapter in Austin
Networking and Multimedia Group
Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas
(512) 996-6063

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Computer Society - Austin (CS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time










Joint meeting with Austin SPIN

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Computer Society - San Antonio (CS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time




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Central Texas Consultants Network Affinity Group

Topic/Title Protecting IP on a Bootstrap Budget
Speaker Bob Villhard
Speaker Bio Bob is a Rocket Scientist turned Patent Attorney.  Bob brings his NASA-can-do attitude to solving IP related issues.  He possesses 9 years of patent preparation and prosecution experience coupled with over 15 years of engineering and management experience.  Bob has written over 100 patent applications, prosecuted hundreds more, and successfully appealed applications for universities, established corporations, entrepreneurs, start-up companies, and other clients.  In addition he has helped clients design around existing patents, performed non-infringement analyses, and supervised other Intellectual Property Attorneys.  Moreover, Bob's extensive engineering and managerial experience includes work on the Space Station and Space Shuttle projects (among other NASA projects).

"Protecting IP on a Bootstrap Budget" delves into what steps cash-starved startups, bootstraps, and other entrepreneurs can take to protect their intellectual property (IP).  While the presentation will focus on patents, it will also cover copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and trade secrets.  The presentation will be interactive so there is no need to hold questions for the end.  The evening will include time though for Q and A at the end.

Date Wednesday,  August 24, 2011
Networking at 6:00 pm; 
Business and Program from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

PoK-e-Jo’s,  2121 W. Parmer Lane at Lamplight Village,  Austin  TX  78727


Cost:  $5.00 minimum charge for the restaurant.   Supper is at optional extra cost.

Reservations Not required.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 
For more information, go to:

For more information, go to:

Do a friend a favor. Bring your colleagues to grow the Consultants Network.

More information on Consultants Networks:

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Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Electron Devices Society (EDS)


No meeting scheduled at thist time







Meeting Location: Rio Grande Conference room at SVTC


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Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS)

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time



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Engineering Management

The Engineering Management Society has become the Technology Management Council. Information about meetings can be found in the sections for Technology Management Council - Austin and Technology Management Council - San Antonio

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Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Affinity Group

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time




Notes Welcome from the new Chair of IEEE CTS GOLD,

It is my pleasure to serve as the Chair for CTS GOLD.  I am excited about implementing Social Events, Networking Events, Workshops/Seminars, Focus Groups, Career Guidance Mentorship, and much more. 

I am usually tied to a computer deep in the basement, as most Information Technology workers are, so I am truly excited to plan and participate in events that get me away from staring at a screen.  I enjoy any chance to be outdoors, especially if it is with Remote Control 1/8 scale gas powered buggies, which is one of my favorite hobbies.  I will plan an R/C event if other members enjoy R/C as well, just utilize my contact details below to let me know. 

As the GOLD Group matures, events, discussions, and useful resources will be posted on the following sites.
Linkedin Group:
Facebook Group:

I am planning a kickoff event, so make sure you visit the resource pages above to get the latest news.

Thank you,
Troy Green

More information on GOLD:

GOLD Launches Mentoring Connection Webinar
Are you interested in becoming a mentor or finding a mentor to help with  your professional development? If the answer is yes, check out a free new IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) webinar aimed at
helping mentors and mentees connect with each other. Learn more at

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Instrumentation and Measurement Society


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Laser and Electro Optics Society

No meeting scheduled at this time.

For more information, contact Ray Chen

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Life Members (LM) Affinity Group - San Antonio

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time




Reservations RSVP to Bob Harris (
We will need to have RSVP's so that name badges can be prepared for visitors.  

More information on LM:

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Power and Energy Society - Austin (PES)

Topic/Title Engineering Ethics
Speaker Ron Reed of Reed Engineering Group
Ron Reed graduated Magna Cum Laude from the State University of New York with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Engineering in 1971, following which he spent 4 years in the US Army as an Infantry Lieutenant. After his Army stint, he attended Syracuse University this time for a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, again graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1975 which got him a job at Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory in Dallas. From there, he moved to Rone Engineers in Dallas. During his tenure at Rone, he graduated from UT-Arlington with a Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering in 1980, was licensed as a Professional Engineer in 1980, was recognized as the Outstanding Young Engineer by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers for 1983, and rose from staff engineer to Senior Vice-President. In 1988, Ron opened his own engineering firm, Reed Engineering Group which specializes in Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Consulting, and Construction observation.

Ron is active in both the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. He has published extensively in both ASCE and TSPE, was awarded the John B. Hawley Award by ASCE in 1994 for Technical Paper of Outstanding Merit, and was the TSPE President for 1988-89. Ron is not only a Texas P.E., but is licensed in 5 other states, also! Ron’s specialty is what we used to call soil mechanics, that is: soil slope stability, rock slope analysis, soil compressive strength, foundation design and analysis, and ground water (subsurface) movement.
Abstract The proliferation of litigation has resulted in legal experts who frequently have little if any actual preconstruction design experience. These experts frequently become advocates for their clients, who may be either the legal or insurance community. This advocatory approach to testimony can be in violation of the Engineering Practice Act, Paragraph 137.57, (a) *Engineers shall issue statements only in an objective and truthful manner* if the testimony is slanted to reflect the client's position.

Three case studies are presented where the expert appears to have taken a contrarian opinion relative to common practice and the evidence. An attempt will be made to present each case study without bias to allow the reader to arrive at their own conclusion. Ron will also present the issues in general terms understandable to all engineers, not just Geotechnical Engineers.
Date/Time Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Social starts at 6:00
6:30 to 7:00 PM Dinner
7:00 to 7:30 PM Business Meeting
7:30 to 8:30 PM Program
9:00 PM room closes for the benefit of long distance drivers and early risers
Location  El Gallo Mexican Restaurant, 512-444-2205
2910 S Congress, Austin Texas 78704 (directions below)
Cost · $11 or $13 for IEEE members and accompanying spouses
· $14 or $16 for non-IEEE members
· $2 for Drinks
· Student members FREE and $2 for specials,
· $3 student visitors, and non-meal participants
The bar will be available to those who care to purchase a drink or beer. When you order, you will have a choice from nine special selections and six traditional combinations on our menu.

Please RSVP - if you plan to attend please reply to this invitation. To reply or for further information, please contact Steve Pearson via email:


There is a large parking lot in front of and on the south side of the restaurant. The meeting will be held in the party room to the left of the cashier’s counter.

Directions:          (See the map linked from the Website,

From I –35:  Exit at Oltorf and drive west. At S. Congress, turn left (south). El Gallo is about 500 feet past the next traffic light (Cumberland), on the right (west) side of Congress, directly across from the entrance to St. Edward’s University.                    

From Ben White Blvd. (US290/SH71):  Exit at S. Congress Avenue and drive north. El Gallo is about 600 feet past the next traffic light (Woodward), on the left (west) side of Congress directly across from the entrance to St. Edward’s University.

Check the web site for further information

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Power and Energy Society - San Antonio

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time



Reservations Please RSVP to Christina Gaydos @ 210-658-7250.

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Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES)

Topic/Title Energy Star
Speaker Jeff Hailey, Regulatory Strategist, Dell
Abstract An update on Energy Star, the joint program of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy designed to help consumers to save money and protect the environment though energy efficient products and practices.  Jeff will review the significant changes to the program that have been implemented in 2011.
Date/Time August 16, 2011, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Cost None

Not Required

Location Dell Parmer Campus, Parmer South Building 4, Victoria Conference Room (just inside the visitor’s entrance)

We encourage you, others in your organization, or other interested parties to participate in our meetings. The PSES meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm, with the program starting at 7:00pm. For further information about the PSES, please contact Dale Ritzen at (512) 651-5338.

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - Austin


No meeting scheduled at thist time








Check our website for details.

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Joint Signal Processing/Communications Society - San Antonio


No meeting scheduled at thist time








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Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society


No meeting scheduled at thist time








For further information, contact David Akopian

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Technology Management Council - Austin

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time
Notes Receipts and Certifications for PDHs will be available.  Doug will have a limited number of copies of his book available for purchase.

int meeting with the Women in Engineering chapter

Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Technology Management Council - San Antonio (TMC)
Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time

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Women in Engineering Affinity Group

Topic/Title No meeting scheduled at thist time
Notes Receipts and Certifications for PDHs will be available.  Doug will have a limited number of copies of his book available for purchase.

Joint meeting with the Austin Technology Management Council chapter

Contact Leslie Martinich ( for more information about the Austin TMC.

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Conferences, Other Meetings and Events

Local IEEE Conferences, Events or Workshops

September 16, 2011: Solar Technology Workshop, 7700 W Parmer Ln, Austin, TX 78729.  Early registration ends August 30th.  Registration:
Solar Technology Workshop presents the latest development on the technology convergence of microelectronics and solar power.

This workshop is intended for technical leaders, scientists, engineers, educators, researchers,
developers, investors, students and manufacturers of microelectronic and Solar Power products.

08:00am    Registration / Breakfast
09:00am    Keynote talk: Technology and Economics for Distributed PV Power Conversion -
Ron Van Dell , Chief Executive Officer, SolarBridge Technologies.
10:30 am    Break
10:45am   World record breaking 43.5% efficient concentrator solar cells - Daniel Derkacs , Manager of cell design, Solar Junction.
12:00pm    Lunch
01:30pm    Exploring the Future of Electric Power - John H. Baker Jr., Director of utility systems research, the Pecan Street Project Inc.
02:45pm   Microinverter Fundamentals: Experiences from the field - Magnus Asbo, Director of Products, Enphase
04:00pm    Break
04:15pm    Introduction of Freescale Microcontrollers for solar inverter applications – System Architecture and Communications - Charlie Wu , Sr. System & Application Engineer, Freescale.
05:30pm    Reception

More information at

September 26-29, 2011: ComSoc’s First Online Conference on
Energy-Efficient Communications & Green Technologies

IEEE GreenCom will highlight the latest networking, energy management and smart grid communications in an effort to greatly advance the introduction of the newest global greenhouse gas emission and energy consumption reduction solutions.

Speakers representing Ericsson, Samsung, INRIA, IMEDA Networks, Create-Net, Telecom ParisTech, Royal Institute of Technology, Dresden University of Technology, Tohoku University, Politecnico di Milano and the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications will address wide reaching global warming topics ranging from Smart Grid architecture modeling, dynamic pricing and demand response scheduling to demand shaping green communications, energy-efficient power control and home energy management.

Specific topics will include analyses of:
- Base Station Power Consumption Minimization Using On/Off Power Amplifiers
- Minimum Energy & Maximum Capacity Paths in Multi-hop Wireless Networks
- WiFi Network Energy Consumption Behaviours
- Energy-aware Load Balancing for Parallel Packet Processing Engines
- GRIDA: A Green Distributed Algorithm for Backbone Networks
- Stochastic Charging Management for plug-in Electric Vehicles in Smart Microgrids
- Design, Implementation & Evaluation of Renewable Energy Modules
- The Energy Saving Potential of Cyclic Sleep in Optical Access Systems
For a full list of presentations, visit

Ecological Conferencing Format:
Provides international audiences with the ability to participate in near-physical experiences without travel and from the comfort of their own home and/or work environments.

Registration Fees:
- ComSoc Member:             USD $150 (Save $100)
- IEEE Member:                   USD $175 (Save $100)
- Non-Member:                    USD $225 (Save $100)
- Student/Life Member:         USD $75 (Save $50)  
To receive these rates, register by Monday, August 15 at

September 26-30, 2011: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster computing (CLUSTER) - Hilton Hotel, Austin TX. 

October 14, 2011.  IEEE Central Texas Section, Power & Energy Society, Austin Chapter, Class Announcement - "Grounding Electrical Systems"
Location: Creedmore,  Texas
Time: 09:00AM to 05:00PM (8.00 hours) All times are: US/Central
Email meeting contact... Please RSVP - if you plan to attend please reply to this invitation. To reply or for further information, please contact Steve Pearson via email:
For more information:

May 14-17, 2012: 2012 IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference - J.W. Marriott Hill Country Resort, San Antonio, TX. 

June 3-8, 2010: 2012 IEEE 38th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) - Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX.

Non-IEEE Meetings and Events of interest suggested by the membership

August 2, 2011
Central Texas Electronics Association
 Electronics Design & Manufacturing Symposium
National Instruments, Bldg-C, 11500 N. MoPac

3:00  -  Registration Begins
3:30  -  Welcome and Introductions
3:35  -  "Commercializing Nanofabricated Devices for Drug Delivery – Is It Actually Possible?"
              Randy Goodall, CEO,  NanoMedical Systems
4:05  -  "Fluid Flow Mechanics – Key to Low Standoff Cleaning”
              Naveen Ravindran, Application Engineer,  Zestron
4:35  -  Break & Networking
4:45  -  "Constraint Driven HDI PCB Design"
              Weldon Tadlock, CID+,  Cadence Design Systems
             (Sponsored by the IPC Designers Council Austin Heart of Texas (AHOT) Chapter)
5:15  -  "Electronic Reliability and Materials Issues with Electric Propulsion Systems"
             Julian Partridge, VP,  KLD Energy Technologies
5:45  -  Closing Remarks
6:00  -  Food & Refreshments Served and More Networking
Registration: RSVP to Bob Baker at:
There is no charge for SMTA, IMAPS, or IPC DC members;  $10 for all non-members

August 2, 2011
Agile Austin Meeting
Date:     August 2, 2011
Time:     6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location:     Pervasive Software, 12365-B Riata Trace Parkway
Speaker:     Bruce Tate, RapidRed, Author
Title:     Languages and Leverage: The impact of programming languages on high-leverage programming
Description:     In 2010, Bruce Tate released the book Seven Languages in Seven Weeks covering Ruby, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, Clojure, and Haskell. This best-selling book made the case that learning programming languages makes us better programmers. In Language and Leverage, Bruce will talk about his experiences in writing about seven different programming languages for a single book. He'll pay special attention to the topics that are most interesting to the Agile community:

. What kind of impact can a programming language have on reading and writing today's applications?
. What are the tradeoffs that we can come to expect when using programming languages outside of the mainstream?
. What kinds of problems are these languages ideally suited to solve?

In essence, Bruce will try to capture the essence of several languages and what makes each one interesting.
Speaker Bio:     Bruce Tate is a mountain biker, kayaker, and father of two from Austin, Texas. He runs RapidRed, a small consulting practice that focuses on rapid development of complex Internet applications for young companies using emerging technologies. The international speaker and author has written more than ten books, including Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, Beyond Java, and Rails Up and Running.
Additional Information
Cost:     Free
Map Directions:     Riata Trace Parkway is between Duval and Oak Knoll off 183. From 183: exit Oak Knoll Drive, turn right at Riata Trace Parkway. 12365-B is 0.8 miles on right (map)
More Info: or

August 6, 2011
ProductCamp 7 - an opportunity for learning all about Product Management and Product Marketing.  For further information see

August 18, 2011
Austin Door64 Happy Hour - for more informatio

August 24, 2011
Geek Austin Ruby on Rails class - Anthony Lewis will once again be teaching his Beginning Ruby on Rails class for GeekAustin. The first session sold out. For more details and registration info, visit the Eventbrite page:

August 30, 2011
The Texas Institute is pleased to announce its Electricity and Smart Grid Fundamentals Training Seminar on Thursday, August 25th in Dallas, TX and on Tuesday, August 30th in Austin. Understanding the complex and dynamic electric industry requires specialized training led by industry experts. The Texas Institute provides comprehensive, expert-led training programs designed to help everyone from new hires to veterans learn about the industry and successfully apply the knowledge in their careers. Please click here to view program details as a PDF.
Also, The Texas Institute and Collin College have partnered together to create a Smart Grid Management Certification program through an awarded SECO grant. The program will include fully developed curricula for six, blended delivery courses. The certification will prepare both incoming and incumbent employees working in the energy industry sector the necessary skills to work in the changing energy environment. Full development of the program is expected by summer 2012. Click here to read more about the program in the Star Local News.

October 10-13, 2011: Automation Bootcamp! cPanel Conference '11. 

Monday, October 10, 2011 12:00 PM - Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:00 PM (Central Time)
701 East 11th Street
Austin, Texas 78701
United States
Event Details:
Phone: 713-529-0800, Email:

November 5-6, 2011
Second Annual Texas Science and Engineering Festival (TSEF)
It is with great enthusiasm that MAES announces the Second Annual Texas Science and Engineering Festival (TSEF).

The Texas Festival is modeled after the highly successful Austin Science and Engineering Festival. With an estimated 20,000 people in 2010, attendance at the first Austin Science and Engineering Festival (ASEF) proved that STEM is fun!

Fueled by the best scientific and educational resources in the area all geared towards making science interesting, relevant and fun, the ASEF committee worked in partnership with the community to develop an annual initiative to engage and excite Texas in the wonders of science and engineering.

This year we expand the festival to the entire state of Texas with the first state-wide Texas Science and Engineering Festival. The Texas Science and Engineering Festival will be an even larger celebration, jam-packed with the smiling faces of our future scientists and engineers as they explore the myriad of STEM-related activities – lectures, exhibitions, plays, workshops, and more. There will be something for everyone!

As a partner, your name and logo will be prominently displayed on the Festival website. There is no funding required from our partners. Partners are encouraged to:

• promote the festival
• provide volnteers

Where Will You Be When Science Takes Over Texas?

The two-day Expo will be held at the Austin Convention Center on November 5-6, 2011. We invite you to become a partner of the Texas Science and Engineering Festival.

This will be a great opportunity for your organization to gain additional public awareness and recognition. Please join us in encouraging the youth of America to embrace and pursue the opportunities available in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Join us at the Texas Science and Engineering Festival, one of the largest celebrations of science and engineering. We look forward to another exciting, interesting and fun festival.

You can find out more at

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July issue of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer includes these features:

Advice for Engineers Who Hate Networking

  • Easy Ways to Find Contacts to Network into Your Target Employers - Part One
  • Book Review: This Time Is Different -- Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
  • A Brief History of the U.S. Federal Government and Innovation (Part II: 1917-1945)
  • IEEE-USA Teams Up with Industry to Promote High-Tech Immigration and Job Creation
  • IEEE Innovator Recognized for 250th Patent
  • Meeting with Legislators
  • When Do Software Systems Need to be Engineered?
  • EcoCAR Competition Prepares Engineering Students to Tackle Tomorrow's Engineering Challenges
  • Impasse Over Yucca Mountain
  • Biofuel -- A Viable Solution Engineered from Algae
  • Application of Risk Management During Project Definition

Tips, Tools and Gadgets

This isn't something that you can use right now here in central Texas, but believe it or not, one day, it will get cooler! 

A few years ago I was listening to one of my regular podcasts, The Daily Giz Wiz ( and they spoke of a jacket from Scottevest (  What made this jacket stand out from the other usual jackets was it's design with the gadget oriented in mind.  They come with more pockets than you can imagine (I think that the jacket I ended up getting has 24 pockets!) and internal routing channels for your iPod or other audio headset cables. 

Pockets are a mix of magnetic, velcro and zipper closed, some are pockets within pockets.  You can carry all sorts of stuff and not look like you are bulging at the seems.  I wore my jacket the first time when my wife and I took a vacation to Chicago.  I carried camera, guide books, souvenirs, water bottles -  all sorts of stuff easily. 

Also, most of the jackets and vests have pockets designed to protect important documents, like passports, when traveling outside the states.  Many jackets even have pockets large enough to accomodate an iPad or laptop!  So if you are going to be on the go in cool weather, and want to carry all of your "stuff" with you easily, these are something to consider. 

If you have comments, or suggestions as to something I should mention in a future issue, please let me know at  I look forward to reading your comments and suggestions.