IEEE Central Texas Section


Volume 48-02 February 2004

A Newsletter of the Central Texas Section ( of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.
Published monthly (Deadline is the 25th day of the previous month), John R. Purvis, Editor (

Quick Links

Section Activities Chapter Activities
The Chairman's Column Joint Communications / Signal Processing Societies Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
The Next Section Meeting Computer Society Power Engineering Society
Other Important Events and Notes of Interest Consultant's Network Women in Engineering
Editor's Notes Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Joint Solid-State Circuits / Circuits and Systems Societies
Email List Engineering Management Society Laser and ElectroOptics Society
Product Safety Society Student Branches

The Chairman's Column
A New Year, New Challenges, New Opportunities
The Section started off this year on a positive note with a joint meeting with San Antonio AIAA, ASME, ASM, and IEEE societies. The program on Southwest Research Institute's Testing and Modeling Support of the Columbia Investigation was excellent, as was the dinner. The opportunity to mix with engineers in other disciplines was enjoyable. I hope that we can capitalize on this during the year ahead by holding other meetings, either at the Section or Chapter level, with sister societies.

We have many opportunities ahead of us this year. The Section established, or reactivated, three IEEE Society Chapters in 2003 - Lasers and Electro Optics, Solid State Circuits/Circuits and Systems, and Product Safety. We now have local Chapters of 11 of the 38 IEEE Societies in the Central Texas Section. Where are your professional interests? Is there an IEEE Society that addresses your area of specialization? Do you want to see a new Chapter established to help your professional development? Contact us, and we will help you to explore the possibility of establishing a local Chapter.

Professional Engineering

There have been significant changes in requirements for Professional Engineer renewal. An engineer must acquire 15 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) in order to renew his license each year, one of which must be ethics related. You MUST have these credits when you renew your license in the year 2005. You can receive credit starting in September 2003. The TBPE is planning to change your renewal date to your birthday. Up to 15 PDH credits may be "rolled over" to the next year.

Attendance at technical meetings offered by Societies like ASME, TSPE, IEEE, AIAA, etc. can count for some of the PDHs. So can the time that you spend serving as an officer or committee member of one of these Societies. Other PDHs can come from attending technical presentations, seminars, and so on.

There are several ways to earn PDHs. Check the TBPE Web site for full details, but here is a summary of PDH sources: