The IEEE Central Texas Consultants
Network is an affinity group of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
(IEEE) Region 5 Central Texas
The Consultants Network promotes the development
of members' careers through professional and
social networking, including publicizing members'
skills and sharing potential professional
opportunities, and supports the IEEE Central Texas
Meetings - General Information
The Consultants Network meets monthly. Except
when meeting jointly with other groups, the
Consultants Network meets on the fourth Wednesday
of each month. Meetings usually begin with
informal networking from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m.,
followed by presentations from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
by experts in technology, marketing, sales,
advertising, financial or legal needs of small
businesses and special needs of consultants
19, 2023
of Officers for 2024
It is
time to nominate candidates for
Consultants Network (CTCN) and Life
Member leadership positions. The slate
will be presented in this meeting, but
it is not too late to nominate yourself
or someone you know for one of these
positions. Please give it some thought.
Send nominee information to either Luis
Basto (CTCN),,
or Bill Martino, Life Members,
Biotech and the Convergence of
Conventional and Emerging Technology
---> Please note this week's meeting is
the 3rd Thursday of the month.
It will be
a virtual meeting.
Zoom info will be sent approximately 20 hrs
before the meeting. <---
Please excuse the small font below, to
register for this event, please
go here.
Registration: |
--> register
here <-- to
receive information to the Zoom
Topic: |
and the Convergence of Conventional and
Emerging Technology
Abstract: |
Have you ever wondered
how genetic engineering and artificial
intelligence combine to advance
personalized medicine? Curious about
the disruptive potential of
nanotechnology in drug delivery? And
let's not forget the groundbreaking
field of bioprinting, where we'll
explore how the idea of 3D printing
was used to revolutionize tissue
engineering and regenerative medicine.
This will be an
interactive session where you'll not
only learn about the exciting
advancements in biotech but also can
have the opportunity to actively
participate through questions and
Led by a knowledgeable
biomedical engineer/entrepreneur, this
session will explore the powerful
synergy that arises when conventional
and emerging technologies converge in
biotech. We'll dive into real-life
case studies demonstrating this
convergence's transformative impact.
We'll encourage an open
dialogue throughout the talk,
welcoming your questions and fostering
engaging discussions. Please share
your thoughts, ideas, and concerns, as
we believe that active participation
leads to a deeper understanding and a
more enriching learning experience.
Prepare to be
captivated by the limitless
possibilities that emerge at the
convergence of conventional medical
approaches and other technology.
Envision a future where traditional
and emerging technologies seamlessly
collaborate, pushing the boundaries of
what's achievable in medicine,
personal health, and beyond.
So, prepare to
participate and bring your questions
to the table as we embark on this
exciting journey together. Join us as
we unravel the captivating world of
biotech, where the convergence of
conventional and emerging technology
shapes the future of innovation.
Speaker |
Scott Collins,
Chairman of BioAustinCTX
Speaker's bio |

Dr. Scott Colllins
is an
accomplished and
forward-looking CEO, renowned
for his diverse expertise and
exceptional achievements. With
a Ph.D. in Biomedical
Engineering and a successful
company sale, he possesses a
unique blend of technical and
business acumen.
As a visionary
leader, Dr. Collins enjoys
working with companies,
innovators, and organizations
to identify the path of least
resistance toward commercial
success. His
multi-disciplinary approach,
coupled with a virtual MBA,
allows him to offer insightful
solutions for raising funds
and accelerating growth.
Date & Time: |
October 19, 2023 : 6:00 - 7:30pm
Location: |
Map: |
to see map location
Cost: |
Reservations: |
Please click Reservations link
at top of form to register.
For more information. |
If you are interested in professional career
development and cross-training in varied technical
fields, please consider joining the Central Texas
Consultants Network. And bring a colleague!
Presentation materials, if available, may be
obtained after the meeting through the Past Meetings page.
Other meetings and events of
Free IEEE-USA Webinars
webinars are designed to help you find your next
job, elevate your career, negotiate your salary,
understand workplace ethics, develop soft skills
and more.
Please Join us for our
upcoming free webinars:
IEEE-USA Talking
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 - 10 AM ET
Details / Registration:
External factors unrelated to technology
that include global pandemics and wars
have influenced the development and
applications of technology. As a result,
the world has transformed itself and it
continues to evolve and reinvent itself
through technology. Technology is a key
enabler of global transformation driven by
comprehensive developments, often called
"Megatrends." Megatrends coalesce around
multiple interacting or mutually dependent
developments, last for a long time, and
have broad impacts not just to technology,
but to business, society and the
environment. Simply put, they impact all
of humanity. In this talk we present
predictions of individual technology
developments as well as megatrends.
Happiness: 7 Steps To Get It - And Keep
It! (Part 1)
When: Wednesday, 1 November 2023 - 2 PM ET
Details / Registration:
YOU are in charge of YOUR career. No one else.
But likely no one taught you how to take the
right actions to get what you want. And if you
are like most, you aren't even sure what you
want. Eek! Our Presenter Julie Bauke will take
us through her Career Catalyst process to
clarity that leads to powerful action.
Join us for first part of this two-part
webinar series that will put you on the path
to your Career Happiness! This program is for
all members- regardless of the stage you are
in your career.
Part 1:
- Getting to Self-Awareness: Who you are,
- Building your reputation: How others see
you – and why that matters!
- Aligning yourself with what your
organization needs.
Alliance of IEEE Consultants
Network (AICN) Newsletter
3rd Qtr 2023 AICN Newsletter
2nd Qtr 2023 AICN Newsletter
1st Qtr 2023 AICN Newsletter
IEEE Central Texas - Social Media Sites
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please use hashtag #IEEECTS in tweets
regarding the Section |
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