C Joint PES/IAS/PELS Chapter
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Joint PES/IAS/PELS Chapter - R9

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1. Date: February 22th 2008, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil;
Lecture Title: Studies on the behavior of ant colonies
Attendance: IEEE members: 4; Guests: 25; Total: 29
Speaker: Dr. Karla Vittori.
This subject is inspiring for development of new models in different fields.

2. Date: April 16th 2008, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Study of electromagnetic transients: load rejection in the interconnection Southeast/Northeast
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 21; Total: 24
Speaker: Dr. Alecio Barreto Fernandes.
This is a very important subject in power systems studies. Important for members, students and engineers to know the Brazilian experience on power systems interconnection.

3. Date: April 28th 2008, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Voltage Stability as a Dynamic Phenomenon
Attendance: IEEE members: 5; Guests: 23; Total: 28
Speaker: Dr. Costas Vournas (Distinguished Lecturer).
This is a very important subject in power systems studies.

4. Date: April 28th 2008, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Wind Power Integration: Modelling and Stability Aspects
Attendance: IEEE members: 6; Guests: 13; Total: 19
Speaker: Dr. Costas Vournas (Distinguished Lecturer).
Important due to the energy generation problems in the world at this moment.

5. Date: April 29th 2008, CHESF/CDSH, Recife/PE, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Wind Power Integration: Modelling and Stability Aspects
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 20; Total: 23
Speaker: Dr. Costas Vournas (Distinguished Lecturer).
This important theme has been repeated in Recife.

6. Date: July 29th 2008, CHESF/CDSH, Recife/PE, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Voltage Stability as a Dynamic Phenomenon
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 18; Total: 21
Speaker: Dr. Costas Vournas (Distinguished Lecturer).
This subject is important for power engineering students and engineers.

7. Date: August 29th 2008, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Shannon theoretical problems in cryptography.
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 12; Total: 15
Speaker:Anderson C. A. Nascimento
Important to open mind.

8. Date: September 10th 2008, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Partial discharge noise or signal?
Attendance: IEEE members: 4; Guests: 14; Total: 19
Speaker: Dr. Ian A. Glover
Important for high voltage students and engineers.

9. Date: October 17th 2008, Univ. Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Monitoring and diagnosis of induction motors.
Attendance: IEEE members: 7; Guests: 15; Total: 22
Speaker: Dr Hubert Razik
Significant because 60% of world energy is used in electrical motors so that fault detection and diagnosis is a very important topic for members and students.

10. Date: October 29th 2008, Univ. Federal do Ceará – UFC, Fortaleza/CE, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: PWM techniques and their applications.
Attendance: IEEE members: 4; Guests: 15; Total: 19
Speaker: Prof. Edison R. da Silva (Distinguished Lecturer)

11. Date: October 29th 2008, Univ. Federal do Ceará – UFC, Fortaleza/CE, Brazil;
Lecturer Title: Multilevel inverters and their command.
Attendance: IEEE members: 5; Guests: 13; Total: 18
Speaker: Prof. Edison R. da Silva (Distinguished Lecturer)

12. Date: December 18th 2008;
Venue: Restaurant Baiuka, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil
Attendance: IEEE members: 10; Guests: 11; Total: 21
Important for getting members and their family together.

13. Date: September 29th 2008,
2008 Workshop of IAS Chapters – Prof.. Edison R. C. da Silva
Venue: Edmonton/Canada;
Significant because allowed to know what other Chapter's activities, to contact other Chapter chairs and IAS Region Representative and to learn about new possibilities of improve the Chapter work

14. Date: November 22th 2008,Workshop of PES Chapters – Eng. Herivelto S. Bronzeado
Venue: Bogota/Colombia;
Significant because allowed to contact other Chapter chairs and to learn about new possibilities of improve the Chapter work


1. VII Induscon - Conferência Internacional de Aplicações Industriais, Mar Hotel, Recife/PE, 1. from 9th to 12th April 2006. This is an of the most important Brazilian conference on industrial application. It was organized together with the Seção Sul Brasil. It was submited 420 papers were submited to this confeence; 312 papers were accepted for publication. The Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE was the main responsable for the success of the conference
2. Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Elétricos - SBSE - Convention Center, Campina Grande/PB, from 17th to 19th July 2006. This conference was very importat to power engineers because it has brought back a Brazilian specialized forum to discuss high voltage equipment and power enginerring aspects. The Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG was the main responsable for the success of the conference.


3. Lecture on “Power system transients” by Dr. Hermann Dommel
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil; on: 28th March 2006.
Attendance: IEEE members: 7; Guests: 32; Total: 39
4. Lecturer on “Switching Transient Caused by Transformer-Breaker Interaction” , by Dr. Robert C. Degeneff
Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano da Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco – CHESF/CDSH, Recife/PE, Brazil, on 28th March 2006.
Attendance: IEEE members: 5; Guests: 27; Total: 32
5. Lecturer on: “What We Need to Know About Lightning and How Rocket-Triggered Lightning Experiments Can Help”, by Prof. Vladimir Rakov,
Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano da Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco – CHESF/CDSH, Recife/PE, Brazil, on 21st July 2006.
Attendance: IEEE members: 7; Guests: 28; Total: 35
6. Lecturer on “Brazilian Experience on Rocket-Triggered Lightning (in Portuguese)” by Prof. Jose Pissolato.
Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano da Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco – CHESF/CDSH, Recife/PE, Brazil, on 21st July 2006.
Attendance: IEEE members: 7; Guests: 28; Total: 35
7. Lecturer on “Detection and Compensation of Faults in Frequency Converters (in Portuguese)” by Prof. Edison Roberto Cabral da Silva.
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil; on 4th December 2006.
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 34; Total: 37
8. Lecturer on “Application of wavelets in power systems (in Portuguese)” by : Profa. Núbia S. Brito and Kleber M. Silva.
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil; on 19th December 2006.
Attendance: IEEE members: 4; Guests: 11; Total: 15
9. On 16th January 2006, in the Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco – CHESF, Recife/PE, Brazil.
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 0; Total: 3
10. On 4th December 2006, , in the Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco – CHESF, Recife/PE, Brazil.
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 0; Total: 3
11. On 16 December 2006, a barbecue in the residence of Prof. Francisco, Recife/PE, Brazil.
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 23; Total: 26
12. On 28th December 2006; a dinner in the Restaurant Baiuka, Campina Grande/PB, Brazil, to recognize Prof. Cursino B. Jacobina as the 2006 Chapter Outstanding Engineer.
Attendance: IEEE members: 3; Guests: 23; Total: 26
13. On 16th December 2006, Prof. Edison R. da Silva, Chapter Vice-chair, was present in the 2006 IAS Chapters Workshop at 2006 IAS Conference, held in Tampa, US
Attendance: IEEE members: 16; Guests: 2; Total: 18
14. On 11th February 2006, Eng. Herivelto S. Bronzeado, Chapter Chair attended the PES Chapters Chair Meeting, hels in the Marriot Hotel, Cidade do Panamá, Panamá.


I. Organization of the IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, held in Recife, from 12 to 16 June 2005

II. Technical Meetings

1) March 7, 10am, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Fernando M. Antunes, from the Universidade Federal do Ceará. Attendance - members: 4; Guests: 9; Total: 13. Title: Projects on Renewable Energy: Group of Energy Processing and Control of UFC

2) March 11, 4pm, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: José Antenor Pomílio, from UNICAMP, Brazil. Attendance - members: 4; Guests: 19; Total: 23. Title: Passive Compensation of Reactives in Home Mains

3) March 14, 10am, DEE/UFPE, at Recife, Brazil: Prof. Joachim Holtz (IAS Regional Speaker), from the University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany. Attendance - Members: 5; Guests: 26; Total: 31 Title: Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motors

4) March 15, 10am, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Joachim Holtz (IAS Regional Speaker), from the University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany. Attendance - Members: 11; Guests: 19; Total: 30 Title: State of the Art of Sensorless Drives with PM Synchronous Motors

5) March 15, 4pm, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Joachim Holtz (IAS Regional Speaker), from the University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany. Attendance - Members: 5; Guests: 11; Total: 16 Title: Insightful Dynamic Analysis of AC Machines

6) May 25, 10am, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Darizon A. de Andrade, from the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil. Attendance - Members: 4; Guests: 15; Total: 19 Title: Study of differencial overvoltages and common-mode currents in PWM induction motors drives

7) June 17, 8:30 am, at Mar Hotel, in Recife, as part of the Brazilian Conference on Power Electronics (COBEP05): Deepak Divan (IAS-DL), from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. Attendance - Members: 105; Guests: 7; Total: 112 Title: Power Electronics in Power Systems: Are there Real Problems and is There a Market?

8) June 20, 10:00 am, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Dr. Matthias Radecker, from The Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Inteligent Systems, Germany. Attendance - Members: 3; Guests: 13; Total: 16 Title: Piezzoelectric Transducers - Theory and Applications

9) September 9, 4pm, CHESF, at Recife, Brazil: Prof. Enrique Acha, from the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Attendance - Members: 4; Guests: 25; Total: 29 Title: Power Electronics Applications in Power systems

10) September 12, 10am, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Enrique Acha, from the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Attendance - Members: 6; Guests: 8; Total: 14 Title: Power Electronics Applications in Power systems

11) October 14, 4pm, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Carlos Alberto Canesin, from Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira da Universidade Estadual de Sao Paulo, UNESP. Attendance - Members: 7; Guests: 15; Total: 22. Title: Electrical energy quality and power electronics

12) November, 11, 4pm, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Dr. Gaetan Didier, Universite Henri Poincare, Nancy, France. Attendance - Members: 6; Guests: 19; Total: 25. Title: Detection of rotor broken bars via analysis of the stator current spectrum

13) December, 22, 4pm, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Dr. Marcelo Cabral Cavalcanti, from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Attendance - Members: 6; Guests: 25; Total: 31. Title: Renewable energy sources.

III. Administrative Meeting

14) October 19, in Campina Grande. Attendance - members: 4

IV. Social Meetings

15) Social Meeting for recognition of Senior Members Benemar S. de Alencar and Antonio Marcus N. Lima, at Restaurant Baiuka, in Campina Grande, the Dec. 26th, 2005

16) Social Meeting for recognition of Francisco S. Neves as the chapter Outstanding Engineer for 2005, at restaurant Parraxaxa, in Recife, the Dec. 29th, 2005.

V. Other

17) Participation of the Chapter chair in the annual IAS Chapters Workshop, during IAS Conference, at Hong Kong, October 05. Significant because allows to contact other chapter chairs and to learn about new possibilities

18) Maintenance of the Chapter web-page. Significant because will allow to spread the chapter activities for members and non-members.

19) As a result of the Chapter effort, new students became IEEE members.

20) Increase in membership: 1 new member

Recognition Program

This year the chapter recognized Francisco S. Neves, Member # 41407497, as Outstanding Engineer, at restaurant Paraxaxa, in Recife, the December 29, 2005. Also, the Chapter Northeast1/Bahia Section continued the program of recognizing senior members. Two members have been recognized as Senior Members: Benemar S. de Alencar (member # 41462382) and Antonio M.N. Lima (member # 07753155). Also, Edison R. da Silva (member # 03181385) was elected IAS DL for 2006. In addition, at social meetings held at Restaurant Baiuka, in Campina Grande (12/26/2005) and Restaurant Parraxaxa, in Recife (12/29/2005), the Chapter Northeast 1 aknowledged its gratitude for volunteer services in the organization of IEEE PESC05 held from June 12 to June 16, 2005 to members Sreeramulu R. Naidu, Cursino B. Jacobina, and Herivelto S. Bronzeado, and to non-members Rosemary P. Bronzeado, Marcia Miranda and Eurico B. de Souza Filho. Finally, at same restaurants and dates the Chapter acknowledged the Power Electronics Society gratitude for volunteer services in the organization of IEEE PESC05 to members Edison R. da Silva, Mauricio B. Correa, Antonio M. N. Lima, Talvanes M. Oliveira, Francisco S. Neves, Zanoni D. Lins, and non-members Alexandre O. Cunha and Marcelo C. Cavalcanti.


I. Technical Presentations
1. March 1, 10am, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Ram Adapa (DL-PES) from EPRI, (done)
FACTs Planning
2. March 2, 10am, DEE/UFPE, at Recife, Brazil: Ram Adapa (DL-PES) from EPRI (done)
Title: FACTs Planning,
3. March 15, 10am, DEE/UFCG, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Tom Habetler (DL-PELS) from Georgia Institute of technology (done)
Title: Fault diagnosis in machine drives
4. March 16, 9am, CHESF, at Recife, Brazil: Tom Habetler (DL-PELS) from Georgia Institute of technology (done)
Title: 25kV PWM Autotransformer for Voltage Sag Supporter
5. March 16, 2pm, DEE/UFPE, at Recife, Brazil: Tom Habetler (DL-PELS) from Georgia Institute of technology (done)
a. Title: Fault diagnosis in machine drives
6. March 23, 14am, DEE/UFPB, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Aldayr Dantas de Araújo, from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (done)
Title: Controle Dual Adaptativo Robusto (Dual Adaptive Robust control)
7. March 23, 14am, DEE/UFPB, at Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Aldayr Dantas de Araújo, from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (done)
Title: Desenvolvimento de motores assíncronos sem mancais (Development of Bearingless Asynchronous Motors).
8. Tutorial on Colour Books, at Recife, Brazil: Prof. Mark Halkin, University of Auburn (IAS), (temptative: date to be confirmed)
9. Tutorial on Colour Books, at Recife, Brazil: Prof. Mark Halkin, University of Auburn (IAS), (temptative: date to be confirmed)
10. Speech on Power Quality, at Campina Grande, Brazil, Herivelto S. Bronzeado from CHESF (date to be confirmed)
11. Speech on Techniques of unsalting of water, at Campina Grande, Brazil, Kepler França from Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (date to be confirmed)

II. Social Meetings
Recognition of the 2003 Oustanding Engineer Manoel A. de Carvalho Jr.  

III. Video Library Program (IAS)
Title: Power Quality: Causes of Power Quality Problems (NSTC) - requested

IV. Senior Member
Antonio Marcus Nogueira Lima (submitted)

V. Outstanding Engineer Award
Selection of name: April 2004

VII. Web page: improvement and update

VIII. Student Activities:
1) Students Contest: Power Quality : May 2004
2) Course on Power Quality: to be defined
3) Meeting on Engineer Career: May 2004

1) September 10, 1:30 pm, CHESF, Recife, Brazil: Eng. Per Jonhsson from ABB - (jointly with CIGRE).
Title: Aplicação de chaveamentos controlados e seus reflexos nas câmaras de disjuntores
2) September, 25 - 9 am, DEE/UFPE, Recife, Brazil: Prof. Dr. Tom Jahns, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (DL-PELS).
Title: Advances in AC Machine Drive Technology for Industrial and Vehicle Applications
3) September, 25 - 10:30, DEE/UFCG. Campina Grande, Brazil: Prof. Keyue Smedley (Universidade da California-Irvine).
Title: One-Cycle Control and its Application in Distributed Power Generation.
4) September, 26 - 9 am, DEE/UFPE: Prof. Dr. Tom Jahns, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (DL-PELS).
Title: Advances in AC Machine Drive Technology for Industrial and Vehicle Applications
5) September, 26 - 10:30, DEE/UFPE: Prof. Keyue Smedley (Universidade da California-Irvine).
Title: One-Cycle Control and its Application in Distributed Power Generation.
6) November 05 - 8 pm, CHESF, Recife, Brazil : William J. (Bill) Ackerman: DL-PES from Ackerman and Associates, LLC.
Title: Substation Automation and Integration (TUTORIAL)
7) November 19, 2 pm, CHESF, Recife, Brazil: Angela Leitão Guimarães (from CHESF, Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco) and Prof. Francisco Neves (from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
Title: Estratégias de Controle de Sistemas de Geração Eólica com Máquina de Indução (Control Strategies for Wind Generation Systems using Induction Machines)
8) December 16, 10 am, DEE/UFCG, Campina Grande, Brazil: Dr. José Carlos de Oliveira (from Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
Title: Power Quality

9) December 17, 10am, DEE/UFCG, Campina Grande, Brazil: Dr. José Pissolato (from Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
Title: Pedagogia do Futuro

10) December 17, 10am, DEE/UFCG, Campina Grande, Brazil: Dr. José Pissolato (from Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
Title: Descargas Atmosféricas: Site de Cachoeira Paulista

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Last update: January 5th, 2010