Promoting Public Information in Region 3

David Bower
Region 3 Public Information Officer

The article appearing below describes the effort I'm working on to encourage sections to utilize News Releases at the local level. This material is based on my report at the Region 3 meeting in Atlanta. It is my opinion that public information (PI) at the section level is vital as we build on PI initiatives for our membership and the general public. Much like a pyramid, our strength starts at the base of our organization--the sections. IEEE Headquarters, in my opinion, has done an outstanding job

by producing the Publicity Guide for our membership. In addition, as I've worked on this project, I've received excellent support from Chris McManes, Tracy Hawkins, Marsha Longshore and others at Headquarters. It is my feeling that we, in Region 3, can further capitalize on these assets at Headquarters as we work with sections to encourage them to publicize their meetings using local Media resources.

The article below "reflects" a first step, starting at the section level, toward building a viable public relations initiative in Region 3. I would anticipate using such an article in the Region 3 Newsletter, and would encourage sections to use this information in their local newsletters. I'd appreciate, very much, your input and recommendations concerning this "first step."

Thank you.

IEEE Region 3 eNewsletter Volume 19 No.2 , February 2004, © 2004 IEEE
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The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.