Membership Development Update

I proud to say that Region 3 has exceeded the IEEE goals for 2004 Senior Member upgrades. For 2004, we were asked to nominate Members for a goal of 208 new Senior Members. In fact, our nominations resulted in 252 new Senior Members. We exceeded our goal by 21.3%. No other Region in the world exceeded the IEEE goal by that percentage.

My special thanks goes out to all of the Section Chairs, Membership Chairs and Members that took the time to recognize their fellow Members. We have exceeded our goals for two years straight and I'm sure we can do it again in 2005.

Another goal that I would like for all of us to consider is to greatly increase our Region 3 Membership base. If each one of us during 2005 could find and convince one Engineer to join the IEEE, our numbers would greatly increase and provide a base for leadership amongst all IEEE Regions. Please try to think of that one Engineer that you know and how we can convince them to become a part of the IEEE Network.

Shortly I will be distributing material that you can use to promote the value of IEEE Membership. With this material and your relationships, we can become the premier Region of the IEEE.

Membership Development & Corporate Relations

Membership Development is one of the most important activities that we can support at the Section, Chapter and Region level. As of today, Region 3 has 30,145 "Members". This represents a slow but steady drop in our total regional membership in recent years.

As a organization, we need to do whatever we can to grow this number so we can have the resources to continue to provide the services that our members need.

Region 3 has a Membership Development Committee made up of Section Membership Chairs. Most Region 3 Sections already have a Membership Chair. If your Section does not have one, please ask the question, "Who is looking out for the future of your Section" ? Without a growing base of members, you will not have a Section in the future.

We have an ongoing series of Membership Development e-conferences on the 4th Monday of each month. The next MD e-conf is January 24. Please make sure that your local Section MD Chair participates.

If you need help with your local Membership Program, try the resources at, and

Another aspect of Membership that we want to promote in 2005 is Corporate Relations. Most engineers work for industry and we need to encourage both members and companies to work together as the economy continues to provide opportunities. We are currently developing a Region 3 Corporate Relations plan. We would like your input as to projects and opportunities that we can undertake that will build a base of activities that willbenefit not only companies but the careers of electrical engineers.

Thanks, Lee Stogner
Region 3 Membership Development Chair

IEEE Region 3 eNewsletter Volume 19 No. 5, December 2004, © 2004 IEEE
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The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.