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IEEE Region 5

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Some Commonly asked Questions

I am new to GOLD. What is it?

Not sure what we are doing? Read this and it'll all be crystal clear. Feel free to use this presentation to give an overview of GOLD at your meetings and other events.

GOLD Introduction: PowerPoint

How to start a GOLD Affinity Group in my section?

  • Follow the process outlines here.

How do I get funding for my events?

  • US$180 Annual Section Rebate - File L-31 meeting reports with Section Secretary
  • Section budget
  • US$200 - $500 from GOLD Quick Start Incentive Fund
  • Local industry
  • Regional Activities Board (RAB):

What is QSIF? How do I apply for it?

This is a one-time grant to any formally established GOLD group based on a written proposal. The base amount is US$200 and matching fund is up to US$300, total US$500 maximum. To apply, simply follow the following steps:

  • Consult IEEE GOLD QSIF Page
  • Write up a course of activities to be implemented over a period of time
  • Source Matching fund from Section - Contact Section Chair & Treasurer
  • Source Matching fund from Region - Contact Region 5 GOLD Coordinator
  • Source Matching fund from Industry
  • Complete the application, click here for an example

How do I organize an event? (Information is courtesy of Region 7)


  1. Come up with an event
  2. Decide potential dates and locations (convenience and allow food)
  3. Estimate number of participants
  4. Contact speaker(s)
  5. Confirm date, time, location
  6. Fee applies? (less for IEEE members)

Publicize event and RSVP:

  1. Email : GOLD, students, Section executives, Section members
  2. Section's GOLD website
  3. IEEE R5 GOLD website (contact R5 GOLD Coordinator)
  4. Section's newsletter
  5. Posters in local schools
  6. Phone

Almost there:

  1. Arrange audio-visual equipment, chairs, tables with location
  2. Contact speaker(s) and participants reminding them of the event and location details a week & day before
  3. Order / Buy food and drinks
  4. Pick up keys to meeting location
  5. Pick up speaker(s) and participants


  1. Sign-in / Attendance
  2. Collect fee as advertised at door
  3. Greet Everyone when all seated
  4. Short IEEE & IEEE GOLD Presentation
  5. Introduce speaker(s)
  6. Speaker(s)' presentation
  7. Break - food & drinks
  8. Continue presentation
  9. Q&A
  10. Thank Speaker(s)
  11. Present gift / certificate of appreciation
  12. Tell people when's the next meeting (if 1 is lined up)
  13. Thank everyone!
  14. Clean up the meeting location

After the Meeting:

  1. Return audio-visual equipment
  2. Return location keys

It's not done yet!

  1. Write L-31 Report
  2. Update financial statement
  3. Update Section's GOLD website
  4. Update IEEE R5 GOLD website about meeting details

Now it is!     Congratulations...

How do I recognize the volunteers and leaders in my group?

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