IEEE CTU Student Branch
Welcome to the IEEE CTU Student Branch at Colorado Springs,
Colorado. Here you'll find
calendar of events, information
student officers,
contact info, useful links,
photo galleries about the branch activities.
Upcoming Events and News
The Cool Science Festival is being held at
UCCS on the 14th October, Saturday, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm. IEEE
student members are needed to explain and demo experiments. A
calendar of events can be found
More details of where the CTU booth is forthcoming.
Here are some photos by
CTU IEEE student members preparing and participating at a Cool
Science Event held at Colorado College during April 2017.
IEEE CTU Student Vice-Chair Robert Karnes
participating at the What-If
Festival working along side fellow students describing their
EE490/491 project on solar/wind energy for recreational vehicles
during 2017.
ARCHIVED Events and News
Professor Santiago attended an ABET Symposium.
One plenary speaker, Dr Doug Melton, gave
an interesting talk on entrepreneurship during lunch.
For those who would like to post ideas or collaborate using
Wordpress, a blog has been set up at
Arduino Training. The student branch is currently
starting to do Arduino Training for Beginners. The club
recently bought a couple of Arduino Esplora and an Inventor
Electronic Kit from Makeblock. A playlist based on the
Arduino Uno has been posted.
See more
As a quick note, the CTU Engineering Department has developed a
YouTube Channel entitled,
STEM Videos For The Flipped Classroom
where STEM stands
for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Most of
the initial videos are for EE 110, Introduction to Engineering.
This course happens to be the first one being prepared for
online delivery beginning sometime during 2016. Other
videos from other courses will be uploaded as well. For
example, EE 463 videos have been posted here.
NEW: Standing Out From the
The Pikes Peak Section are planning a program
for the next year starting in Fall 2016 to help IEEE students stand
out from the competition when competing for local jobs and
elsewhere. This includes mock interviews (like how to handle
failure), establishing networks, how to sell yourself,
leadership, soft skills and others. Professor Santiago
is currently Vice Chair of the local section and will help set up
the initial planning of this program.
To help student
understand the teaching philosophy for for face-to-face and online
delivery of instruction by the engineering faculty, you can also
papers and teaching innovations by CTU faculty can be at this
website, including: digital flipbooks of papers by engineering
faculty, interactive multimedia, and 2D/3D animations.
Also, advice on how to stand out from the competition will be given
here as well.
Also, connect with us and see our other activities through
the club's Facebook and Linked-in page by clicking through the icons
IEEE Participation at Cool Science, 2 Apr 2016.
For those who would like to particpate, here's some more info on
the event at Colorado College. (more)
IEEE Meeting, 23 Oct 2015, Room 258, 5 pm.
In preparation for Boo at CTU scheduled for 30 Oct 2015
(Friday)...(more info)
30 Oct 2015 (Friday), Boo at CTU
Previous Events
9 Oct 2015 (Friday), IEEE CTU Student Meeting,
1700-1900, Rm 258
4 Sep 2015 (Friday), IEEE CTU Student Meeting,
1700-1900, Rm 133,
Arduino Training
19 Sep 2015.
What-IF..Festival at Colorado
Springs (visit
19 Sep 2015. Meet and Greet Student

28 Aug 2015 (Fri), IEEE CTU Student Meeting,
1700-1900, Rm 133
21 Aug 2015 (Fri). IEEE CTU Student
Meeting, 1700-1900, Rm 133
1 Aug 2015 (Sat). Space Foundation's
Summer of Discovery. Here are some photos of the
Summer 2015 Summer of Discovery participated by IEEE CTU
See photos.
17 July 2015 (Friday): Space
Foundation Summer of Discovery 2015. Professor John
Santiago will be holding a meetings in support of the Summer of
Discovery Event. The meetings are planned on
Fridays, 1700, Room 133, Colorado Springs CTU Campus.
Because several students express interests in the IEEE, the
purpose of this meeting is to ramp up the IEEE CTU student club
and to provide further information about the Space Foundation.
If you cannot meet this meeting, meetings are planned
for 21 July (Friday) and 31 July
(Friday). Both of these meetings are planned for
1700, Room 133, Colorado Springs CTU Campus.
For more info on the Summer of Dicovery, please visit:
6 Sep 2014:
"What-If" Festival Photos: Student-built Tesla Coils, Dirt
Batteries, Quadrocopters and Senor Projects were on display as well
as commercial quadrocopters, robotic toys and Lego minstorms.
6 Jun 2014:
the Quadrocopter. This is one of many days where
after the Friday IEEE CTU meeting we get to fly the
Engineering Summit,
1 Mar 2014, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Freedom Financial Services Expo
Center, 3650 North Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs CO,
(710) 884-4588.

photos on 2014 Engineering Summit (zipped
Here's a video on Mecanum wheels
that the students built for this Engineering Summit.
IEEE Pike's Peak Section Meeting (IEEE CTU student officers
only), 5 Mar 2014, Agilent Technologies Building,
6 p.m. Please contact Professor Santiago, if you are planning
to attend.
IEEE CTU Student Meeting 7 Mar 2014, Room 113, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
IEEE Meeting 21 Feb 2014, Room 113, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
Meeting to get ready for the Engineering Summit
Facebook timeline of numerous IEEE CTU Student Branch activities
from 2013 to present.
Testing a Simulated Implosion/Detonation, 27 Sep 2013, Colorado
Springs CTU Campus, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Rooms 250-252 (more).
IEEE CTU Particpation at 'What
If" Festival' is on 7 Sept 2013. Here are
The next IEEE CTU Student Branch Meetings will be
held on 26 Jun (Friday), 6 -8 p.m. and 27 Jun (Saturday), 1-3 p.m.
Both meetings will be held at Room 113 to talk about the potato
launcher project.
The next Student Senate meeting will take place on, Monday 22
July 2013 at 5pm. in Room 113. See you there.
Next Major Event

15 Jun 2013 (Saturday): Space
Foundation -Summer of Discovery, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (flyer).
Our student branch has been invited by the Space Foundation to
participate in the Summer of Discovery Events. The theme for our
participation is "Mars, Rover, and Robotics". Volunteers are needed to
help manage the booth.
Next Meeting
31 May (Friday), 6:00 pm, Room 113
Constitution of the Student Branch
Colorado Technical University IEEE Student Branch Constitution
Sec. 1 This organization shall be known as the Colorado Technical University Student Branch of the IEEE.
Sec. 2 The purpose shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects recognized by the IEEE, as well as the furtherance of the professional development of the Students attending Colorado Technical University.
Sec. 3 The organization and operation of the Student Branch shall be in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE.
Sec. 4 Membership shall be limited to undergraduate and graduate students, which includes doctorate students, of Colorado Technical University.
Sec. 5 The membership shall consist solely of Student members of the IEEE.
Sec. 6 The Executive Committee of the Student Branch shall have the power to levy special assessments upon endorsement by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Branch. (In the absence of an Executive Committee, this shall fall on the governing body of the IEEE Elected Officials.)
Sec. 7 Nonpayment of transnational dues will automatically result in suspension of membership in IEEE and in the Student Branch. Nonpayment of local dues may result in the suspension of membership of the Student Branch, but will not result in suspension of membership in IEEE.
Sec. 8 There are no dues for membership of the Student Branch of the IEEE for Colorado Technical University.
Sec. 9 The Elected Officials of the Student Branch shall consist of the following:
Sec. 10 To be eligible for office, a candidate must be enrolled as a Student member of the IEEE and a member in good standing in the Student Branch.
Sec. 11 The term of office shall ordinarily be one year, for a maximum of two terms.
Sec. 12 Election of officers for the following year shall be held no later than the last meeting of each calendar year.
Sec. 13 The management of the affairs of the Student Branch shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee, consisting of the duly elected officers of the Branch and the Counselor appointed by the IEEE. The Chair of the Student Branch shall be Chair of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 14 The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Branch and shall transact all business it deems advisable, including the filling of vacancies in offices, authorization of expenditures, etc.
Sec. 15 The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Student Branch. He/she shall appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, and shall assume all other executive duties not otherwise delegated. (In the absence of an Executive Committee, the appointments will be subject to a two-thirds vote by the IEEE Student Members.)
Sec. 16 The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in his/her duties and perform all functions of the Chair in the latter?s absence or at his/her request.
Sec. 17 The Branch Secretary shall keep record of all activities of the Student Branch and shall report the same to IEEE Headquarters, together with any special reports required by IEEE Headquarters, within a reasonable time after each meeting. The secretary shall carry on all other communications necessary to the activities of the Student Branch. The Secretary shall keep record of the names of members in attendance at the meetings.
Sec. 18 The Treasurer shall receive all money and pay all debts of the Student Branch authorized by the Executive Committee, and shall keep an exact account of all receipts and expenditures using a financial logbook. Said logbook will be maintained by the Treasurer and passed along as part of the transition from one Treasurer to another.
Sec. 19 A complete annual report shall be submitted by the Chair and the Treasurer at the last meeting of the year, and shall be forwarded by the Secretary to the IEEE Manager of Student Services, upon certification by the Counselor.
Sec. 20 The following Standing Committees or their equivalent shall be appointed by the Chair:
- Program Committee
- Publicity Committee
- Membership Committee
All committees are subject to the Committee Rules of Conduct (CRC) as described in the CRC handbook.
Sec. 21 The Program Committee shall prepare the programs for all meetings and shall be responsible for all arrangements of these meetings. (In the absence of a Program Committee, the appointments will be subject to a two-thirds vote by the IEEE Student Members.)
Sec. 22 The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for proper advisement of each meeting. (In the absence of a Publicity Committee, the appointments will be subject to a two-thirds vote by the IEEE Student Members.)
Sec. 23 The Membership Committee shall bring the advantages of membership in the Branch, and in the IEEE, to the attention of all potential Student members. (In the absence of a Membership Committee, the appointments will be subject to a two-thirds vote by the IEEE Student Members.)
Sec. 24 In addition to the above stated committees, the Chair may appoint other committees that he/she deems necessary.
Sec. 25 The Student Branch shall hold regular and special meetings at such places and time as designated by the Executive Committee, with a minimum of three meetings a year. (In the absence of an Executive Committee, the meeting times will be subject to a two-thirds vote by the IEEE Student Members.) All members are required to attend at least three meetings per year.
Sec. 26 The Branch is empowered to adopt Bylaws, which are consistent with this Constitution.
Sec. 27 The Constitution may be amended by two-thirds of the members of the Branch present and voting provided the amendment shall have been posted at least one duly publicized meeting previous to the time of voting. Such amendments become effective only upon the approval of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Student Branch.
This page was last modified on: 08/31/10 11:50
© 2010 CTU IEEE Student Branch