Short Course Program

Whether you want to update your skills, boost your career, delve into a new field, or just refresh your memory, the IEEE short courses can help. Learn from experts in your field who have both theoretical knowledge and real-world practical experience. Courses are available in a wide range of topics for professionals in the nuclear science and medical imaging fields.

All courses are one or two days in length. Coffee and pastries will be available for participants of the short courses at 08:00 a.m., before the lectures begin at 08:30 a.m. Lunch, refreshments, lecture notes and a certification of completion are also provided as part of the course registration fee.

Short Course Dates Location
1) Radiation Detection Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 Sheffield
2) Nuclear Security: Instrumentation & Applications Oct. 31 Windsor
3) Accelerator-Driven Light Sources Nov. 1 Windsor
4) Science Writing Nov. 2 Sheffield
5) Physics & Design of Detectors for PET and SPECT Nov. 2 Windsor
6) Biology for Imaging Scientists Nov. 3 Windsor
7) Image Reconstruction: Theory & Practice Nov. 3 Sheffield

For more information contact:

Youngho Seo
Phone: +1 415 353 9464
University of California, San Francisco
Jennifer Huber
Phone: +1-510-486-6445
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Saturday (Oct 31)

SC1 (NSS): Radiation Detection Part I -- 2 day
Organizer: David K. Wehe, University of Michigan

SC2 (NSS): Nuclear Security: Instrumentation & Applications -- 1 day
Organizer: Bob Runkle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Sunday (Nov 1)

SC1 (NSS): Radiation Detection Part II -- 2 day
Organizer: David Wehe

SC3 (NSS): Accelerator-driven Light Sources, Instrumentation and Applications  -- 1 day
Organizer: Zhehui Jeff Wang, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Monday (Nov 2)

SC4 (Joint): Science Writing - 1 day
Instructor: Jennifer Huber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

SC5 (MIC): Physics & Design of Detectors for PET and SPECT -- 1 day
Organizer: Lars Furenlid

Tuesday (Nov 3)

SC6 (MIC): Biology for Imaging Scientists -- 1 day
Organizer: David Nathanson,University of California, Los Angeles

SC7 (MIC): Image Reconstruction: Theory & Practice -- 1 day
Organizer: Harry Tsoumpas & Kris Thielemans