Registration Fees

By October 25, 2020After October 25, 2020
IEEE MemberUS$455US$581
Non-IEEE MemberUS$553US$697
IEEE Student Member 1US$315US$413
Non-IEEE Student Member 1US$378US$496
Surcharge 2US$100 / extra pageUS$100 / extra page
  1. At least one author each paper has to pay full registration. A student cannot register at the student rate if she/he is the only author who registers.
  2. The numbers of page limits are as follows: regular papers (8 pages), workshop papers (6 pages), short papers (4 pages), and poster/demo paper (2 pages). Camera-ready papers allow up to 2 extra pages with $100 per extra page.
  3. Regular registration fee includes your attendance at all conference sessions, the conference proceedings. Student registration fee covers only your attendance at all conference sessions and one copy of the proceedings.

Payment by Credit Card

Payment can be made by Visa, Master Card. Credit card transaction will be processed in NT$ by Asia University and subject to current exchange rates. Please go to the Registration form.

Wen-Thong Chang
Registration Chair of IEEE IRC 2020