April 30, 2010 : Submission of organized session proposal
  May 14, 2010 : Submission of extended abstracts
  June 15, 2010 : Notification of paper acceptance
  August 6, 2010 : Submission of final camera-ready papers (Extended!)

The digest book and CD-...  2010.11.18
ISBN, ISSN, I...  2010.11.9
Award Winners  2010.11.3
Headquarters phone Number  2010.10.27
(for Koreans) .....  2010.10.26

Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP Browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later must be installed on your computer, though it does not need to be your default browser.(If you do not have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0, you can download it here.