Energy Storage and Stationary Battery Committee ESSB - LEGACY SITE

Downloads and Tutorials

Instructions by IEEE  Details
IEEE Microsoft Word template tutorials Standards preparation and editing process
How are standards written

Video #1 Getting Started with the Template 
Video #2 Composing Your Draft in the Template   
Video #3 Adding Figures & Tables in the Template
Video #4 Adding Annexes, Creating a Bibliography and Inserting Cross-References

Instructions by Working Group  Details
Tutorial 1: Creating an IEEE Web Account author: Mr. Clark tutorial_1.pdf
Tutorial 2: Joining the Working Groups author: Mr. Clark tutorial_2.pdf
Committee - New Member Form author: Mr. Cantor New Member application
Joining StaBatt working group procedure JoiningStaBattWorkingGroups.doc
IEEE myProject instructions for signing to main committee Sign up instructions (pdf)
RFP Request letter RFP for SBC Meeting.docx
Room Nite Log Room Nites Log_Master.xlsx
Setting Up an IEEE SBC Meeting Setting Up a IEEE SBC Meeting_JAN 2013_R2.pdf
Hotel Negotiation, Pitfalls and Contracts author: Mr. Bolgeo -LEGACY hotel_negotiations.pdf
Overview IEEE Standardization Process author: A. Ortiz; Charlotte June 2006 pe_sb_charlotte.ppt

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