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Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Leadership Development Site

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Welcome to Engaged Leadership!

This site is very much under construction!!! This is the site for getting information, news, and eventually training materials for developing leaders within the IEEE, particularly at the section and chapter level .

We will have much more information after Sections Congress 2008, so check back with us as we continue to build LD in the IEEE and continue to serve you as you continue to serve the Member!

-Your MGA LD Team

Sections Congress 2008 Updates

We would like to thank all of the people who attended the two Leadership Development breakouts at Sections Congress 2008 in Quebec. We hope you carry your enthusiasm back to your section and 'infect' others with it!

Materials Available

This area will highlight some of the materials availble, such as on-demand recorded instruction, webinars, documents, and other materials that may be downloaded at any time. Some material may need proof of membership through an IEEE web account and some (such as instructor material) may need a password available through the MGA. Please note that unless otherwise noted, all material is (c) IEEE.

Scheduled Workshops

We will use this space, and eventually a live calendar for announcing training available for IEEE volunteers. This will include live face-to-face classes as well as live (instructor-led) web-based instruction.

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